FOR fp MAKE EVERY ICTORY , ® PAY DAY BUY > BOND BAY UNITED STATES I The State Register BONDS * STAMPS JOIN THE PAY-ROLL A SAVINGS PLAN * Laurel, Delaware, Thursday, July 2, 1942 Sussex Election Board Church Picnics Christ Church Laurel “Dimmed Out” Cucumber Prices High; Two church picnics have just been During the past week, the Laurel announced for July. streets have been completely “dimmed Trinity Methodist Church will hold Leading In Laurel Names Registration Staffs its annual picnic on their church lawn out” by placing black shades over all Thursday, .July 9th. street lights. Although Laurel is about Expect Rig Day Monday _ Horsey Grove will hold its annual Soft Ball League thirty miles from the ocean, the offic­ picnic Thursday, July 16th, also ials quickly complied with the request The Department of Elections and The Board of Registration has been their church lawn. On Wednesday, June 24th, the Fire­ Board of Registration for Sussex Coun sitting in the courthouse annex since for the “dim-out". With the cucumber season here not i Although shipments are still not men and Centenary Church played quite in full swing, prices have been heavy, on Monday of this week the ty has named registration officers for April 4 for the purpose of ascertaining their first games in the Laurel Softball the 23 election districts who are now and registering persons qualified to remarkably high up to this date. The total sales amounted to $3,032, with the League. The former won by a score of first cucumbers were shipped thru the prices averaging around $1.75 per being sworn in. Th? board consists of vote in the next general election Tues 6 to 2, putting them in the 1.000 per­ W. Elwood Wright, Georetown, Re­ day, Nov. 3. The dates which they sat J. Frank Gordy New School Board local auction block on June 19th, but bushel, and some selling much higher. centage column behind Christ Church did not come thru in any quantity un­ On Tuesday the price averaged $2.25, publican; Raymond Ringler, Selby­ were: April 4, 9, 15, 21, 28; May 9, 14, who has a record of two wins against 20, 26; June 6, 11, 17, 23 and 39. til the 22nd, when a total of $1730 was with some selling as high as $2.55. The ville, Republcan; and Irvin F. Smoot, Named County no defeats. realized from this crop. Seaford, Democrat. Members Are big day of the season tor cucumbers There will be two registration days The game scheduled for last Friday Shipments have continued to in­ is anticipated about next Monday. To Peruvian Is Elected thruout the county, Thursday, Aug. Agriculture Agent between the Fireman and Lions Club crease daily along with the favorable date most of the crop has been bought 13, and Saturday, Oct, 17. These days was postponed because of rain. All Named For Sussex weather. Due to tho excellent weather, by local brokers and hucksters. As President of Rotary the boards will sit for the purpose of the quality is unusually high, the cu­ the shipments increase, a large num­ Changes in the staff of the Sussex postponed games will be played on a registering all who did not avail them­ date set by the president of the league. John W. Stallings became a member cumber having an excellent color. ber of city buyers are expected over International selves of the dates on which the County Agricultural Extension Ser­ of the Laurel Board of Education, the coming wejk-end, and they will vice were announced recently by C. On Monday Centenary Church got Board of Registration recently sat. into the win column, defeating Eastern succeeding Harvey D. Williams, who Enlistments Opened remain here for tile rest of the season. Delegates representing 5,100 Rotary Those who will have come of voting L. Schuster, director of the Delaware has served in that capacity for the clubs in some 50 countries of the Agricultural Extension Service, t fol­ Shore Public Service by a score of 2 For “Engineer Farmers are etperiencing difficulty age, also those moving into Delaware to 1, behind the 3-hit pitching of Cal­ past 12 years. This appointment as world, at the final session of the 33rd from other states will have a chance lowing action by the University of well as many others in Sussei County Amphibian Command” in getting their blackberries harvested annual convention of Rotary Inter­ Delaware Board of Trustees. laway. Elliott of the losing team only and many are being left on the vines to register. allowed four hits, but one was a triple was made effective as of July 1st by national, last week elected Don Fer­ Resident Judge Charles S. Richards due to the scarcity of pickers. This There will be no more general regi­ J. FraSnk Gordy, formerly Sussex following a walk, Both Church runs This newly organized branch of crop is about in mid-season, and the nando Carbajal of Lima, Peru, Rotary of Georgetown. Service has the following vacancies president lor the year beginning July strations every four years as in the County assistant agricultural agent, is were scored in the third inning, while price on Monday averaged around $3 the new county agricultural agent. He E. S. P. S. scored their lone run in the The other appointments were as according to a letter received this 1st. Mr. Carbajal is vice-president of Pa^lL follows: Georgetown, Walter P. Town­ week by Sgt, Earl H. Wright, in charge per crate. The squash season is nearly tlie Peruvian Telephone Company in The registration boards who will is a native of Laurel and is a graduate final frame. closed due to the copetition from nor­ sit in local districts are: of the Laurel High School and the U. send; Lewes, Edgar W. Ingram; Re- of Army Recruiting activities in Kent Lima and is a former State Engineer and Sussex counties: thern growers, but on Monday the Third Representative District of Delaware. Since being graduated price averaged between 40 and 85 nt Peru. First election district—William T. from the University, Gordy has served Centenary ab r h 0 a ford, LeRoy B. Hurley. Davis, sf 3 0 1 0 0 Appointments for the white schools, Automotive electrician, diesel me­ cents per bushel, In addition to six directors from Fleetwood, registrar; Charles Hearn, as vocational agricultural teacher at chanic, automobile mechanic, black­ John R. Collins, assistant registrars; Ferris Industrial, Seaford, Greenwood P. Britfham, ss 3 0 0 2 5 other, than the special districts are: Charles S. Workman, who has ser­ North America, the fallowing Rotar- Williams, 3b 3 0 0 6 2 Cedar Neck, Arthur Reed; Lincoln, smith, construction supervisor, cook, iuiis wore elected to the board of de- Brison C. Tyndall, alternate registrar. and Dover Schools. He has served as boatswain, coxswain, deckhand, fisher ved as the auctioneer for the Farmer’s Second—Lorenzo C. King, registrar; assistant county agricultural agent Lynch, p 3 0 1 0 0 Frank Harder; Broadkiin, Raymond Auction Block since it opened two .. .prtnr-; of Rotary International for 1942 Conaway, cf 3 1 1 1 0 W. Lank; Millsboro, Edwin C. Ryan; man, yachtsman, oysterman, draftsman and 4.1: P. II. W. Almy, Torquay, Mrs. Edith Krahe, Harry Graham, for the past one and cxne-half years. structural draftsman, electrician, litho­ years ago, has been forced to disoon- , assistant registrars; Ralph S. Christ, C. Rider, lb 3 0 1 7 0 Milton, J, Leon Black; Lord Baltimore linue the work on account of heart FiuiLnd: Richard R. Currie, Jorannes William H. Henderson of Greens­ F. Rider, 2b 3 0 0 2 1 Consolidate School, I. Robert Willey; grapher, first mate, oiler, painters, Pint'. Union of South America; Dr. alternate registrar. plumbers, radio repairmen, radio ope­ trouble, fie did, however, handle the , Third—Monroe H. Adams, registrar; boro, Md., will succeed Gordy as as­ Gordy, c 2 0 0 0 0 Williamsville, James Brasure, Jr.; Pox- work during the stiawberry season.. Menu I Galigarcia, Havana, Cuba; Don sistant county agricultural agent. Hen S. Carmine, If 3 1 0 3 0 aila, Millard F. Johnson; Selbyville, rator, riggers, sheet metal worker, Armando Hamel, Santiago,Chile; Fran Ivan Henry, Elisha W. West, assistant ship carpenter, surveyors welders, He has boon succeeded by John. Dick- registrars; Donald Elzey, alternate derson has served as vocational in- Hili, rf 2 0 1 0 0 Homer H. Pepper; Stockley, Clarence cr:on of Brldgevi'ie, who served as -is A. Kettaneh, Beyrouth, Lebanon; | structor at Greensboro High School Betts; Gumboro, Elisha E. Tingle; motorboat operator, automobile service i', .. ... _ , aid C. J. Steiger, Zurich, Switzerland. I registrar. “ man,___ _tractor___ mechanic,! . auto. repair. ■i auctioneer at thc Bridgeville block Fourth Representative District I for the past six years. He was gradu­ Totals 28 a 5 21 8 Dorothy, Samuel II. Hili; Svcamore,; i for many years. •‘Di pite wartime conditions in prac- , William B. Layton; Vauehn's, Ernest i very country in which Rotary j The ejection district—Howard W. j ated from the University of Maryland , Firemen ab r h o 11 T. Adams, ss 4 u 1 1 2 Chipman; Eilis Grove, James Dicker- I ire focal: d," said Tom J. Davis, McCnulley, registrar; John Carlton i ln 193b’. with a Bachelor of Science signalman. Watson, Jb 4 0 son; Concord, John R. Collins; Isaacs’,; | Sussex Youth In Farm te, Mont, president of Rotary > Hearn, Edward B. Shiles, assistant 1 degree in agriculture. For the past If •a mi for the year 1941-42,: registrars; Oscar C. James, alternate ’hree j earn to» Jins been Muster of the Venable ", 3b 4 1 2 1 4 Nortn-'n Ji ’■ i; I.
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