THE DAILY ENQUIRER~DEMOCRAT FOUND AT ENQUIRERDEMOCRAT.COM MACOUPIN COUNTY’S DOMINANT NEWSPAPER 75¢ Macoupin County ~ Carlinville nquirer~Democrat OUR 165TH YEAR NO. 26 E THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2017 TWENTY PAGES, THREE SECTIONS INSIDE MCDD hosts Mini Olympics EMS Though rain on Oct. 6 caused Macoupin Center for the Developmen- Appreciation tally Disabled’s annual Mini Olympics to be postponed a week, the weather on Oct. 13 was perfect for the variety of outdoor activities that make up the event. Here, participants prepare to release bal- loons into the sky to kick off the day’s festivities. Macoupin County ~ Democrat EMS Appreciation Special Section See insert in this week's paper Garner, Thacker welcome daughter See page 6A City faces questions from laborers’ union Mr. & Mrs. Eades Carlinville City Council held their engineer with Heneghan and Asso- getting paid. Paul explained that celebrate 40th second October meeting Monday, ciates and a Carlinville resident, as Heneghan Construction Services anniversary during which time the council was part of the agreement, the city can (HCS) is the contractor on the proj- confronted by Randy Harris of the repay Heneghan over five years, but ect and is not out of Missouri. Both See page 6A Laborers-Employers Cooperation lock in the prices that were current at Heneghan and HCS are from Jer- and Education Trust. the time the agreement was signed. seyville. Paul added that HCS keeps “We’re here tonight to talk a little Paul also explained the financial track of all certified payrolls and bit about the water program you all figures concerning the project are pays prevailing wages just as any have with Heneghan and Associ- determined using a capital recovery other construction project in a mu- ates,” said Harris, who expressed his factor (CRF), which converts a pres- nicipality. concern about the interest rate being ent value into a stream of equal an- “That is one of the many benefits paid by the city, calling it a “gross nual payments over a specified time, HCS can provide via the design- dereliction of your fiduciary duty.” at a specified discount rate. Using build delivery method. We can help Schmidt breaks two Harris told the council that the city the CRF, the city’s annualized rate communities develop solutions to is paying a 9 percent interest rate on is 3 percent. “Entities that want to infrastructure problems and assiste single-season records the project because the $1.37 million borrow money to complete an infra- with funding those projects,” Paul See page 1B project would end up costing the city structure improvement project use explained, adding, “The 9 percent $1.5 million. the capital recovery factor to deter- that was mentioned in the meeting The city entered into a multi-year mine an annual payment,” said Paul. I would consider a total rate, which, water main replacement project Harris believed the contractor on by the way, is very low for a project agreement with Heneghan and Asso- the project to be from Missouri and of this size.” ciates approximately two years ago. accused the city of not knowing who According to Ronnie Paul, the city’s is working on the project or who is See CITY on page 7A Cavaliers win Senior Night rematch with Staunton See page 2B Bob Price Memorial Photo courtesy of Andrea Duncan Scholarship fundraiser History came to life in Union Minor Cemetery successful Stories from the past came to life Sunday, Oct. 15, during a cemetery walk See page 8B in Mt. Olive’s Union Miners Cemetery. Pictured above are Jim Alderson as General Bradley and Loretta Williams as Mother Jones. The walk featured the stories of many who were on the front lines of the labor movement in Macoupin County coal mines. Saturday 10/21 57 77 Sunday Park Board discusses 10/22 46 64 Pat Drew accepts a certificate of recognition from Carlinville Mayor Deanna Demuzio during Friday’s pep as- INDEX sembly honoring Carlinville High School as a Democracy School. bad checks, vandalism By Jan Dona that a representative from the com- Editorial 4A During the October meeting of the pany from which the slide was pur- Obituaries 5A Carlinville Park Board, approval was chased has been on site to inspect the Carlinville school assembly given to the minutes of the Sept. 13 situation and an inspection will be Calendar 6A meeting and the financial report. done by the slide’s manufacturer. Administrator and Board Secre- Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Bates Court 7A recognizes CHS as democracy school tary Regie Byots reported the district reported the pool would be shut Sports 1B By Eric Becker Carlinville is one of 13 schools to ent in living in a constitutional de- had a check returned for insufficient down Oct. 13. He added that an in- An all-school assembly for both be recognized throughout the state mocracy. Through the experiences, funds. Since efforts to collect on the spector from Spectrum, the manufac- Church 4B middle school and high school Fri- this year as a Democracy School. Of these schools strive to prepare stu- debt have been unsuccessful, Byots turer of the slide, will be coming to Mac Stats 5B day afternoon at the Carlinville High the 13, only three are from downstate dents with the knowledge, skills and reported she handed the matter over take a look at the slide. School gymnasium recognized CHS Illinois outside the Chicago area - dispositions necessary for informed, to the State’s Attorney’s Office. She It was noted that the same problem Trades 5B as a Democracy School. Carlinville, DuQuoin and Waterloo effective engagement in our democ- also recommended that the district no has occurred with other customers The assembly also featured a pre- Gibault. Four others were recommit- racy. longer accept checks from this person who purchased the same slide and Classified 6B sentation on Macoupin Promise, a ted as Democracy Schools, all from The Illinois Civics Mission Coali- since this is the second time the Park production of the slide has been shut the Chicagoland area. tion (ICMC), through the Robert R. District has received a bad check down. The district will no longer ©2017 Macoupin County Blackburn program which allows high school graduates from Ma- Democracy Schools are recog- McCormick Foundation, made rec- from them. make payments on the slide until it is Enquirer Democrat coupin County high schools free nized for providing students with ognition to the schools. Byots explained that the water slide either repaired or replaced. tuition to attend the school if their authentic experiences in the rights, that was installed at the pool this year Byots recommended selling an old household income is under $60,000. responsibilities and tensions inher- See CHS on page 7A is developing some rust problems and See PARK on page 7A 2534 [email protected] news Primary School kids update Knox boxes to be considered board on several projects for businesses in Carlinville Would a business owner rather have at the next regular meeting. Discussion total cost around $3,000 if not less. The Carlinville Primary School the fire department tear down a $1,000 on whether it should be taken to zoning Haley said that without videos cam- Monday hosted the monthly Carl- door to get access to a building after and call for newly constructed build- eras in the car, it’s hard to make a con- inville Unit #1 Board of Educa- hours during a potential smoke or fire ings to have one included will take viction in a DUI or DWI case, as courts tion meeting, with several staff situation, or use a $300 Knox box to place, as well as giving current build- have ruled “no video, no conviction” in and students providing an update gain entry via a business key? ings a time frame to possibly have one recent years. on what projects have been taking That was one topic members of the installed. If the camera works out, there could place. city of Carlinville Public Safety Com- Schott also asked the committee be other squad cars equipped with cam- The board also discussed the mittee discussed and will consider at the about the possibility of using houses that eras in the future. issuance of bonds and the Board- next full council meeting. have been deemed unsafe by the city Haley reported that nine of his staff Book program which enables the Carlinville Fire Protection District’s and in need of demolition or fire train- will be attending SORT training, a live district leaders to update the web- John Schott updated the committee, ing. There is one house declared thus far fire training in Lincoln on Nov. 16. site with information from meet- hoping the two entities can work togeth- for demolition, but further discussion The town has a ‘shoot house’ which ings in a more timely matter. er to come up with a solution. will take place at looking into the pos- enables officers to gain valuable experi- Kevin Heid, managing direc- A Knox box is a device on the front sibility of the fire district using it as a tool ence and teamwork building among key tor of Stifel in Bloomington, of a building in which a key to the facil- for fire training. factors of the day-long seminar. discussed the process of issuing ity is located for the fire department to In the police department portion of Cost is $600 and is a one-day training bonds for the district. make quicker entrance during a report of the meeting, Carlinville Police Chief session. In years past, Carlinville has is- smoke or a fire in the business.
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