University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-6-1900 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 08-06-1900 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 08-06-1900." (1900). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/1567 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jb Printing ta all Mi BtunotM teat n 4 iua j hranchn dons u t I mule a J ahs aVasaaSasI f be al THE CJTUEN lob f THi crnziN 4 Room. The Albuquerque Daily Citizen. Lu VOLUME 14. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 6, 1900. NUMBER ?42. York. From that Tint lie apeak only feet Into ths skle of ths mountain BIG In New York atate. He safd ha waa ae-- above Kelly for ths purpose of reach- ! BATTLE! cned to cover every county In Now L0ST1UFE! ing an apex vein of ore whtch haa been COEBELMljRDER York. prospected from ths summit of thi ova MOST mountain to a depth of nearly too feet. KaaaaaClty Market. This vein ta four feet wids tha sur- -- Re- at 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kansas City, Auf. Cattle face and increases both In width and at,a:;t7oV i L. ceipts, 11,000; weak to 10 cent lower, L u IJ i?jzxzr In richness of ore downward. Ths tun- Ken-tuck- Allied ateera, f4.KOS.7Ei Texas steers, Californian Killed by Fifth Week y O-JT-T . Army Defeats Native nel has been driven 17S feet. It Is ex- of the HBTJTT. ."nTTTG-- ta.lOtjt.eS; Texaa cows. 12.1603 30: na- pected that the ore vein will be reached the Chinese. tive cows and heifers, tl.K04.76; stock-er- a Colorado Robbers. before the 400 foot mark li reached. Trial. and feeders, l2.S094.t5; bulla, 32 60 Wlilla seeking their own gnin them 4.00. gentlemen are doing much for ths Kelly Tailor-Ma- aheap Receipts, t,000; eXronc. Lambs. camp and are certainly entitled to tha Ladies de Suit Sale. Loss of Allies Reported at $3.6065 80; muttons, 13.0074.26. Lord Kitchener Closing in good will and support of ths camp Assassin of King Humbert Socorro Chieftain. 1,200. Roma la Moaralna. on Dewet's Army. is Excited. Rome, AuaT. (.The chamber of depu- As Antlqne 4'tnrk. We have the handsomest collection of FINE TAILOR-MAD- E ties y reopened with an Immense John llammel, of the Illinois Brewing throng present. The tribunes wars oompany, has an unique clock that la SUITS FOR LADIES has erer been our ffood for- Sixteen Thousand Allied Troops En- draped In black. The preeident of the Anarchists of New Jersey Vow to the pride of his heart, says the Chief- Congo Free State Troops Invade it chamber, i8lrnor Villa, delivered tha tain. Mr. llammel mads ths clock him- tune to see, aud wishing to fitfve ladies of gage in the Battle. memorial address, euloerlilne; the late Kill all European Rulers. self mors than half a century aid British Territory Near Nyanza. the Albuquerque kins. Humbert. He waa frequently ap- when a young man of eighteen yean plauded. in Germany. Since It was brought A REAL BENEFIT we will place these suits on our coun- from the land of Its birth nearly fifty w CHINESE RETREAT TOWARD PEKIN. I nder Coatral. SUNDAY BASE BALL GAMES. ELECTION IN ALABAMA. fin.1 rim years ego, this ancient timepiece t ters and for FOUR DAYS ONLY will Jsell (hem for Ism AnW, Aua:. S. 'Utports from lain dlemcmhered and securely hox.d rheBan OabrM forest reserve state that until a few weeka since, when Its owner they cost post just what us. 'Washlnirlon. Auk. t The following ttie fires rugln the two weeka rvnver, Aug. 1 In an effort to save put It together and aet it up l.l the Cleorgetown, Ky, Aug. Ths fifth are now under control. A vast amount week of ratilpirfanis were rwelved at Uie navy Mrs. W. D. Hargcr, of this city from brewery. Here it ia now doing VH'd the trial of of Mate The styles are the very lateit, freih from the wjrkroo-n- i of our New York rruoufac-ture- r, dopartmrnt from Che fNxj, Au( C The of valuable timber was deatroyed. being robbed, William J. Fay, a fruit "ervlce and will doubtless continue to Caleb Powers, or alleged complicity In finished and fit in aU te Hrltlsh ship Fame reports, unofflital, grower Anaheim, Call., was Shot ao Mr. the Ooebet murder conspiracy, began beautifully pjrfecdy, and the new colorings t Market. of do for Ilamimd'a deciranli ao cnKAKomvnt JVItsana;, on Munday Nnfrtf nd killed b two nwsked nMn who "rv,-- unto John Young at New Aug. I. Money on call mix'h later than th third New Hue i, Oxford Grays, Castor, Gotdert Brown, fivtn 3 to 10.30 uVkxk. The al- York, Brown, chief coutie4 cor Powers, says liiornlns nominally per cent. mer- and fourth general ion." Seal Brown, Navy Blue. A few Mixed lied fcisa In klllnl and woumle.1, whs at m Prims as City express on Union Pacific thst ths dvfenss vrlU conclude testi- Grays, cantile paper per cent. Silver, ths chiefly Kuaslan ami Japanese, the 48 tuv. railroad near Hugo, CVIo., early on Hun-da- llaae Hall Nnggeatloaa, mony probably os VrMajr, but possibly And a great many very Handsome Black Suits, Lead. 4 W. Clilnrae relre.itlns;. TAIM8IO. morning. The robbers, m ho secur- To the Preeident of the Territorial Fair not till Saturday. After that tha pros- It la dw.lHl quite probable by mil- WAR IN t'HIMA. ed only 0 from the passengers. Jumped Association: ecution win consume three or four days Mia In sal. There are also six very pretty suits that we are goin to itary nn In Ioml.m that Chinese off and escaped. A reward of tl.000 Dear Wr In converaatlon with- - a rebut will nwke a llitve flrlit at I'rkln on a each, dead or alive, has been offered. A number of clriaena anmrt the coming Capt. W skint, who had oharcs of the $ Tnuoh aTea-te- wale than durine; Uie de- trul al rvkla. targe posse Is scouring ths country In mir. I have come to the conrhiewn soldiers In the afacnal. stated that It sell for only k00 per suit. -- A dispatch received LonVm, Ads, t. foreign power Flay su- - was , mlndtea fense of Tien Tain. A iti learch of them. was formerly that the base ball tournament la looked about fifteen after the This sale surely will attract a great mmy buyers. The quantity is limited. Only about nt the 'War otllt-- fnim t. Ieteralniiv again has the upper hand. Aieoonllng pertntendrnit of ttie Iienver tens forward to with as much In- assassination vhy ths oompany was 0-n- . Khabar-voak- l. y suits all, so would from OroodckolT, tkuted to reports emerging from LI Hung terest as any other feature, ami poa-Ibl- called out. r 25 in advise you to com! early and mike your purchase before they are Au(. 4. awy hat two squadrons Chang's kxlgings at hanglai his bag- more. It la now almost a cer- He said It mersty happened that the all sold. For 4 days only will you hivj at opportunity to bjy suits at ivconnolterlns; near Teche. gage Is packMl prapanutory to his de- Kmlgrstloa I'rnhlhlted. soldiers were equipped with Bids arms thai hiiiomi eiosed tainty that a number of outside cluba and when it one-quart- er Washington, Aug. A dlspatrh has I cost, we say 01ST rn;ai juit exictly whit they cost ut and about Chinrae wllh (wo (una and 200 ca- parture for Pekln, but K la added Uiat will enter to compete for the champion- and ready for act e service when Ooe-b- valry. After a stubborn fltrht the JUm lie applied to the throne for twenty been received by the Japanese legaitlon ship. In thla connection, ss one very wss shot. It was not customary for less than they would cost any other store in Albuquerque. Kite foreign office, plana were by another daya' sk-- leave. LI Hung Chang here, from Japanese much interested, I fol- ths men to be equtiaied Inside ths arse- nnoun.4ng government would offer the with two and dnf.-ate- claims hla reprewcntatk.ua to Tan that the of Ja lowing suggeatlona: nal. He denied that the men wars al- suaVmn funs that pan present the Chinese, klHInK 2Q. The Kuaelan Tae viceroys and theTao Tal Bheng w ill has prohibited for the the First That none but resident! of El ready In line, anuutd tie formed them low ta elKht kllW and eight wountlvd. be denounced by LI Ping Hong, be. migration of all Japanese labor to the I"aao be allowed to play with that after they heard lite first shot fired. Thla fllinwutvit al.l that the battle cauae they are friendly to foreigners. 'nlted States and Canada. team; none but residents of Anions be op arouml Alrun ooMlmiod through Aiur. A news dlnpatch from Shanghai dated allowed to play with the Aiisona teams Conga Vra Stale Raid. NO. Ball. London. Aug. In TELEPHONE 859. I, the Cuaeaoka taeine; six men killed, says It Is rumorett that Viceroy Najtlonal League and all New Mexico teams be mads up .Replying the and twenty-fiv- e wounded, driving baok Khl Kal, governor of ahangtml of house of cnmmoBj lo-d- to a question AND WEST RAILROAD AVENUE.
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