The 92nd Annual Meeting of CSJ Program tein Synthesis Using Peptide Thioesters as Building Blocks(IPR, Osaka Room S1 Univ.)AIMOTO, Saburo(15:20~16:20) 4th Bldg., Section B J11 Room S2 CSJ Award Presentation 4th Bldg., Section B J21 Sunday, March 25, AM Chair: KOBAYASHI, Hayao(11:00~12:00) CSJ Award Presentation 1S1- 01 CSJ Award Presentation Edge State of Nanographene and its Electronic and Magnetic Properties(Tokyo Institute of Technology) Monday, March 26, AM ENOKI, Toshiaki(11:00~12:00) Chair: SHIROTA, Yasuhiko(10:00~11:00) 2S2- 01 CSJ Award Presentation Creation of Functional Supramole- cular Polymers through Molecular Recognition(Grad. Sch. Sci., Osaka Monday, March 26, AM Univ.)HARADA, Akira(10:00~11:00) Chair: TATSUMI, Kazuyuki(10:00~11:00) 2S1- 01 CSJ Award Presentation Pioneering and Developing Studies Chair: HIYAMA, Tamejiro(11:10~12:10) on Structural Chemistry of Fluctuations(Grad. Sch. Adv. Integration Sci., 2S2- 02 CSJ Award Presentation Studies on the Chemistry of Low- Chiba Univ.)NISHIKAWA, Keiko(10:00~11:00) Coordinate Organosilicon and Heavier Group 14 Element Compounds(Grad. Sch. Pure Appl. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba)SEKIGUCHI, Akira(11:10~ Chair: TANAKA, Kenichiro(11:10~12:10) 12:10) 2S1- 02 CSJ Award Presentation Development of Photocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting(The Univ. of Tokyo)DOMEN, Kazunari(11:10~ 12:10) Frontier of Plasmonic Photochemistry Monday, March 26, PM New Challenges in Bioinorganic Chemistry - Chair: MURAKOSHI, Kei(13:30~14:50) Towards New Development of Bio-Related 2S2- 03 Special Lecture Opening Remarks(RIES, Hokkaido Univ.) Chemistry MISAWA, Hiroaki(13:30~13:40) 2S2- 04 Monday, March 26, PM Special Lecture Tuning of surface plasmon resonance wave- lengths by structural control of inorganic nano particles(ICR, Kyoto Univ.) Chair: ITOH, Shinobu(13:30~14:50) TERANISHI, Toshiharu(13:40~14:15) 2S1- 03 Special Lecture Artificial Photosynthesis for Production of 2S2- 05 Special Lecture Fabrication of Metal-Semiconductor Nano- Chemical Fuels(Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.)FUKUZUMI, Shunichi composites and Their Application to Plasmonic Photocatalysts(Grad. Sch. (13:30~14:10) Eng., Nagoya Univ.)TORIMOTO, Tsukasa(14:15~14:50) 2S1- 04 Special Lecture Development of Functional Models for Non- heme Oxidases(Kanazawa Univ.)SUZUKI, Masatatsu(14:10~14:50) Chair: MISAWA, Hiroaki(14:50~16:10) 2S2- 06 Special Lecture Anisotropic polarization of molecules in loca- Chair: ISHIMORI, Koichiro(14:50~16:10) lized electromagnetic field(Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)KOMEDA, 2S1- 05 Special Lecture Functional Conversion of Respiratory Enzymes Keiichiro; NAGASAWA, Fumika; TAKASE, Mai; YASUDA, Satoshi; in Molecular Evolution(RIKEN)SHIRO, Yoshitsugu(14:50~15:30) MURAKOSHI, Kei(14:50~15:25) 2S1- 06 Special Lecture Novel small molecule-based fluorescence probes 2S2- 07 Special Lecture New Development of Plasmonic Solar Cells for intraoperative in vivo imaging of tiny tumors(Grad. Sch. Med., The Univ. (IMCE, Kyushu Univ.)OKAMOTO, Koichi(15:35~16:10) of Tokyo)URANO, Yasuteru(15:30~16:10) Chair: TORIMOTO, Tsukasa(16:10~17:30) Chair: AONO, Shigetosh(16:10~17:30) 2S2- 08 Special Lecture Nano-optical imaging of photo-reaction fields 2S1- 07 Special Lecture Beyond the Double Helix: Effect of Molecular in metal nanostructures(IMS)OKAMOTO, Hiromi(16:10~16:45) Environments on the Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids(FIBER & 2S2- 09 Special Lecture Plasmonic Solar Energy Conversion System FIRST, Konan Univ.)SUGIMOTO, Naoki(16:10~16:50) (RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)MISAWA, Hiroaki(16:45~17:20) 2S1- 08 Special Lecture In-cell Chemistry on the basis of protein 2S2- 10 Special Lecture What’s next(Grad.Sch.Sci.,Hokkaido selective labeling(Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)HAMACHI, Itaru Univ.)MURAKOSHI, Kei(17:20~17:30) (16:50~17:30) CSJ Award Presentation CSJ Award Presentation Tuesday, March 27, AM Tuesday, March 27, AM Chair: TERAZIMA, Masahide(11:00~12:00) Chair: KATSUKI, Tsutomu(11:00~12:00) 3S2- 01 CSJ Award Presentation Observatio of molecular structural 3S1- 01 CSJ Award Presentation Research of the Origins of Chirality change during chemical reaction(Univ. of Electro-Communication) and Homochirality of Chiral Organic Compounds(Fac. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of KOBAYASHI, Takayoshi(11:00~12:00) Science)SOAI, Kenso(11:00~12:00) Tuesday, March 27, PM Tuesday, March 27, PM Chair: TATSUMI, Takashi(13:00~14:00) Chair: SHIMOMURA, Masatsugu(13:00~14:00) 3S2- 02 CSJ Award Presentation Studies on Energy and Environmen- 3S1- 02 CSJ Award Presentation Genome Manipulation and Engi- tal Chemistry Based on Photochemistry(Sch. Eng., The Univ. of Tokyo) neering via Chemical Tools(RCAST, The Univ. of Tokyo)KOMIYAMA, HASHIMOTO, Kazuhito(13:00~14:00) Makoto(13:00~14:00) Chair: TATSUMI, Kazuyuki(14:10~15:10) Chair: SUZUKI, Keisuke(14:10~16:20) 3S2- 03 CSJ Award Presentation Reaction Chemistry of Transition 3S1- 03 CSJ Award Presentation Studies on Effective Methods for the Metal Polyhydrido Clusters(Grad. Sch. Sci., Eng., Tokyo Tech)SUZUKI, Synthesis of Bio-related Nucleic Acid Derivatives(Grad. Sch. Biosci. Biotech., Hiroharu(14:10~15:10) Tokyo Tech)SEKINE, Mitsuo(14:10~15:10) 3S1- 04 CSJ Award Presentation Development of a Method for Pro- 1 The 92nd Annual Meeting of CSJ terials visualized by powder X-ray diffraction at SPring-8(JASRI)KIM, Room S3 Jungeun(14:20~14:50) Chair: TAKEUCHI, Masayuki(15:00~16:35) 4th Bldg. Independence Wing DB201 4S3- 08 Special Program Lecture X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis of Poly-Phase Stacking Alloy for Nickel/Metal Hydride Battery(GS Yuasa International Ltd.)OZAKI, Tetsuya(15:00~15:30) 4S3- 09 Special Program Lecture Crystal Structure Analysis of Lu- Chemical Biology Using Naturally Occurring minescent Organic Salts by Synchrotron Radiation(Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Ligands Univ.)TOHNAI, Norimitsu(15:30~16:00) 4S3- 10 Special Program Lecture Structural Analysis of Flexible Por- Sunday, March 25, AM ous Coordination Polymers and Their Applications for Polymer Chemistry (9:00 ~9:05 ) (Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)UEMURA, Takashi(16:00~16:30) 1S3- 01 Special Program Lecture driftofthissymposium(Grad. 4S3- 11 Special Program Lecture Closing Remark( JASRI) Sch. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)UEDA, Minoru(09:00~09:05) YAMAKAWA, Noboru(16:30~16:35) Chair: NAGASAWA, Kazuo(9:05 ~9:30 ) 1S3- 02 Special Program Lecture Chemical Biology of Iron Trans- porter in Graminaceous Plants(Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)NANBA, Room S4 Kosuke(09:05~09:30) 4th Bldg. Independence Wing DB202 Chair: YAMADA, Hidetoshi(9:30 ~9:55 ) 1S3- 03 Special Program Lecture Ultra high throughput in-silico pre- dictions for protein-chemical interactions(Fac. Sci. Tech., Keio Univ.) SAKAKIBARA, Yasufumi(09:30~09:55) Special Lecture Chair: TACHIBANA, Kazuo(9:55 ~10:20) Monday, March 26, PM 1S3- 04 Special Program Lecture Chemical Biology on Antitumor Chair: MORIYAMA, Hiroshi(14:00~14:50) Marine Natural Product Ligands(Grad. Sch. Pure Appl. Sci., Univ. of 2S4- 01# Special Lecture Fascinating Insights in Chemistry, Biology and Tsukuba)KIGOSHI, Hideo(09:55~10:20) Medicine by NMR(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)Richard R. Ernst(14:00~ 14:50) Chair: TAKAHASHI, Takashi(10:20~10:45) 1S3- 05 Special Program Lecture Application of natural products for high-throughput random screening(AIST)SHIN-YA, Kazuo(10:20~ 10:45) Room S5 Chair: UEMURA, Daisuke(10:45~11:10) 4th Bldg. Independence Wing DB203 1S3- 06 Special Program Lecture Chemical biology on a glycoside- type naturally occurring ligand(Grad. Sch. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)UEDA, ( ~ ) Minoru 10:45 11:10 CSJ Public Lectue Chair: KAJIHARA, Yasuhiro(11:10~11:35) 1S3- 07 Special Program Lecture Chemical biology of glycoconjugate Sunday, March 25, PM ligands(Grad. Sch. Sci., Osaka Univ.)FUKASE, Koichi(11:10~11:35) Chair: KANO, Naokazu(13:20~14:10) 1S5- 01 Multiverse - New view of the universe drawn by theoretical Chair: MURATA, Michio(11:35~12:00) physics -(NINS)SATO, Katsuhiko(13:20~14:10) 1S3- 08 Special Program Lecture Chemical Biology on Cell Death Control Ligand(RIKEN)SODEOKA, Mikiko(11:35~12:00) Chair: YOKOYAMA, Hiromi(14:10~15:00) 1S5- 02 Great Tsunami from the off Miyagi Earthquake(Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research, The Univ. of Tokyo) SPring-8 Symposium on X-ray Powder Dif- FURUMURA, Takashi(14:10~15:00) fraction Analysis―Fundamental Guidance Chair: INOUE, Masayuki(15:20~16:10) Wednesday, March 28, AM 1S5- 03 Biologically Intriguing Phenomenon in Plant Kingdom, Nyctinastic Chair: TAKAYA, Hikaru(9:30 ~10:50) and Insectivorous plants(Tohoku Univ.)UEDA, Minoru(15:20~16:10) 4S3- 01 Special Program Lecture Introduction to advanced structural studies by SR powder diffraction(JASRI)SAKATA, Makoto(09:30~ Chair: KONDOH, Hiroshi(16:10~17:00) 10:00) 1S5- 04 Photocatalysts for hydrogen production from water with solar energy 4S3- 02 Special Program Lecture Advanced Applications of the (Department of Chemical System Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo) SPring-8 Powder Diffractometry to Materials Science(RIKEN/SPring-8) DOMEN, Kazunari(16:10~17:00) KATO, Kenichi(10:00~10:50) Chair: MATSUO, Yutaka(11:00~12:30) 4S3- 03 Special Program Lecture Ab initio Crystal Structure Analysis Room S6 Based on Powder Diffraction Data Obtained from Organic Compounds (Rigaku Corporation)SASAKI, Akito(11:00~11:30) 4th Bldg. Independence Wing D101 4S3- 04 Special Program Lecture Powder X-Ray Structure Analysis of Organic Supramolecular Materials(ICR, Kyoto Univ.)TAKAYA, Hikaru; TAKAHASHI, Eiji; NAOTA, Takeshi; ISOZAKI, Katsuhiro; Chemistry in high-energy density nanoscale OGATA, Kazuki; OGAWA, Tetsuya; NAKAMURA, Masaharu(11:30~ 12:00) reaction fields in liquids 4S3- 05 Special Program Lecture Single-crystal diffractometry for the structure determination of very small crystals at SPring-8(JASRI/SPring-8) Sunday, March 25, AM KIMURA, Shigeru(12:00~12:30) Chair: ASAHI, Tsuyoshi(9:30 ~10:35) 1S6- 01 Special Program Lecture Recent development of liaser abla- tion in liquid(Sch.
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