U - MANCHESTER HERALD, Friduy. Oct, 28, 1983 The mlnl-campaign ^ 486 Parker S t Indians win Inside the big one haunted no morel short gam e REAL ... pogo 6 ... pago 11 ... page 6 ESTATE Sunny and windy; Manchester, Conn. HoriM of th« Wm Ii to ipontortd by th« ManchMttf Harold* turning cooler Saturday, Oct. 29, 1983 — See page 2 Single copy; 25$ Ed Gorman says don’t miss manrhpBlpr HrraUi HOME out on this “CHFA” home. Just the right price for CHFA financing Home is located in Manchester Very quiet residential area ^ Grenada fighting could go on for days Home is aluminum sided Home has 2 bedrooms and full basement invasion and said such incidents Revolutionary Army and the vo­ In announcing its latest casualty on the United Slates and Cuba for 2 OF THE ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada (UPI) Large fenced-in backyard — U.S. troops backed by F-IB jets could have ''serious Related stories lunteer militia, who reportedly figures of 11 dead and 67 wounded, an immediate cease-fire in Gren­ Beautiful wood stove included and mortar fire battled Cuban consequences." were terrorizing civilians. the Pentagon said seven other ada to evacuate Cuban casualties, Home is easy to heat with wood or oil soldiers entrenched in the moun­ The Pentagon denied the o n p a g e 4 "They’re killing civilians up American soldiers were missing. according to a Spanish embassy tains of Grenada Friday. The accusation. there," said a tearful Ann Gilliert, The Pentagon said the Cuban cable obtained by UPI. The price for this starter home is only $58,500 Pentagon said 11 Americans had Friday's fighting was centered a Grenadian from the village of resistance was “much greater In Washington, Adm. Wesley Call Ed Gorman Associates now been kiiled and 67 wounded since on the southern half of the audible in the capital of St. Fontenoy. She said Grenadian than expected" and that “the MacDonald, overall commander WEEK Call 646-4040 to see this home the Caribbean island was invaded 133-square-mile island between the George’s. soldiers threatened to kill all fighting is still in progress.” of the invasion forces, said "all Ed Gorman’s home of the four days ago. Point Salines airfield, captured by Groups of F-18 jets flying in residents of her village for refusing "My understanding is that two major military objectives on the Ed Gorman says don’t miss out As the fighting continued. De­ U.S. forces when they invaded formations of twos and threes to shelter them. battalions of Rangers are coming island were secured." 9 week... fense Secretary Caspar Wein­ Tuesday, and the mountains to the strafed the hills surrounding Point “They said they were going to out later this afternoon,” Wein­ He said that at one point during berger said the first American north and northeast. Salines and American officers said come back tonight and kill eve­ berger told reporters at Monte­ the past two days, the number of “They are still hiding up in the the Cubans appeared to be with­ ryone. We can’t go back home,” f fl- troops could begin leaving the bello, Canada, where he is attend­ American troops on the island COME-SEE! island later in the day. hills and were trying to flush them drawing further into the she said. ing a NATO meeting. "And that's reached as high as 6.000, but that OPEN HOUSE The admiral commanding the out," said Air Force Lt. David N. mountains. Villagers streamed out of their fully consistent with the timetable by Friday afternoon the number invasion forces said they had Hinchce, a ground support coordi­ The search for the Cubans went homes, carrying children under we hoped could be achieved and had gone down to 5,000 after most Sun., 0ct.30 captured all major military objec­ nator at the Cuban-built airport on through Thursday night. Ameri­ their arms and a few belongings accelerated and followed.” of the original invasion troops tives on the island but that the that has become headquarters for can helicopters equipped with they packed hastily. They reported Weinberger also said talks were withdrew. The Marines and Army 2-4 p.m. fighting could go on for days or the more than 3,000-man seven- powerful searchlights could be the threats to an American Marine to begin next week for the creation Rangers were being replaced with weeks. nation invasion force. seen in the darkness buzzing over at a checkpoint on the road to St. of a provisional government on the members of the Army’s crack 82nd The Soviet Union said U.S. Mortar and machine-gun fire the countryside. George’s, the capital. There were island. Airborne Division who will deal warplanes had fired on its em­ went on throughout Thursday Also resisting the invaders were no immediate reports on deaths or In Havana, the Spanish and with the retreating Cubans, Mac­ Come and have a look at this line 3 bedroom 6ape. "ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE" bassy in the capital during the night and into Friday and was members of Grenada s Peoples injuries. Colombian renresentatives called Donald said. Large kitchen, front porch, hardwood floors and alumi­ In Coventry, just a block from lake. Three bed­ num screens & storms. Shown by appointment. Call rooms, formal dining room, wood stove In Iiving our Manchester Office at 643-4060. _____ 'room, many recent improvements. Nice lot. Only $47,000.00 Deadly quake Bolton trooper NertlifMd Green Cendeninium 801 Ambotfador Drlra learns the town (•M l y M St.) hits Noilhwest Manawstar By Sarah Pastel I begun house-hunting in Bolton and When comparing Condominiums we think you wili find Herald Reporter surrounding towns. this one to be a good vaiue. it offers 3 iarge bedrooms, CHALLIS, Idaho (UPI) - A the doorway. The boulder hit 2Vi baths, spacious master bedroom w/private bath, "Always since I was a kid I Attracthra 2 family home in area of nice reeidentlal powerful earthquake rolled moments later. I just know there BOLTON — The town's new wanted to be in law enforcefnent,” lots of ciosets and full basement for storage. Aiso for- homes. 2 bedrooms, dining room, each unit. Home has NEW USTING - COVENTRY through the Rockies to the Pacific was a lot of noise, a lot of dust and a mai iiving & dining rooms, centrai air, gas heat, carport large treed lot with roofed patio In rear. Separate utili­ 6 room Cape, 1V4 baths, 3 bedrooms, dishwasher resident state trooper spent most Walsh said. He graduated with a ties. Call 643-4060 for appointment. UNUSUALLY GOOD Friday, killing two children, send­ lot of rocks." of this week in town, learning the major in criminal justice from St. and numerous amenities. “2^ ^ v e , 1 car garage, fireplace and extra lot. ing giant boulders crashing into Offered at $69,500. #o 1,900. INVESTMENT OFFORTUNITY The two children killed at Challis ins and outs of his new job from Anselm’s College in New Hamp­ This 4 family dwelling Is located on but homes and slightly damaging were the first quake fatalities in retiring Trooper Robert Peterson. shire. He chose a job offer from the buildings at a nuclear weapons M l can help you becomi a m TEOFORD line, and it convenient to stores, schools the lower 48 states since the San Richard J. Walsh said Friday be state police over several other "REALE" PR0FE88I0NALI FNEE and churches. A number of Improvements research laboratory. Fernando earthquake in California .doesn'tknow wby be was chosen offers becauae -ft seemed to prom­ Call B46-4525, and aak lor Dan. MARKET O n h iL . REAL ESTATE, INC. to the property, and general over-all condi­ Centered in rugged, lightly popu­ in 1971 in which 65 people died. fr m anumg seven applicants for ise the most agreeable work REAL ESTATE SERVICES e v a l u a t i o n tion, make this offering a "Mutt See." Sepa­ lated central Idaho, it was Die rate electrical and furnacesyttemsallow te- Some roads were temporarily -ttf dfaa toe happy ta risk -- enviranmetit,K - ..i,— - s' D.F. REALE, INC. 223 E m I Contor SU liaiietiMtor i E3 f t ! strongest quake in the P&cific 64 7-9914 nantr to pay their own utilities. For addi­ questkhiing the decision, he said: "I see a lot of the sam e traits ip Rea/ Ealale M E Hartford Tpka, Rio. 30 Vamen m J n Z i closed by falling rock and tele­ I7S M n It., fceihiitef. Cl. tional Income and expense Information, Northwest In 24 years, with a But he knows why he diose to Richard I see in Bob Peterson,"' 29 CofWMcllcul BIwl, Eaat Hartford, Rt. 44A Bolton Richter scale magnitude of 7.2 phone services were interrupted. •0 Poquooock Ava.. Wlndaor > please call our office. $109,000.00 University of California seismol­ apply. said First Seiectiknan Henry P. recorded at Berkeley, Calif., and ogists at Berkeley measured the Ryba. “He has compassion, he C ' "1 like the country setting nwre 6.9 at other seismographic doesn’t fly off the handle, be can stations. qu^ke at 7.2 on the Richter scale, than the highway," he said. State the strongest in the western troopers spend a lot of time communicate. I think he’s going to OPEN HOUSE Tara Leaton, 7, and Travis be OK." Ryba said those tradU are Franck, 6. were crushed to death Rockies since the 7.25 Hebgen cleaning up accidents on state Lake earthquake in southwest biidiways.
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