._._ b - J Reading Period Reaction- Just An Excitable Boy- Tuftspeak Zevon at the Orpheum P*7 I= L ; I.THE TUFTS DAILYZI- M‘here you read it first Wednesday, September 30,1987 Volume XV, Number 15 CSL to Hear Alcohol Poisoning Cases by BILL LABOVITZ discuss the case, said the Paul Charrette said yesterday. fraternity will be brought be- “In order to insure that the The university is bringing fore the Committee on Stu- hearing will be unbiased, we charges against the Theta De- dent Life next month. feel that it is wise to refrain Ita Chi (1-2-3) fraternity Four cases of alcohol from commenting on the al- stemming from ‘‘several poisoning were reported last leged incident.” cases” of alcohol poisoning Wednesday and it is not clear “We will be more than last Wednesday, Associate how many involved Theta happy to answer any and all Dean of Students Bruce Delta Chi, he added. The questions after the hearing,” Charges are being brought up against Theta Delta Chi by the Reitman said yesterday. university’s investigation is he said. university. (Photo by Nicole Pierce) Reitman, who declined to continuing. One other case of alcohol One fraternity member said poisoning has occurred this Tuftsf& planning Underway theinformal incidents event occurred getting at “an to year,that “thereReitman aresaid, markedly adding know the PUVS.” fewer incidences this year YI reimbursed by the event’s paid Other fraternity members than in the past several by kWT DAMELIN Tuftsfest, the largest XB event af the semester, is in- admission, he added. declined to comment on the years.” The two previous Tuftsfests, case. The incidents could not be Converting the Tufts cam- tended to expose Tufts confirmed by Tufts Police pus center into a country club one in late winter and one in “We are confident that we students to TCB’s 10 affiliated last night. complete with eighteen-hole organizations and offer non- November, have provided TCB will be exonerated by a fair members with the “Tuftsfest and impartial hearing,” golf course and live bands, live TCB organizations a chance to see CSL, page 15 indoor concerts at the yet-to- gain campus exposure and see TUFTSFEST, page 15 Theta Delta Chi President be-completed Cohen petition to join the Auditorium, formal dancing at the Tufts Club and a campus- organization.Plans to transform the cam- Dukakis Sets Fund-Raising Record wide dating game are all pus center, which has a 1000- The Dukakis figures were possibilities for November’s kis campaign reported that it person capacity, into a country BOSTON (AP) - Massa- will have collected $8 million swelled by a fund-raising Tuftsfest, Tufts Center Board club were proposed by Inter- chusetts Gov. Michael S. when the three-month report- event scheduled for Tuesday Vice President Margaret Choe Greek Council President Dukakis has raised a record ing period closes on Wednes- evening in Boston, where said yesterday. $3.3 million in his presi- Jackie Stern and member day. Dukakis himself was the fea- Three weeks and four dential campaign for the third Alpha Sigma Phi President “The first primary of any tured attraction, promising to weekends of intense student quarter of 1987 to solidify his Brett Clemmer, Alpha Sigma campaign is the money race. play a trumpet solo. organization programming position as the leading Phi Vice President Brian Kane We have won the money But Farmer said the dona- possibly including cash incen- said. money-raiser among Demo- tions during the third quarter tives for originality will create race,” Robert Farmer, trea- Alpha Sigma Phi has offered crats, aides said Tuesday. came from a broad cross- a “university-wide celebration surer for the Dukakis cam- to sponsor the event with the Combined with a seconh- paign, declared in an inter- section of Americans, and he about what makes Tufts IGC, Kane said. Both quarter record total of more view, although results from stressed that 70 percent of the special,” XBpresident Rob than $4.6 million, the Duka- organizations expect to be other campaigns were not total came from nutside Mas- Evans said. Senate Elections Today available yet. see FUND-RAISING, page 15 Twelve freshmen are run- and will ask students to list by BILL LABOVITZ ning for seven Senate seats, alternative candidates. fou; sophomores are seeking Students will head to the The additional questions polls today to elect nine Tufts one Senate seat, and one are intended to encourage senior is up for election. Also, Cummunity Union senators turnout at the polls, as well as four students are running for to show the community that and two Tufts Cummunity two T.C.U. J. positions. Union Judiciary members. the Senate can take imme- In addition, students will diate action on an issue fol- In an effort to increase be asked if there should be a voter turnout, the ballot will lowing student feedback, 24-hour study facility on . also include a binding re- senators said. campus, and if they would ferendum question regarding L‘We want to get student use the facility. a 24-hour campus study faci- opinion, and get more people Over 25 percent turnout is lity, as well as a non-binding to the polls,” Senate Presi- needed for the referendum dent Tracy Hahn said Sunday question on Judge Robert H. question to be binding. Bork’s confirmation to the night. A non-binding opinion poll Supreme Court. Senate Treasurer Jonathan will inquire whether Bork Somerville resident Kevin Malin lost control of his car and The polls will be open in all Ginsberg said last week that should be confirmed to the the candidate turnout was plowed into a university-owned house at 84 Packard avenue dining halls and in the Cam- Supreme Court by the U.S. yesterday morning, sustaining neck and facial injuries. Malin pus Center from 10 a.m. to 7 see XU Page 15 -- Senate Judiciary Committee, was trying to avoid hitting a dog. (Photo by Bill Labovitz) c WMFO Responds 1 The Tufts DailvJ Jon Newman Uitor-in-Chief TO the Editor: well as Blues, R&B, folk, jazz and I am writing in response to Scot ethnic musics. What Candell doesn’t David Gerstmann Candell’s letter to the editor criticizing understand is that this can be done in Executive Business Director II WMFO, Tufts’ radio station. There are an artistic fashion in which the different many discrepancies which he mention- music complements each other as each ed that must be cleared up. Candell’s genre influences the others. descriptions of the programming and We don’t expect our new trainees to philosophy of the radio station are become masters of Freeform before grossly inaccurate and only reflect his they do their first shows. Freeform is ignorance in respect to the goals of an idea that is learned. Just like WMFO. Candell, I too, as a freshman, came to First of all, approximately 60 percent WMFO wanting to play “all rock” of the music played during our shows. But I was encouraged to explore Freeform programming is, contrary to the 30,000 records in our music library Candell’s belief, “Rock.” This can be and have learned to both appreciate and proven by examining our playlist enjoy the many other genres of music notebooks in which each Disc Jockey our library contains. That’s what writes down what he or she has played WMFO and the Freeform premise is all during each show. We don’t solely play about: lear@g about different types of standard MOR (Middle of the Road) music and thus educating by exposing Rock every week as Scot did last year our listeners to different tastes. This is on his morning show which he self- exactly what our station is licensed for, titled, “Scot Rock.” We do play various educating the community. All forms of rock that cater to the varying establishments have certain ideals that tastes of the Tufts University student they enforce. We wouldn’t find The body. We don’t have a specific “classic Communist Manifesto published in Seth kvat..................... Classifieds Editor Sharon Siben.. ..............Classifirds Editor rock” show mainly because there are Tufts’ Primary Source. Candell was many other radio stations on the FM denied a show after a considerable ~ ‘Ilte filfis is a flMi Pflflt studunt-run newspaper published by the students of TUBSWiwrs,#,y dial that devote all their air time to this length of time and thought because he during the audvtm’ .Wr. printing by Chorles River Publishing,+Cambrfdgeidge.Mass. Plewr address CorresPOdence 10: ne TUBSDaily. Curtis Hall. Medford. Mass. 02155. Telephone: (61 1j format. When we do play classic rock, refused to comply with the ideals of 381-3090. Business.bnrs 9:30 to 5:00 m-vs. U. S. Dostage prUd in wfid. M~S. it is often integrated in our Freeform WMFO. 1 programming with progressive rock as see WMFO, Page16 Racial Committee Limiting Academic Freedom To the Editor: The social engineers at Tufts Univer- new materials will put a heavier burden sity are once again at work in the form on students. Students have enough to of two racial committees. The members worry about with the existing materials Respect of the committees have proposed that without being burdened with more To the Editor: with doubts only need look back at students starting in the class of 1992 work. Adding new material just deal- It is a fact that the United States Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. I should be required to take a course ing with racism will only draw attention Military as an institution blatantly once read a quote by a prominent dealing with racism, and participate in away from what the student is suppos- discriminates against homosexuals.
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