![Ike to Strive for A-Control Plan Malm Held on Murder Charge](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
'^'" 'A. ’ti v^ ,V »'■ ->. » •V-A-* — V- ,.- . ?/< ■■ ^ 1 ' 'f —•V>^: TUESDAY. DECEMi@l li>^ 1(HI|| a ' tt' Mattirlf^Btier lEtt^nlns i|fmUi Stores Open to 5:30 p, m. Today? R em ain der o f W eek to 9 p . m . • rr-> 4 T A group of 10 of the Manches­ K . o f C. Planniniir Thoae who attended last year were quirements for caadldataa for ad- o’clock. Routine buriaeaa only wtd TT d litT o w ii ter legal aeoretariea gathered at quiu impreeaad with the decora­ Elks to Join mtasieB into the oMer will be ob­ be eendueted at this meeting and Cavegrs reBtaurant >laat night for tions. They will be even more served and only thoae who meet SPpheaUoea for membership wiU ’Avenga Drily Net Pram Ron be reeeivod. A representative efr their annual Christmas party. New Year Party elaborate this ye^r, according to these standards wlll.be aceegtad. Per the Week Eaied WoTkan OrauB Various games were played, carols plans. In Drive to The month of January has been the lodge vriU 'prii 8 9m. IS, INS ■ “ it WSC8 wUl I sung, grab-bag gifts ex­ The seating haa been arranged selected as the time whd* these pm . te aasM fayone tnteseHed iR annual Ctiriatmaafaxty at changed and all present had a Francis Mahoney, riudmaa of so that grmqM and parties can b«r new candidates will be initiated Jeinttg (be order. , *■ Fair, asach e li tomoRow ct a n. moat enj<^able-time. Miss Frances Initiate 1,000 and, if present plans fra eanied the Knights o f CMumbus New together. Reservations may be ob­ 11,107 ear 18. fW r. e r i i l t o ara adrad to M ag a 80 23to was chairman o f the com­ Tears Eva committee, at a meet­ tained by calBng; rranrif Ma­ out, a la^e class-cempossda f can­ east gift for aschanga. didates from every lodgf hi the Meeaber e f the Aadtt mittee of arrangements. ing last night in K. of C. Hall, re­ honey, Mitchell 3-7152, Stanley Exalted Ruler James H. Mc­ Choman, MRchell 8-44M or itate wUl be initiated by the best ■woa« e( a reatotisae . < A aon waa bom kt tha Hartford ported that plans are completed for Veigh of Manchester Lodge 1883, Manchester "A City of Vttlaite Charm St. Margaret-Mary Mothers Car­ Charles McCarthy, Mitchell 8-3553. B.P.O. Elks, annoimced tom y that initiation team in the state. A B o ^ t a l on Dac. 11 to Mr. and rie will hold its annual Cbirstmaa the second anhual New Tears Eve mass inltlaticn of this sine'would OHRISTmSMRM party in the State Armory. William Marsh, chairman of the the local lodge will coemnste with VW inm BMlre nualljr M m Baymour Kaplan, IM Cooway party at the home of Mrs. Peter the Connecticut Elks Assn., imlts no doubt be held in a state armory Mahoney told the membership Chlldren’sChristmaa party, report­ or other building of suitable siie. VOL. L301IL NO. 15 (CTaeelfled AdvartMag ea tN N W ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECENBEAlf, 1958 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES U f TWO SECTIONS) PRICE PIYICINVK Flikaltls, 153 HUliard S t, tomor- that, although reservations have ed on the success of the p«^y Sun­ objective to accept-and Initiate 1,- rom at 8 p. m. There are at present .30 . local Vtetwrtof Tha Zlpaar Club will hold Its an been taken only from the members day afternoon, at St. James’ Hall 000 new members Into Elkdom by up to the present time, reserva­ Gifts were distributed by Santa AprU.-185«. men awaiting initiation,into M8»- HAUMARK CARDS Bual chlldren’a Christmas party at choster Lodge and With a htde ef­ tha clubhbuaa, 35 Bralnard Pl<. A Christmas Vesper service wiil tions now will be acbepted from the Claus to approximately 350 chil ’This effort by the state aasocia- o Boxed Aaaertmeats be held in the North Methodist public. He also reported that the dren of the memberidilp. Movies tlbn. is in line with the Grand fort it ia believed this nunriier can Saturday at 0:30 p. m. A social for be IncreriMtB'SOO^ Jan. 13. the e Largfat S elpe^ Anywhere Poeitlon li Everydiiiig in life raambars arUl follow tha children’s Church Sunday evening commenc­ party will start at 8 p. m. and con­ were shown and each child was Lodge prognm and motto, *’80,000 porty. ing at 8 o’clock. James W. Mc­ clude at 3 a. m. Musie will be given a bag of candy as be left more by April, ’54,” dat4 of lbs grot meeting in 1864. Kay. minister of music, will direct furnished by Ward Krause’s the hall. He also pointed out that Every member of Manchester Application Wanks , may be pro­ DE¥«ffY^CHMAH O. MORKISON. ’TEL. 10-8-8883 the cbolr in the rendition of sev­ orchestra. members of the minstrel chorus Lodge is bring urged to secure at cured from any lodj^ riilCair. 781 MAIN ST. K. LEMIRR, TEU Ml-8-8188 Miss Patricia O’Hara, daughter eral seasonal anthems. Several As la past years, the K. of C. seemed to have more fun than the least one applicant for membership Manchester Lqdge wOtniwet to­ r. BAR’rLBTr, ’TbL Htfd. 88-88781 o f Mr. and M m William O’H am singers have been secured to pres­ wtlTJotn with the CTO in decorat­ children leading them, in 'singing end tp present the name promptly morrow at the Americah Lsgion Ike to Strive for A-Control Plan 88 Main St, is a member of the for consldlration. *1110 usual re­ Home at; 8 pm.' Instead e l at 8 glaa club o f the Katharine Oibba ent duets and solos also. ing the Armory for the occasion. Christmas caroU. School. Providence. It I., which will present a Christmas concert Thursday afternoon. Tha Kdgar Group of the Soudi Methodist Church will meet to­ night at the home of Mm Mary S^uelson, 108 Hemlock St Malm Held on Murder Charge The Infant Jesus of Prague Mothers Chicle, and the husbands o f members, will have a'ChriMniaa dinner tonight at 7:30 at the home U. S. Envoy Leavea Panmun jom o f Mrs. AUan R. Keenan, 203 Hol­ ‘Confesses’ Slaying lister St Christmas gifts will also W ill Heed be exchanged. The Women’s Missionary Society S L A C K S ^ o f Bmanuel Lutheran Church will Irene Fiederowicz hold its meeting tomorrow after­ Soviet Refusal noon at the church following the funeral of Mrs. J. Algot Johnson, For Work or )f By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS which many of them will desire Washington, Dec. 16 (/P)—President Eisenhower said today to attend. Members are reminded Robert Nelson Malm, 80, tagged on a record o f previous to brtag 25-cent gifts for exchange. Play yL offenses in connection with attacks on young girls end rob­ he will keep right on working for intematknial control at bery with violence, today was ordered held without baU when atomk energy even if the Russikns turn down hia recent St Mary’s Guild wlU meet arrrigned in Hartford Police Court on a murder charge in ahare-the-atom proposal. The president made the atatement Thursday at noon in the Guild room coencction with tho killing of Ironed at a news confsrance at which hs'V'* o f S t Maty’s Episcopal Church. The one httire every Fledcrowles. also said he docs not intend to ask The members will bring their own woman is comfor­ DotocUvos say Malm haa ad- any change in the Atomic Energy sandwiches, and tea. coffee and table in and loves to mlttod ho Btranglod tho 11-yoar-old Aet which wouM lead to this coun­ West Three dessert will be served by Mrs. Al­ wear. A perfect girl one week ago tonight Malm, 30-Day Jail tries sharing aeientifle processes or len Hotchkiss, Mrs. Walter Altken a Newington rcaidont oignod a techniques for ' bunding atomic ; and M m C3aude"Porter. ^ Christmas gift for .98 statosMnt before his court appear­ WASpons. her. Available in a ‘ 3 ance And was taken into tho oouth- Eisenhower said he ia by no' To M aintam Eight of the women employes fine assortment of west section of tho city to ro-onact Term Given Bwane giving up hope the Rusrisns 'Of ’The Herald motored to Wall­ colors and fabrics. tho crime. will decide to accept the proposal ingford last evening and held their Thit TTonderfal ny-r<m^ Only heuro before Maim broke hs recently made in a speech to annual Christmas party at the 'Sizes 10 to 20. slip, treeted wiUi down and told authorttioo bo waa the United Nations—that all the NATO Unit Yankee Silversmith Inn. In the rssponaiblo for tho girl’s dssth. an T o H oaxer atomic powers Join in a limited group were Esther Johnson, Maiy icelloped necUiM i AWOL soldier otatloned at i^rt program of atomic research, with Faria, Dec. 16 (/P)~The T ^ lo r, Beatrice Clulow, Viva four inch hem, ie ideel Devons. Mass., also trid polios ho Fort Devene, Mass.. Dec. 16 emphaaia on peacetime power ■Haggetts, Dorothy Steinberg, waa behini tht brutal alayiag of developntent * North Atlantic Treaty Jeanette McOtoe, Marilyn Mohr under 8 eheer blouse or. (/P)— Ih^t. John H. Williame To Seek Other Meaas (NATO) ndnisterfi agreed to> , . the Hartford seheot girt of Hkrtford, whose confeuion and Mary Donlon. *3.29 elit akirt Qnudoue’ J laB ftw oat aouglTt ~ But even a rejection of this of­ that the Western ^ At hio brief arraigninoat Malm to the slaying of Irene Fiede­ fer by the Soviets, Elsenbower Three must hold fast against Gertrude Gardner Tyler will ityling throuibout adds V oraa ordered held without baU by rowicz in that was sted, would not stop him from try­ give a Christmas party for her I tt er aet, Chatles Wbaver.
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