RHS Orchid Hybrid Supplement 2009 July to September

RHS Orchid Hybrid Supplement 2009 July to September

QUARTERLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE INTERNAT I ONAL REG I STER OF ORCH I D HYBR I DS (SANDER ’S LI S T ) JULY – SEPTEMBER 2009 REGISTRATIONS Distributed with OrchidThe Review THE ORCH I D JO UR na L O F THE RO YA L HO RT I CULTUR A L SO C I ETY VO LUME 117, NUMBER 1288, DECEMBER 2009 NAME PARENTAGENEW O RCHID HYBRIDS REGISTERED BY JULy – September 2009 REGISTRATIONS Supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society as International Cultivar Registration Authority for Orchid Hybrids NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY (O/U = Originator unknown) x Adaglossum Tarantula Ada aurantiaca x Adgm. Summit Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) Aerangis Winter Snow Aergs. Winter Dove x Aergs. fastuosa Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) Aerides Chiara Maree Aer. multiflora x Aer. flabellata E.Beltrame x Ancistrophaius * Clown Phaius tankervilleae x Anc. rothschildianus Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) x Angellea White Knight Angcm. cucullatum x Jum. densifoliata Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) Angraecum Island Star Angcm. distichum ¶ x Angcm. doratophyllum ¶ Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) x Angulocaste Clairval Ang. Victoire x Angcst. Transatlantic Beauty E.Young O.F. Du Rocherez Ang. cliftonii x Angcst. Augres E.Young O.F. Du Vieux Menage Ang. cliftonii x Angcst. Transatlantic Beauty E.Young O.F. Valmont Lyc. Avranches x Ang. Victoire E.Young O.F. x Ascocenda Ambrosian Twinkle V. Josephine van Brero x Asctm. miniatum E.M.K-A.Chew (O/U) Goodwin’s Thai Spots Ascda. Suksamran Spots x Ascda. Thai Spots Goodwin Orch. (Chom Orch.) Karina Schmid Lucioni Ascda. Crownfox Inferno x V. lamellata Motes Kayo Gold Ascda. Suksamran Gold x Ascda. Fuchs Sunset D.Kayo Marianne Montoro Ascda. Muang Thong x V. Fuchs Cheers R.F.Orchids Nancy Ginocchio Ascda. Fuchs Golden Leopard x Ascda. John De Biase D.Genovese (R.F.Orchids) Rafael Montoro Ascda. Joanne Jones x V. Kasem’s Delight R.F.Orchids Theresa Marie Ascda. Suksamran Spots x V. Doctor Anek D.Lafond (R.F.Orchids) x Bakerara Starburst Odm. Ardentissimum Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) x Alcra. [Dgmra.] Memoria Jay Yamada x Bardendrum Hoosier’s Pink Epi. [Oe.] Lavender Drops x Bark. melanocaulon Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) x Beallara Glacial Gem Odm. Tribbles x Bllra. Tahoma Glacier Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) Glacial Trill Onc. [Odm.] trilobum x Bllra. Tahoma Glacier Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) Mother’s Dream Milt. Pearl Ono x Bllra. Patricia McCully Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) Treasure Point Bllra. Pacific Treasures x Oda. Durham Point Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) x Berlinerara Ben Hmwsa. June x Prom. Winelight Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) x Bletundina Miyako-beni Ble. striata x Ar. bambusifolia Yasuhiro Ueyama x Brassidium Summer Star Onc. maculatum x Brsdm. Shooting Star Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) x Brassocattleya Chunfong Golden Star C. [Lc.] Memoria Robert Strait x Bc. [Blc.] Tsiku Archangel Chun Fong Orchids 68 ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 117 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Mellisa Koester Bc. [Bl.] Morning Glory x C. Royal Beau A.Nuccio x Brassochilum Rustic Dancer Bss. [Brsdm.] Medellin Miracle H.Liebman x Cyr. [Onc.] Geyser Goldmine Bulbophyllum Betty Kelepecz Bulb. Jersey x Bulb. carunculatum F.Clarke Puch Golden Hydra Bulb. Worayuth White Fang x Bulb. tingabarinum ¶ P.Auijittipoka Puch White Sagitta Bulb. setaceum x Bulb. [Cirr.] medusae P.Auijittipoka Supat Burgundy Flamingo Bulb. lasiochilum x Bulb. cootesii ¶ Y.Punpreuk Tee Cinnamon Hawk Bulb. fascinator x Bulb. monanthum ¶ Y.Punpreuk Tee Gigantic Condor Bulb. kermesinum ¶ x Bulb. grandiflorum Y.Punpreuk Tee Strawberry Osprey Bulb. appendiculatum x Bulb. macranthum Y.Punpreuk x Burrageara Foxfire Oncda. Chaculatum x Vuyl. Edna Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) Ray’s Fire Odcdm. Hansueli Isler x Burr. [Knt.] Living Fire R.Olstan Sunkissed Burr. [Knt.] Living Fire x Odcdm. [Colm.] Catatante Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) Calanthe Eggdrop Cal. arisanensis x Cal. striata [sieboldii] Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) x Catamodes Dragons Tail Ctsm. denticulatum x Morm. ignea F.Clarke Catasetum Andreza Gatti Queiroz Ctsm. macrocarpum x Ctsm. pulchrum ¶ S.A.Queiroz Costa Jacqueline Perez Ctsm. barbatum x Ctsm. Thinger Dinger M.Margolis Little Caroline Ctsm. pileatum x Ctsm. True Love M.Margolis (O/U) Nicolasa Tavarez Ctsm. pileatum x Ctsm. Thinger Dinger M.Margolis True Love Ctsm. expansum x Ctsm. Thinger Dinger M.Margolis (O/U) Cattleya Blue Prinzess C. × dolosa x C. [L.] perrinii L.Andreasen Burmese Ruby C. [L.] tenebrosa x C. [S.] dichroma [bicolor] Hoosier (L.Glicenstein) David L. Thompson C. [Lc.] Ahmad Sheikhi x C. [Lc.] Natural Choice M.E.Thompson (Stewart Orch.) Dendi’s Double C. Caudebec x C. [Sc.] Batemanniana Dendi Orch. (D.&B.Littman) Dendi’s Jazz C. Dendi’s Double x C. Lana Coryell Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Elsie Hetherington C. Little Miss Charming x C. loddigesii Santa Barbara (Stewart Orch.) George Off C. [Lc.] Amber Glow x C. Lager’s Yellow Off & Sons Harri Purple C. [Lc.] Mini Purple x C. harrisoniana [harrisoniae] S.Ichijo Harrisoniate C. [Lc.] Pink Favourite x C. harrisoniana [harrisoniae] S.Ichijo Jillicoc C. [Slc.] Jillian Lee x C. coccinea P.Teipel (O/U) Jolynn’s White Wonder C. Atalanta (1894) x C. tigrina [leopoldii] L.Gines Lenette’s Legacy C. harrisoniana [harrisoniae] x C. Brabantiae K.Davis Loren Fender C. Landate x C. Tripp Johnston Fender’s Flora Memoria Alexandre Kopte C. [L.] tenebrosa x C. [L.] Fran’s Fuchsia Flash E.Verástegui (A.R.Kopte) Memoria Maggie Petry C. [Lc.] Atalanta Lane x C. guttata R.J.Midgett Memoria Rex Namekata C. Memoria Midori Nakano x C. [Lc.] Joseph Hampton Namekata Milpurat C. [L.] purpurata x C. milleri S.Ichijo (Ka. Kojima) Miva Jean ‘N’ Michael C. [Lc.] Consul x C. Irene Finney (1969) Michel Vacherot Natalie Kay C. [Lc.] Nora’s Melody x C. violacea A.Nuccio Orquidacea’s Blue Star C. amethystoglossa x C. Cornelia R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Copper Charm C. [L.] tenebrosa x C. Penny Kuroda R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Pink Lady C. × hybrida x C. Interglossa R.Giorchino Orquidacea’s Violeta C. Valentine (1900) x C. Cornelia R.Giorchino Pink Opal C. [Sl.] Minipet x C. [S.] wittigiana P.T.Lin Pretty Pet C. [Lc.] Sacramento Rose x C. [Sl.] Minipet F.Clarke Rainbow Fire C. [Slc.] Hirota x C. [Lc.] Tropical Rainbow Suwada Orch. Rosella’s Cherry Elegance C. Monte Elegante x C. Cherry Bee A.S.Eggins Rosella’s Cherry Spalsh C. [Sc.] Batemanniana x C. Cherry Bee A.S.Eggins Rosella’s Glorious Angel C. Dal’s Maid x C. [Slc.] Angel Flare A.S.Eggins Rosella’s Mari Jewel C. [Slc.] Red Jewel x C. [Lc.] Mari’s Song A.S.Eggins Rosella’s Royal Flare C. Royal Beau x C. [Slc.] Angel Flare A.S.Eggins Tony Millet C. Tripp Johnston x C. Mark Jones A.Millet Tropical Star C. [Lc.] Tropical Song x C. [Sl.] Pole-Star P.T.Lin ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 117 69 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Viola Star C. [L.] crispata [flava] x C. violacea S.Ichijo Volcano Clown C. [Lc.] Platinum Sun x C. [Lc.] Hawaiian Fantasy Akatsuka Orch. Gdns. Wedding Gift C. [Lc.] Hallo Wedding x C. [Lc.] Winter Gift Suwada Orch. Yvonne Nuccio C. [Slc.] Mahalo Jack x C. [Lc.] Nora’s Melody A.Nuccio Zuike C. [Lc.] Zuiho x C. walkeriana S.Ichijo x Cattleychea All Shook Up Ctyh. [Eplc.] Mae Bly x C. Tripp Johnston Fender’s Flora x Cattleytonia Barracuda C. Lavender Ice x Ctna. Maui Maid J.Hawley (H & R) Dendi’s Awsome Ctna. Dal’s Touch x C. Caudebec Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Peggy’s Dream Ctna. [Lctna.] Peggy San x C. [Slc.] Dream Cloud P.T.Lin x Cattlianthe Aura Gold Gur. [C.] aurantiaca x C. [Lc.] Pixie Gold S.Ichijo (Ka. Kojima) Australes Atardeceres Ctt. [Lc.] Noemi Santiago x Ctt. Sargent Cabral D.Sancho Berlin Blue Gur. [C.] bowringiana x C. Eros (1895) L.Andreasen Dendi’s Satin C. Memoria Jerome Shultz x Ctt. [Slc.] Dal’s Buddy Dendi Orch. (D.Diehm) Isla Osaki C. Carol Lynn x Ctt. [Lc.] Rojo S.Ichijo (Ka. Kojima) Khotaro Gold C. [Slc.] Stacy Miyamoto x Ctt. [C.] Aura Gold S.Ichijo Memoria K Takaki Ctt. [C.] Candy Tuft x C. Memoria Joseph Madella S.Ichijo (K.Takagi) Pacific Mission Ctt. [Lc.] Mary Elizabeth Bohn x C. maxima Suwada Orch. Sargent Cabral Ctt. [Lc.] Angie’s Orange x C. intermedia D.Sancho Viola Elegance Ctt. [C.] Pixie Elegance x C. violacea S.Ichijo Wekiwa C. Tripp Johnston x Ctt. [C.] Bactia M.E.Thompson (G.Dabbert) x Clowesetum Manny Tavarez Ctsm. expansum x Cl. [Ctsm.] warczewitzii [warscewiczii] M.Margolis (JEM) Mark Margolis Ctsm. Durval Ferreira x Cl. [Ctsm.] dodsoniana M.Margolis (JEM) x Colmanara Maui Howie Odcdm. Harry Sutton x Milt. [Mps.] Maui Titan Mauna Kea Orch. (J.W.McCully) x Cymbidinaea * Rapunsel Prom. Partridge x Cym. aloifolium L.Glicenstein Cymbidium Anahi Weber Cym. Excalibur x Cym. Finetta Miriam Ann Orch. Angel Voice Cym. Sleeping Beauty x Cym. Spring Night Bio-U Autumn Grapes Cym. Blanche Ames x Cym. Golden Grapes New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Belgian Therapy Cym. Beyond Therapy x Cym. Pauwelsii New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Beyond Therapy Cym. Sleeping Beauty x Cym. Red Therapy New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) China Lady Cym. Poetic Ghost x Cym. Joan’s Charisma I.Hobson (Bryants) Coolest Mint Cym. Lowio-Mastersii x Cym. Summer Orion New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Crackerfest Cym. Florida Cracker x Cym. October Fest New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Crystal Season Cym. Crystal Dream x Cym. Aroma Candle Bio-U Dancing Mother Cym. Tiny Tiger x Cym. madidum Cal-Orchid (Ka. Kojima) Darby McSorley Cym. Ernest Hetherington x Cym. devonianum New Horizon Orch. (A.Easton) Dream Heart Cym.

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