THU BlRatim 835 MAY 4, 19291 3MEDICAL NOTES IN PARLIAMENT. LMEDICAL JOUVNA& I a replied that hie understood that was for researchi only, wherieas, according to tlle genier al opinion, the nleed for more JiNtebfrat peltsz itnt Vardiam researchl. Dr. FREMANTLE retorted the the Committee of lhad " [FROM OUR P1ARLIAMENTAr-Y CORRESPONDENT.] Civil Researelh the d research." lIe asserted that the Canicer Campaigni lhad appealed radium, that they had a large stock in lhanid, aind they w4re therefore dissolved Thlis week House was PAITIAMENT will be neXt week. tlhe the proper body to do wlhat the Comrnittee of -Commons the and Civil Fremantle considered Finiance Researelh. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN said mistakeni estimates, and botlh Houses were occupied with the final stages if hie tlhouglht that tlhe wlhole of the recommendations the of bills previously discussed. Committee dealt with researchl. He nio need givinig the At the House of Commons, on April 29tlh, withl Fremantle House of Commonis ani dpportuniity the question ascllairman, Conservative members enltertainied MNIr. Chamberlain an appeal was ma(le, and adlded thlat lhe lhad easoni to and Sir Kingsley Wood dinner. suppose this appeal would be before the General Election. Aniswerinig Mr. Rober t Morri-isoni, CHAMBERLAIN tle committee of. the Comnmittee- of Research niot in- a Local Government (Scotland) positioni to secure aniy guaranitee that rcadiumni boughb Thiird Rcading inz the Houisc Lords. thlrougl a single agenicy would be clheaper than smaller amounits bought by nunuerous purchasers, but opiniion cu Tue I{oise of Lords,o01 April 24thi, read tlhe Governmenit this point, witlh reasonis, 'was set in their (Scotlanid) Bill a third time after makilg mieor amendments r'eport. it. ByOll1 of tllhse the House,o0l the iimotion Lord YOUNGER, restored-to Clause 35, wliiell deals witli oflicers lhealtlh anid saniiLar y inspectors, a subsectioi whlircl lsiad been Sm3l'-pox. iniadvertencewhvlen Lord Youngerliad previously amcned- On April 25tli, in ani aniswerito Dr. emanitle, Mr. ChIAMrBERLAI;N mciit varyimlg tlhe operative words the clause. The said that, accordinig to tilc iinformation then available, cases whichli, withl the approval of tle Governm ent, restored on of small-poxhad becen niotifie(l duiiiing the week from tlie April 24t1s mUlis: Tuitscia. No furthler deathlslhad occurred, anid no case poxhaad been report6d fr-em the Jlfashobra. thle of tle Inifornmatioil "Except with the sanctiol Departmcint Healllt, 11o vaccinial history of the fatal cases from-l thle iiot tlen person slall, aftLer the comnmellenement of this Act-, appointed Tuisce(lia available. sallitam-y ispector of a couniity or buri-gl uniless he possePs ses such told qualificationis as may be prescribed by the Departmniit Healtli." M.r. LoCKER-LAIPSON Dr. Frtemanitle, in written answer oni April 25thl, that'the regulations with which tr-avelelrs proceed- TIle bill was returnied to tIle Houise Commonis, wicli oil inig fimin this coutriiity to Fr anic hlad t-liat date the April 26thl conisidered Lordds'aaldmendments. provided tllat (1) All personssill posses-sion of certifiicales to the effect.tLhat they The Lortds' Aicndmncits ill the House Com monis. hiad been vacciniated withinil the last five year-s anid niot moro The Lords' amenidments to the billwere' conisidered by tile House recently tllan te days would be allowed to landd withiout of Commonis oss Apr il 26th. Tile Conmnons agreed the suib- hinidrdance. (2) Those without sucll cer tificates wouild required inl sectionl added by tIle Lords to Clause This clauise a sanitari y passport, givig thieir iianames addresses their vision relating to tile tranlsfer of functions, aiid JoHN andd GILM0O destination, so thattll hey migihlt be suibject c edical suiper vision explained. tlat the subsection added by tile Lords was design.'d during the niext fourteen days. to meet a ease wvhere a district board control (3) There would be compulsory vacciniation oni disenmbarkation. aiid -where its fmniletionis would be transferred separato counity couclils. Tile subsectioni autloirlized that the appointmenat Ho understood that at Dieppe hiolders c certificates were also of represenitatives slsould be made eithier the couiities beinig asked to submit their armis inispectioni. joiiitly or by a joint committee, or else thsat certain unuiber Havre thio special regulationisintrtoduced the of appoillntments shouild be allotted to onie couileil still aniiounced in the press, were beiing enforced. llgtl iof certail slumber totile otlier. Sir Johnu added tiat lis tlsouglit this timic wlhih these regulations would emain in must a good working agreemniiit. sariily depend uponicircum-istances. The also agreed to an amenden nt Commons. Lorlls Dr. FREMANTLE asked whlethler these matters wouldlfutufrebin ini Clause 11, wliicls provides for the combinationi autlio- arsanged through the Initerniationial Committee Hygiene; i ities. Sir John Gilmour said tise Lords' amneiidmesnt Paiis,ortl,o througl the Health Organiizationl the Leaguc 'of to meet circumstaJiues sucls as would occuir in conse- Nationos, at Genieva. M. LoCaER-LAMsPSON thiat, in thei quence of of an asylum. The the transfer amienddmenit opinion of theBrtitishl Gover-nmenit was not possible to leavethec duced thsoby Governiment after coisfereisce witis tie details of administration in suchl matters to an international body.' with conceerned. Clause 35, dealing appointmenits Thec FrenchLl Governimenit hiad acted in the in officers of licalth aisd saniitary inspectors, Johin Gilmour anlcewithh Article 42 of the International Sau-itary Convention that thse Commons withi tlse amendment the at 21st, 1926. disagreed wlsich,ool signed Pariis, oni Junoie of Lords had carried. Sir Basil IiOotioii Lordd Younger-, This amessdnment SirKINGSLEY WOOD told Pete, April30ll,t that there laid dowis that saliital y inspectors of glis was no quaranitine statioi or quarantinesilip at the port of sueceeded 0l5 aniy valicac ayrisimg aftertAileAct coniing into force Liverpool. The measures takeni at Liverpool on tjse arrival the ipso faceto by thie- sansitary inspector of tse couiity within whiell s.s. 7'ascania were in accordaec witlwih the procedure laid in the buirgis was situated. Mr. W. WATSON suippor-ted Johiii the Initernlational Sanitary Coivention PETO Gilmour's pr oposal. He said thlat coinsiderable hiardsilip asked whether, in the absence of aniy quarantine stationi and( ship, lbe imposed upon certain buirgls if they hiad burghi whio the crew and passengers were distributed over thecounttry;- were isot also sanitary inispectors. Mr. W aESTWOOD also thaiked andwhletheer at East Ham anid West small-pox thle Govelrismenit, anld said maniy people w%vould arose from conitact withi a steward from the Tuscania whio hiad tIsat tise Governmenit hiad sufficient backbone to face thue Hous seveni or eighitWOchlildreni attending an elementaiy school Leytoi of Lords. The House of Commoiis thleii disagreed with Lords' Road. Sir K-NG5LLY OOD Yes, Sir; tise Minister Healthiandl asmensdment, and subseetiois (1) of Clause revem-ted original have answered several questionis oni this iatte, giving an exact form, ill whisich the pr ovisioms that a couiity s slould succeed account of what lias takeni place. Obviously, the coniditions whic to a vacancey in a sniasl burgs eiily aipplied miedical officers of hiave to he complied withi are those the Internationial Saniitary hlealth.. Conivenition1bu1 t tlle,ireal lesson of te wiole affair is theilecessity Otler amenidntsconerncilriing tllc traofsfer of officers and iiglits for -acciia tioin. ill superaisisuatioss funiids or compensation wvere tile Commons, amid tlse bill was returned to tse wiitlsLords statemenit Power Statins and the Sm3keNuNsance. of the reasoiis for disagreeinsg with tise Lords' ameiidmielt ct , thiat thie Clause 35. Colon1elASHLLEY aliiioulneed, oni April18th, Electricity Commonnissioners hada asked the m Govericnmenit chiemist to exaine results tllof e investigation by Londdontheo Power CompanPy Radium. oi tile problem eliminiiiatinigof suplphur fumes from smoke.. Aiiswveringio Dr. Fireiiialitle,Apriil 25t1s, Mr. CuIAMEERLAIN-L said Hec was iniforiied that r-esaiear chiemists hiad already obtained tlis Brmitisis Em-npire Camigc1 Campaigi was lsot conisulted before til satisfactory results -in laboratory expeimiei ts5. In coiju ioinic Goverunment decided its actiois 01l the propopredp radium appeal. tile Departmenl t ofScicentificand d InduRtrial Re!earch the Governl- Tise Campaign would siot be ask'd to uisdertake thle appeal time nieiit hemenist would adv iso Fi st Coinissioner Works anid public foro fumsds. Mr. Cliamberlains added tisat, wliile appreciatiisg the Electiricity Conslmissioner-s on the efficacy of tile measures the Britisls he proposed for tile niew station Battersea. Onily tle' newver work beiilg done byytlse Emipire Canser Campaign,, powver hiesitated to accept Dr. Frensasstl&s estimiiate of it as tise princeipal power stations illLonddonithe arlea were the conidition associationl for tise promotiols of cancer researchi. Dr. FREMAN'TLE that thloere should be the best kniowv precautions the con- a-sked wisetlier Mr. Clisamberlaiis knlew thlat the Cancor Camlpaign sumptioni of smoke anid for preventing, so reasoniably had prepared an appeal ois ani extensive scale. Mr. CIAsn1mERLAshN practicable- the evolutioni of oxides of sCphur. 836 MAY 4, 1929] MEDICAL NOTES. IN PARLIAMENT. [ Tin Bamsm IEDCL J O In the House of Lords, on April 25th, Lord Jzsszz. called atten- -Education Estimatc8
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