www.e-rara.ch International exhibition. 1876 official catalogue Agricultural and horticultural halls and annexes United States Centennial Commission Philadelphia, 1876 ETH-Bibliothek Zürich Shelf Mark: Rar 20263: 3-4 Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-78195 Spain. www.e-rara.ch Die Plattform e-rara.ch macht die in Schweizer Bibliotheken vorhandenen Drucke online verfügbar. Das Spektrum reicht von Büchern über Karten bis zu illustrierten Materialien – von den Anfängen des Buchdrucks bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. e-rara.ch provides online access to rare books available in Swiss libraries. The holdings extend from books and maps to illustrated material – from the beginnings of printing to the 20th century. e-rara.ch met en ligne des reproductions numériques d’imprimés conservés dans les bibliothèques de Suisse. 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Pomology. 28 Veja de Armijo , Marquis of , Cor¬ doba .—Oranges and lemons . 612 1 Jover , Francisco , Alhama , Province of Almeria .—Grapes . 29 Corporation of Palma del Rio, 610 Province of Cordoba .—Walnuts . 611 2 Daza y Ruiz , Francisco , Purchena, Province of Almeria .—Grapes . 610 30 Cabezas y Saravia , Jose , Cordoba. —Hazelnuts . 611 3 Romero , Manuel Carbonero , Pur¬ chena , Province of Almeria .— 31 Cruz Duran , Juan de la , Aracena, Grapes . 610 Province of Huelva .—Walnuts and chest¬ 4 Sanchez Bros . & Granados, nuts . 611 Ochanes , Province of Almeria .—Grapes. 610 32 Sala , Emilio de , Huelva .—Al¬ monds . 611 5 Ibanez , Luis Gallego , Cazorla , Prov¬ ince of Jaen .—Pears . 33 Montemayor , Maria , Moguer , Prov¬ 610 ince of Huelva .—Almonds . 611 6 Economical Society of Friends of 34 the Country , Valencia . Cueva , Fernando de la , Huelva .— —Paintings of Almonds . 611 grapes . 610 35 Carnes , 7 Bernabeu y Diego , Juan B .,Jabea, Eulogio Martin , Aracena. Province of Alicante .—Almonds . 611 Province of Huelva .—Walnuts . 611 36 Caras , Serafin , 8 Seals , Jose , Jijona , Province of Ali¬ Huesca .—Wal¬ cante .—Almonds . 611 nuts . 611 37 9 Pifia , Juan Bautista , Monforte, Moreno , Rufino , Cazorla , Province Province of Alicante .—Almonds . 611 of Jaen .—Walnuts . 611 10 Soriano , Isidro Martinez , Mondvar, 38 Bulnes , Francisco de Paula , Ca¬ Province of Alicante .—Almonds . 611 zorla , Province of Jaen .—Walnuts . 611 39 11 Verdu y Perez , Joaquin , Mondvar, Corporation of Ponferrada , Prov¬ Province of Alicante .—Almonds . 611 ince of Leon .—Walnuts and chest¬ nuts . 611 12 Perez , Albert , & Co ., Mondvar, Province of Alicante .—Almonds . 611 40 Corporation of Congosto , Province of Leon .—Chestnuts . 611 13 Feliu y Rodriguez , Jose , Benisa, Province of Alicante .—Almonds . 611 41 Fernandez , Tom &s , Armunia , Prov¬ ince of Leon .—Walnuts . 611 14 Linares , Jose Ramon , Albanchez, Province of Almeria .—Almonds . 611 42 Prado , Maximo Alonso , Leon .— Walnuts , chestnuts , and hazelnuts . 611 15 Trell y Chacon , Miguel del , Berja, Province of Almeria .—Almonds . 611 43 A gel et , Ramon , Lerida .—Wal¬ nuts . 611 16 Martin , Francisco Regana , Cabeza, 44 Jover de Vaca , Province of llajadoz .—Wal¬ , Luisa de , Province of Le¬ nuts . 611 rida .—Almonds . 611 45 Ignes 17 Feliu , Juan , Palma , Balearic , Pedro , Cervera , Province Islands .—Almonds . 611 01 Lerida .—Hazelnuts . 611 46 18 Walles , Edmundo , Ibiza , Balearic Corporation of Lorenzano , Prov¬ Islands .—Almonds . 611 ince of Lugo .—Walnuts . 611 19 Fuster , Francisco , Palma , Balearic 47 Quiroga Vasquez , Quiroga , Prov¬ Islands .—Almonds . 611 ince of Lugo .—Chestnuts . 611 20 Fuster , Miguel , Palma , Balearic 48 Huelin , Guillermo ^& Son , Malaga. Islands .—Almonds . 611 —Almonds . 6ir 21 Mulet , Antonio , Palma , Balearic 49 Provincial Deputation , Murcia .— Islands .—Almonds . 611 Almonds . 611 22 Melian y Artiles , Matias , Las Pal¬ 50 Roca Bros ., Murcia .—Pomegran¬ mas , Canary Islands .—Almonds . 611 ates . 611 23 Provincial Board of Agriculture, 51 Yafiez , Francisco Vila , Viana , Prov¬ Castellon .—Walnuts and acorns . 611 ince of Orense .—Chestnuts and wal¬ nuts . 24 Berruezo , Jose Antonio , Villarel, 611 Province of Castellon .—Almonds . 611 52 Vaamonde , Ramon Maria , Puirgin, 25 Garces , Vicente , Castellon .—Al¬ Province of Orense .—Chestnuts and wal¬ monds . 6n nuts . 611 26 Soldevilla , Tom &s Moragrega , Cas¬ 53 Rey , Manuel Pereiro , Orense .—Ha¬ tellon .—Pomegranates . 611 zelnuts . 611 27 Lara , Rafael J . de , Cordoba .—Or¬ 54 Candedo , Manuel , Coles , Province anges , lemons , and citrons , 6u of Orens ?.—Hazelnuts . 611 88£ DEPT . VI .—AGRICULTURE. Pomology. 55 Diaz , Francisco , Trandeiras , Prov¬ 87 Puigcercos y Angles , Francisco, ince of Orense.—Walnuts. 611 Ulldemolins, Province of Tarragona .— Almonds. 6ii 56 Rodriguez , Manuel Iglesias , Cela- nova, Province of Orense.—Fruits. 611 88 Llurba , Francisco , Uldemolins, Province of Tarragona .—Almonds. 6ii 57 Provincial Board of Agriculture , In¬ dustry and Commerce, Oviedo.—Chest¬ 89 Fumana Bros ., Reus , Province of nuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts. 6n Tarragona .—Almonds and hazelnuts. 6n 58 Rios , Eugenio Montero , Pontevedra. 90 Prius , Francisco , Reus , Province of —Oranges, lemons, and citrons. 6ii Tarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6u 59 Brabo , Bernardo , Fregeneda , Prov¬ 91 Comas , Francisco , Reus , Province ince of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6ii of Tarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6ii 60 Paulino , Felipe Perez , Freceneda, 92 Pfeiffer , Herman , Reus , Province of Province of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6i j Tarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6ii 61 Hortal , Ignacio,Fregeneda,Province 93 Coll, Jose , Vails , Province of Tarra¬ of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6ii gona.—Walnuts . 6n 62 Garcia , Jose Sanchez , Fregeneda, 94 Miret y Segrifi , Jose , Uldemolins, Province of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6u Province of Tarragona .—Walnuts. 6ii 63 Corbalan , Juan , Sancelle , Province 95 Domenech y Monte , Jose , Vilaseca, of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6ii Province of Tarragona .—Almonds ’ 6ii 64 Viesca , Marquis of, Fregeneda,Prov¬ 96 Grau y Vilanova , Jose , Maria , Mas- ince of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6n pujols, Province of Tarragona .—Hazel¬ nuts. ' 6ii 65 Miguel , Ramon , Hinojosa , Province of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6ii 97 Anlestia , Jose , Ciurana , Dosaiguas, Province ofTarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6ii 66 Rivero , Tom &s, Hinojosa , Province of Salamanca.—Almonds. 6n 98 Illas ,Jose Montagut , Reus , Province ofTarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6ii 67 Garrido , Juan , Valero , Province of Salamanca.—Walnuts. 6i i 99 Foraste y Ferre , Juan , Vilaseca, Province of Tarragona .—Almonds. 6ii 68 Martin , Lorenzo Calvo , Mogarraz, Province of Salamanca.—Walnuts. 6ii 100 Magrifia , Luis , Falset , Province of Tarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6ii 69 Bellido , Narciso , Zorita , Province of Salamanca.—Walnuts. 6ii 101 Magrifia , Manuel Serrano , Tibisa, Province of Tarragona .—Hazelnuts . 6ii 70 Sanchez , Antonio Capita , Mairena, Province of Sevilla.—Oranges. 6ii 102 Artells , Miguel , Reus , Province of Tarragona .—Almonds and hazelnuts. 6ii 71 Vifias , Antonio , Reus , Province of 103 Bassedas y Andreu , Miguel , Reus, Tarragona.—Al monds. 611 Province of Tarragona .—Hazelnuts. 6n 72 Magrina,Antonio,Gandesa , Province of Tarragona.—Almonds. 6n 104 Magrina , Mariano , La Selva , Prov¬ ince of Tarragona .—Hazelnuts. 6ir 73 Peira y Mach , Agustin , Scala Dei, Province of Tarragona.—Almonds, wal¬ 105 Salvad6,Mateo,Tarragona .—Hazel¬ nuts, and hazelnuts. 6ii nuts . 6ii 74 Franch &Segrift , Uldemolins , Prov¬ 106 Abelld y Boada , Pablo , Barbara, ince of Tarragona.—Hazelnuts. 6ii Province ofTarragona .—Almonds, hazel¬ nuts, walnuts, and pine-nuts . 75 Escoda , Antonio , Vilaseca , Province 6ii of Tarragona.—Hazelnuts. 6ii 107 Fausfi , Pablo , La Canonja , Prov¬ ince of Tarragona .—Almonds and hazel¬ 76 Bufill , B., Reus , Province of Tarra¬ nuts . 6ii gona.—Almonds. 6ii 108 Sirvent y Oliver , Pedro , Reus,Prov¬ 77 Gasull , Bartolome , Province of Tar¬ ince of Tarragona. —Almonds and hazel¬ ragona.—Almonds and hazelnuts. 6ii nuts. 6ii 78 Consul &Virgili,Tarragon a.—Hazel¬ nuts. 6ii 109 Montoliu , Pl &cido Maria de, Tar¬ ragona.—Hazelnuts . 6ii 79 Domingo , Dimas , Reus , Province of 110 Anguera y Angles , Falset , Province Tarragona.—Almonds and raisins. 6n of Tarragona .—Hazelnuts
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