Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-6-1990 The BG News November 6, 1990 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 6, 1990" (1990). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5138. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5138 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. CAMPUS SPORTS University officals get back from Falcon hockey team sweeps Spartans en USSR magical mystery tour route to fourth-straight victory < g Tuesday Vol.73 Issue 40 November 6, 1990 Bowling Green, Ohio The BG News ^ssffAn Independent Student Voice for 70 Years «=a» BRIEFLY Minister brings Campus words of truth, Reflect on this: The Bowling Green Police Division wants to remind all city and University resi- dents that lights or reflec- conflict to rally tors are required on all bi- cycles used after dark. by Marvin C. Brown applauding crowd to its feet, Far- Using lights and reflec- staff writer rakhan joked, "I must have hit a tors will enable motorists to raw nerve." see bicycle riders easier. One of his strongest critizisms Parents are encouraged Returning to the University for of the night was directed to black to make sure their chil- the first time in 10 years, Nation students. He said black people dren's bicycles are of Islam leader Minister Louis waste time fighting within a equipped with front, rear Farrakhan took the stage Sunday white system, rather than create and side reflectors. night in a fiery lecture about their own. "dismantling the lies and propa- He suggested black people fol- Growth estimated: ganda" which beset African low the example of foreigners How to forecast fertility Americans. who come to the United States to will be the subject of a guest Even before Farrakhan spoke, get an education then return to lecture today. Black Student Union President their own countries with the The speaker will be Nor- Maurice Tate gave an emotional knowledge. man B. Ryder, a noted de- introduction, which set the tone "Bowling Green was built for mographer who recently re- for the night. white people, by white people," tired from the sociology "Welcome to the struggle," he he said. "So stop begging white faculty of Princeton Uni- told the cheering audience. people to accept you into their versity. Speaking for more than three lives ... and get the hell out — get Ryder will speak in the hours, Farrakhan captivated an the knowlege for yourself, get out Capital Room of the Univer- audience of more than 3,000, his and help your people build their sity Union at 1:30 p.m. voice and posture never faltering. own universities." The presentation is free His address concluded the three- Later, he turned the focus to the and is presented by the De- day Midwest Black Student Unity white people in the audience, call- partment of Sociology. Conference, sponsored by the ing their race "sick." When the Board of Black Cultural Activi- black people responded by cheer- Trumpet Ensemble ties and the BSU. ing, Farrakhan hushed them. plays: Farrakhan began by labeling You are not responsible for The BGSU Trumpet En- lies as the oppressor of African the way you act, it is a sickness" semble, directed by Edwin Americans. he told the white audience, "You Betts, will perform at 8 to- "The power of the brain is di- have been taught that white is su- night in Bryan Recital Hall minished whenever a lie is put in perior to everything on earth. of the Moore Musical Arts the ear and is believed," he said. "If you meet a dark person, au- Center. The free program "People need, and must have, tomatically, you think you're bet- will include "Fanfare for St. absolute truth — if education, ter." Edmundsburg" by Benja- government, religion ... is not He said if white people knew mine Britten, "Six Pieces rooted within truth, then these black history they would have for Four Trumpets" by Ni- things will be uprooted when more respect for black people. colas Tcherepnine and truth comes." Eventually Farrakhan re- ' 'Segments" by Fisher Tull. He critized university sports sponded to the charge of being recruitment, calling it a "planta- anti-Semitic. He has been ac- tion" which recruits black ath- cused of calling Judaism a "gut- People eletes for profit, and then, after ter religion," and Hitler "great." four years, leaves them without a "I feel highly insulted when proper education. white people call me a bigot after Lennon'i art released: "[The University] gives you my people suffered bigotry at the Drawings the late John hands of white people for more Lennon made while he and ■9 News/ John Grieshop torn cartilage, broken ankles, a Minister Louis Farrakhan. leader ol the Nation ot Islam, speaks to more than 3,000 people In Anderson messed-up head," he said. "Then than 400 years, he said. "Why Yoko Ono brought their would I praise Hitler when he peace protest to Canada are Arena Sunday. Farrakhan was on campus tor the Midwest Black Student Unity Conference sponsored gives you a white woman as a by the Black Student Union. conciliation prize." returning to Toronto for an After the remark brought the See Farrakhan, page 3. exhibition. The one-month exhibit at The Animation Gallery lid., which opens Nov. 9, includes the simple but sex- ually explicit line drawings from the Bag One Suite in a SRAC petitions hotel where they camped in a protest of the bad things in the world. Britain's Scotland Yard confiscated the drawings in for police review 1970 for being pornographic. Who's obscene? by John Kohlstrand ■95 percent said they thought The rap group 2 Live city editor that SRAC, USG and other cam- Crew, which beat obscenity pus organizations were repre- charges in Florida, let the senting their viewpoints accu- fans in California say the The student group mobilized by rately on the issue. "bad" words during the police arrests on East Merry and SRAC and USG are calling for a group's latest concert ap- Frazee Avenues offically pre- permanent citizens review board pearance. sented Bowling Green City Coun- of the Bowling Green police, rep- Group leader Luther cil with a petition supporting its resentative of students, faculty, Campbell and his rappers request for a citizens review administators and residents, and presented the adult versions board of the police division. a formal recognition of wrong- of their songs, including "As Kevin Turner, spokesperson for doing by police on their actions. Nasty As They Wanna Be," the Student Rights Activism Co- About 1,100 students University but let a crowd do most of alition, backed his requests at signed the SRAC petition listing the dirty work for them Sat- Monday night's meeting with a these demands. urday after rapping out in- recent Undergraduate Student "To us it's the best response nocuous lead-ins. "You all Government phone poll suggest- that the city can make to the are doing the dirty show," ing that 19 out of 20 University events of Merry and Frazee," Campbell said. "We're try- students agree with his group. Turner, also a USG senator, said. ing to give a PG show. You "There was a lot of talk ... that Councilwoman-at-large Pearl want to go to jail?" it was a smattering of students Oppliger, head of a council com- who were angry," Turner said, mittee now looking into the inci- apparently referring to last dent and evaluating the month's comments by Mayor SRAC/USG requests, reaffirmed Weather Edwin Miller, who said those dis- that council is responding to the enchanted by police response to situation. ■G News/Jay Murdock Mostly cloudy: the apartment complex consti- "If it does seem like it has tak- 10.000 Maniacs lead singer Natalie Merchant sings "Like The Weather" tor about 2,500 tans In Ander- Tuesday, mostly cloudy. tuted a small minority of Univer- en an inordinate amount of time son Arena Monday night. The BG debut ot the Maniacs was sponsored by University Activities Organ- Highs 45 to 55. Tuesday sity students. to look at this, it is because the is- ization. night, var- The USG phone poll, which sur- sues are so complex," Oppliger iable veyed 350 students over a week, said. cloudi- seemed to paint a different pic- The Community Improvement ness. ture: Committee, which she leads, is BG crowd digs Maniacs Lows 30 to ■95 percent of the students expected to provide a detailed 35. polled said they thought police update on its investigation by the by Frank Esposito dist Dennis Drew, drummer a jubilant cut from the Wednes- acted improperly during the East next council meeting. Insider assistant editor Jerome Augustyniak, guitarist Maniacs' latest album. Blind day, Merry Mania-Frazee Frenzy Bowling Green Municipal Rob Buck, and bassist Steven Man's Zoo. cloudy crackdown on Sept. 7-8. Judge James Bachman is ex- Gustafson, appeared at the Merchant's vocals held the with a ■ 95 percent of those polled also pected to release a final written Led by the impish charm University through the efforts spotlight throughout the con- slight felt that rights (i.e. Constitutional decision on remaining East and soaring vocals of Natalie of the University Activities cert, while Augustyniak's chance of rights) were violated by police Merry cases today.
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