SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Divisions CooberCooberCoober PedyPedyPedy 3535 NorthernNorthern RoxbyRoxbyRoxby DownsDownsDowns WoomeraWoomera CedunaCedunaCeduna PortPortPort AugustaAugustaAugusta 1515 YorkeYorke andand PortPortPort PiriePiriePirie LowerLower NorthNorth 3030 EyreEyre RenmarkRenmarkRenmark 2020 MurrayMurray LandsLands PortPortPort LincolnLincolnLincoln Murray Lands MurrayMurray BridgeBridge 0505 0505 KingscoteKingscoteKingscote AdelaideAdelaide 1010 2525 OuterOuter AdelaideAdelaide SouthSouth EastEast NaracoorteNaracoorteNaracoorte MountMount GambierGambierGambier 0 500 Kilometres 184 ABS • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) • 1216.0 • JUL 2006 SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Adelaide Statistical Division P o r t W a GawlerGawlerGawler k GawlerGawlerGawler e f i e l d R d d R h t r o N in a M ElizabethElizabethElizabeth BBaaarrrrkkkeeerrrr IIIIInnnllllleeetttt 05050505 NorthernNorthern AdelaideAdelaide 0505 AdelaideAdelaide BoatingBoating LakeLakeLake 05100510 WesternWestern AdelaideAdelaide 05150515 rrrr RRiiiiivvvveeerrrr rrrrrrreeennnsss RR TTTooorrrrrrreee EasternEastern AdelaideAdelaide y w H c za An GulfGulf StSt VincentVincent P rin c es H w y HappyHappy ValleyValley ReservoirReservoir 05200520 SouthernSouthern AdelaideAdelaide NoarlungaNoarlungaNoarlunga 05100510 Statistical Subdivision WesternWestern AdelaideAdelaide 0505 Statistical Division AdelaideAdelaide 0 20 Kilometres ABS • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) • 1216.0 • JUL 2006 185 SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Local Areas Local Statistical and Subdivisions Statistical AUSTRALIA, SOUTH 186 ABS ABS • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) (ASGC) CLASSIFICATION GEOGRAPHICAL STANDARD AUSTRALIAN Anangu Pitjantjatjara (AC) 35253525 FarFar NorthNorth Coober Pedy (DC) • 1216.0 1216.0 Maralinga Tjarutja (AC) Unincorp. Far North • JUL JUL 2006 Unincorp. Flinders Ranges Roxby Downs (M) 35203520 FlindersFlinders RangesRanges Unincorp. West Coast 30103010 WestWest CoastCoast SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Local Areas Local Statistical and Subdivisions Statistical AUSTRALIA, SOUTH (Unincorp. Ceduna (DC) West Coast) Unincorp. Pirie 35053505 Orroroo/Carrieton (DC) Unincorp. Lincoln WhyallaWhyalla Streaky SeeSee Bay (DC) Unincorp. 35153515 EnlargementEnlargement (Unincorp.(Unincorp.(Unincorp.(Unincorp. WestWestWestWest Coast)Coast)Coast)Coast) Whyalla EnlargementEnlargement Peterborough PiriePirie Kimba (DC) (DC) Le Hunte (DC) 33 (Unincorp. Lincoln) NorthernNorthern Franklin AreasAreasAreas (DC)(DC)(DC) 20052005 30053005 Harbour (DC) Elliston (DC) RiverlandRiverland LincolnLincoln BarungaBarungaBarungaBarunga LincolnLincoln Goyder (DC) Unincorp. Riverland WestWest (DC)(DC) ABS ABS Cleve (DC) Wakefield (Elliston(Elliston(Elliston(Elliston (DC))(DC))(DC))(DC)) CopperCopper CoastCoast (DC)(DC) (DC) • CopperCopper CoastCoast (DC)(DC) 15051505 SeeSee AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) (ASGC) CLASSIFICATION GEOGRAPHICAL STANDARD AUSTRALIAN Tumby LowerLowerLower EyreEyreEyre PeninsulaPeninsulaPeninsula (DC)(DC)(DC) YorkeYorke EnlargementEnlargement LowerLowerLower EyreEyreEyre PeninsulaPeninsulaPeninsula (DC)(DC)(DC) Bay (DC) YorkeYorkeYorke PeninsulaPeninsulaPeninsula YorkeYorke EnlargementEnlargement Inset (DC)(DC)(DC)(DC) ---- NorthNorthNorthNorth 55 MidMid Loxton Unincorp.Unincorp. YorkeYorke MurrayMurray SeeSee Waikerie Tatiara (DC) SeeSee (DC)(DC)(DC)(DC) EnlargementEnlargement 11 Karoonda East (DC) - East Murray (DC) SeeSee EnlargementEnlargement 44 Southern Kingston (DC) Mallee (DC) YorkeYorkeYorke PeninsulaPeninsulaPeninsula (DC)(DC)(DC) --- SouthSouthSouth 20102010 MurrayMurray MalleeMallee 25052505 Kangaroo Island (DC) The Coorong (DC) UpperUpper SouthSouth EastEast Naracoorte and Lucindale (DC) 10101010 Tatiara (DC) KangarooKangaroo IslandIsland Robe (DC) SeeSee InsetInset Wattle Range (DC) - East Wattle Range (DC) - West • 1216.0 1216.0 25102510 LowerLower SouthSouth EastEast • JUL JUL 2006 Grant (DC) Cleve (DC) 0 50 Statistical Local Area MountMount GambierGambier (C)(C) 30053005 0 200 Kilometres Statistical Subdivision LincolnLincoln 187 Kilometres SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Local Areas: Areas: Local Statistical and Subdivisions Statistical AUSTRALIA, SOUTH 15101510 188 LowerLower NorthNorth ABS ABS GoyderGoyder (DC)(DC) WakefieldWakefield (DC)(DC) GoyderGoyder (DC)(DC) ClareClare andand GilbertGilbert • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) (ASGC) CLASSIFICATION GEOGRAPHICAL STANDARD AUSTRALIAN ValleysValleysValleys (DC)(DC)(DC) LightLightLight (RegC)(RegC)(RegC) 10051005 BarossaBarossa MallalaMallala (DC)(DC) BarossaBarossa (DC)(DC) -- AngastonAngaston MidMid MurrayMurray (DC)(DC) BarossaBarossa (DC)(DC) -- TanundaTanunda GawlerGawler (T)(T) • 1216.0 1216.0 20052005 RiverlandRiverland PlayfordPlayfordPlayford (C)(C)(C) --- WestWestWest PlayfordPlayfordPlayford (C)(C)(C) --- HillsHillsHills Enlargement 1 Enlargement • BarossaBarossa (DC)(DC) -- BarossaBarossa JUL JUL 2006 05050505 NorthernNorthern AdelaideAdelaide AdelaideAdelaideAdelaide HillsHillsHills (DC)(DC)(DC)(DC) ---- NorthNorthNorthNorth 10151015 MtMt LoftyLofty SeeSee EnlargementEnlargement 22 MtMt LoftyLofty RangesRanges AdelaideAdelaideAdelaide HillsHillsHills (DC)(DC)(DC)(DC) BalBalBalBal SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Local Areas: Areas: Local Statistical and Subdivisions Statistical AUSTRALIA, SOUTH MountMount BarkerBarker (DC)(DC)(DC)(DC) ---- CentralCentralCentralCentral 05200520 SouthernSouthern AdelaideAdelaide SouthernSouthern AdelaideAdelaide MountMount BarkerBarker (DC)(DC) BalBal MurrayMurray BridgeBridge (RC)(RC) OnkaparingaOnkaparinga (C)(C) -- MorphettMorphett OnkaparingaOnkaparinga (C)(C)(C)(C) ---- HackhamHackhamHackhamHackham ABS ABS OnkaparingaOnkaparinga (C)(C) -- NorthNorth CoastCoast • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) (ASGC) CLASSIFICATION GEOGRAPHICAL STANDARD AUSTRALIAN OnkaparingaOnkaparinga (C)(C) -- HillsHills AlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrina (DC)(DC)(DC) --- StrathalbynStrathalbynStrathalbyn OnkaparingaOnkaparinga (C)(C) -- SouthSouth CoastCoast 20102010 MurrayMurray MalleeMallee 10201020 FleurieuFleurieu AlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrina (DC)(DC)(DC) --- CoastalCoastalCoastal VictorVictorVictor HarborHarborHarbor (C)(C)(C) VictorVictorVictor HarborHarborHarbor (C)(C)(C) 1 Enlargement YankalillaYankalillaYankalilla (DC)(DC)(DC) TheTheThe CoorongCoorongCoorong (DC)(DC)(DC) • 1216.0 1216.0 Unincorp.Unincorp. MurrayMurray MalleeMallee • JUL JUL 2006 Light (RegC) Statistical Local Area 0 40 10051005 Statistical Subdivision BarossaBarossa 189 50 Kilometres SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Local Areas: Enlargement 2 Playford (C) - Playford (C) - East Central Playford (C) - West West Central Playford (C) - Playford (C) - Hills Elizabeth 05050505 NorthernNorthern AdelaideAdelaide Salisbury (C) - Inner North Salisbury (C) - Tea Tree Gully Salisbury (C) Bal Port Adel. North-East (C) - North Enfield (C) - Salisbury (C) - Central Coast Unincorp. Western Tea Tree Gully (C) - Hills Tea Tree Gully Adelaide Hills (DC) - North Salisbury (C) - (C) - Central South-East Port Adel. Port Adel. Enfield (C) - Enfield (C) - Port Park Port Adel. Enfield Tea Tree Gully (C) - South (C) - Inner Port Adel. Enfield (C) - 1015 Charles East Charles Mt Lofty Ranges Sturt (C) - Sturt (C) - North-East Coastal Campbelltown (C) - 05100510 East WesternWestern AdelaideAdelaide Prospect (C) Norw. P'ham Charles Sturt St Ptrs (C) - (C) - Inner East East Campbelltown Walkerville (M) Norw. P'ham (C) - West St Ptrs (C) - West Adelaide (C) Burnside (C) - Charles Sturt (C) - North-East Inner West West Torrens (C) - East 05150515 West Torrens (C) - Unley (C) - Burnside (C) - West East South-West EasternEastern AdelaideAdelaide Unley (C) - West Adelaide Hills (DC) Bal Mitcham (C) - Adelaide Hills (DC) - Ranges North-East HoldfastHoldfast BayBay (C)(C)(C)(C) ---- NorthNorthNorthNorth Marion (C) - North Mitcham (C) - West Marion (C) - Central Mitcham (C) - Hills Adelaide Hills (DC) - Central HoldfastHoldfast BayBay (C)(C)(C)(C) ---- SouthSouthSouthSouth Mount Barker 05200520 (DC) - Central SouthernSouthern AdelaideAdelaide Mount Barker (DC) Bal Onkaparinga (C) - Reservoir Marion (C) - South Onkaparinga (C) - Hills Playford (C) - West Onkaparinga (C) - Woodcroft Statistical Local Area 0 5 0505 Northern Adelaide Onkaparinga (C) - Statistical Subdivision Onkaparinga (C) - Kilometres North Coast Morphett 190 ABS • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) • 1216.0 • JUL 2006 SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Local Areas: Enlargements 35203520 Tumby Bay (DC) FlindersFlinders RangesRanges Flinders Ranges (DC) 30053005 LincolnLincoln Unincorp. Flinders Ranges Port Augusta (C) Lower Eyre Peninsula (DC) (Port Augusta (C)) Mount Remarkable (DC) Unincorp. Whyalla Port Lincoln (C) 35053505 Unincorp.Unincorp. LincolnLincoln WhyallaWhyalla Whyalla (C) PortPortPort PiriePiriePirie CCC DistsDists (M)(M) -- CityCity (Unincorp.(Unincorp.(Unincorp.(Unincorp. Whyalla)Whyalla)Whyalla)Whyalla) Northern Areas (DC) Port Pirie C Dists (M) Bal 35153515 Whyalla (C) Tumby Bay (DC) Statistical Local Area PiriePirie Statistical Local Area 0 10 3505 0 2020 3005 Statistical Subdivision Whyalla Statistical Subdivision Lincoln Kilometres Kilometres Enlargement 3 Enlargement 4 Enlargement 5 Unincorp. Riverland Renmark Paringa (DC) - Renmark Mid Murray (DC) 20052005 RiverlandRiverland Berri & Barmera (DC) - Barmera Renmark Paringa (DC) - Paringa Loxton Waikerie (DC) - West Berri & Barmera (DC) - Berri (Unincorp. Riverland) Statistical Local Area Mid Murray (DC) 0 20 2005 Loxton Waikerie (DC) - East Statistical Subdivision Riverland Kilometres ABS • AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC) • 1216.0 • JUL 2006 191.
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