English Index 1 acclaim English Index to Sarangani Manobo Dictionary July 11, 2016 By Carl D. DuBois Summer Institute of Linguistics absorb leseb v. For something (as soil) abaca ebaka n. Abaca.; lanot n. Abaca (IOF:patient me-) to absorb something fiber. (rain) (IDF:goal ke--an).; taeb v. For something (as salt) (SF:actor -om-) to abalone lapas n. An abalone shell. absorb moisture (as salt does from abandon bayà v ???(COF:patient pe--en) atmosphere). For someone to leave a thing in a certain abundance kowasa n. Abundance (of food). place (on purpose).; tanan v. For someone (SF:actor -om-) to abandon abundance??? lokan v. For someone or something (DF:goal -an).; telao v. For something (SF:actor -om-) to have someone to abandon something something (fruit???) in abundance???. (AF:patient i-). abundance ollà n. An abundance.; ollà n. abate epà v. For flood (SF:actor m-) to One who has an abundance of abate. something. abdomen getek n. One's abdomen. accept dawat n. For someone to accept something.; kinawà v. For someone abdominal getek n. The abdominal area. (SF:actor -om-/meg-) to receive or abduct taban v. For someone (a raider) accept someone's reasoning or (SF:actor -om-/meg-/meN-) (ISF:actor arguments (OF:patient -en).; tandù v. meke-) to abduct someone. For someone (SF:actor -om-) to accept a proposal.; tanggap v. For someone to ability toig n. Ability. accept a proposal. able to saman v. For someone (ISF:Actor accident selok v. For someone (ISF:actor meke-) to be able to comprehend or to meke-) to meet with an accident or complete the whole. disaster (IDF:goal ke--an). about to agpet adv. About to.; bangbang v. acclaim dengeg v. For someone (SF:actor For something (IOF:patient me-) to be meg-) to acclaim someone about to happen. (OF:patient -en). above diatas n. Above something. abruptly tibleg adv. Abruptly. abruptly tigbayà abscess kemamang n. An abscess. absent wedad existential neg. Absent. accompany 2 additional accompany alad v. For someone (SF:actor ache dog v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) to meg-) to accompany someone ache from carrying excessive load. (OF:patient -en/pig-) for a certain ache eleg purpose (that is to do or obtain something at the destination).; dengan v. acknowledge beballi v. For someone For someone (SF:actor -om-/meg-) to (SF???) to acknowledge another person.; accompany someone.; doma v. For kilala v. For someone (SF:actor -om-) to someone (SF:actor -om-) to accompany acknowledge someone (OF:patient -en someone else (DF:goal -an).; [kilelaen, kilelai]). doma-doma v. For someone to acorn olayan n. A toy acorn top. accompany more or less constantly.; elagad v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) acquainted unun v. For someone (SF:actor to accompany someone (OF:patient -en) meg-) to get acquainted with a so they will not become lost on the way.; prospective spouse. taking v. For someone (SF:actor -om-) acrobatics belentowien v. For someone to accompany someone somewhere (SF:actor meg-) to +perform acrobatics. (DF:goal -an). across tagday v. For someone (SF:actor accomplish batog v. For someone (ISF:actor meg-) to lay something (AF:patient i-) meke-) to accomplish something across something else???.; timbang v. (OF:patient -en) (IOF:patient me-). For someone or something (SF:actor accomplished??? tagen v. For something meN-) to be directly across from (IOF:patient me-) to be something or someone. accomplished???. act peg- aff. The act of doing. according son quotative part. (With set 2 or act precipitately tibleg v. For someone 3 pronouns) according to. (CSF:causer megpe-) to act precipitately. accumulate uton v. For someone (SF:actor active??? sikad v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to accumulate something (as meg-) to be active???. debt???). adam's apple belegokò n. The adam's apple. accuse bintang v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) to accuse someone on the basis of add dagpò v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) good evidence. to add numbers (OF:patient -en) together.; dogang v. For someone accuse dagdag (SF:actor meg-) to add more of accuse dali v. For two accused persons something (AF:patient i-).; longog v. For (RSF:actors megpe--yay/-hay) to blame someone (SF:actor meg-) to add fuel to a or accuse each other.; indan v. For fire (DF:goal -an). someone (SF:actor meg-) to accuse adding sogpat v. For someone (SF:actor someone (DF:goal -an) of something meg-/meN-) to enlarge something (???). (DF:goal -an) by adding pieces at the accustomed nayad v. For someone end. (IDF:st.patient ma-) to be accustomed to additional dogang n. Additional. someone (IDF:st.loc. ka--an). address 3 age address amay v. For someone (SF:actor advise pelnao v. For someone (SF:actor meng-) to address someone (OF:patient meg-) to advise someone else. peng--en) using the term "father". affected powà v. For someone (IOF:patient adhere deket v. For something me-) to be affected by something. (SF:actor -om-) to adhere to something affix -anan else. afflicted kemogà v. For someone adhesions kedet v. For skin (SF:actor -om-) (OF:patient peg--en) to be afflicted with to form adhesions or scar tissue. pink-eye. admire duwas v. For someone afraid lamit v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) (SF:actor -om-) to admire someone to make someone else afraid (AF:patient i-). (OF:patient -en).; lemitan v. For admonish sagda v. For someone (SF:actor someone (IOF:patient me-) to be afraid meg-) to admonish someone not to do of something or someone. something.; sotsot v. For someone afraid??? oman-oman v. For someone (SF:actor meN-) to admonish. (IOF:patient me-) to +become afraid???. adopt antay v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) after ayog adv??? After that.; ayog adv??? to adopt a child (OF:patient -en).; After that.; Pegkèpenga niyan.. ??? batà-batà v. For someone to adopt a After that...; Pegkèpenga niyan.. ??? child (OF:patient peg--en).; ipat v. For After that...; sagwa temporal conj. After someone to adopt someone (OF:patient completing....; tetondog v. For someone peg-en) (CAF:patient ipe-). (SF:actor -om-) to come after someone.; adopted singin n. An adopted baby. tikwas v. For something (IOF:patient adopted child antay n. An adopted child. me-) to occur after something else. adultery lakad v. For someone after awhile kwani temp. After awhile. (SF:actor -om-/meg-/eg-) to commit afternoon apon adj. (me-) Afternoon.; adultery. *apon-apon n. (me-) Early afternoon.; advance onà-onà v. For something meapon n. Afternoon.; solalay v. For (ISF:actor meke-) to advance.; segigil v. the day (IOF:patient me-) to be early For a rooster (SF:actor meg-) to advance afternoon. sideways toward a hen.; tagnà v. For afterthen mondà temporal conj. someone to advance something After...then... ???. (OF:patient -en) (as to lie about one's again he postpart. Again.; peman postpart. age). Again.; todà adv. Again.; todà v. For advice abok-abok v. For someone someone (SF:actor -om-/meg-) to do (CSF:causer megpe-) to +give unwanted something (OF:patient -en) again. advice.; metisotsot n. A person who against songsong v. For someone regularly gives advice.; pelnao n. (SF:actor -om-) (ISF:actor meke-) to go Advice.; sodoy v. For a supernatural against the wind or current. being (SF:actor eg-) to give someone advice. age idad n. A person's age.; ketesan n. One's age (relative or exact). aggressive 4 almost aggressive bolot adj. For someone (me-) to aid apot v. For persons (SF:actor pe--ay) to be aggressive.; meyseg adj. Aggressive. render mutual aid to each other.; dapit v. aggressiveness keyseg n. Aggressiveness. For someone (SF:actor -om-) to come to the aid of someone else (DF:goal -an). agitate gawgaw v. For someone (SF:actor megle-) to agitate something aid digsel (OF:patient -en).; kebot-kebot v. For aid nonggod v. For someone to someone to agitate a liquid (usually supernaturally aid someone in catching water) in the mouth. game or fish.; telomò n. Aid. agree iselotob v. For someone (SF:actor aim temek v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) meg-) to agree on a contract to aim a weapon (AF:patient i-) at (OF:patient -en).; isolang v. For persons someone or something (DF:goal -an).; (SF:actors meg-) to agree, come to an tiel v. For someone (SF:actor -om-) to agreement.; itandù v. For two persons take careful aim (OF:patient -en (SF:actors meg-) to agree with each [tielen]). other. air kelamag n. Air. agree??? onawa v. For persons (SF:actor airstrip landing n. An airstrip or airport. meg-) to agree???. alas doadò excl. Alas. agree sabot v. For someone (SF:actor meg-) to agree (come to an understanding) with albino ogis n. Albino (animals). someone (OF:patient peg--en).; selotob alcove pasong n. An alcove. v. For someone (SF:actor megi-) (ISF:actor meke-) to agree.; tandù v. For alert ngilam v. For someone (SF:actor someone (SF:actor -om-) to agree meg-/meke-) to be alert for discovery or verbally with someone, whether danger (DF:goal peg--an). sincerely or not.; tanggap v. For alight embong v. For something flying someone to agree to a course of action. (SF:actor m-) to alight somewhere agree??? towagan n. For someone to (DF:goal -an). agree???. alike sapit-sapit v. For persons (SF:actors agreeable??? selotob v. Agreeable???. megi) to look alike. agreement gaw postpart. In agreement with all inin v??? One's personal choice.; inin another's statement.; kinamput v. For v??? One's personal choice.; kedita n. someone (SF:actor meg-) to be in All.; sagpol v.
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