This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. AGENDA - ANNUAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 1958 (continued) 25. Consideration of changes in Membership fees and privileges (2), a. Authorization of a subscription concert by Johanna Martzy. 26. Election of Mary Lay Thom as a FELLOW. 27. Election of George Biddle as a FELLOW. 28. Election of James Russell Wiggins as a FELLOW. 29. Report of the Committee on Works of Art and The Art School. 30. Resolutions pertaining thereto: a. Authorization of future special exhibitions, b« Authorization of a long term cooperative arrangement with The Toledo Museum of Art on the Biennial Exhibitions. c. Authorization to charge 25$ admission to Living Today exhibition. d. Resolution of thanks to the Honorable and Mrs, Russell E, Train for the gift of Still Life by William Merritt Chase, e. Resolution of thanks to the Honorable Francis Biddle for the gift of Circus Rider by Charles Demuth. f. Resolution of thanks to Caroline Ogden Jones Peter III for the offer of the unrestricted gift of a group of bronzes, and a paint¬ ing by Walter Griffin. g. Resolution authorizing an exhibition for the benefit of the Works of Art Purchase Fund by Nildenstein Gallery, New York. 31. Report on tentative proposal concerning The Textile Museum of the District of Columbia. 32. Report on the status of the proposal to the Junior League of Washington re- specting a Junior Museum. 33. Report changes in Fine Arts Insurance Policy coverage. 34. Report change in terms of contract with the Gallery's Restorer. 35. Consideration of renewal of contract with the Institute of Contemporary Arts. 36. Fund raising for Centennial. 37. Report failure to take action on a resolution authorizing the purchase of the Demuth watercolor. 603 27 JAMJAR* 1958 The Annual Meeting of The Bernrd of Trustees of The Corcoran Gallery of Art was held at the Gallery at 10:00 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by six, Hamilton, the other member® present being Messrs. Glover, Thom, Bradley, Wilson, and Finley. The Assistant treasurer and Assistant Secretary were also present. The Chair stated that, in the absence of objection, and there being no corrections suggested, the minutes of the meeting of October 28, 1957, be approved as written. It ms moved by Mr. Thom and seconded by Mr. Bradley that the following Officers of the Gallery be elected to serve until the next Annual Meeting of The Board and the Assistant Secretary was requested to cast the ballot for their elec¬ tion. This motion duly carried, and the Assistant Secretary cast the ballot and the Chair announced the following duly elected: President George £. Hamilton, Jr. First Vice-President John Oliver LaGorce Second Vice-President Corcoran Them, Jr. Treasurer Corcoran Thom, Jr. Secretary Hermann Warner Williams, Jr Assistant Treasurer J, Roberts Assistant Secretary Hear i Dorrs Director Hermann Warner Williams, Jr The Assistant Secretary read the following resolution which was duly adopted: ABSOLVED: That Edward A. Mitchell, Jr. be and is hereby appointed an Assistant Treasurer. The Chair in accordance with the By-laws, appointed the following stand¬ ing Committees to serve until the next Annual Meeting: Executive: George E. Hamilton, Jr., Chairman Robert V. Fleming John Oliver LaGorce Corcoran Thom, Jr. Orsse Wilson Chi Finance and Investment: Robert V. Fleming, Chairman Corcoran Thom, Jr. Frederick M. Bradley 606 On Works of Art and The Art School: Orne Wilson, Chairman Charles C, Clover, Jr., Vice-Chairman John Oliver LaGorce Katherine Morris Hall David £. Finley On the Building: Frederick M. Bradley, Chairman Robert V. Fleming Katherine Morris Hail The actions taken at a meeting of the Executive Committee on December 18, 1657, were reported. The minutes of said meeting are filed with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Glover, Chairman of the Special Committee on The Council, presented his report which was ordered placed on file. The following points were made in connection with the report. The Board was in favor of asking The Council to at¬ tend one of its meetings to be held in the French Salon, and stressed the need for an appropriate agenda for that meeting. Mr. Thom pointed out that the Centennial Ball should be organised by the Women*s Committee as in the past, but that The Council might be asked to participate actively. The Following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED: That The Honorable Francis Biddle and Mr. Coleman Jennings be elected to The Council. The Assistant Secretary then announced that the terms of Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss and Mrs. Merriweather Post as Members of The Council had expired, and read the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted: mmm* That Mrs, Robert Woods Bliss be and is hereby re-appointed to membership on The Council of The Corcoran Gallery of Art for a three year term end¬ ing December 31, 1961. RESOLVED: That Mrs. Merriweather Post be and is hereby re-appointed to membership on The Council of 'the Corcoran Gallery of Art for a three year term end¬ ing December 31, 1961. The Treasurer reported that the Gallery had entered into a new contract with Group Hospitalization, Incorporated, which, for a slightly higher premium, gives wider coverage to the Gallery's employees. The Chair read the report of donations from all sources in 1957, which was placed on file. The report on the expenses of the 12th Annual Area Exhibition was ordered placed on file. The following resolutions were unaniously adopted: This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. 608 Toe Director*# report on hi# estimate of the future finaneial require¬ ments of the Gallery was briefly discussed. It was generally agreed that the Gal¬ lery** income oust be increased to enable the Gallery to continue to fulfill it# function in the community. The Chairman of the Committee on the Building and Ground# read the report of hi# Committee which was duly accepted rand ordered placed on file. The Chair read the Report on Membership which was duly accepted and ord¬ ered placed on file. A discussion of membership fees ensued and it wa* agreed that although this was an administrative matter the board waa in favor of the following changes* Annual membership# will remain at $10.0© per annum but starting the first of October 1058 such membership# will be individual (and will admit only bearer to events with the exception of Exhibition Openings)} A new class of Family Membership at $1S.00 per annua will be established which will admit bearer and one guest to all regular membership events. The following resolution was adopted* ABSOLVEDi That the Director be authorised to told a subscription concert by Johanna Martay, concert violinist, on October 30, 1958. •dr. Hamilton told the Assistant Secretary that he was willing personally to underwrite this concert to the extent of five hundred dollars. The following resolutions were adopted twamiouslyi KfcjQlVfDi That Mary Lay Thom having been found to qualify as a PEtt£w of the Association of The Corcoran Gallery of Art, be and is hereby so elected. RfeOLVIg* That George Diddle having been found to qualify as a FMLim of the Association of The Corcoran Gallery of Art, be and is hereby so elected. aSSOLVBPi That James Russell biggins having been found to qualify as a FSUU0K of the Association of The Corcoran Gallery of Art, be and is hereby so elected. Mr, Wilson, as Chairman of the Committee on Works of Art read the report of his Committee which was duly accepted and ordered placed ©n file. The following resolutions pertaining to the Report of the Committee on Works of Art were adopted* REmviSD* That the following, exhibitions for 1938, not previously author¬ ised be, and are"hereby approved* ContemM*™ Italian Piin.tjnj; , February 21 - March 16. Prints bv George Biddle. May 16 - September 21. Loweathal-Malnert Collections. October 7 - November 0<contingently) 13th Annual Area Exhibition, November 21 - January 4. Christmas Decorations, December 9 - December 18 14 Young French Painters. (1959-1960) jxMMMhpt That «n admission charge of fifty cents will be paid by each visitor to the Living Today exhibition, but that members will be admitted without charge by showing their Membership cards. jtESOLWPi That the President and The Board of Trustees of The Corcoran Gallery of Art wish to extend their thanks to the Honorable and Mrs. Russell 1. Train for the unrestricted gift of the painting; Pewter Pitcher feitfa grapes by Will- iaa Merritt Chase. AlCgjLVLb* That the President and The Board of Trustees of The Corcoran Gallery of Art extend their grateful thanks to The Honorable Francis Biddle, for the gift of Circus feider by Charles Dawuth, subject to a life estate in the donor and bis wife. '.ikr-m.VUn That the President and The Board of Trustees of The Corcoran gallery of Art wish to express their sincere appreciation to Caroline Ogden Jones Peter for her unrestricted gift ©f the following' twelve bronzes by Paul Bartlett* Victory. .Horse, Head, Horse Head. Sir M.Uim Black atone,..My,Rr.andj^iher. ftggiage, Lafayett e, ©a Horseback, Medallion*. Elisabeth , Cady Staunton, ,PreUffliilar2;,stj£ljL<>fori Vtj>shiH£ton at Valley.Ponte. Man, Ssgf&sJ&mS* ^d&JLL45aU»i.• Photo¬ graph of Bartlett*a studio? and the painting Mimosa Tree by baiter Griffin. The following resolution was adopted* SUSsOiVBP* That the Director be authorized to purchase one hundred folding chairs, outside the budget, for events in the atrium whenever he deems it necessary.
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