The Family Tree Searcher Index for Gloucester, Mathews & Middlesex

The Family Tree Searcher Index for Gloucester, Mathews & Middlesex

THE FAMILY TREE SEARCHER INDEX FOR GLOUCESTER, MATHEWS & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES BY VOLUME NUMBER/ISSUE NUMBER i5th VA Cavalry (17/2) Alston, John H., Rev. (8/1) 26th Virginia Regiment (2/2, 10/2, 14/2, 22/2) Ambler Families (9/2) Abingdon Episcopal Church and Parish (5/1, Ambrose Families (7/1, 11/2, 14/1, 16/1, 8/2, 9/2, 11/2, 14/1, 15/3, 21/2, 22/1) 21/2) Abingdon Glebe (14/1) Ambrose, Christine Marie (Brock) (7/1) Abingdon Hotel see Hotel Abingdon Ambrose, Frank & Sarah Hogge (7/1) Abingdon Union Baptist Church see Union Ambrose, Marie Victoria (Thornton) (11/2) Baptist Church Ambrose, Mary Lee Inez (Dunston) (16/1) Achilles Friends Church (3/1, 6/1) Ambrose, William Woodrow & Rosa Blanche Achilles Masonic Lodge see Masonic Lodges Walker (7/1, 14/1) Achilles School (8/1, 13/1, 17/2, 18/2, 19/1, American Red Cross, Gloucester County (3/1) 22/2) American Revolution see Revolutionary War Acra Families (3/2, 4/2, 12/2, 13/2, 18/2, Amory, Edward W. (10/2) 20/1) Amoryville (8/1) Acra, Frances Elizabeth (Nuttall) (3/2 12/2, Ancestry, Native American (1/2, 10/3) 18/2) Ancestry, Virginia (10/1, 13/2) see also, DNA Acra, James H. & 1. Susan Roane 2. Lilly Ann Anderson Families (2/1, 9/1, 12/2, 13/1, 22/2) Roane (4/2, 22/2) Anderson, Cecelia (Clopton) (12/2) Acra, Martha Ellen (Robins) (12/2) Anderson, Eleanora Whitfield (Taliaferro) Acree, Elizabeth (Callis) (19/1) (12/2) Acuff, Lucille Elizabeth (Brown) (Jarvis) Anderson, Ella Bascom (Roane) (2/1) (Duvall) (22/2) Anderson, Katherine Kemp “Kate” (Tabb) Adams Families (3/1, 14/2) (12/2) Adams Floating Theater (20/2) Anderson, Mary Elnora (Smith) (13/1) Adams, Bessie Brooke (Roane) (3/1, 22/2) Anderton Families (3/2, 12/2, 19/2, 22/2) Adams, Virginia L. (Driver) (14/2) Anderton, Charles “Bernard” & 1. Frances African American Schools, Gloucester County Lee “Fanny” Brown 2. Mary “Lillian” (20/2) Robins (12/2, 19/2) African Americans (9/2, 11/2, 13/2, 15/2, Anderton, Isaiah Milton & Lucy Etta Lewis 15/3, 18/1, 20/1, 20/2) see also, Negroes, (22/2) Free; Mulattoes; Slaves and Slavery Anderton, Ruth (Pointer) (3/2) Aherron Families (10/2, 12/1) Andrews Families (11/2, 14/2) Aherron, Susanna (Roane) (12/1) Andrews, Almira Frances (Newcomb) Aherron, Thomas Jefferson & Harriet Ann (Newcomb) (11/2) Philpotts (10/2) Andrews, Andrew Jackson “Jack” & Ann Aherron/Ahern, Richard H. (10/2) Christian “Nannie” Parkinson (11/2) Ainslie Families (7/1, 17/1) Andrews, William, Capt. & 1. Martha Hughes Ainslie, Jane P. (Bohannon) (7/1, 17/1) 2. Emily New (11/2, 14/2) Ainslie, Peter, Rev. & 1. Deborah McDonald Anglican Church (17/1) 2. Matilda Gregory (7/1, 17/1, 22/2) Ark Plantation (5/2) Airplanes (13/2, 16/1) Armistead Families (4/2, 7/1, 8/1, 9/2, 14/1, Airville (1/4, 2/2, 8/1, 10/3, 12/1) 16/1, 19/2, 21/2, 22/1) Allmond, Elbrania Wilhemina (Seward) Armistead, Amelia (Robins) (4/2, 19/2) (12/1) Armistead, Dorothy (Smith) (21/2) Allmond/Allman/Alman Families (12/1, 17/2) Armistead, Francis & Dorothy Clack (Reade) Alston, Jenny (Booth) (8/1) (16/1) Note: Surname in Parenthesis is Married Name 1/5/2019 Page 1 THE FAMILY TREE SEARCHER INDEX FOR GLOUCESTER, MATHEWS & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES BY VOLUME NUMBER/ISSUE NUMBER Armistead, John N. & Clarissa Barnum (7/1) Barnett, Henry Lewis & Mary Virginia Hudson Armistead, Thomas Buckner II & Mary Jane (21/2) Walthall (8/1, 22/1) Barnum Families (7/1) Armistead, Thomas Maywood & Rachel Barnum, Clarissa (Armistead) (7/1) O’Neil Foster (14/1) Barnum, Elijah & 1. Clarissa Billups 2. Lucy (7/1) Armistead’s Landing see Payne’s Landing Barnum, Sarah M. (Garnett) (7/1) Arthur Tab Store see Nuttall Store Barrel Factories (8/1) Asbury, Francis, Bish. (6/1, 20/1) Bartee, Emma Jane (Martin (2/1) Ash, Marion & Bessie B. Robins (20/2) Baseball (20/1, 20/2) Ash, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Bassett Families (16/2) Minor (2/2) Bassett, Anna Maria Dandridge (Deans) Ash/Ashe Families (2/2, 4/2, 5/1, 5/2, 7/2, (Garretson) (16/2) 9/2, 10/1, 14/2, 16/1, 20/2, 22/1) Bassett, Burwell & Anna Maria Dandridge Ashe, William Henry & Lucy Hayes Hughes (16/2) (5/2, 9/2, 20/2) Battle of the Hook (15/3) Ashe, William Thomas “Will” & Linwood Bay Cottage (8/2) Roane (5/2, 7/2, 9/2, 10/1, 16/1, 20/2, Bayse Families (10/2, 12/1) 22/1) Bayse, William & Elizabeth Johnston (10/2) Ashland (8/2) Bayside Wharf (11/1) Aspen Grove (15/1) Baytop Families (4/2, 7/1, 8/2, 10/1, 10/2, Atchison, Mary Louisa (Seawell) (5/1) 10/3, 11/2, 12/2) Auburn (1/4, 1/6, 11/1) Baytop, Ann Walker Carter (Stubbs) (4/2) Austin, Mary (Hogg) (14/2, 16/2) Baytop, James, Rev. & Lucy Taliaferro Catlett Aylett, Mary Macon (Fitzhugh) (5/2) (4/2, 10/2, 10/3, 12/2) Bacon Families (5/1, 9/2, 17/2, 21/1) Baytop, Lucy Helen (Sinclair) (8/2) Bacon, Nathaniel, Jr. (b. 1647) & Elizabeth Baytop, Martha Agnes (Jones) (8/2) Duke (5/1, 9/2, 17/2) Baytop, Rowena Matilda (Sinclair) (10/1) Bacon’s Fort (8/1, 9/2) Baytop, Sarah (Taliaferro) (7/1) Bacon’s Rebellion (5/1, 9/2, 17/2, 21/1) Baytop, William “Buck” Jones & Rebecca Bagnall Families (7/2) Dobson (10/2) Bailey, George (13/1) Beaver Dam Swamp (17/1) Baileys Wharf (11/1, 12/2, 13/1) see also, Beech Grove Baptist Church (3/2, 6/1, 10/3) Smith/Baileys Wharf Beechland (21/2) Baker, Mattie V. (Sears) (9/1) Beehive see Gloucester Beehive Ballentine, Ann (Hobday) (5/2, 14/2) Belcher Families (12/1) Banks Families (3/2, 5/1, 10/2) Belcher, Burton Elias, Dr. & Eleanor Baytop Banks, Cora Carter (Sinclair) (10/2) Wiatt (12/1) Banks, Florence Catlett (10/2) Belcher, William Alexander & Mabel Lee Banks, Florence V. (Purcell) (5/1) Smith (12/1) Banks, Thomas W. & Margaret Eugenia T. Bell Farm (1/4, 2/2, 10/1) Baytop (10/2) Bell, Elizabeth (Philpot) (11/1) Baptist Churches (6/1, 8/2, 12/1, 16/1, 17/1, Bellamy Families (6/2, 11/2, 12/1, 17/1) 21/2, 22/1, 22/2) see also, individual Bellamy United Methodist Church (6/2, 10/3, church names 11/2, 15/3, 21/1) Barauch, Hartwig M. (16/1) Bellamy, Joseph, Rev. & Nancy “Ann” Leigh Barn Elms (5/1, 7/1, 11/1, 12/2) (6/2, 12/1, 17/1) Note: Surname in Parenthesis is Married Name 1/5/2019 Page 2 THE FAMILY TREE SEARCHER INDEX FOR GLOUCESTER, MATHEWS & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES BY VOLUME NUMBER/ISSUE NUMBER Belleville Plantation (1/4, 2/2, 7/1, 12/2, Billups, Virginia W. (Lane) (7/1) 13/1) Blake Families (5/1, 5/2, 14/1, 19/2) Bellevue (21/2) Blake, Charles H. & 1. Lottie G. Foster 2. Bellfield Plantation (10/1) Maggie Virgie Streagle (Emerson) (14/1) Belmont (7/2) Blake, John William & Lucy Frances Chapman Belote, John W. & Frances Carr (10/2) (14/1) Belroi (14/1) Blake, Martha Ann (Purcell) (5/1) Belvin Families (1/1, 1/3, 2/1, 6/1, 6/2, 9/1, Blake, Mary F. (Brown) (19/2) 9/2, 10/2, 15/3) Blake, Susan E. (Brown) (19/2) Belvin, Alfred V. (6/1) Blake, William Basil & Edith Pearl Lewis Belvin, Doris (Rowe) (6/2) (14/1) Belvin, James (1/1, 10/2) Blake’s Store (14/1) Belvin, Joseph Henry “Dick”, Jr. & 1. Martha Blakey Families (9/1, 10/3) Elizabeth Butler 2. Mattie Lee Bonniville Blakey, James Augustus & Lucy Elizabeth (2/1, 6/1) Eubank (9/1) Belvin, Joseph Henry “Joe”, Sr. & Nannie Blakey, John Eubank, Sr. & Lena Roberta Missouri Butler (1/1, 2/1, 6/1) Ward (9/1) Belvin, Thomas (10/2) Blakey, Robert, Judg. & Frances Daniel Roane Bena (6/2) (9/1) Benson, Mary “Eleanor” (Field) (8/2, 14/1) Bland Families (2/1, 4/2, 5/2, 7/1, 9/1, 12/1, Berea Baptist Church (16/1) 12/2, 15/1, 20/1, 22/2) Berkeley Families (5/1, 5/2, 9/2, 11/1, 12/2, Bland, Ann (Chapman) (20/1) 13/1) Bland, Burton Major “Buddy” & Billie Burke Berkeley, Edmund III & Mary Nelson (5/1) Morgan (12/2, 15/1) Berkeley, Edmund Jr., Col. & Lucy Burwell Bland, Edna Otelia (Martin) (12/1) (5/2, 9/2, 11/1, 12/2) Bland, Ella Jane (Roane) (2/1) Berkeley, Edmund, Sr. & Mary Kemp(e) (5/1, Bland, Frances Ann (Roane) (4/2, 8/2) 12/2) Bland, Frances Roane (b. 1797) (Chapman) Berkeley, Sarah (b. 1713) (Wormley) (5/1, (20/1) 13/1) Bland, Harry Clay & Sarah Hester Rowe Bernard, Ann/Anna (Smith) (1/4) (20/1) Bethel Church (15/1) Bland, Harvey Garner, Dr. & Eunice Adeline Beulah Baptist Church (Ware Neck) (11/2, Major (15/1) 17/1) Bland, Harvey Samuel “Sam” & Mary Louisa Beulah Church (King & Queen Co.) (11/2, Gayle (15/1) 22/2) Bland, Joel Jones “Jonah” & Maria Frances Beverly, Ann (Whiting) (7/1) Roane (15/1) Big Island (6/2, 15 /3) Bland, Johanna “Hannah” (Roane) (4/2, 22/2) Bill of Rights (13/2) Bland, Mary Louise (Morgan) (12/2, 15/1) Billups Families (3/2, 7/1, 8/2, 11/2) Bland, Mary Susan (Roane) (12/1) Billups, Clarissa (Barnum) (7/1) Bland, Nancy Todd (Lawson) (5/2) Billups, Elizabeth (Respess) (11/2) Bland, Roderick, Sr., Maj.

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