(19) TZZ ¥_¥_T (11) EP 2 313 488 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: C12N 1/14 (2006.01) A01N 63/04 (2006.01) 29.04.2015 Bulletin 2015/18 (86) International application number: (21) Application number: 09775812.2 PCT/CZ2009/000088 (22) Date of filing: 23.06.2009 (87) International publication number: WO 2010/006563 (21.01.2010 Gazette 2010/03) (54) STRAIN OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC FUNGUS ISARIA FUMOSOROSEA CCM 8367 (CCEFO. 011.PFR) AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING INSECT AND MITE PESTS STAMM DES ENTOMOPATHOGENEN PILZES ISARIA FUMOSOROSEA CCM 8367 (CCEFO. 011.PFR) UND VERFAHREN ZUR BEKÄMPFUNG VON INSEKTEN- UND MILBEN- SCHÄDLINGEN SOUCHE DU CHAMPIGNON ENTOMOPATHOGÈNE ISARIA FUMOSOROSEA CCM 8367 (CCEFO. 011.PFR) ET PROCÉDÉ POUR LUTTER CONTRE LES INSECTES ET LES ACARIENS NUISIBLES (84) Designated Contracting States: • ZEMEK ROSTISLAV ET AL: "Perspectives for the AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR biological control of Cameraria ohridella." HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO PL COMMUNICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL AND PT RO SE SI SK TR APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 72, no. 3, 2007, pages 521-526, XP008114865 ISSN: (30) Priority: 23.06.2008 CZ 20080394 1379-1176 • ZEMEK ROSTISLAV ET AL: "The first record of (43) Date of publication of application: entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces 27.04.2011 Bulletin 2011/17 fumosoroseus(Deuteromycota :Hyphomycetes) on the hibernating pupae of Cameraria ohridella (73) Proprietor: Biology Centre AV CR, v.v.i. (Lepidoptera : Gracillariidae)" 370 05 Ceske Budejovice (CZ) ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH, vol. 37, no. Suppl. 1, August 2007 (2007-08), pages A135- (72) Inventors: A136, XP008114913 ISSN: 1738-2297 • PRENEROVA, Eva • RICHTER DOREEN ET AL: "Pathogenicity of 398 43 Bernartice u Milevska (CZ) entomopathogenic fungi on hibernating pupae of • ZEMEK, Rostislav Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic 1986 370 08 Stare Hodejovice (CZ) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). Part 1: • VOLTER, Lubomír Pathogenicity against the naked pupa." 323 00 Plzen (CZ) COMMUNICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL AND • WEYDA, Frantisek APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 72, no. 3, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice (CZ) 2007, pages 399-410, XP008114864 ISSN: 1379-1176 (74) Representative: Beetz & Partner mbB • RICHTER DOREEN ET AL: "Pathogenicity of Patentanwälte entomopathogenic fungi on hibernating pupae of Steinsdorfstraße 10 Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic 1986 80538 München (DE) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). Part 2: Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi against pupa in her (56) References cited: pupal cell." COMMUNICATIONS IN EP-A- 0 494 592 WO-A-2007/059765 AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 72, no. 3, 2007, pages 411-421, XP008114863 ISSN: 1379-1176 Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 2 313 488 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) (Cont. next page) EP 2 313 488 B1 • KALMUS M ET AL: "Efficacy of • FARGUES ET AL: "Genetic variability among entomopathogenic fungi against eggs and larvae Paecilomyces fumosoroseus isolates from of the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria various geographical and host insect origins ohridella" JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND based on the rDNA- ITS regions" MYCOLOGICAL PROTECTION, vol. 114, no. 2, April 2007 RESEARCH, vol. 106, no. 9, 1 September 2002 (2007-04), page 92, XP001537307 ISSN: 1861-3829 (2002-09-01), pages 1066-1074, XP022474272 • CANTONE ET AL: "Intraspecific diversity in ISSN: 0953-7562 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus" MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH, ELSEVIER, GB, vol. 102, no. 2, 1 February 1998 (1998-02-01), pages 209-215, XP022451572 ISSN: 0953-7562 2 1 EP 2 313 488 B1 2 Description in modem applied entomology and their development reached the stage of commercial bioinsecticides in many Technical field countries. [0006] Entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea [0001] Mycoinsecticid which is usable as a considerate 5 (syn. Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) (WIZE) Brown & biological mean of plant and wood protection against in- Smith is in comparison to other species of entomopath- sect and mite pests. ogenic Deuteromycet ( Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Verticillium lecanii etc.) a less studied spe- Background art cies. Fungus Isaria fumosorosea (syn. Paecilomyces fu- 10 mosoroseus), often reported under abbreviation PFR, is [0002] Plant protection against insect pests is per- a cosmopolite polyphagous entomopathogenic species. formed largely using conventional chemical insecticides. Most records of the isolation of this fungus from insects Their application is, however, problematic from nature (under natural conditions) frequently report species of conservation and human health points of view. Insects the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera as the become more and more resistant to them which in turn 15 hosts. The PFR was for the first time reported as naturally leads to the increase of dosage or needs to develop other occurring pathogen in the whitefly Trialeurodes( vapo- more effective insecticides. The opportunities in this di- rariorum) populations in Peking in 1983, where strong rection are approaching the limits. More rigorous legis- local epizootics occurred, which temporarily eradicated lative also restrains this way of pest control. this pest. This strain of PFR was isolated and as highly [0003] The horse chestnut leaf miner,Cameraria 20 virulent against greenhouse whitefly was assigned as a ohridella (Deschka et Dimi ) (Lepidoptera: Gracillarii- subspecies Paecilomyces fumosoroseus var. beijingen- dae) has favourable conditions for its development in the sis. Czech Republic. This pest was discovered for the first [0007] Substantial increase of interest in this pathogen time at Ohrid lake in Macedonia between Albania and happened when harmfulness of the whitefly Bemisia ta- Greece in 1984. This important pest of the horse chestnut 25 baci increased in field agroecosystems in Southern USA. started to spread invasively through whole Europe where Since 1987 regular spontaneous epizootics of Paecilo- it has good conditions for its development (for the lack myces fumosoroseus in Bemisia tabaci populations on of natural enemies) while not being enough regulated by various host plants/localities were reported in Florida natural mechanisms. Damage inflicted to horse chestnut where a new strain ofPaecilomyces fumosoroseus leaves cause serious weakening of most of the infested 30 (PFR) was isolated in 1987. The isolated strain was as- trees. Contemporary pest control methods are based ei- signed as PFR 97 - strain Apopka (Apopka - name of the ther on the application of non-selective insecticides or region in Florida. The pure culture was identified in 1988 composting or burning of decaying (fallen) leaves. All and deposited at the American Type Culture Collection these methods, however, also kill beneficial organisms (strain ATCC 20874). Strain PFR 97 turned out to be able including natural enemies of Cameraria ohridella. 35 to cause large epizootics in Bemisia tabaci populations [0004] An application of biological control, i.e. methods both in greenhouses and in the field crops. Further ex- based on natural antagonistic interactions between or- periments with this strain proved the polyphagous feature ganisms for suppression of pest population is safer to of this strain and a high virulence against aphids, thrips, natural balance and stability of agricultural and forests larvae of certain moth species, larvae and pupae of leaf- ecosystems. Most of these biocontrol agents are harm- 40 miners (Diptera) and even a high activity against two- less for non-target organisms including man and, contra- spotted spider mite Tetranychus( urticae). Contrary to ry to chemical insecticides, do not posses any ecological the fungus Verticillium lecanii, PFR is able to cause in- risk for environment and thus contribute to biodiversity fection also in the eggs of whiteflies and spider mites. conservation.For this reason,biocontrol agents are more [0008] R. Zemek et al. (Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., Vol. and more preferred as alternative means of insect pest 45 72, No. 3, 2007, p. 521) have studied the impact of Pae- control at the global scale. cilomyces fumosoroseus, Paecilomyces farinosus and [0005] Mycoinsecticides are such means of biological Beauveria bassiana on the horse chestnut leaf-miner control. They are based on entomopathogenic fungi. For (Cameraria ohridella) and discuss the perspectives of practical pest control representatives of several key Deu- fungal bioagents in control of C. ohridella. In a short com- teromycet (Hyphomycetes: Moniliales) are of dominant 50 munication (Entomological Research, Vol. 37, Suppl. 1, importance.The best known are entomopathogenicfungi August 2007 (2007-08), pages A135-A136) R. Zemek et belonging to the genera Beauveria, Hirsutella, Metarhizi- al. provide a first record of the effect of entomopathogenic um, Nomuraea, Isaria (Paecilomyces), Tolypocladium fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Deuteromycota: and Verticillium (Lecanicillium). Among many species of Hyphomydetes) on the hibernating pupae of Cameraria these genera about 25 species are contemporarily used 55 ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). in the form of
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