0 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WAS4lN(,T0% O)( 10464 THIS IS THBGINI OF MRR # rATE TLMEDC T-C- '/ CAPERA NO. C*ERAMM\ 4,xxgI 0 F[DERAI ELFCli N, OF ELECTIONS 1KLEPHON6 YVONNE L SOU~hERLAND STATE BOARD I r 733-21 DPJTrr DIEcropt CAMPAIGN RPOtTrNG 0771CCI "Der OFT=aOX 134 RALE1IGH. "O*Th CAROLINA 27002 -' 34 July 20, 1992 _ .. Mr. Will Espin Carpa:-, Manager Coumittee To Elect Sue Myrick US Senator %) Post Offi:e Box 31473 Char Qtte, Car: Ira 29221 Re: 6 July 1992 Letter of Complaint: Dear Mr. Espin: the above referenced The State Board of Elections acknowledges receipt of political complaint a"leging that Rev. Joe Chambers has failed to disclose his in activity and possibly the activities of Concerned Charlotteans/Carolineans opposition to Ms. Myrick. Candidates for United States Senate must comply with Federal regulations Campaign adm-nistered by tne Federal Election Commission. The North Caro].ina an exact copy Reporting Act simply requires candidates for Federal office to file of any disclosure required with this office. your Likewise, the State Board of Elections has no authority to investigate for the complaint. We have, however, forwarded your letter to the General Counsel Washington, D.C. 20463 and feel - - Federal Election Commission, 999 "E" Street NW, which are a certain that office will advise the requirements and regulations the prerequisite to action by the Federal Election Commission. You may contact Federal Elections by telephone at 800-424-9530. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance. FOR THE STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS Deputy Director -,: State Board Memters / FEDEp tAI vL ., 114L4I SC, I Ja12 Committee to Elect Sue Myrick I.S. Senator " -7a . .e- ter w serve t t>~e a f ....rmai compiaint aIa Lt .. § e Cha-oers, head f Concerned ',,a ttea.s arr neaII.n,. .ns Chamers mailed a reported , set....a.rS' fDrFvrjcK US Senate. One _e''er, cr:Lcz.n.j Sue Mvric., LS Senate candidate, was 7di" -ea :a _incerned Charlotteans envelope, although the _etter was from Rev. Chambers. One Letter was mailed in zadded en ve p es witr ct ies :1 -anarticle and an au dio taLe. e es-imate t1ne cost at apr.xlwatelv $1 each, an ex~enditure at least $20,000. Copies of all letters, t:h" " arT aware :t, are attachea. aUIeaZ:-,_ acc:-i "ECr, toI regQu-at 1ons, that this s-i :ive oee:. requred t,_ reast er as a Po itIc a" ,:a n ,U sL d n.w c e-u:'ed disc. se cLntrLuutZ ns as we i as wno paid tor th s and relatea S. Re. Chambers stated in the media that a [sx;essrae, .a-,i f r the maiir':,Z. Either way, C1 .. .. .e . I:e_ -air- .._ ..:. .:,L_ :<it : ,e s v,, " ca 'n\oQive ert :.v\ d - SI:. -ews e a e r, . ' .I tr(';T V,,, S')tur / / / j -1 / I *.~ 0 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION '% A'-14%(y(N )%DC . 04*. August 4, 1992 Will Espin, Campaign Manager Committee to Elect Sue Myrick US Senator 6230 Fairview Road, Suite 410 P.O. Box 31473 Charlotte, NC 28231 Dear Mr. Espin: We have received your letter, forwarded to us by the North July 5, 1992, regarding Carolina State Board of Elections, dated Federal Election Campaign the possibility of a violation of the Act of 1971, as amended ("the Act" The 1976 amendments to the Act and Federal Election Commission regulations require that a complaint meet certain specific requirements. Your letter does not meet these requirements. Consequently, the Commission can take no action at this time unless the allegations are refiled meeting the requirements for a properly filed complaint. However, if you desire the Commission to look into the matter discussed in your letter to determine if the Act has been violated, a formal complaint as described in 2 U.S.C. S 437g(aHPi) must be filed. Requirements of this section of the law, and Commission regulations at 11 C.F.R. S 111.4, which are a prerequisite to Commission action, are detailed below: (1) A complaint must be in writing. (2 u.s.C. S 437g(a)(1)). > :ts contents must be sworn to and signed in the presence cf a notary public and shall be notarized. (2 U.S.C. S437gail! . The notary must :ndicate as part of the jurat that such swearina occurred. full name and - A formal -omplaint must contain the : 11 C.F.R. address of the person mak'.ng the complaint. 'rAt mai -mlDi :nt houii' clearly identify as a f7SCfl "[ 'Nrv:',v "XfO .s alleged to have 1ii.4 ,ommit.ed a ' at 0 0 Will Espin Page 2 (5) A formal complaint should identify the source of information upon which the complaint is based. (11 C.F.R. S 111.4). (6) A formal compiaint should contain a clear and concise recitation of the facts describing the violation of a statute or law over which the Commission has jurisdiction. (11 C.F.R. S 111.4). 7) A formal complaint should be accompanied by supporting documentation .f known and available to the person making the complaint. '11 -...R. 1i .4, Finally, please include your telephone number, as well as the full names and addresses cf all respondents. Enclosed is a Commission brochure entitled "Filing a Complaint." I hope this material will be helpful to you should you wish to file a legally sufficient complaint with the Commission. If we can be cf any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (202) 219-3690. Sincerely, . Maura W. Callaway Special Assistant to the Associate General Counsel Enclosure 0 rr) E;'L SEP 3 I 31 1 'J August 27. 1992 Ms. Maura W Callaway Specia! Assistant to the Assocate General Counsel Federal Eiections Commission Washington DC 20463 Dear Ms. Callaway 1 have received your letter of August 4th in which you have outlined the requirements for filing a complaint. I would appreciate the Office of General Counsel of the FEC examining the enclosed Complaint and sample documents to determine whether or not there is probable cause Sincerely. " / , 1 Mario William spi n MWE amncd Enclosures ',24 E .jendrce Bt.m U P 0 Box 35444 0 Charlotie Nortr Carolnra 28235 U 704-536-6928 U FAX 704-334-1058 0 STATE OF NORTH CARO(IANA COMPLA I NT COINTY OF MECKLENBUR(; The Compila i nr,1t (-ompla i n i nJ of the Respondent a1 leges an1, - t ' R II A. t. I I "A >'ll-'a'nd l t t j)rl4 I 'I rH A T2 1 1 , ' i '111) 1.f) 1 'II ba'ti2 he *:h-41 hP. t "t%" w a ' -. vo ep c.,,e° a w o.ta i f Sara i'Ii~ 1ti 1~ IS)I''IQ e N . T , wa oba, , " . dtt;,. (4, A 4- .. PMari.f o's, reLeCharlot "ext r e Resp o(I-n." t ccuse U .S. Seat can' ei Sue My:ic, of P,.k H7i, ". H , ,7 • " . 4. itQ ',I-" ' FACT S April C. This is a caTndlrt .risin 1 tateos f tw 2) mailin gs of 18, ge 2 and April 7 , i992 Isee attached Exhibit "A" and "B". Chambers and was obtained from Sara ,Jarr:sExh arbit of "A"Knightdale, was from NCJoseph and Exhibit "B" wIs from Joseph Chambers and was obtained from Anne Marie Damefs of Charlotte, NC). The April 18th mailing included a tape and a press statement in which Respondent accused lt.S.Senate candida Se Myrick of "extreme ecumenicalist i c views" and stated that " I cannot support a senatorial candidate who would likely vote in our Congress for in our public schools" (see Exhibit "A"). It is genericunclear asreligion to how many tapes and press statements were mailed, but article in the Greensboro News & Record, te rmailinqaccording was to sentan first-class and was not paid for by Concerned Charlotteans but a Charlotte businessman whom Respondent refuses to identity (see attached Exhibit "C", News & Record, Friday, May 29, 1992). 4. The April 2"Tth letter was mailed one week prior to the May 5th primary. Respondent again stated he would not support Myrick (see Exhibit "B") . According to The Charlotte Observer rhis letter was ' mailed to more than .), (0 people (see it&.tache j Exhibit "D", The is Char lotte obserx , TTs Y, ,lily 1e. whieW1, the let-ter non- on .. r , n-. cl ..c 1, be trs -h ali.oss f he1,, plo-t) it ,Jrot14., +'cr,.'-:rr', i ,LIr ..-- earts :s,.e <1' tacr;7. Ixhii.it. "E", I "h.iY<r ff. l UL ~S * ,t.,iiicd tron :ro.I IT<)s 1 Liru .,..:. ';(.~ :-rr't Ar-e War r ie t:,.: {'. ,i ' ; . '<r~ser'. dJ ! , 5:s irma' .* . $1 per piece r s - ) Io ea st $n . .. H.i spo er)t 15 S , 1. Isse S '. r:er .i , ar 1 -"ans, .xh{[r.i " , rp , " r s i , I r ha,' ' )k 1 i M XA L It "V' tj -r% 0 11 27, letter on Concerned Charlotteans letterhead dated May 6. In a cost 1992, Respondent acknowled(Ies that his actions towards Myrick attached Exhibit him supporters and he solicits financial help (see John Brown of I"G" from Joseph Chambet s and obt ained from it the Charlotte, NC) . In 1 ight. ot this letter, it is uncleJar ii inqs or only unnamed Io0(A (lid r ot t e bus i no ssman pa i A for both ma one.
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