![CHUCK ROLL >6$/ HAM BEEF LIVER Lb](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
: A ' ‘ r<_ ( t- < . THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1954 lianrtiteBtpr lEvraing l^ rraU i Average Daily Net Prais Run For tho WMk Ended Nov. 97, 1M4 WdfltiMr’ ' »ttlTown Engaged Jaycees Complete / of tlw 80- Plans for Dance 11,560 Ihir, eald^i^li^ UwlM K Member at the A o«t €um !tt5 Irra li Cplaeopal SETA Satarday pertly e ie u g y ,'^ quMa ttenorrow S' Burma of Olrcnlattea kt 7 o'olocic with a jpotiuck Arrangementa have been com­ as eeld la aftorneesu I ^ l pleted for the Jaycee danca to be Manche$Ur-—A City of ViUage Charm It ia bopad that au mem- ......................................... wm attend. held Saturday, Dac^ 4 at the Man- cbeater Country Club according VOL. Lxxrv, NO. $4 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) Mr, awl Iftv. Jawea A. Boeoo of to information received from MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBkR 3, 1954 (Claariflod AdvarttabiC an Baea fS) PRICE FIVE CEltlB nadaor Uocka annmmoe the birth George T. La Bonne, Jr.. Jaycee IP^P^**"****I**** social chairman. The "Frost gnMpareata an Mr. aild Frolic," starting at • p. m. is the , Lawrence BoUnaky of 15 Nor> drat major aoctal event of the >*|nan St, and ibe paternal m nd* Winter.aeason for the Jaycees. Ui S. Loses Waranta are Mr; and Xra.^ Joaeph Table reservationB ahould be ipeeco of Haiifdrd. made before Friday through Paul Brookman, 3M Main St; Bdward In Du Pont S e n . / > Duplicate bridge wdl ba p la ]^ Moriarty, 31 Finley St.; or George o n d e m n e d M at tJw VFW HaU atarUng T, La Bonne, Jr., Manchester Uy at Si05 irdock. Thia will Road, Glastonbury. I fiittg bridfa, tournament to ^etter Trust Case M 'ln Dtcember. ‘Ute next Shop For AH Your Food At HALE’S fame will'lib hdld on TMiraday •yaning, Jas. 6..1MS8w Chicago, Dec. 8 U. S. -rr - By STAN 9W1NTON District Judge Walter J. La- . The qitr.. Daniel P. • Lyona, HALE'S Self Serve and Meat Dept. • V ® ^ Pope’s condition improved Buy today dismissed the gov­ to 2 2 Vote 'vice ' prealdent of St ernment’s civil anti-trust suit JCiebael'B College, Wlnooaki Park. today, a Vatican spokesman said tonight. A member V t, will be the i^cial gueat of Headquarterg « Pope Pius XII’s family also reported the Pope held his own against the Du Pont in­ honor Sunday, Doc. 13, at 5 p.m., 1 . this afternoon “with a tendency toward improvement.” The terests, General Motors •t a meeting e i the Connecticut FOR Mr. and Mra. Richard J. Bell, FRESH SMOKED laUve asked not to be Identlfledt-------------------------- :----- ---------------- Corp. and the United States diaptar of the S t Mlchael’a Col­ ' name but aald hia report repre- McCarthy Arrives in Time forT^ndemhalion lege Alumni A u t„ in the colonial 84 W. Middle Tpke. announce the Eited the situation at 6 p.m. (noon Rubber Co; Foe Seeks n o m of Buahnell Memorial, Hart* engagement of tbdr daughter, T). The .Vatican announcement Pontiff Improving Judge LaBuy held that the gov- ■ford. John S. Berry, 53 Arch St, SHOULDERS SHOULDERS apneS at 7:15 (1:16 p.m. BST). emment had "failed to prove con­ MIm Barbara Ann Bell, to H. Rteh- spiracy, monopolisation, a restraint Rekuke Given |a prealdent of the Connecticut ard Matem, eon of Dr. and Mra. ■ Msgr. Angelo Dell’ ACqua, flumni. of trade, tor any reastonable ptoba* Recount oh Herman L. Matmn, 384 Highland ^merging fror.i the Pope's bed­ bllity of a restraint." St, Worcester, Maaa room, aald: •'Tha Holy Father Maiyheater town em ploye^ SeotTissw feoks better." . No Conapiracy membM of Local Ml, American ... A Vatican apokeaman ntd {gana | The judge held "there haa been N euberger -paderation of State, County and for a Liedical bulletin tonight had i no conspiracy to restrain or ' to On Two Counts A report of a vrarrantoe deed in * • . ••• Mtmidpal Hraployea, will meet the Public Records column Tuu- LI. LI. been canceled. He . said thia ‘la to monopolise trade, and no restric­ Mboday, Dec. i , at 7:M p. m. ia LIPTON tion or monopolisation of the mar­ . Washington, Dec. 8 (/P>— day concerning a transfer of prop­ tM interpretad u a good sign.” ket." Viaker Hall to nominate officcra erty on Cottage Street waa er- SOVM . Navertheleas anxiety 'for. the , The Senate today was asked Washinsrton, Dec. 8 (^P>—Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) stood 1W5. lOecUon of officera, roneoua Tha deed ahould read: Fontlffa life continued. It w u em- ‘The essence of the conspiracy for a recount in the Oregon londemned for his conduct today by a 67-22 vote of his Smate onecuUve board membera and Caaeare Oplaai to Samuel R. pbaalxed in reporU on the aeve-ity and restraint which the govern- ‘leavues. Otowarda 'wUl take place on the Swain and Mary J. Swain, prop­ OHIGKEN NOOBLE or S l^ Hale's for farm fresh'ppalfry: Handy chicken and range of hia ailments. ' ment charged and sought to prove Senate contest in which Unit Monday in January. Much iii* . Roman Catholics throughout the In this case,” he said, 'is the al. Democrat Richard L. Neii- judgment of the Senate was handed down late yeatar- arty on Cottaga Street id after the vote was in McCarthy told newsmen lie tareafla indicated- In the eoming TOMATO-VEtETABLE ponrts. yenng fryers er broHer^ teiider roasters and World were joined in prayers for leged limitation on General Motors’ berger defeated Republican plectloA by tialna membera. Royal Black Preceptory No. 18 WoslMn «Ml A l S^JnMMaik TOl^rl* recovery of Pope Plus Xn. Hia ability to deal as it pleased with was ” v ^ ’ happy to get this circus over with.” , will hold ita annual maatlng to­ ^eioaeat aaaociate, Magr. Qlovanni competitors of Du Pont and United Sen. Guy Cordon. I for 35c States Rubber.” Sen. Hayden (D-Aria) told a The vote adopting a resolution condemning McCarthy's th e P u t Miatreu Chib of morrow at 8 p. m. in Orange Hall. Otfisr Appisscss Batiata Montinl, .went to hia bed- conduct on Awo coiint.s capped an extraordinary session of o r U b ^ No. 17. Tha officers will submit thair ra- aide In the Vatican palaeef Opinion iaid “ the court reporter the petition waa filed by Will IWM a dinner had porta at this time and a new elate ONION or BEEF 616 ROU iONELESS " \ - The Vatican dIacLoaed officially (bids that there has not been, nor Jess J. Gard, Republican national the Senate, beimn Nov. 8, that became increasingly tenaa ^ Jbirtjr Saturday at 7 will bo elected. All members are that the 78-year-old Pontiff had Is there at present, a conspiracy committeeman for Oregon, at a and bitter. a^ ^ OM Town'Hall Inn, urged to be present at thia impof- hbeJMEHAUea VIBETABLE received treatment for "peritoneal to restrain or to monopolize trade, closed session of the Senate Rules committee. Hayden aald it made On the final votV|lepublican Senators divided evenly, 22-22- Hartford. tant meeting. N* Irritation attended by abdominal and no limitation or restraint upon A solid lineup o f 44 Etemocrats voted for passage of the reao- t for 31o ti-nsion.” n»la condition ia an irrl- /I General Motors' freedom to deal numeroua charges that "Sen. Cor­ ■tatlon of the lining to the abdom­ abb fully with oo.mpetitort don got a raw deal and wanted a lution. So did Sen. Mb^e of Oregon, the Senate’s lone lap CHUCK ROLL >6$/ inal cavity. It reflected the Pope’s of I^ Pont and United States Rub­ recount.’ di^ndeiit. \ ------------------ long struggle againat a gastric dia- ber.” Latest returns oh the Oregon 'Thus McCarthy became the firat | ^ w - HALE'S FRESHLY H O R M a ^ Fine, Savorful pot rout, or aak for aai evea-rauUng cut If yon order accompanied by apella of He continued “there ia no llml. contest showed a margin of 2.463 benator rince 1929 to auffer an bf- : I . A K I .iliiwW »lirEae GROUND desira. Mccuping. and na.i'aea. tation or restraint upon the free- votea for Neuberger, with 285,775 tidal rebuke from hia (»lleaguaa'|A‘^“ * ^ ^ a-ielEaslVllC?B CHOPPED BEEF ' ■xJUIcer Compllcstiona d()in of General Motors to deal votes to 283,313 for Cordon. for hia actiona, and the fourth'in' V g e w w-y w •FIBS v n m TTie inUletln of the Pope’s phy­ with ita chemical discoveries, no Hayden said the recount petition Senate hUtory. ^ Of ^ Rtal COFFEE n^ 12 Ox. sician, Gr. Riccardo Galeasai- restraint or monopolization of the was referred to a rules subcom­ Deapite the aharp Republican j 1*006 1 Lb. DURUQUE ARMOUR’S Liai, said X^ray and clinical ex- I General Motors market, and no re­ mittee on privileges and elections split on the iMue, some GOP Sen­ anUnaUon mad^ yMterday after­ straint or monopolization of the which policies Senatorial elec­ ators said they did not believe it { RIADY-TO-EAT SHANKLESS noon showed nothing alarming. 1 w d e and commerce between Du tions. He added that Sens. Barrett would leave lasting scars within' Air^ane Crash Vatican aourcea aald prP-a^ely that ; Pont and United States Rubber." (R-Wyo), chairinan of this sub­ the parte. i \ . The government l.as described Sen. Joaeph McCarthy, R-Wla, and his wife, Jean, arrive at the committee. and Sena. Potter (R- Senate in Washington, D^. 3, «s the stormy session on proposal to Sen. Bennett (R-Utah), author | Berlin, N. H^^ Dec.
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