r ?*■, M m a H n ititt Eafafno BmdA THUB8DAT, AOOUBT14, XtSi ATcroffa Daily Cirenlitien for tbe aMNth sf Joly, te n Dletaion No. «1 of the Oaaaral Dairy Company, BOO n a Waathar ~Walfara Canter, srlU hold Its raffuUr A bout Town School Board On the Watermelon Line Globe Carnival pepalektaa: Popular llarkat. hot *t O. 0. We maetlBff ITIday ersalng at algbt doga and watsnnaloas; Baysr Fruit 6 1 (1 1 o'clock In the EHst Side Raersatlaa HALE'S Member ef ths Audit aad Produce COmpaay, watermelons Shewers toolghtt BotoiWty g m - OalMBbo Soctotjr Center. Alfred Blatter, chairman of Proposal Filed Great Success and bananas; E t^body*s Market, Boraaa ef Clrcolstloas orally fair; aot much -*-ingii la lopt- k ■■>!«> plaw for Ita anauml baa- the advlaory committee, requaata all peanuts; Klttela Markst. water- SELF SERVE ! aad daaea and haa aet tha data members of hla committee to be at msloaa; Maaebtster Public Market, Manchester—-A City of Village Charm peratara, O ■nadajr, Oetobar IS. Tha affair tha Recreation Center by 7:i0 watsrmeloos; Flrat National Stores, sharp. 2:30 TO 5:30 FRIDAY will ba bald la tha Sub Alptna club A. R. Parish Nominated Attendance of 3,500 at watormslons; Hosser’s Market, can- VOL. LVIIL, NO. 278 (UaasUtod AdverttMag oe Page r MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 25. 1939 aa B dildfa atxaat John Rota la As Primary Contestant; Pool Enjoyo INxigmin toloupes; Oewald’s Market, cookies; SPECIALS! (SIXTEEN PAGES) tba (taaral chalrmaa and Samuel office Associates Canals’* Market, cookies. PRICE THRBB CENTS S id a o la tha prealdent of the ao- Keating Makes Bid. Of Eventa and Eata. Oaarda la Charge daty. William Sacherek, life guard and Swansdown Shower Miss Olson OohUnulnc tbs llllng of primary pool ^pervtsor aad hla assistant, ' Tha It. H. Cone Company, con- Tb* anaual Globe Hollow Day at propoials wblcb 1s now drawing to­ tracted oaa of tbe larffeat crowd* of lifeguard Orlando Orfltelll arranged tradetn, of Hartford, began opera- th* srater events program. Boy Cake Flour tloas aacavatlng with a steam ward Ms legal close, tbs first papers children aad parent* In the history Mias Minnie O. Olson of Pearl nominating a contends.' for ona of Scouts from Troops IB and 2S num­ ahaanl and trucks this morning, on street, whose marriage to Austin D. of tbl* closing event of the muni­ bering IB boys aslated the leaders Canter street, west of the Cheney ths four Board of (education vacan­ Beechler, of Center street, will take cipal recrastlon pool season. Ap- in conducting the refreshment pe­ Nazis Decide to Defer Action railroad underpass for the proposed cies which will arise this year haa proxlmstely 3J100 girls, boys and 2 2 c p k g . place Saturday afternoon, Septem­ been made with Deputy Town Clefk riod as aasiatants and Are tenders. M ore new Sunoco gasoline filling sta­ adults were In attendance at the ber n, was the guest of honor at a Hattie Strickland Proposed for one tion. water events which began at 1:30 la Michael Zwlck, recreation director kitchen shower given last night by of the vacancies as a Republican had on* of the busiest jobs of the Armour’s her young women aaaodatea In the th* afternoon aad continued until Hr. and Hrs. Judaon Nevers and candidate le A. R. Parish of 44 Fair’' day yesterday labeling each boy and office of the Orford Soap company, view street, formerly a school th* bug* crowd of youngsters was tha latter’s father, Arthur Palmer, served with hot dogs, watermelon glri on th* arm with an Indelible of oiskland street and Judaon Nev­ at the home of Mra. Clifford A. principal. Mr. Pariah Is proposed by Pork & Beans Treat In Columbia. Supper was and Ice cream. stamp so that there would be no re­ ers, Sr., of Rlllngton Road. Pleaa- Ernest Bantly and signers are Wil­ peats or chiselers along the refresh­ ant Valley, are leaving tomorrow on served by the hostess and the usual liam 8. Hyde, Harold F. Maher, Wlaaers ' aortal pastimes were enjoyed. Arthur Hultman. Karl Keller. John Jbe winners of the water epenta ment line during the afternoon due British Envoy Called a motor trip to Montana, where to the Ug attendance of youngsters. 1 lb. can 5c they will visit relatives. They will The bride-elect has chosen fur­ J. Kennedy. Charles W. Htrant, were aa follows: Towel race LMlIe nishings In the gay Mexican colors Charles O'Dowd, Aaron Cook, Pratt; banana race, . Sherwood Nons were disappointed and every take the Northern route going child In attendance was given his or Westward and stop at places of In­ for her kitchen, and the gifts were Charles W. Luce and Wesley R. Wright; egg and ^>ooi> race, Oscar all In harmony with the general Shields. One of tbe most popular stands yesterday afternoon at the annual (Jafeo, James Lee; dog race, Wilfred her share of the eats. Ivanhne terest, and returning follow s cen­ Globe Hollow carnival during the, refreshment period was the watermelon tral course. acheme. Mr. Parish, now a salesman, la a Dancosa; soda race. BllUe McEwen President Says That Pres­ graduate of the Iowa State Uni­ stand (above) where hundreda of hlg Georgia melons melted out of light and Dave Orfltelll. Girl's event win­ For Parley by Hitler; versity and the Iowa State Teachers as swim-tired youngsters wers guests for the day of the Rec workers Salad and allied merchants. ners were: towel race, Marian Buck; ent Situation in Europe College. He formerly held the posi­ egg and spoon raca, ArUne Tomlin­ tion of principal of schools. SPEITAL Does Not Mean That New Crop, Plnehurat son; dog race, Grace Snodgraaa; Dressing Pinehurst So far no other candidate for a ■oda race. Rose Buoy; banana race, War In Europe Certain GRAVENSTEIN school hoard post has arisen In K. of C. Grounds j Bulk of Queries Ooleen Weir. Winners of bathing Innapapping Fish either party. suits donated by T. P. Holloran, re­ See Snub for F. D. R, Also died Is the propo.sal of form­ 2 5 c qt. Washington. Aug. 25.—(>P)—Pres­ Opened Clams wards for boys swim flrst year to APPLES er Deputy Sheriff Harold T. Keat­ the raft were Roland Borg and the MATTRESS ident Roosevelt said today he did ing who la seeking office on the A Busy Scene I About Coventry Clams in Shell For Good Plea or Sauna girl winner was Marjorts Weir. not regard the present European Steaminff Clams Democratic ticket aa conitabla. He No One in Berlin Will fa> la the third member of hla party to Merchants who contributed to the situation as certain to result in war. ’ Lobsters 4 pounds 25c file for this post, others being James refreshment supply for the big gsth- The CTilef Executive, discussing Poles Determination timate Nature of the Membem Preparing for Information Booth at Ing of youngsters, all of whom had *12.95 Duffy and Joseph V. Shea. Mr. Keat­ the critical foreign situation at a Discussion; Europe Ire Cold, Ripe ing Is proposed by Thomas J. Dan- Anhual Cjirnival to Crntrr Furniahes Data generous helpings after the events, SWORDFISH naher. Signers sre Margaret Bran- were Royal Ice Cream Company for press conference, made this state­ To Resist Germany's Still Hopes; Brilafa 29c lb. WATERMELONS nick, Edward F. Morlarty. Mary C. Open Next Monday. to i>3 Partipd Yesterday 20 gsHons of Ice cream donated by KEMP'S ment when asked whether he would Dannaher. Harold VV. Carrliy. Doro. Mr. Orfltelll, owner of the plant call a special session of Congress to and Frupce |Jpder Ter* 39c each thea V. Haalings, Antonio Barrea, The grounds and the lot north of. act on new neutrality legislation. Fifty-three different parties stop, Speaking to reporters only a few rible Strain of Waiting; Fresh Halihul Half Meinna 3Kr. E. May Holden. (Jeorge A. Call- the Kntghta of Cotumhua home on ped for information at the Chamber loiiclte. John A Morlconl. Theodore hours after he had addresstid peace Demands Unaltered Haddock Fillets Main street, at Delmont street, arc of Commerce Information booth at Poland, However, Will • Hie Blue Cereal Bowl Free Wllli Faeb C, Zimmer and Johi K. Limerick. AUCE COFRAN appeals to Adolf Hitler and Polish Fillet of Sole the Center .vesterday. In nearly HPIRITVAL MEDIUM President Ignace Moscicki, Mr. The race for office so far has not busy places these evenings and from every case the persons who stopped Fight if Her Territory Steak Cod Furrhaae of Kellogg’s been swift, the chief signs of con­ Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Sea Roosevelt said he had made perfect­ SHREDDED WHEAT today on men will he busy erecting and naked for Information were ly clear before that he would not Steak Pollock test being shown In the office of booths and stands for the carnival Bom With A Veil Roosevelt’s appeal today was that He added that Poland “has al­ Ifl favaded by Germana Connecticut residents. What seemed Readbig* Dolly t A M. to P P. M. call Congress unless it was reason­ although this country Is apprecia­ 12c pkg.____________ 2 pkgs 2.1c constable which usually carries with that will open there next Monday ways believed that th* best guar­ It less necessity for official action unusual to the girls at the booth was Or By AppoIntmenL In the Service ably certain that war was Immi­ tive of the efforts of “all peoples and continue through until Labor the number that stopped to ask the nent. ~ _ antee of sound International rela­ Berlin, Aug.
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