new/usr/src/common/zfs/zfs_prop.c 1 new/usr/src/common/zfs/zfs_prop.c 2 ********************************************************** 61 #include <string.h> 13892 Wed Jan 31 21:21:15 2007 62 #include <ctype.h> new/usr/src/common/zfs/zfs_prop.c 63 #endif 1000002 gzip compression for ZFS ********************************************************** 65 typedef enum { 1 /* 66 prop_default, 2 * CDDL HEADER START 67 prop_readonly, 3 * 68 prop_inherit 4 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the 69 } prop_attr_t; 5 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). ______unchanged_portion_omitted_ 6 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 * 83 static prop_desc_t zfs_prop_table[ZFS_NPROP_ALL] = { 8 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE 84 { "type", prop_type_string, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 9 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. 85 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, "filesystem | volume | snapshot", "TYPE", B_TRUE }, 10 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions 86 { "creation", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 11 * and limitations under the License. 87 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, "<date>", "CREATION", B_FALSE }, 12 * 88 { "used", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 13 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each 89 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, "<size>", "USED", B_TRUE }, 14 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. 90 { "available", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 15 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the 91 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, "<size>", "AVAIL", B_TRUE }, 16 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying 92 { "referenced", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 17 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] 93 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, 18 * 94 "<size>", "REFER", B_TRUE }, 19 * CDDL HEADER END 95 { "compressratio", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 20 */ 96 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, "<1.00x or higher if compressed>", "RATIO", B_TRUE }, 21 /* 97 { "mounted", prop_type_boolean, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 22 * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 98 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, "yes | no | -", "MOUNTED", B_TRUE }, 23 * Use is subject to license terms. 99 { "origin", prop_type_string, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 24 */ 100 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, "<snapshot>", "ORIGIN", 101 B_FALSE }, 26 #pragma ident "@(#)zfs_prop.c 1.17 07/01/31 SMI" 102 { "quota", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_default, 26 #pragma ident "@(#)zfs_prop.c 1.16 07/01/05 SMI" 103 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, "<size> | none", "QUOTA", B_TRUE }, 104 { "reservation", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_default, 28 /* 105 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, 29 * Master property table. 106 "<size> | none", "RESERV", B_TRUE }, 30 * 107 { "volsize", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_default, 31 * This table keeps track of all the properties supported by ZFS, and their 108 ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, "<size>", "VOLSIZE", B_TRUE }, 32 * various attributes. Not all of these are needed by the kernel, and several 109 { "volblocksize", prop_type_number, 8192, NULL, prop_readonly, 33 * are only used by a single libzfs client. But having them here centralizes 110 ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, "512 to 128k, power of 2", "VOLBLOCK", B_TRUE }, 34 * all property information in one location. 111 { "recordsize", prop_type_number, SPA_MAXBLOCKSIZE, NULL, 35 * 112 prop_inherit, 36 * name The human-readable string representing this property 113 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 37 * proptype Basic type (string, boolean, number) 114 "512 to 128k, power of 2", "RECSIZE", B_TRUE }, 38 * default Default value for the property. Sadly, C only allows 115 { "mountpoint", prop_type_string, 0, "/", prop_inherit, 39 * you to initialize the first member of a union, so we 116 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 40 * have two default members for each property. 117 "<path> | legacy | none", "MOUNTPOINT", B_FALSE }, 41 * attr Attributes (readonly, inheritable) for the property 118 { "sharenfs", prop_type_string, 0, "off", prop_inherit, 42 * types Valid dataset types to which this applies 119 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 43 * values String describing acceptable values for the property 120 "on | off | share(1M) options", "SHARENFS", B_FALSE }, 44 * colname The column header for 'zfs list' 121 { "shareiscsi", prop_type_string, 0, "off", prop_inherit, 45 * colfmt The column formatting for 'zfs list' 122 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, 46 * 123 "on | off | type=<type>", "SHAREISCSI", B_FALSE }, 47 * This table must match the order of property types in libzfs.h. 124 { "checksum", prop_type_index, ZIO_CHECKSUM_DEFAULT, "on", 48 */ 125 prop_inherit, ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, 126 "on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256", "CHECKSUM", B_TRUE }, 50 #include <sys/zio.h> 127 { "compression", prop_type_index, ZIO_COMPRESS_DEFAULT, "off", 51 #include <sys/spa.h> 128 prop_inherit, ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, 52 #include <sys/zfs_acl.h> 129 "on | off | lzjb | gzip", "COMPRESS", B_TRUE }, 53 #include <sys/zfs_ioctl.h> 129 "on | off | lzjb", "COMPRESS", B_TRUE }, 130 { "atime", prop_type_boolean, 1, NULL, prop_inherit, 55 #include "zfs_prop.h" 131 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 132 "on | off", "ATIME", B_TRUE }, 57 #if defined(_KERNEL) 133 { "devices", prop_type_boolean, 1, NULL, prop_inherit, 58 #include <sys/systm.h> 134 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, 59 #else 135 "on | off", "DEVICES", B_TRUE }, 60 #include <stdlib.h> 136 { "exec", prop_type_boolean, 1, NULL, prop_inherit, new/usr/src/common/zfs/zfs_prop.c 3 137 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, 138 "on | off", "EXEC", B_TRUE }, 139 { "setuid", prop_type_boolean, 1, NULL, prop_inherit, 140 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, "on | off", "SETUID", 141 B_TRUE }, 142 { "readonly", prop_type_boolean, 0, NULL, prop_inherit, 143 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, 144 "on | off", "RDONLY", B_TRUE }, 145 { "zoned", prop_type_boolean, 0, NULL, prop_inherit, 146 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 147 "on | off", "ZONED", B_TRUE }, 148 { "snapdir", prop_type_index, ZFS_SNAPDIR_HIDDEN, "hidden", 149 prop_inherit, 150 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 151 "hidden | visible", "SNAPDIR", B_TRUE }, 152 { "aclmode", prop_type_index, ZFS_ACL_GROUPMASK, "groupmask", 153 prop_inherit, ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 154 "discard | groupmask | passthrough", "ACLMODE", B_TRUE }, 155 { "aclinherit", prop_type_index, ZFS_ACL_SECURE, "secure", 156 prop_inherit, ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 157 "discard | noallow | secure | passthrough", "ACLINHERIT", B_TRUE }, 158 { "canmount", prop_type_boolean, 1, NULL, prop_default, 159 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, 160 "on | off", "CANMOUNT", B_TRUE }, 161 { "xattr", prop_type_boolean, 1, NULL, prop_inherit, 162 ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM | ZFS_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, 163 "on | off", "XATTR", B_TRUE }, 164 { "createtxg", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 165 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, NULL, NULL, B_FALSE}, 166 { "name", prop_type_string, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 167 ZFS_TYPE_ANY, NULL, "NAME", B_FALSE }, 168 { "iscsioptions", prop_type_string, 0, NULL, prop_inherit, 169 ZFS_TYPE_VOLUME, NULL, "ISCSIOPTIONS", B_FALSE }, 170 { "numclones", prop_type_number, 0, NULL, prop_readonly, 171 ZFS_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, NULL, NULL, B_FALSE }, 172 }; ______unchanged_portion_omitted_ 321 static zfs_index_t compress_table[] = { 322 { "on", ZIO_COMPRESS_ON }, 323 { "off", ZIO_COMPRESS_OFF }, 324 { "lzjb", ZIO_COMPRESS_LZJB }, 325 { "gzip", ZIO_COMPRESS_GZIP }, 326 { NULL } 327 }; ______unchanged_portion_omitted_ new/usr/src/lib/libzpool/Makefile.com 1 new/usr/src/lib/libzpool/Makefile.com 2 ********************************************************** 60 C99MODE= -xc99=%all 2269 Wed Jan 31 21:21:15 2007 61 C99LMODE= -Xc99=%all new/usr/src/lib/libzpool/Makefile.com 1000002 gzip compression for ZFS 63 CFLAGS += -g $(CCVERBOSE) $(CNOGLOBAL) ********************************************************** 64 CFLAGS64 += -g $(CCVERBOSE) $(CNOGLOBAL) 1 # 65 LDLIBS += -lumem -lavl -lnvpair -lz -lc 2 # CDDL HEADER START 65 LDLIBS += -lumem -lavl -lnvpair -lc 3 # 66 CPPFLAGS += $(INCS) 4 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the 5 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). 68 .KEEP_STATE: 6 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 # 70 all: $(LIBS) 8 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE 9 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. 72 lint: $(LINTLIB) 10 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions 11 # and limitations under the License. 74 include ../../Makefile.targ 12 # 13 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each 76 pics/%.o: ../../../uts/common/fs/zfs/%.c 14 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. 77 $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< 15 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the 78 $(POST_PROCESS_O) 16 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying 17 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] 80 pics/%.o: ../../../common/zfs/%.c 18 # 81 $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< 19 # CDDL HEADER END 82 $(POST_PROCESS_O) 20 # 21 # 84 pics/%.o: ../../../uts/common/os/%.c 22 # Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 85 $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< 22 # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 86 $(POST_PROCESS_O) 23 # Use is subject to license terms. 24 # 25 # ident "@(#)Makefile.com 1.4 07/01/31 SMI" 25 # ident "@(#)Makefile.com 1.3 06/08/03 SMI" 26 # 28 LIBRARY= libzpool.a 29 VERS= .1 31 # include the list of ZFS sources 32 include ../../../uts/common/Makefile.files
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