N E W Y O t ( K £SHKI OF A Cheer up Magazine P ri ce 5 Cert t s a W ar ^picture T&y £*>erbator HE bugles blared for action, The troops rushed to the fray; Grim cannon belched red ruin And shells hurled death all day; Men toiled at trade of murder The hired assassin’s part: With tiger soul usurping The human brain and heart. Gaunt rifles swelled the slaughter, Sharp swords bore clotted glow; Each volley roared fresh requiem, Each charge laid hundreds low; Then bugles sang the truce call, As night clouds dimmed the plain, O comrades, find your wounded! O God, forgive the slain! But ah! ten thousand widows, And anguished mothers’ tears: The myriad blighted orphans Facing robbed, helpless years: Base creed, wrong thought, false standard, Vile plane of tooth and claw; Rouse ye dull world; O Brotherhood! Compel our kindred law! The n«w Y«rk Magazine of* Mysteries 54 strongly expressed. We would not dare I Vision and Life say how much or how little of God the elders of Israel saw on Mount _ Sinai, and By Or. Robert MacDonald what is more to the point is that we have no possible means of finding out. It BEAUTIFUL eJ S 5 ?hurcit. may have been only so much of the di­ vine glory as yon would see in the clear, TO God and translucent sapphire blue from some Lnmtwmi w modern mountain top when the sunlight ii Ml ami d Strikes through the clouds, bathing the HE cal setting of these very heavens in splendor. Or it may have is to them peculiar in- been something much more personally su­ M‘ he Israelites on their pernatural. At any rate, it was a v e rita ­ aniland WtluJu.Welt-i^** T pilgrimage have ble vision of soul, a manifestation to tycbro\gs A D A Y V I inai. a n d after the law faith, but only God in the manifestation 1 is given* a co> is proposed th rough of his glory. They had so much of God b e y o u r o w n b o s s I Reset in thea terms **Now, therefore* within that they saw God without. Have I if ye will obey my voice art keep my we not learned that when the spirit is WE START YOU FR EE I covenant, ye shall he a peculiar treasure awakened to his presence we see God in I unto me above all people, for all the everything? As Browning puts it, each [ earth u mine, and ye shall be unto me a common bush is aflame with God. B u t ■ kingdom of priests and an holy nation.** of this much I am sure, lest you be mgjf (piM F They signify willingness to enter into tempted to envy their special p riv ile g e in Aa Easy W a y to Earn Money this covenant with Jehovah and build seeing God: That they saw not so much — « « *• I I n an ■ ■ tint arpar altars on which they sacrifice in con­ of Him as we may see in Jesus Christ. firmation of the same. And after Moses In Him is a fuller, more complete ex­ aaBsensnei »*■ u$ ■ ■■■ ■■ "' ■1 ■1 — sprinkled the blood of the oxen upon pression of God's presence than Mount the altar, supported by twelve pillars Sinai ever held.' Softs *9S2 Pants *25? representative of the twelve tribes con­ But the 'Significant thing about it all stituting tl _|peopieTL_he took the book of is that seeing God, they ate and drank. ■ the covenant and read it in the presence We should expect that seeing God, they (V of the people, and they said: "All that would not eat and drink. That has been the Lord hath commanded will we do, and the experience of Christendom. Ascetic be obedient.** Then went up into the practices have generally accompanied the f r e e o u t f i t T mountain Moses and Aaron and Nadab vision of God. Spiritual ecstasy has mani­ ■ b *m asn4gow ,SSSM M lH ofis few ■jil—kHa* (' and Abihu and seventy of the elders of fested itself in violent opposition to bodily Israel and they saw the God of Israel, and gratification. 'Vision and abstinence, M wmjrt m — It JW» wmA there was under his feet as it were a prayer and fasting, have kept company to rfawonMb Witte ■ M * . the more or less complete ignoring of __»Tailoring Com pany I paved work of sapphire stone, and as it W ith o u t beautiful eyes, no one is really T n tin ' st— t <~v:— I were the body of heaven in His clearness. eating and drinking, often to the cruci­ while even a homely face is made atnS,% But we must not overlook this_ little fixion of the body’s desires and needs. eyes that please. Through the wonZi?* W expression: "They saw God and did eat Religious history isa full of this tendency covery of a famous English chemist uvrl* £ I to separate the spiritual from the tem­ benefit of his advice free to all, you mar „etE!4, and drink.” eyes as rad ian t as the Evening S tar-T *^ $200.00 il MONTH We may well ask at the outset of our poral ; the so-called' sacred from the so- a ttra c t an d fascinate—eyes that have tt," sermon how it could be that they saw called secular experiences. to influence others. His secret trill Be Your Own Boss God, when later in this book we read Fortunate for Christendom was the Vnil tn RAflllTP Inn or mllrvr tvtrolaoV.-- .. j t P Nili. Ii yon are making of Jehovah saying to Moses: "A ll my dawning of the fourteenth century and less than fifty dollars a goodness shall pass before thee, but thou the coming in of the Renaissance. It week yon should wnte shah not see my face, for no man shall swung men’s lives out of the torpor and addition, this remarkable discovery nS,? , ns to-day. We can help eyes strong, and quickly overcomes sm u ^N yon to wealth and inde­ see me and live.*’ We have no desire blight of the Dark Ages by awakening in­ o f w ind, d u st and sun, besides clearing pendence by onr plan. to weaken the force of the statement terest in everything that a morbid Chris-1 “ blo o d sh o t” and yellow sear. U you Yon can work when yon that they saw God, as impossible as it tianity held in contempt. Its inspiration m ake your eyes bright and beautiful, ***** It please, w here you please, was. We most remember that they were was “Back to nature, the world, the body, enclosing stamp for reply, and addreayJlrS always have money and in a very ecstatic state. The spiritual side and bring the vision of God with you.”H to Professor A. P . Smith, Dept., 318 the of making Providence, R . I., and you wifi receive tl* of their natures was aroused, their spirit­ W hat shall we conclude, then, about it free.___________________________ ^ t barrels more of it. ual vision strong, and neither then nor all if not that the vision of God does not H O W WOULD _ _ l TOU LIKE to be able since have the vision and declaration of dehumanize. To be spiritual you need not Beautiful Post CanisTri start oat from home on a combined business the spirit been able to stand up under the cease to be human. Spirituality makes ___ . stay at the best hotels and five test of a prosaic scientific precision. Did you more human than less, and stimul Very Choicest Gold Emboutd 11 and clean np S10.00 everyday? Work they then see God? Yes; and we wonld lates healthiest interest in the affairs of l places, cro wded street corners,1 see God oftener than we do were we more both the body and the mind, as well as Citations, anywhere and every- spiritually alive. The spirits’ vision is in the relations of the world, the state.l a* walk from home or on the the globe. Just set a machine np ever evading scientific diagnosis. It is the na'tion. To be a Christian demands ppen to select, and easily clean too elusive to be caught in an intellectual not the crucifixion and uprootal of _ a _ie Operating expenses every day. concept. single healthful natural tjesire, appetite T* htaodndi i of satisfied customers, There are two possible positions to be or passion, but their regulation. We oc­ ■ of ] fladdphia. who has traveled all taken in onr attitude toward God and casionally see relics of such divorcement, orth and South America with Button His relations with His world. You may "Your machine is the best one h o w e v e r. d yon will get all my business deny the presence of the supernatural Many a good business man has been I to sell at least fifty machines and be splendidly consistent, but your spoiled to make a poor minister, as ’ friends and customers.” W. consistency extends to a very limited though the call of God to service carried “I made U1JD in two days.” side of your life as well as to a very with it the charmed circle of the priest­ lie —“So much work I can hardly superficial side of the universe, and is hood rather than the bustle.
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