CLUB The' Newark Post MhI,et, ==============================================' ~==================================~========== M ==V=O=L=. =XX==V============~====~===============N~E~W~A~R~K~,~D~E~L~A~W~A~R~E~, ~=T=H=U=R=S=D=A=y=,=A=U==G=U=ST==1=6,~19=3=4================~===========N=U=M=B=E=R==28=- INS NEWARK SCOUTS MAN PLAYS MRS. WM. E. DEAN ROBIN HOOD S~ ILVER JO HAVE WEEK.END AT STRUCK BY TRUCK THEATRE GIVES SCHOOL TERM GOLD RESERVE MARYLAND CAMP STARVING GAME ON MAIN STREET "THE CIRCLE" PREPARATIONS 1\JI'INTS Grand Camp?ral Near Balti. IN NEWARK No Serious Injll!'Y Resulted Somenet Maugham's Famous AT IV! more Provides Excellent From Accident Comedy Is Being Enjoyed UNDERWAY --- I Sport and Training Mrs. William E. Dean, when cross- At Arden. Pre s id~nt .R.oosev~lt's Order A team of Newark Boy Scouts will Had Worked Same Racket ing Main street yesterday morning, Fans of the Robin Hood Theatre at Re-acheduling of Daily Pro. Nahonahzmg Silver ~eeta lpave for a tent city at Herring Run Twice In Wilmington near Leak's garage, just before noon, Arden can be heard to say after each grams Made NeceNary by With Ready Response and neal' Baltimore, tomorrow morning at --.- was struck by a truck and injured. performance, "That was the 1>est one Additional Teachen and L' ttle Criticism 8.30, where they will take part in a . ~ester?ay on Main street a. ma~, She was taken to the Flower Hospital yet." "Springtime For Henry," play- I ___• l'egional jamboree and campora!. This giVing hl~ n.ame as Warren Bldwel, and is being treated for bruises and ed last week, brought numerous ex- Extension of Work. On August 9th P~ ' e s ident .Roos~ve lt ~onclave represents a dist:ict. i,nclud- ~::ti: !~:~:~~g :ht~ ~e~tto{~ ~rsm~rd ~p c~:t n~:~~r~oe:~y ~:ju;e~~I~h:h:t~~~ clamations of this sort from the au- At the offices of the Superintendent i"lIed a. pr oclamatlO.n makmg Silver mg D~la\~are, Marylan~, Virginia and that he had been without food for ped in the street while crossing, dience during the laughter and ap- of Newal'k Schools and in the prinoi­ as weI! as gold a natIOnal metal to be the ~Istrlct of Col~mbla . Scout craft Idays. He was taken into the home whether because she saw the truck or plause t ~at greeted th~ hilarously pal's department, some very active llcltl by the ~ove rnm e nt as .a stock. of prac~l~ e a.nd experience In the com- of Mr. William Brown and cared for. with the intention of turning back, funny episodes. The plaYing was ex- weeks are being spent in preparation Hal money m r e.serve agJ;unst wh~ch n:tunltles .IS r eported by demonstra- Dr. Mencher was called upon to give is not known. The driver of the cellent. for the opening of the school term on papel' dolla l's - silver c e r .tlfica~ s like tlOn. ThiS method enables. all .t~e first aid. Chief of Police Cunningham truck, Darwin Cage of Newark, This week Agnes Elliot Scott, Monday, September 10. A large en­ h(l ~c w all'e ady u s~wIll be . Issued scouts to carry home somethmg vIVl.d Icalled the Transient Bureau in Wil- jammed on the brakes, but was not muc~ loved character ' actress of the lollment is expected. A few changes :\s CUI'I'ency. All the Silver which t~e al!d easy to. remember from their mington and found that the man able to avoid hitting Mrs. Dean. ~obm. Hood Theatre at Arden, De!., in class and teaching arrangements, gO\'Cl'Il lll nt will buy up under thiS Widened exp e l'l~nce . had a meal tic~t there and was sup- Young Mr. Cage was held for court IS bemg featured and applauded In due to the extension of two depart­ Ill'\\' orlier, at 50 .01 cents an ounce, . Pl·og.rams of mstructlOn and recrea- ! posed to return. This the ;'patient" on a technical charge of assault with W. Somerset Maugham's comedy, ments makes necessary a good deal \\"'I! bc made into silver d o ll~r s or tlon WIll keep the. bo.ys bu s ~ fOl' the : r efused to do , however, saying he a motor vehicle in $200 bond. Mrs. "'~he Circle." T~e play continues to- of preliminary work on schedules, for , tol'cd in t he for 111 of bullion, ln the th~' e e da ys, the prll!clpal soc18l event was on his way to Norfolk. He was Dean is reported in good condition at n!ght, and Friday and Saturday the smooth operation of the whole ~'i~~;:t:;len~n ul~~~ tsfOl'l1~I~r es t~'~~~ir~J ~~~:~n~,c:~n~v ~~~n~~\lrl~~ o;re~~~~:~a~ ;!~nhi:v:~~l h~o~~~r~i~Yh:!~i~~~~ ~Va~ ~ the hospital, and will soon go home. 1lI.~~~~ is Mi~s Scott's second season ~:~.~~ti~;Ogl~an~ o: t::~ d:;~ special i .. be tUl'ned over to the federal mints series. of Indian dance ceremonials, in addition to the hungh story, and with the Robin Hood and she has al- The creating of the new position of within no days fl'o m t he date of the fire rites and stunts. The encamp- left Newark shortly afterward. HORSE RUNS AWAY ready, as Mrs. Rimplegar in "Three instructor · in Physieal and Health "I'd e 1'. ment will be prepared to receive any That the hunger story waS a com- ON S. COLLEGE AVE. Cornered Moon," l'epeated the success Education, gives to the boys the same The ind ividual cit izen is unaffected vi sitors who may be interested in plete fake was proven by two esca- of last ~eason which made her re-I gymnasium practice and instruction bv this federal order if he has only coming to the grounds. pades in Wilmington. The first was Newark had a little old-fashioned turn, thiS year mandatory. M!ss that has already been pat·t of the ~ ih'c l' coins and household silver and The Newark team won the privilege in a reading r oom of the Wilmington excitement on Monday, when a horse Scott s long and succe ~ sful ~areer In- r egular course for girls. The new in­ .~p weII'Y . These are not wanted by the of taking part at Baltimore by com- Public Library, where he "fainted," belonging to Mr. Jonathan Johnson, c lud~s engagements with Gilbert and Rtructor will do some athletic train- 1'0\'el'n 111 nt. Sil ver money will still petitive effort. Second place was won was given money by a library assist- owner of the Newark brickyard, ran ~ulhvan at thei; famous .Savoy Opera ing, but his chief work will be the dl'culat . In this r espect the silver in a competion of teams from various ant, more money by a sympathetic a way on South College Avenue. I~ Lon??n, ana as leadmg lady for r egular physical and health education policy is diffel'ent from the gold local districts held in Wilmington. I r eader, who, after reviving him, took "Dolly" and a cart had been lent by Sir Philip Ben Greet and Robert . B. of his department. The position has 1.leaSUI'C which t ook gold out of cir- The team which won first place is not him to a restaurant, where he refused Mr. Johnson to a colored helper in the Mant e l~. She pla ~ s ,~ady .Cath~rme not yet been filled. The instructor in­ culation. a bl e to go, and Newark steps in as a solid f ood, saying he had bee n with- brickya rd, t o haul a load of wood for ChampIOn-Cheney In The Circle, the vited to fill the place was not able to It is th large stocks of silver bIll- good second. The boys in the team out it so long he was afraid to eat. himself. She became frightened and role originally created by Mrs. Leslie accept. lion that, are held or t raded in com- are : Harold E. Tiffany, Jr., Reid He r efused to go tko t hbe T~ansi e nt ~~~h °t~~ !~o~~n~~o~ h:;s~n d:~e~:J~~~~ Ca,~'~~" C' I" . A second teacher in the commercial !nCl'cial tra nsactions and credit that Stearns Donald Stephan Walter Bureau, and was ta en y t e sym- th .e !l'C e concerns Itself With department has been engaged, but th gOY rnment will bu y. The federal Horner,' John de Bell, 'Delaware pathetic Wilmington cit izen to a good Delaware Avenue knocking into park- e sltuatlOl! of a woman, who g~ve the seleetion has not yet been con- plan is to hold one-fourth of the Stearns. They had their physical ex- l'ooming house. A few days l~te~ he ~~e c::: ~Sn~h\~a: e~;o:,ti~nS hheeru~~:! up everythmg . for love, returnmg firmed. t national prec io us metal reserve in amina tion t his morning and all ~~re~ t~e gam: all ,otver :1~1~ ~?m: by banging into t he car of Thomas man~ ye~l' s l ate\t~lth~' fs ce;s of h~r Superintendent Carleton E. Douglas e ,ih'0 r and three-fourths in gold.
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