UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 14 Date 21/06/2006 Time 11:29:23 AM S-0990-0002-07-00001 Expanded Number S-0990-0002-07-00001 Items-in-United Nations Associations (UNAs) in the World Date Created 22/12/1973 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0990-0002: United Nations Emergency and Relief Operations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit *RA/IL/SG bf .KH/ PMG/ T$/ MP cc: SG 21 October 75 X. Lehmann/sg 38O2 87S EOSG OMNIPRESS LONDON (ENGLAND) \ POPOVIC REFERENCE YOUR 317 TO HENUIG, MESSAGE PROM SECGEH ON ANNIVERSARY OF WINSCHOTElJt UK ^TOWKf WAS MAILED BY US OCTOBER 17 MSD CABLED TO DE BOER BY NETHERLANDS PERMANENT MISSION DODAY AS TELEPHONE MESSAGE FROM SECGEN NOT POSSIBLE. REGARDS, AHMED Rafeeuddin Ahmed ti at r >»"• f REFCREHCX & SEPfSMiS!? LETTS8 ' AS80CXATXOK COPIES Y0BR OFFICE PB0P8SW f © ¥IJI$0H0TE8 IfH 10^8* &fJT£H AMBASSADOR KADFE1AW UNDSETAKIMG sur THEY ®0^i APPRI OIATI sn©Hf SABLS& SECSSH es OS WITS ®&M XKSTlATS9ff GEREf&DtES LAST 88 BAY IF M01E COKVEltXEtir atrEETx ti&s TIKI at$« BEKALr« — -— S • Sit ' " 9, 20 osfc&fee* This is the text of the Secretary-General's message sent to Ms. Gerry M. de Boer on October £ waa very interested to learn of your plans to celebsrate United Nations Bay on S4 October, and the first anniversary of Winschoten ti«H. Town. I would like to congratulate the Hetlierlanfis United Nations Association and the Winschoten Committee on this imaginative programme. It is particularly rewarding and encouraging when citizens involve themselves positively ani constructively in the concerns of the United Nations. For this involvement and assistance we are deeply grateful, and X send to all. who are coaGeame in this venture my most warm thanks and good wishes Yowra Kurt Waldlteim Ms* Gerry M, de Boer Netherlands United Nations Association Koninginnegracht 14O Netherlands RRJ/wve ce 15 October 1975 Pear Ks. <3e Boer, X was very interested to learn of yoor plans to eeleforate United Nations pay «m 24 October, and the first anniversary of VJinschoton U«JU Town. X wooltf lite to congratulate the ScftiMrlante 13&ifc©$ Nations Association and. the Wi^schoten Co&mitfcQe on this imaginative orograitsae. it is particularly citizens iuvolva of the 3ftit<&3 nations* this i.nvolva«en;t and assistance we afc«£aly and £ senct t0 all ^3jo ore ii% this venture ray most van* thanks and good wishes. Yours sincerely , Kurt essrry M* de Boer United Nations Association *?•- UNITED NATIONS UNIES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR TO: Mr. Rafeeuddin Ahmed DATE: October 1975 A: Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General REFERENCE: THROUGH: S/C DE: FROM: Robert Rhodes James DE: Principal Officer Offices of the Secretary-General SUBJECT: OBJET: The attached The S-G has been asked to open the special UN Day celebrations at Winschoten U.K. Town on 24 October with a telephone message. Georg has told me that this is not possible, but that a message should be sent. I felt that a signed letter would be particularly appreciated, and I enclose a draft for his consideration. ti&tf ••-•?. \. 3« t_.' '.' * .' . '•',". Koninginnegrjcht Mo ".'.''* •*'' * ;•,' ' '.'' .",''•- 's-Gravcnl>.ij;e : , . ' ' - ' . ''••->• ... .. Telofoon 6385W I j -.r*-1''" •'•"'?". ' . Giro 12612 ."r-r:,^"',;-"M •; < • . .• k. • .'•'' '" Uw kenmerl. Ons kenmcrk Ondcnvt-rp - Datum (\ ;:'•: ;": '.;"' ''^.:- . ••. 295/75 • Winsch.VWstad 2nd September 1975 : v .-L -'.'v. •-.''• t"--].Iichaol Popovic ;"'.' %:/ '';"• United Nations Information Centre :; '•"•.'-'•.-' : 14 - 15 Stratford Ploco - "' W I . v. '.,'', -..",. Dear'I'lichaol, v.'••'..- \-;'..>'' October 24th is approaching rapidly, and we're planning several -,;.-"- •-..':"/.''..activities to commemorate 30 years TJ.1T. I,:/.-. As you--knov, "1/inschoten U.IT. Town" will celebrate its first birthday T.^ :•"-.- on that day and plans for several festivities are well on their way. ;-' < -/IntentioiD are to: \.: ' :~ collect money for a project in Bangla Desh. D fl 10.000 has been ,;_- ;•'/- "; collected so far, another D fl 10.000 are required to fulfill the ,'f • ' ".'./._ obligations that V/inschoten has committed itself toj "\ :'•'.-- an oxihibition on Bangla Dosh, centring on the positive aspects of : '< ;; successful projects carried out by other groups in the Dutch society, -:! ' will be. organised i'l the cultural centre; >.••*• - • •f • • '•• ••- a school project on Bangla Desh will be carried out; \: • -. ~ on October 24th a~cultural manifestation v;ill bo held, reflecting tho •[ spirit of the U.N. (cooperation of many cultural societies). Entrance '' . ••••- fees will also .be destined for the Bangla Desh project; '.'• .-'•-. X- :t _ ~ most probably our- staff will develop and give guidance to a U.IT. model ;; •,•• . ; . simulation game for pupils of the local secondary school and the ' -' .teachers' training college; . • • , .-' • ~ contacts are beings established with Slovenj Gradec, the town in ' .;••' • Yugoslavia that is interested in becoming the second U.N. Town. The highlight for the population of Hinschoten will definitely be the celebration on_ the evening of October 24th. The Committee UinGch'oten U.IT. -Town has come up with the idea to request( Hurt Ualdheim to give a message that evening. Perhaps he could open tho \pr.niDentation (around 20.00 hrs) by telephone. We would be very grateful yea; could enquire if this is possible. Thanking you in advance and hoping all is well in London, with my best regards, rerry M. de Boer x RRJ/wvc cc. Mr. Rothermel Mr. Rafeeuddin Ahmed 9 October 1975 Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General Robert Rhodes Jaraes Principal Officer Offices of the Secretary-General The attached The S-G has been asked to open the special UN Day celebrations at Winschoten U.N. Town on 24 October with a telephone message* Georg has told me that this is not possible, but that a message should be sent. I felt that a signed letter would be particularly appreciated, and I *«*.* enclose a -draft for his consideration. RRJ/wvc cc. T. Rotherrael 9 October 1975 Sear Ms. de Boer, I was very interested to learn of your plans to celebrate United Stations Day on 24 October and the first anniversary of "Winschoten U.KU Town", and I wtild like to congratulate the Netherlands United Hations Association and the Winschoten Committee on this imaginative programme* I was particularly glad to see that it emphasises practical assistance and involvement in United nations concerns* It is very easy to express support for the world Organization and international co-operation, but it is much more rewarding for citizens to involve themselves person- ally and constructively in these concerns and thereby to assist us in our difficult work* For this involvement and this assistance we are deeply grateful, and 1 send to all who are concerned in this venture my most warm thanks and best wishes* Yours sincerely, Kurt Waldheim ©erry Netherlands United Nations Association igiiinegracht I4O 1 s~Gravenhage Netherlands ,,'VJ.K.O Koninginnegracht 140 's-Gwvenhage Telefoon 638504 Giro 12612 Uw kenmerk Ons kenmerk Ondenverp • Datum _Winsch.Vffstad 2nd September 1975 . ; ''Michael Popovic ; ''•• United ITations Information Centre '';?.14 -15 Stratford Piece "'•'"' London \J I - '::':'-October 24th is approaching rapidly, and we're planning several ;-,.activities to commemorate 30 years U.IT. "* ' As you-know, "\7inschoten U-H". Town" will celebrate its first birthday on that day and plans for several festivities are well on their way. "..'•Intentions are tos •:'.*• collect money for a project in Bangla Desh. D fl 10.000 has been collected so far, another D fl 10.000 are required to fulfill the . /.obligations that Winschoten has committed itself toj '...» an exihibition on Bangla Dash, centring on the positive aspects of successful projects carried out by other groups in the Dutch society will be organised ill the cultural centre; " • . / • — a school project on Bangla Desh will be carried out; - on October 24th ancultural manifestation will be held, reflecting the spirit of the U.N. (cooperation of many cultural societies). Entrance •'•-'• fees will also ,.be destined for the Bangla Desh project; 'V ' • ~ raost probably our- staff will develop and give guidance to a U.IT, model .'-./ . simulation game for pupils of the local secondary school and the teachers' training collogej . ,.. • -contacts are beings established with Slovenj Gradec, the town in Yugoslavia that ia interested in becoming the second U.N. Town. The highlight for the population of 1/inschoten will definitely be the celebration on_ the evening of October 24th. The Committee Win^choten U.N. -Town has come up with the idea to request i.\Kurt Vteldheim to give-a message that evening. Perhaps he could open the Manifestation (around 20.00 hrs) by telephone. V/e would be very grateful, you could enquire if this is possible. Thanking you in advance and hoping all is well in London, • :' '•'< with my best regards, Ms. Gerry M. de Boer x A*- * I'B/f 1 bf. RA/FMG/MP/TR C aL ^ CCS SG R.R. James 9 September 1975 Dear Mrs* Godkin, 1 wish to thank you for your kind letter of 27 August 1975 regarding the International Festival to be held in Auckland on 22 October 1075. I am pleased to enclose the Secretary-General's message for the occasion which is sent with his warmest wishes* with kind regards, Yours sincerely. Georg Hennig Deputy Executive Assistant Mrs. Phyllis E. Godkin Chairman, International Festival Committee United nations Association of Hew Zealand Information Centre Room 44A, Lewis Eady Buildings 192 Queen Street, Auckland 1 0 Message by the Secretary-General to the'Auckland, New Zealand, International Festival,^ 24 jbctober 1975 I was very glad to learn of the initiative of the Auckland Branch of the United Nations Association and other citizens' groups to hold this Festival to celebrate United Nations Day and International Women's Year.
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