This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: The Structure and Evolution of Recent U.S. Trade Policy Volume Author/Editor: Robert E. Baldwin and Anne O. Krueger, eds. Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press Volume ISBN: 0-226-03604-9 Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/bald84-1 Publication Date: 1984 Chapter Title: List of Contributors and Indices Chapter Author: Robert E. Baldwin, Anne O. Krueger Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c5843 Chapter pages in book: (p. 425 - 440) List of Contributors C. Michael Aho Alan V. Deardorff Office of International Economic Department of Economics Affairs University of Michigan Bureau of International Labor Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Affairs U.S. Department of Labor Jonathan Eaton Washington, D.C. 20210 Department of Economics Rouss Hall Robert E. Baldwin University of Virginia Department of Economics Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Zvi Eckstein Economic Growth Center Thomas 0. Bayard Yale University The Ford Foundation P.O. Box 1987, Yale Station 320 East 43rd Street 27 Hillhouse Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 New Haven, Connecticut 06520 William R. Cline Barry J. Eichengreen Senior Fellow Department of Economics Institute for International Economics Littauer Center 11 Dupont Circle, NW Harvard University Washington, D.C. 20036 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Richard N. Cooper Wilfred J. Ethier Department of Economics University of Pennsylvania Littauer Center Department of Economics Harvard University 3718 Locust Walk CR Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 425 426 List of Contributors Robert C. Feenstra Anne 0. Krueger Department of Economics The World Bank Columbia University 1818 H Street, NW New York. New York 10027 Washington, D.C. 20433 Heywood Fleisig Lars Lundberg The World Bank Department of Forest Economics 1818 H Street, NW SLU Washington, D.C. 20433 S-90183 Umea Sweden Harry Grubert Office of International Tax Affairs Stephen P. Magee U.S. Treasury Department Department of Finance Washington, D.C. 20220 School of Business University of Texas Catharine Hill Austin, Texas 78712 The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Rachel McCulloch Washington, D.C. 20433 Department of Economics University of Wisconsin Gary N. Horlick Madison, Wisconsin 53706 O’Melveny and Myers 1800 M Street, NW Tracy Murray Washington, D.C. 20036 Department of Economics University of Arkansas Helen Hughes Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Development Studies Center The Research School of Pacific John Mutti Studies Department of Economics Australian National University University of Wyoming Canberra, Australia Laramie, Wyoming 82701 Ronald W. Jones Joseph Pelzman Department of Economics Department of Economics University of Rochester George Washington University Yochester. New York 14627 Washington, D.C. 20052 Irving B. Kravis Alfred Reifman University of Pennsylvania Senior Specialist in International Department of Economics Economics 3718 Locust Walk CR Congressional Research Service Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Mordechai E. Kreinin Department of Economics J. David Richardson Marshall Hall Department of Economics Michigan State University University of Wisconsin East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 427 List of Contributors Andre Sapir John Whalley CEME CP 139 Department of Economics Universite Libre de Bruxelles Social Science Center SO, Avenue Roosevelt University of Western Ontario 1050 Bruxelles London N6A 5C2 Belgium Canada Robert M. Stern Martin Wolf Department of Economics Director of Studies University of Michigan Trade Policy Research Centre Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 1, Gough Square Fleet Street David G. Tarr London, EC4A 3DE Bureau of Economics England Federal Trade Commission Washington, D.C. 20580 Hans van der Ven Department of International Affairs and Government Relations Hoogovens Groep B.V. Beverwijk The Netherlands This Page Intentionally Left Blank Author Index Aho, C. Michael, 155, 160, 162, 177 Deardorff, A. V., 361, 362, 364, 365, 368, Aiyagari, S. R., 268 369, 387 Alikhani, Iradj, 393 Donges, Juergen, 399 Anderson, Kym, 398 Anjaria, S. J., 398 Eckstein, Z., 242, 246 Armington, P., 292 Ehrenberg, R., 177 Eichenbaum, M., 242, 246 Baldwin, Robert E., 8, 15, 35, 162, 202, Eichengreen, Barry, 83 209, 280, 301 Epple, Dennis, 268 Bale, Malcolm, 167 Esposito, Frances Ferguson, 127 Ballard, C., 293, 302 Esposito, Louis, 127 Batra, R., 281 Ethier, Wilfred, 68, 82, 161 Bayard, T., 162, 177, 209 Bergsten, C. F., 154, 178 Falvey, R., 39, 60 Blackhurst, R., 162 Findlay, R., 268 Bohi, R. Douglas, 238 Finger, J. M., 21, 398 Bowen, H., 291, 292 Fisher, Franklin, 143 Branson, W., 280, 291 Folie, G. M., 268 Brennan, J. Michael, 246 Frank, C. R., 160 Fullerton, D., 293, 302 Calvo, G., 268 Casing, J., 158 Gard, Linda M., 398 Caves, R., 127, 281 Garnaut, Ross, 398 Classen, K., 177 Gilbert, R. J., 268 Cline, W. R., 154 Glatt, Sandra, 238, 239, 240 Collins, Norman, 128, 129 Glyde, G., 169, 170 Corden, W. M., 363, 364, 366 Goldfarb, R. S., 166 Cordes, J. J., 166 Goldstein, J. L., 22 Corson, W. W., 154,160,164,169,170,193 Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A,, 35 Crandall, Robert W., 91 Goulder, L., 281, 301 Grant, J., 291 Dale, Richard, 104 Griliches, Zvi, 36, 46 Davies, S. W., 68 Grilli, Enzo, 398 429 430 Author Index Grossman, G., 158 Nelson, D. R., 21, 398 Neumann, G., 169, 170 Haberler, Gottfried, 68 Newbery, D. M. G., 243, 266, 268 Hall, H. K., 21, 398 Nichols, Albert L., 243, 273 Hall, Robert E., 284 Nordhaus, W. D., 268 Hamermesh, D., 291 Hamilton, Carl, 400 Oaxaca, R., 177 Hansen, Lars P., 268 Ochs, J., 158 Harberger, Arnold C., 90 Olson, M., 11, 23 Havrylyshyn, Oh, 393 Orr, J., 155, 160, 162 Helpman, Elhanan, 44 Horst, T., 281, 296, 301 Pagoulatos, Emilio, 127 Parson, D. O., 158 Porter, M. E., 127 Intrilligator, Michael, 143 Prescott, E. C., 269 Isard, Peter, 392 Preston, Lee, 128, 129 Pugel, Thomas, 131, 143, 144 Jorgenson, Dale W., 284 Ramachandran, R., 281 Kamahito, Kiyoshi, 397 Richardson, D., 301 Keesing, Donald B., 145, 394 Richardson, J. D., 160, 167, 177, 185 Khalizadeh-Shirazi, J., 127 Riedel, James, 398 Kindleberger, C. P., 22, 52 Riesman, R., 268 Kirkland, L., 178 Roberds, Will, 268 Krasner, S. D., 24, 27 Rodriguez, C., 39, 60 Kravis, I. B., 92 Russell, Milton, 238 Krugman, Paul R., 44 Kwoka, John E., Jr., 128 Samuelson, P. A., 265 Kydland, F. E., 251, 269 Santoni, Gary J., 39 Selten, R., 251 Shapiro, C., 158 Lancaster, Kelvin J., 44 Shepherd, Geoffrey, 392 Lapan, 158 H., Shoven, J., 281, 293, 301, 302 Learner, E. E., 203 Sorensen, Robert, 127 Lindert, Peter H., 52 Stegemann, Klaus, 83 Lipsey, R. E., 92 Stern, R.M., 361, 362, 364, 365, 368, 369, Lipson, C., 22 387 Lloyd, Peter J., 104 Stone, J. A., 94 Luey, Paul, 393 Takacs, Wendy E., 92 McCarthy, J., 169, 170 Tarr, David G., 91, 92 McGuinness, A. J., 68 Teisberg, T. J., 268 Magee, S. P., 158, 179 Toder, Eric J., 54 Mann, H. Michael, 128 Tolley, G. S., 243, 266, 268 Marian, N., 162 Triplett, Jack E., 46 Marvel, Howard, 128, 130, 144 Tumlir, J., 162 Maskin, E., 243, 266 Meyer, F. V., 11 Ulph, A. M., 268 Monoyios, N., 280, 291 Ulph, D. T., 268 Moore, M., 209 Utgoff, K. C., 177 Morawetz, David, 393 Murray, T., 202, 209 Van Cott, T. Norman, 39 Mutti, J., 301 Viner, Jacob, 68 431 Author Index Weston, J. Fred, 143 Wright, B., 243, 266, 267, 268 Whalley, J., 281, 293, 301, 302 White, Lawrence J., 130 Yasugi, Yoneyoshi, 398 Whitman, M., 22 Yonezawa, Yoshie, 400 Williams, J., 243, 266 Wilman, J. D., 243, 266 Zeckhauser, Richard J., 243, 273 Wolf, M., 145, 162, 393, 394 ~ ~~ Subject Index Accelerated Cost Recovery System, 285 Border tax adjustments, 302-3 Accelerated depreciation, 284-85 Brussels Tariff Nomenclature, 368 ACP, 394 “Burial insurance,” 178 Administration Textile Program, 115 Burke-Hartke bill of 1969, 390 AFL-CIO, 13 Business ethic, 28 African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of Business sector, attitudes of toward protec- States, 394 tionism, 7 Agricultural exports, surplus of, 14 Agriculture, increase in value added, 376 Canada, Export Development Corpora- American Selling Price, 19 tion, 352, 353 Antidumping, welfare effects of, 89 Capital: homogeneous, 285439,295-97; in- Antidumping Act of 1921, 68, 69, 71 dustry-specific, 289-90, 297-98 Antidumping code, 19 Capital flows, and Eximbank, 304 Antidumping legislation, 17 Capital market imperfections, 334-35; gov- Antidumping policies, evolution of, 69-72 ernment policy toward, 158-59 Apparel, from developing countries, 143 Capital Markets System, 352 Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Capital stock: international flow of, 292; Supported Export Credit, 340-43 U.S. share of, 292 Arrangement Regarding International Change in per unit value added, 369,376-82 Trade in Textiles, 113-14 Chemicals, 402; increase in value added, Australia, import penetration increase, 406 376 Automobile industry, 21 China, 413 Automobiles: import restrictions, 396-97; Clothing, 402; restrictions on imports, Japanese, 21, 35-56; prices of, 4650; 392-93 U.S., 50-53 Coffee, 403 Cold War, 9, 22 Balanced budget, 302 Competitiveness, international, 222 Balance of payments, safeguarding, 11 Congress: influence on International Trade Belgium: export subsidies, 304; growth rate Commission, 16; and presidential tariff in market penetration, 406 actions, 15-18; Senate Finance commit- Berne Union, 340, 352 tee, 16-17; trade agreement regula- Bilateral monopoly, as justification for U.S. tion, 20 Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 249-50 Consensus (OECD agreement), 340 432 433 Subject Index Corporate taxes, in the United States, 299 tions, 384-85; Domestic International Cotton: Japanese exports, 13; Long-Term Sales Corporations, 285-98; general Arrangement on Cotton Textiles, 113; equilibrium, 280, 30614; Michigan Short-Term Cotton Textile Arrange- Model of World Production and Trade, ment, 113 361-63 Countervailing duty legislation, 17 Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981,282, Country system equations, 384-85 299 Creditor Reporting System, 352 Economic welfare, Tokyo Round effect on, Cross-country model, 20%13 368 Cross-product model, 213-15 EEC.
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