49 DETERMINATION OF THE PPN PARAMETER WITH THE HIPPARCOS DATA 1 1 2 M. Frschl e , F. Mignard , F. Arenou 1 Observatoire de la C^ote d'Azur, CERGA, UMR CNRS 6527, Avenue Cop ernic, F06130 Grasse, France 2 Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, DASGAL, URA CNRS 335, F92195 Meudon Principal Cedex, France ABSTRACT Assuming that the de ection for all stars is of the form: 1 + mas 4 In the pro cessing of the Hipparcos data, relativistic 2 e ects in the propagation of light, like the ab erra- tion and the b ending of light rays, were intro duced could be known to b etter than 0.001. Unfortu- at an early level in the mo delling. Thanks to the nately, the correlation between the global parallax accumulation of very accurate measurements of star zero p oint and is very large 0:92 and increases p ositions at various elongations from the Sun, it was the exp ected formal error of by an estimated factor p ossible to assess byhowmuch the PPN parameter of ab out 2.5, so that it b ecomes 0.003. However, such deviates from its General Relativityvalue. A series a result would rank among the b est determinations of tests has b een implemented to determine this pa- obtained byvarious means. rameter and evaluate the magnitude of the p ossible sources of errors. From the results we can conclude A fairly large number of determinations of have that the co ecient is within 0.3 p er cent of unity, app eared in the past twentyyears Will 1981, 1984, with =0:997 0:003. This value is not signi cantly 1987 involving b oth the b ending of light, the Shapiro di erent from unity, as predicted by General Relativ- time delay in the solar system or the motion of the ity. Mo on. Concerning the measurement of the b ending in the visible from the Hipparcos data, it is simply a rep- Keywords: Astrometry, General Relativity. etition at large angles of the celebrated 1919 ex- p editions to Brazil and to Princip e Island Dyson et al. 1920, which to ok advantage of a solar eclipse to observe stars with resp ect to each other in the solar 1. INTRODUCTION neighb ourho o d. This was followed by a subsequent comparison to the same stellar eld without the Sun. Since then, a total of nine solar eclipses have b een The accuracy of the Hipparcos measurements implied used for light de ection measurements. In this kind that the relativistic e ect in the light propagation of exp eriment, the error is very large and generally had to b e included in the mo delling of the data reduc- exceeds 10 p er cent. In addition to the intrinsic di- tion. This concerned the second order light ab erra- culty in observing at small distances from the Sun, in tion which is of the order of 1 mas 1 mas=0.001 arc- the adverse conditions of an eclipse, the main source sec and the light de ection whose magnitude is of uncertainty is the astrometry over two indep en- 4.07 mas at right angles to the solar direction for dent exp osures of the same eld with two di erent an observer at one astronomical unit from the Sun. techniques, involving a delicate calibration of scaling After a careful calibration of the instrument parame- factors. ters, each abscissa on a reference great-circle RGC had a typical precision of 3 mas for a star of 8{9 The adventofvery{long{base interferometry at radio mag. Each consortium has generated for the full wavelengths has pro duced greatly improved determi- mission ab out 3.5 million abscissae. Thus, ideally, nations of , thanks to the capability of measuring if the reduction is without systematic errors and by the distance b etween radio{sources as they pass very neglecting all kind of correlations, an unknown an- close to the Sun. Somewhat akin to Hipparcos in gular parameter in the abscissa mo delling common its principle, a recent global pro cessing of the VLBI to all stars could b e determined with a precision as data used to monitor the Earth's rotation includes go o d as: the determination of from observations carried out 3 over almost the entire celestial sphere. This yields p =0:0016 mas 6 Rob ertson & Carter 1984, Rob ertson et al. 1991: 3:5 10 1 + Based on observations made with the ESA Hipparcos =1:000 0:001 satellite. 2 50 In all these observations, the refraction of the radio 133 degrees. At rst glance, this is a drawback, waves in the solar corona, which b ends the ray more but it allows a b etter randomisation of the sys- strongly than in the visible, limits the accuracy as tematic errors thanks to the large coverage in one must mo del this additional b ending to correct elongation; the data. The Hipparcos data retains the b est of the This is the rst optical measurement of p er- twoabove metho ds: the optical wavelength where no formed without need for solar eclipses; corona e ect is to b e feared and the accuracy and full sky coverage of the VLBI technique. All observations treated have b een made with the same instrument, well calibrated all over the In addition to its b ending, a light signal takes a longer sky and over a p erio d of 37 months. time to travel a given distance in a gravitational eld than in the vacuum and the magnitude of this `time delay' Shapiro 1964 dep ends also on . The analysis by Reasenb erg et al. 1979 of the radar time-delay 2. THE LIGHT DEFLECTION MODEL using Mariner 9 and the Viking landers and orbiters has resulted in: The general derivation of the equation of light-rays 1 + in the PPN formalism is given in So el 1989 and =1:000 0:001 yields the measurable angle b etween two sources in 2 a gravitational eld as a function of the co ordinates. Despite the use of a dual-frequency at 2.3 and 8.4 Let us de ne the co ordinate de ection as the an- 1 GHz, the propagation in the solar corona remains gle between the unp erturb ed and p erturb ed paths, the ma jor factor limiting the accuracy. by: A global evaluation of the PPN parameters by 1 + sin 2GM 1 = 1 Hellings 1984 has allowed the use of a large data 2 rc 2 1 cos sample of solar system observations: meridian tran- sits of planets and the Mo on, lunar laser ranging mea- where G is the gravitational constant, M the solar surements, radar range measurements on Mercury, mass, r the distance between the satellite and the Venus and Mars. The dynamics of all these ob jects center of the Sun and c the sp eed of light. The angle and the observations were mo delled in the PPN for- is the angular distance between the star and the malism and the b est t yielded: Sun. 1 + The e ect of the light de ection on the RGC abscissa =0:9994 0:0008 is given by: 2 ' = cos 1 1 However the great heterogeneity of the observational and material makes the assessment of the true uncertainty dicult. 2GM 1 + cos " sin ' = 1 2 rc 2 1 cos " cos From the measurementof the rate of change of the 2 fringe delays of radiosources during a solar o cculta- tion, Lebach et al. 1995 have obtained: where " is the latitude of the Sun with resp ect to the RGC and the abscissa di erence on the RGC b e- 1 + tween the star and the Sun as shown in Figure 1. In =0:9998 0:0008 the Hipparcos data pro cessing a value of = 1 has 2 b een used consistently, so that the true unknown to where the quoted error includes the standard error b e used in the analysis of the residuals is 1. The of the t and accounts for systematic errors brought geometry of the light de ection and that of the par- ab out by the source structure and the propagation allactic e ect are very similar, di ering in direction e ects. and in their dep endence in , with = sin for 2 the parallactic e ect and the expression of Equation 1 Very recently Williams et al. 1996 have made sev- for the de ection. This di erence proves essential in eral determinations of PPN parameters from lunar separating the two e ects in the observation equa- laser ranging. The test of geo detic precession based tions. However the separation is not p erfect, despite on the rotation of the lunar orbit can b e taken as a the go o d coverage in elongation, and the two e ects 1 p er cent test of . In addition, a careful discussion remain largely correlated. of the di erent terms in the lunar motion yields even- tually =1:000 0:005 as the present LLR result. 3. OBSERVATION EQUATIONS With the Hipparcos data, the information related to the is unique in several resp ects: We have used all the star abscissa residuals result- ing from the FAST and NDAC solutions, expressed The measurements are carried out in the visible in the Hipparcos catalogue system. For each mea- and are then free from the large b ending of ra- surement the calibrated standard errors and the cor- dio waves by the solar corona, which limits the relation between the two nearly simultaneous mea- accuracy of the astrometry by VLBI; surements are available in the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues ESA 1997, Volume 1, Section 2.8.
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