DIREUfOllY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. DODDERHltL. 59 Robert!l Edwin, grocer &; hakl~1' Taylar Elizh. (Mr!l. ),frmr.&; cider reUr White George, commercial traveller Roper John, blacksmith Taylor John, bricklayer, St-one hall White George, farmer, Woodmancot6 Rudge Joseph, shoe ma.Woodmancote Taylor William, maTket gardener Willis Georg-e, hayward of the comm Spi~rs Michael &; Sons, railway Dgents, Wadley John, fa.rmer, :Mill pond Willis J ane(Mrs.),beer rtlt.Woodmncte Railway station Wadley William, farmer, Borders frm Woodward Hffi'bert, farm~r, Dudley Spiel'S Edwin Jethro,fruit &; comm.agt Ward Alice (Miss), dress mak~T' Charity farm DODDENHAM: is a parish and small village, plea­ a year. There are almshouses, erected in 1889 by J. F. santly seated on the north bank of the river Teme and on Greswold~Williams esq. and endowed by him, for six the road from \Yorcester to Bromyard, I mile north-east aged single or married persons from the parishes of from Knightwick station on the Wor~ster and Bromyard Knightwick, Doddenham and Lulsley. The hundred and branch of the Great ""e;;,tern railway, and 8 west from village, as well as the town of Dudley Bnd Dodderhill, "'orcester, and 121 from London, in the "'estern division take their names from the English tribe of the Doddings of the county, lower division of Dodding-tree hundred, or Duddings, who took part in the conquest of Worcester~ Martley union. Worcester petty sessional division and shire. The scenery in this neig-hbourhood is very beauti­ -county court district, rural deanery of Worcester 'Vest ful, and the view from Ankerdrine Hill is scarcely inferior and archdeaconry and diocese of ''''orcester. The old to that obtained fmm the hills of Malvern and Bredon. chapel of St. Andrew has been entirely removed. The The Dean and O1apter of "Worcester are lords of the church of St. Mary, erected in 1855, at Knig-htsford manor; Francis \Vigley Greswolde Greswolde-Williams Bridge, in this parish, is for the use of the parishes of csq. and Mrs. Chilrle-Freeman are the principal land­ Doddenham and Knightwick: it is a small building of owners. The Teme here abounds with grayling and trout. stone in the Decorated strle, from designs, by Mr. Perkins, The soil is various, ~tiff loam, mar! Bnd clay; 8uhsoil, architect, of Worcester, consisting- of chancel, vestry, marl, clay and gravel. The chief crops are the usual nave, north porch and an octagonal western turret with cereal>. fruit and a. few hops. The area. is 916 acres; low spire, rising from a central buttress, and containing rateable value, £1,6441 th1! population in 1891 was 223. 2 bells: there are 200 sittings, IS0 being- free. The Knightsford Bridge, of two arches, crosses the Teme register dates from the year 1538, and has recently and conuecM this parish with Knightwick. been published, but from 1778 the registers were in­ Assistant Overseer, Charles Andrews. cluded with those of Knightwick. The living is 3 chapelry Parish Clerk, Philip Grubham. annexed to the rectory 0: Knightwick, joint averag'8 tithe Post, M. O. &; T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery &; Annuity &; rent-charge £~20, net yearly value £"'2.00, including 38 Insurance Office. James Riddall, sub-postmaster, acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Knightwick. Letters from Worcester arrive at 6 a.m. Worcester, and held sciuce 1881 by the Rev. Josep-h Bow­ &; 3 p.m.; dispatched at 6.50 p.m stead Wilson M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who The children of this place att.end the Knightwick church resides at Knightwick. The charities amount to £4 IsS. school Dangeroeld1 James, AgbeN"ow house Birch John, plumber Jones Wi:Iiam, farmer, Hayne's green Gibblt Henry, Ankerdine hill Browning Sarah (Mrs.), Talbot P.ll Lane Thomas, farmer Greswolde-Williams Francis Wigley Caswell John, shopkeeper Lewis !.saac, frurmer &; hop gll"ower, Greswolde, Thornly cottage lladley James, farmer Lower Gurnox COMMERau.L. IIurmphrys Thomas, farmer, DOdden­ Rocc Horatio, farmer, Up. Gu.rnox Andrews Wm. Geo. faet·mr. Ankerd:in.e ham hall Williams AIbt. T. farmer, Darby green DODDERHILL, the civil parish lof ~hich adjuins Droitwich. Lord Hampton is owner of the impropriatAJ Droitwich, extends 3 miles on the road to Bromsgrove, tithes. Impney, the seat of John Corbett eSl1. IJ.L., J.l'. which lies north-east; it is in the Mid division of the in this parish, is de~cribed under Droitwich. Lord Hamp­ county, upper dvision of Halfshire hundred, Drotwidh ton and Sir Harry Foley Yernon hart. J.P. d Hanbury union, petty sessional division and county court district Hall, are owners of the Illanorial right;;. Th& principal and in the rural deanery of Droitwich, and archdeaconry landowners are John Corbetli esq. Sir H. F. Vernon bart. and diocese o~ Worcester. A part of this parish, called Richard Holmden Amphlett ESq. J.P. Dodderhill common, the in-liberties, is within the municipal borough of containing 40 acres, is finely timbered and uninclosed. Droitwich, and was in 1885, under the Divided Parishes The soil is' varied, from a strong clay mad to a sandy Act, merged in the adjoining parishes of St. :Nicholas loam; subsoil, marl, clay and gravel. The chief crops and St. Andrew and St. Peter 'Vithin, Droitwidh. The are wheat, beans, barley and, turnips. The area is' 3,351 ecclesiastical parish is less than the civil parish bearing acres; rateable value, £II,347; the population in 1891 the same name by that portion which has been taken to wag 1,660 iu the civil and 945 in the ecclesiastical parish. form the parish of Wychbold, which will be found nnder The detached part of this parish at Huntingdrop, :l mile,. a separate heading. The chapelry of Elmbridge, formerly past of Droitwich, on tJhe Hanbury road, is now annexed a ttached to Dodderhill, now forms a distinct pari~h. The to Hanbury, and that at Timberhonger, 2 miles west of latter is given nnder a separate heading. The church of Bromsgrove, to Bromsgrove; the former is the property St. Augustine, standing on a lofty eminence, im­ of Sir H. F. Vernon bart. and the latter of the Earl of mediately north of the town of Droitwich, was originally Shrewsbury and Talbot. A small detached portion has a fine cruciform titructure of Late Norman, of which the also been annexed to Hadsor and t() Grafton Manor. north transept and part of the south transept still remain, Paper 1Iills, a. detached part of the parish of Hampton but the nave was destroyed durin~ the civil war; the Lovett, formerly extra-parochial, was in 1884 annexed chancel is Early En~lish, and t,he bower which has been to Dodderhill, under the Divided Parishes Act 0: 1876 (39 added to the remains of the !'outh transept is Perpen­ and 40 Yid. c. 61): it is 2 miles north of Droitwich, on dicular and contains 6 bells: there are memorials to the the river Salwarpe, and consists- of a water corn mill. families of Dannett, Phillipg, Wyld, Penrir-e, Amphlett, previously a paper mill, and 13 acres of land in the Korbury, Brace and Holheche: the church, which had hundred of Upper Halfshire, union and county court dis­ been much shaken by the subsidence o~ the ground, trict of Droitwich; it formerly belonged to the nunnery attributed to the pumping of brine, wa's restored in 1890 of "\Vestwood. by the patron, J. Corbett esq. D.L., J.P. at a cost of Wychbold with A.stwood and Shaw Lane and Rashwood over £3,000; Mr. Corbett also filled the east window in this civil parish have been formedl into an ecclesiastical and four others with stained g-lass: there are about 300 parish and will be found under a separate heading. sittings. The register dates from the year 16sI. The Letters through Druitwich, which is the nearest money living is a vicarage, commuted tithe rent-charge £330 158. order &; telegraph office net value £210, without residence, in the gift of John This place is included in Swke Prior United District Corhett esq. and held since 1889 by the Rev. Georg-B School Board, formed in 1880, &; the children attend the Lewig M.A. of the University of London and M.A. of Board School at Rashwood, and the National Schools at Balliol College, Oxford, who resid~ in "Worcester foad, Droit,wich . (\Marked thus * receive letters VIa C01BlERCIA.L. Dunn Chas, miller (water), Piper mlls Bromsgrov,e. ) Anderson Mary (Mrs.), frmr. Helpridge Green John, estate agent to John Oor- *Bate Geo. blacksIIllit1J, Piper'!! hill bett esq. Impney PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cresswel' Geo. farmer, The Poplars *HolkJway Roger, farmer, Sagebury Cartland Fredk. H. Westford house Davies William. head gardener to J. Holmes Thomas, farmer, Brook house Greell! John. Dodderhill court Corbett esq. Impney Holyoake Thomas. farmer, Ridgway IIarri~s John, Dodderhill viEa. Evans William, farm bailiff to J. Cor­ Horton Sarah (Mrs.), frmr. Impney Bicketts ~Iisses, Hill Court house bett esq. Impney Jackson Caroline C\Irs.), frmr.Park fm . •.
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