580. Light je, . No. 9 to the 2/y bean­ ti grav- ? 0 Ì 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 COLBY it RICH, ( 93,00. Per Annum, VOL. XLVI Publishers and Proprietori BOSTON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1880, I , Pottage Free. NO. 20, 5,00 i<l the CONTENTS. the vanity to wish to be thought young, for, for from a person who knew some of the parties manifestation. When Mr. Sartin! returned and WAIFS FROM FAR-OFF LANDS. First Page.—Spiritualism Abroad: Rovlowof our For­ many years, as all can see, she has been an old connected with the painful affair. • expressed some fears that his friend’s imagina­ IIY EMMA IIAHDINGE BRITTEN. eign Spiritualistic Exchanges. Walts from Far-off woman—has lived thirty years in India, and . SPAIN. : tion had been at work, another and yet louder TIONS, Lands. thirty more at the Antipodes, &c., &c. Refer­ Three numbers of the'.now publication, El Eco sound issued from tho instrument. The woman To tho Editor ot tho Bonner ot Light: Second Page.—Ths Reviewer: Shakspoaro. Hygienic: ring to the great discovery of Prof. Rotura— de la Ferdad, of Barcelona, have been received. of tho house was then called in, and when told It is with feelings of intense satisfaction that Tho Caro of tho Tooth; Tho Electrical Cure forDIphtho- They are almost wholly devoted to tho versa­ what hod happened and that they believed it rla. Poetry: Duko Leopold’s Stone. Guardian Angels. placing animals for an indefinite period in a I. chronicle tho fact to my kind inquiring was their friend Paolo’s way of showing his Tinno Page.—Banner Correspondence: Letters from trance state—she says (quoting her statements tile pen of Mme. Amelia Domingo Soler, whose friends, and all whom it may concern, that I am Now York, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Massachu­ in 1878 in the New York World): “I said to the fame as poetess as well as a prose writer is gratitude for the preparations they were mak­ once more on their verge, if not actually In 5 setts. Free Thought: Observations from Mount Look­ reporter, & propos to the disengagement of -the world-wide. Mlle. Candida Sanz', and Violeta, ing to decorate his grave, she said:" If it be their midst, having arrived at this fair city of out. Poetry: Angol Presence. Brooklyn Spiritual Fra­ soul and of the astral body among animals, that and one or two more, a^d not a little to the in­ truly Paolo, let him touch again tho guitar”; San Francisco tho last day of tho old year, af­ LLOW- ternity. Spiritualist Mootings. Spiritualist Lecturers, etc. , the shepherds of Thibet had had the secret for terest of this new "venture,” a work which, and Paolo did not wait to reply, but at once, ter a very rough and tempestuous voyage of two though of small dimensions, is overflowing with and in a more vigorous manner than ever, struck Fourth Page. — Mr. Henry Kiddle, “Physician, Heal many centuries. And I added, that I predicted and twenty days from Auckland, Now Zealand. Thyself," Advertiser vs. Independent, Mrs. CoraL.V. that before a year science will have discovered the puro, fraternal sentiments, such as if univer­ a startling noto not to be mistaken. Ono night, I havo already sent so many jottings to tho ■ Richmond in Boston, etc, , process upon inferior animals. ... I have sally entertained and put in practice, would im­ also, by request, tho instrument being near tho American spiritual journals concerning tlio Fifth Page.—Brief Paragraphs. Spiritualist Mootings in seen this operation among our Brothers fifty bue our present crude life with the charms of bed, sweet sounds came from it as if tho wind status of the cause of Spiritualism In tho South­ Boston. Now Advertisements, etc. times. They operated upon myself, and I slept romance, the very beauty of holiness. " Indif­ were ploying through its strings. ern Hemisphere, at least ns far ns it has come Sixth Page.—The Free Vircle-Room: Replies to Ques­ eleven weeks, believing all the time that I was ference,” and atheism in view of Spiritualism; SOUTH AMERICA. under my own observation, that I havo^but lit­ tions given through the Mediumship of W. J. Colvlllo. y the Spirit-Message Department: Messages given through awake, and wondering why people did not ap­ “TheTimeshave Come”; "Blessed aro they La Constancia, of Buenos Ayres, for October, tle more now to add, save to present ft brief the Mediumship of Miss M. Theresa Sholhamer and pear to recognize me or reply to me. I was that weep “ Winter with tho Poor,” aro some has thirty pages of attractive matter from summary of ” tho situation,” for tho guidance Mrs. Sarah A, Danskln. wholly ignorant that I had been disembarrassed of the other subjects that aro horo treated with which it will bo difficult to make a judicious se­ of others who may propose to make pilgrimages nguagcs, Seventh Page.—“Mediums In Boston,” BookandMls- of my carcass. This was at the com­ force and fooling. ' lection. Prof. J. R. Buchanan’s able lecture on in tho same direction as myself. sic, have collaneous Advertisements. Stool Plato Engravings mencement of my studies. It is a grand El Criterio Espiritista,.of Madrid, for Decem­ tho “Army of Heaven” is continued hero, oc­ ' Liberalism in religious opinions, generically Free. ' " secret known to the fakirs, who can allow them­ ber, has a large number, of lengthy disquisitions cupying about seven columns. This is followed termed by tho Colonists " Free thought,” is de­ as trailed Eighth Page.—Medical Notes, Psychography, or Direct selves to be interred for months, and then be from such men as Dr. A. Garcia Lopez, Presi­ cidedly tho rule rather than tho exception, and the very Splrlt-Wrltlng. Brooklyn Spiritual Fraternity. Ever­ by a poem from Lady Soler, and from her pro­ n, “cold ett Hall Spiritual Conference, etc. resuscitated. In a recent voyage to Jeypoor dent of the “ Socledad Espiratela," D. Caruana lific pen an article entitled, “There is no Evil always provided the language lie choice, and falls over (Radjpootana) we saw this done. A fakir, or Berard, of Lisbon, and D; Vicente Terree. The from which no Good comes,” and in which she thoscntlmontsfrcefromalltendenciestocoarso- onlln its rather a yogi, (for the fakirs are generally Mus­ subjects treated are: '‘Spiritualism is a Phi­ beautifully expresses herself and gives In a few ness or personality, tho more radical a speaker's r tho ono Spiritualism sulmen,) an Indian yogi caused himself to dle> losophy”; “Charity”; “The Materiality of tho words tho spirit of her theme: "There are no utterances may bo, tho more acceptable they jllclty of and so lay in his chamber for twenty-eight days. Soul”; “ Nicodemus," under the head of Biblio- will prove in Australia. Spiritualism proper, ) details, tears that do not water some flower.” Señorita graphia—treating a work that has boon pub­ following in natural sequence upon bravo denial hould, in . They are not the English, nor other peo­ Candida Sanz, writing from Barcelona, has REVIEW OF OUR FOREIGN SPIRIT­ nsonslbly ple who put their hands on the manuscripts, lished by a society in Lerida, and purports to some excellent thoughts on tlio progress of hu­ and philosophic repudiation of priestcraft and UALISTIC EXCHANGES. that explain these things; neither Brahmins be made up of communications from spirits— manity, sketching tho present in contrast with superstition, lias taken a deep root amongst the Prepared expressly for tho Banner of Light, nor Buddhists who have the secret will lend with interesting “ Miscelapeas." Those are all the post, beginning with tho erroneous ideas, few, and would bo tho prevailing religion of CHES. BY G. L. DIT80N, M. D. them to Max Müller & Co.; but our Swami prepared with care, in reference, I might say, tho inhuman governments, the orgies bacanales, tho many were true genuine mediumship more Dyanand Saraswati, a savant of tho first class, to a highly cultured audience; but they cannot and the Noros and Caligulas who have made his­ universally cultured, and some of tho stain­ FRANCE. a man who knows the Sanscrit better than any be abridged to any advantage and do credit to tory blush, winging her way lightly down to this spots, which in every community fasten them­ The Revue Spirite, Paris, for December, opens man here, a man who passe'd seven years in the their respective authors. nineteenth century, where woman is receiving selves upon every great reform, obliterated. A I with an “Invitation to the School of Theoso- jungles, surrounded by wild' beftsts, a man pro­ ' ITALY. that instruction and consideration sho has so man’s foes are too often “those of his own phists to Enter upon the Fielà of Explanations foundly versed in the occult sciences, can fur­ Annali Lello Spiritismo, of Turin, Decómber long boon deprived of. A fow columns arc also household,” and Spiritualism in tho Colonies and Proofs.” It is from tho pen of M. Fois nish manuscripts no matter of what kind,” &c. number, continues its interesting translation of given to Dr. Peebles’s “ Original and Selected presents no exception to this well-known rule. Vallès ; and while it is able and dignified, and BELGIUM. “ Catholicism before the timo of Christ.” What Paragraphs ” from the Banner of Light. “ Eter­ Still tho movement grows apace, and wherever breathes the air of sincerity, it presents nothing is chiefly dwelt upon in the present "chapter" it has taken a deep hold, as in some of tho best Le Messager, of Liege, for the 1st and 15th of nal Punishment," "Love Ono Another,” and a new for our consideration.
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