I don’t know about you, but it has not been Today Chris asked if I could be a pall bearer a banner month in the old Parks household. if needed. At a time when you feel helpless It seems like it’s coming at us from all fronts. to do anything to make it better, an honor Isn’t this Christmas? Shouldn’t we be tiding like this, whether I’m needed or not means a some Yule or decking with some holly bows? lot. It’s not a big thing, but at least you get to This is ridiculous. But I ain’t gonna whine be there for something. In my family, people too long. When the hardest life moments have been there too. hit, you realize how little the other ones are, even when you think those obstacles are go- You may know from past columns that my ing to do you in. But then you face real ad- parents run Toys for Tots in the Tri-States. versity and simply muster the will to trudge Nearly 20,000 toys to who knows how many through the crap to face the big challenges. thousands of kids in Dubuque and surround- I thought about this a while and when I put ing counties. Though he has been the driv- my tired brain to it I realize that we’re get- ing force behind the tremendous growth and ting through it. And the reason is all of those success of the program in Dubuque for the friends around us making it bearable. past few years, this year, after all his work to organize another remarkably successful sea- Last week we found out that my dad’s can- son, he is simply too ill to do all the running cer has returned, this time in his one good around and heavy lifting that this effort re- lung. Tomorrow we find out if they can do quires. Once again mom steps up and works anything about it. Sitting in that room with magic. But she would be the first to point to the doctor giving the news is not one of the those around her who stepped up too. Long- things I wish upon anyone. You want to say time helpers and a great crew of area Veter- something to mom to comfort her, but when ans (not just Marines) set aside their week- you open your mouth, you are unable to ends, evenings, and more to make sure the speak. Lo and behold, she is the one with well-organized program mom and dad put the strength to ask the hard questions and in place had the manpower to finish the sea- make plans for moving forward. Unbeliev- son. This coming weekend, the toys will go able. Dad may be a Marine, but mom is to their organizations, the warehouse will whatever that thing is that holds up Marines. get cleaned up, and it will be done once I guess through three bouts of dad’s cancer more ... for about a week. and beating it, she has built up a tough hide, but I just can’t imagine it. Then it starts all over. But dad is looking ahead and knows he’s not a kid anymore I sat through more than a week worrying and the two of them simply can’t carry this about my dad, waiting for word to come load again next year. So what is to happen from the medical gods. And then tragedy to Toys for Tots? Well, people step up, of hits. Not at home, but close by. One of our course. In this case, my wife and I turned own at 365, Chris Wand (you know, the guy to our circle of friends and challenged them who writes the movie reviews and you spend to take on this truly mammoth endeavor in time trying to find his photos in each issue of 2009 with us. And those friends, also known the paper), called me on a Saturday morning as the Dubuque Jaycees, voted unanimous- to tell me that his own father had just passed ly, just minutes after being voted into office away. This was following just two days after for next year, to take the responsibility. he lost his grandfather on his mom’s side. So, she has just lost her father and husband I know dad was very worried about the pro- in three days. Can you even imagine? gram, but if I have learned one thing in my long tenure as a Jaycee (long enough to earn Now, I’m not sure if it was because a thou- me a life membership this year) it’s that they sand thoughts of my own dad immediately don’t know failure. This program will go on, filled my head, or because someone you on our terms. And I’m sure mom is going know so very well breaks into tears on the to help us get through the first year. That’s phone parting the news about his dad, but just what she does. Like Chris, dad, and a lot I lost it. I could barely make words to re- of you reading this, despite the adversities ply to him on the phone, but, of course, we we face, we find the strength to help others all want to be strong for those around us. through theirs. Maybe that’s what makes us And while I was trying to be supportive for heal from our own. Merry Christmas every- him, I know he was trying to show the same one! brave face to his mom. And I don’t doubt for a minute that in succeeding to be there And for goodness’ sake, tell your mom and for someone else, we also completely failed dad you love them, no matter where they the brave-face-test. But I don’t think it’s the are. brave part people need at times like this. Just The 365ink crew... faces you already know! having the face there is enough. Tim Mike Tanya Jeff Kelli Ralph Gary Matt Lisa Chris Pam Joey Angela Ron Bob Roy Brad Bryce Issue #71 ___________________________The Inkwell December 11 - 25 Publisher: Bryce Parks ([email protected]) In this Issue: Editor: Tim Brechlin Diamond Jo Casino: ([email protected]) A Whole New Game! 4 Advertising: Kelli Kerrigan ([email protected]) Community Shorts 5 563-451-9365 The Christmas Schooner Reflections in the Park Writers & Content: Red Cross Blood Drive Mike Ironside Holiday Grande 2008 ([email protected]) Tobacco Discussion w/ Pat Murphy Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks, L.A. Winter Farmer’s Market Thunderbirds Hockey Hammer, Chris Wand, Mayor Roy Buol, Matt Booth, Robert 365 Pop Quiz 6 Gelms, Angela Koppes, Pam Kress-Dunn, Jeff Stiles, New NMRMA Exhibit 6 Megan Dalsing and Pat Fisher. 180 Main Live Music 7 Designers: Tanya Tjarks The Fountainhead movie 8 ([email protected]) Snowbiz 8 Kristina Nesteby ([email protected]) Motion Connection Dance Event 9 Bryce, Tim & Mike The Nutcracker Ballet 9 Photography: Mike Ironside, Ron Tigges, The Mississippi Moon 10 Bryce Parks Meet Collective Soul 10 Layout: Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks Pam Kress-Dunn 11 Director of Operations: Wando’s Movies 12 Dan Chapman The People of Peninsula Gaming 13 Community, Incorporated Brad Parks, C.E.O. Mindframe Movie Listings 13 Special thank you to: New Dubuque Art Exhibits 14 Brad Parks, Bob & Fran Parks, Christy Monk, Katy Brechlin, Ralph Kluseman, New Diggs Christmas Auction 15 Kay Kluseman, Jon Schmitz, Oliver Kane, Patty Reisen-Ottavi, Todd Locher, Everett Jingle Bell Hop 15 Buckardt, Julie Steffen, Sheila Castaneda, Gaile Schwickrath, Ron & Jennifer Tigges, Budweiser Live Music 16 bacon, the crew of Radio Dubuque and all the 365 friends and advertisers for all Isabella’s Live Music 18 your support. You are all 365. Grand Opera House ‘09 Schedule 18 Dubuque365 / 365ink Silver Dollar Live Music 19 210 West 1st Street, Dubuque, IA, 52001 Mayor Roy Buol 20 dubuque365.com (563) 588-4365 illumiNation 21 All contents (c) 2008, Community, Midwest Concerts 21 Incorporated. All rights reserved. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bob’s Book Reviews 22 Mattitude 23 Like our stuff? We can make yours too! LifeStiles 24 Eating Healthy w/ Hy-Vee 25 Crosswords & Puzzles 27 Trixie Kitsch 28 365 • Web Site Development • Dr. Skrap’s Horoscopes 28 • Graphic Design • • Photography • Puzzle / Pop Quiz Answers 28 • Video Production • • Marketing / Consulting • Diamond Jo Continued 29 ............................. Tri-State Comedy / Funnies 30 [email protected] 563.588.4365 MOJO’S, TREE BAR, MISSISSIPPI MOON, CHERRY LANES, THE SLOTS -- WHERE DO I START?! 4 DECEMBER 11 - 25 by Mike Ironside and Brad Parks before opening an $84 million entertain- been limited, come along with us on a de- Swain points out other details like the am- ment complex, even the look, texture, and scriptive tour of the facility with the one bient music, custom-mixed personally by What a difference a year can make. An- spices on the smallest French fries are un- person who knew every single detail of Swain and Moyer for each of four areas in nounced last December – almost exactly der intense scrutiny. They had it narrowed the new property, even before it was ever the complex, and the subtle but pleasing one year ago – the new Diamond Jo Ca- down to 30 numbered baskets when we got sketched on paper – the project’s visionary, scent, also custom-designed, which wafts sino with its much-anticipated Mississippi there and in the end #22 made the grade. Jonathan Swain. Better yet, read this first through the ventilation system. You can tell Moon Bar is set to open Thursday, Decem- and then go see for yourself! he’s thought a lot about the experience of ber 11, with a concert by classic rock su- “Jonathan keeps a list, a HUGE list (he the place and how it impacts all the sens- perstars Cheap Trick.
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