Just one last time An ci.;~~· :-= Personality Bobcat Senior says 'Good Bye.' Electrical Engineering professor wins Mortar Board Professor of the Month page 9 Award page 5 aising the roof A room of their own rsu moves forward with een building project construction of the high-tech n Lehmann roof. Williams is optimistic that onent News Editor the project will mow forward. While other schools such With credit gorng to as the L'nin'rsit) of Washington tana Sen. Conrad Burns and the L'niYersit;. of ;\[ichigan hie; ... taff. ,ilso have • \\Ill be g r c e n "llus b the kind of to IllO\C building ard \\ ith project that can bring projects in tlw green indu..,try ,md has brought \\Orks. ilding industr) to tontana Williams said .:\ISL ·s 1s the ect. St,1tc Cni\ ersit). \Ve have It ''a::­ m o s t staff to go out and get them techn1callv dng with (project5), and I think ad,·anced. h e that is an important part T h e of thb project. It also roof. which \\'as designed bring~ research opportu­ b;. Solar n buildmg nities to Montana State." Design o J e c t .\ssociates of Cambridge. tor Kath f.-.,1111 ~\1//ui11b, '\rtt'I! b111/di111. provct director l\lass., was described b:- gre~s cut Williams as a department's budget in phototherm- one that will :tember. :\ISC" had little generate hot water and ce but to put the project on electricit)· from specially L Now that S1 million has m appropriated for see Building page -l SMSU plans for primary '?. ection next week wonent Staff In an effo1t to host a fair and an organized election, the ' ~1 SU election com!llittee has opted to have a presidential nary on Tuesday and Wednesda:-· next week as the first step in ·ting next year's ASMSU president and vice president. Applications for the positions are due by 5 p.m. today. The Photo by Daren 1lication deadline for students running for Senate seats has been ]eremyAdamich performs a jump at the Fairgrounds on Tuesday. Adamich and other skaters ~nded until l\larch 10. gathered at the Fairgrounds to lobby for a new skate park to be built at Kirk Park. Annie Armstrong, co-election chair for ASMSU, said that r 10ugh the amount of time benveen the application deadline and L primary is short, the applicants will be well prepared for the ~tion. Plan to expand higher ed insurance "They have already started campaiging,'' she said. "I know lit ha\·e alread~ made the rounds in the residence halls and I )\\ a lot haYe made plans to speak to Greek houses on to same-sex partners rejected l1nday." releasing a letter he sent to the Board of Regents According to Armstrong, the primary election v.ill narrow Bob Anez earlier this week informing members what he · choice of candidates for president and vice president to nvo Associated Press Writer planned to announce. ·are the general AS1\1SU election on l\larch 28 and 29. Like'"ise, Crofts cited financial and legal concerns in ~·said ha,ing only two presidential candidates will make the HELENA (AP) - Commissioner of Higher turning down the recommendation that had been ~sidential debate more issue focu sed rather than simple Education Dick Crofts has rejected a proposal to made by a committee advising him on changes npaigning. extend health insurance coverage to same-sex in the benefits package available to the 7,200 ''Basically, we are tl}ing to allow the students to have their partners of university system employees. ~how they want the general election to-"g_o_,"_Ar_ m_s_tr_o_n...;g;....s_a_id_. ___f_ I_e_d_i_s_c_I o_s_e_d_ h_is_d_e_c_is_i_o_n_ F_n_· d_a_y_b_y_______ se_e_ R___,ej_e_ct_e_d...;p_a-"g'-e_4_____ _ Voice your opinion! Email your letters to the Editor to, [email protected] March 3, 2000 2 Q of the U: The U.S. trade embargo against Cuba has existed for nearly 40 years. Why do you think the U.S. government continues to pursue this policy? ••1t has to do with the cold war. We can't give up because it shows our weakness.·· MarkMcPhil Freshman Architecture ..lllC) don't like communists. Wh) change the polic) ; it has been there for forty )ears:· Steve CleSllca sealer c1v11 Enalneertna Policy toward Cuba needs an updaft As the controversy continues over the fate destitute poverty, lacking fundamer '"Fear of communism dies of 6-year-old Cuban Elian Gonzales, it seems necessities such as clean water and health c hard. It's an ongoing appropriate to revisit the reasons American not to mention '"privileges"' such dislike of the Castro regime policy makers reserve such hatred for the tiny employment and education. so we try and isolate him." island nation and its aging dictator Fidel Imagine a land rich in resources an Castro. mass of hardworking people watching as Despite the rantings of certain American capital garnered from cash crops left leaders, the fact remains that Castro ·s 1959 country. revolution ha made life better for most Such was the situation in Cuba \\' SIMMCCQ Cubans. The biggest impediment to prosperity Castro" revolution took place. The poli sea1or has been the United State's trade embargo, in pursued by the Castro regime inclu· Cllll E111a11r111 effect since sweeping land redistribution programs. Pa 1962. With thi plan included kicking out U. industry the cold war nationalizing everything. earning him the l; over ten years .. com mun old now, it is a dirty w "I think the} are upset becoming in :\meri because Cuba stood right more and 1V1ichelle Tokarski po 1 it i c up in their face and said m o r e Exponent Managing Editor di scour 'We'll do our thing so apparent that bugger offf' the U.S. is running out of rea»ons to the mone:-. earned from Cuban resource.; maintain the staying in Cuba. the Castro reginw \1,l::. abl embargo. mstitute \11de-reaching social programs Gravson Brakke Jt I» educational reform.\\ hat \\as in 1958 a so Freshman important that Americans refamiliartZL' political baskl't case. Castro made intL General Stodies thcmseh·es \1 ith the tssm•s surrounding Cuba extremely efficiL•nt s~ stem that kft note\ en bdore forming an opinion about the little bo~ poorest rural peasant hL•hind. Health care that has brought so much attention to the education is uni"ersal lmore than we can decades-old conflict. That done, the case of for the United tates) and continues to be "Ifs because we were Elian becomes a non-issue. em·y of Latin .\merica. embaras.sed at the Bay of~.'' Castro has ruled Cuba longer than mo::;t Since Castro took power. life expect<' college students ha\'e been ali\'e. In power of Cubans has jumped 16 year , from 60 tc before him \\as Fulgencio Batista, a notoriously infant mortality rate has dropped from 6 brutal dictator who \1as also a darling of the "'·5 per 1000 li,·e births; the liternc) rate U.S. government because of his pandering to gone from 62 percent to 98 percent andl U.S. corporations. Castro's real crime wa to number of doctors has gone from 3.00 ' expropriate land owned by American 65,000. (That's one doctor for e'er) Caleb Simpson companies and gin' it back to the Cuban people. people.) Cuba's health care S) stem has l Senior Imagine a foreign country controlling So declared a "'model for the world"' by the w•: Polhlcal science percent of America's utilities, mines, cattle Heal! h Organization. ranches and oil refineries; 40 percent of our Cuba ranks number one in public he farming and 50 percent of the public railroads. statistic in Latin America in Yirtually eYe Imagine these foreigners getting obscenely rich Photos by Sol Leonard while the majority of the people lived in see Cuba page 3 SMSU Exponent March 3, 2000 3 ut your trash where it belongs 'o the Editor: bag being full, but still is not an excuse. How bard is it to Through my hold on to your trash until ---~ bservation from walking you reach a trash bin? It ~ DOC1o~, round campus (especially surprises me how a Jot of 1 - om Shroyer parking lot to people say how beautiful this J 1f1/f-/!( yov U. be SUB), I feel that this state is, and then they are the mpus is \·ery lazy. I agree ones throwing their trash on ('1€'~0 f o f.11AI'~ A ith Tim Fulton in his the ground. I am not trying rticle about students being to make some hippie protest fv1..1..€f2 AaovtJ1ttJG azy with parking situations. on how to save the earth. I or; 1r1f p..clcC7~f')f I feel the same way about simply want people to ( ash. There is so much trash respect the ground we live TrtAtJ \ooooP5. lying around campus, and on. ost students and faculty So, next time you on't even know it's there. I become absent minded be know it is nothing like big sure to find a trash dispenser city Universities. but I would instead of chucking it. faen not like to see Bozeman if you see some lying on the starting to look like L.A. It ground just pick it up, even really boils down to the if it isn't yours, and throw it awareness of not putting away. your trash in the trash can. Now, maybe there could be Keelan McNulty other reasons like the trash Bozeman XPONENT 1e Expone11t is published most Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the :ademic school year, distributed free throughout the University and the Bozeman community and is affiliated with the Associated Students of Montana State University.
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