' \ ATwraife Dally Net Preee Rnr »v>r H m Week IM ed The Weather ^ April n, lire \ FVtIr end eoo) tonigkt wttb lowe In the 4fin. lV>inorrow be- - % • coming fair after ewly otoudl- 15,948 neee. High In upper «0e to low Won«fce*4er— /4 City of Village Chitrm 7be, VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 182 t w e n t y t w - 6 PAGES ’ ■ MA^ICHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MAY 4, 1970 (CUMined 4d«iertlelng on Fhge It)' ^ ^ V PRICE TEN CENTS - Teamsters Yale Strike ^ Separated X Approaches ,Ori Strike iowdown ®y 'THE A8800IATED PRESS Striking Teamaten Union NEW HAVEN, 6am. (AS>)-^ membere acroea the naUon ere Yale University, faced with f) divided on whether to end their showdown between President wildcat trucking strike and re- Kingman Brewster and laaders turn to work. of a student Strike, wlU be leav­ masident truckers In Los An- X ing the issue In the hands o t Its _ geles voted overwhelmingly 12 residential colleges Oils w^sk, over the .weekend to reJect a as they meet and vote on wtisth- tentative'national contract andv... er to continue the strike. St. Louts Teamsters reaffirmed Brewster, in a statement re­ their decision to remain, on - t leased Sunday, ordered Yale* strike. However, Teamsters in, deans to expect students back Cleveland decided to go back/ In class on Tuesday. work today. .V>4. ' But the student strike leaders, About 6,000 striking C ^ elan d who had met earlier Sunday drivers were expected back on with Brewster, issued their own their Jobe alter a Vote of'9S1 to statem'ent—escalating their de­ 378 Sunday to end their strike. mands for ending the strike and The Cleveland vote came two maintaining that Brewster hod days a f ^ Teamsters in Akron, not yielded enough when he an­ Ohlo^ decided to eirf their wUd- swered their original five de­ strike. Involving 4,000 drlv- mands. The strike leaders were ask­ Desplte the urging of their le­ ing Yales’ undergraduates for a gal president to return to work. vote on .continuing the 2H-week- Teamsters Local aoo In St. Louis old strike, and > calling Brew­ voted 1,969 to 1,794 In *aV0r of ster’s response,., so far ''unaatis- continuing their 33 day-old wild­ factory.” ■’'<1 X » v cat strike. But Brevraiter Was. nayi^ ‘Tf. Before the St. Louis vote, I read 0>e fhood of ^ faculties DonaM Lane, president of Local and students correctly, there is 600, told members, "I don’t, see a widespreful urge to resto** ; ' a damn thing to be gained by academic, expectations.". ' not returning to work. You need Whether tlud eentiment waA to be bringing In paychecks.” indeed wldeiRiread wsui N Violence erupted in St. Louis ed to show Up lii the individual and Cleveland as some trucking college meetings as kiudents vot­ firms attempted to make ship­ ed on eontinuing the strike—and ments. About 300 striking St. on the new set of demands. Louis Teamsters tried to pre­ The- first of .Riis five original vent a convoy of trucks from demands had been for Tele to leaving the yards of Consolidat- seek an “end to the InJustico"' ,ed Frelghtways Sunday night. of tile approaching trial h en of X Police said trucks and police •• '7 eight Black Panthers,' inchi n g - cars were bombarded with ^ta^onal Chairman Bobby d. rocks and bricks. A police es­ cort was provided for the con­ Brewster, aocordUg fb the voy, which was bound for Kan­ -students, offered only to eak sas City. kl Yale officials to ratify his sta^ , Two policemen and two pick­ ment that "Yale cannot, rem tw ets were treated at a hosi^tal [/.S . Officers neutral vdiere Justice is ocn- for injuries and released. Six The Ways of War Berets Train cenied.” strikers were arrested and Two boys, at left above, flee combat operations his fist into a tied Viet Cong prisoner in the opera­ “ Our demand' has not been , booked on suspicion of g^ eral met,” , the strike steering com- ' Face Muddle with other civilians inside the Cambodian border tions. South Vietnamese troops' took some 100 pris­ peace distui^bance. while, at right, a South Vietnamese soldier rams oners in search for Cong. (AP Photofax) Cam hodian mlttee said, "and the substitute - St Louis' entire second shift offered is Inadequate. It is an of about 200 policemen was kept In Cdnthodia evesten o f the issub.f* -, on overtime as a precaution Mercenaries ' The steering committee’s oth­ when the trucks began to ^ v e . er four demands dealt vdth Tale ' ISklitor’s Note: American and The tentative national ^ n - SAIGON (AP) — A merce­ Corporation involvement in col­ ______i_____ . Vietnamese ground forces have tract calks for a pay Increase of _____ _ _ , nary force of 800 tro c^ trained lege and community issues: low- >1 in h^... .a engaged on maJor opera­ Cambodian Refugees Flee 61.10 an hour over 39 memtfas. by U.S. Green Berets flew Into incqme housing for students tions Inside Cambodia for five Under the old contract drivers Phnom Penh tosl^y to help Cam­ and poor New Haven residents; days. Peter Ariiett, who has averaged about |4.05 an hour. bodian forces, reliable sources day care centers for .children of covered the Vietnam war for Teamsters In sections of Mas­ said. ^ Yale, employes; upemqployment The Associated iPress for seven sachusetts and New Hampshire The U.S. t^mihahd declined compensation for Tele woriceni; went on strike at midnight Sun- In Wake of ^ Bombs^ to comment on whether the a halt to planniiig for new social' ddy In separate dispute? - tlonnl areas in ^ b o d d a s ^ American Green Beret soldiers science facilities. assesses the situation. of Mimot Sunday aftef an About 1,600 members of thd SAIGON (AP)—Ameri­ vious insistence by the U.S. hours, 104 of .them by bombers that usually advise or command In all four areas, the students American helicopter nyas fired Teamsters Union walked off the By PETER ARNETT can and South Vietnamese Command in Saigon that Ameri­ and rocket-firing helicopter gun- the mercenairy commando units said Brewster’s reqxmse wasn't - on. An officer who'tfew over aft­ Job at trucking firms In Worces­ Associated Press Writer ,troops will soon launch new can 'bombers had never made ahlpe, accoihpanled them out of Viet­ satisfactory. er the raid said the town was ter County in central Massachu­ offensives into Cambodia offensive attacks in Cambodia A spokesman said this raised nam.- In the statement reJecting setts, seeking a $1.66 hourly WITH TASK FORCE SHOE­ ’’pretty well blown away.” until last week. the toll of enemy dead since last to smash more North Viet­ The troops were flown to wage hike over 36 iponths. MAKER Cambodia (AP) — Aft­ There was no way to tell how "Many a re ^ were either Friday to 676, although this ap­ (See Page Blgkt) namese and Viet Cong base Phnom Penh from Saigon’s Tan In er only five days in the new war many civilian casualties there bombed or shelled and burned peared inflated. Most of the ene­ Teamsters in LMal 638 Son Nhut air base. Manchester and Nashua, N.H., theater of Cambodia, American camps, high officials said have been, but nearly 1,000 out long ago,” Ryan said. ” Ih my dead have 'been credited to Many of the mercenary troops went on strike in a dispute over troop commanders are faced today. Cambodian refugees have Red some areas grass has started air strikes, and most of the body are of Cambodian race and an­ with twb maJor dilemmas. The diaclosure followed Secre­ Into South Vietnam. growing back over the scarred counts are estimates by aerial cestry. Others are reportedly (See Page Two) One of them is military: Pre­ tary of Defense Melvin R. Associated Press photogra­ earth.” observers. There has been/no mature. ihpnsoon ' rains have Nung tribesmen who once had ^ a l e Tapes Laird’s statement Saturday that pher Charles ,.Ryan reported Spokesmen" for the U.S. 1st maJor ground actiem. washed out .an Important for­ all North Vietnamese and Viet their homes in South China or that the area through which the Air Cavalry Di-vision said today Ten Americans were reported North Vietnam. ' ward airstrip.'.and the hundreds Cong' sanctuaries along the U.S. llth Armored Cavalry Reg­ that 109 North Vietnamese killed and 38 wounded. Hie The mercenary troops are re­ Forbidden of armored vehicles spearhead­ South Vletnaihese-Cambodian iment is driving apparently was troops were klUed In Operation American troops continued to cruited by the South Vietnamese Fires Injure ing the A m erica thrust are border will be attacked. bom'bed months ago despite pre- Fishhook during the past 24 uncover large caches. Spokes-' government. They are paid and HARTFOBD, Oonn. (AP) — starting to bog down in some Despite two m ^ iv e allied men said air cavalrymen on trained by the U.S. Green Beret The wife of Black Panttier chair­ places^ - , -a- thrusts now under way inside Sunday found 6,000 new SKS find Speclad Forces which often .pro­ man Bobby G. Seale wUl'Ioqe Five Nuns The othbr is political: Ameri­ Cambodia, there are still at AK47 rifles, 760 gallons of gaso­ her visiting pii'Vileges If die ' can ground troops who In Vlet- vide leadership and opwattohal least half a dozen untouched en­ Kosygin Decries U.S. Move line in drums, 121,000 pounds "of planning. makes any more recordings of LAWRENCE, Mass. (AP) had trouble separt^ting emy base camp areas along a rice, 23 supply trucks, 200 bicy­ her huMiand’s voice in Jail, sayss 1%ree nuns were injured crltl- frtend from foe among the clvll- .
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