130 FAL~TONE. NORTHUMBERLAND. [ l\ELLY'S Public Elementary Schools. Plashetts, Council (mixed), erected 1907, for Ijo Fa.lstone, Council, enlarged in r884 at a cost of £100, children ; average attendance, II5 ; J ames Cunning­ for 6o children ; average attendance,so; James Ernest ham, master; John Thompson, Pla~hetts farm, corre­ Toll, master; William Forster, Mount Pleasant, corre­ spondent spondent Railway Stations. Falstone, Hector Inglis, station master Kielder (mixed), erected in 1849 by Algernon, 4th Duke Plashetts, William Scott, station master of Northumberland; it will hold so children; &verage Kielder, John Crawford, station master attendance, 20 ; Mrs. Sara. Hazlett, mistress Deadwater, Mrs. Elizabeth Wylie, station mistres~ FALS'fONE. COMMERCIAL. Andprson Rev. DaYid B.~\.. (Pres) Dagg Anthony, farmer & assistant. Crozier Thomas, farmer, High Y<urow Drxt!~r Rev. ~\rthnr James B.A. overseer, Gowanburn Dagg Isaac, cattle dlr. Stannersburn (rector), The Rectory Graharn ~atthew, grocer Hedley Geo. farmer, Whickhope farm COMMERCIAL. tHall Jas. farmer, Kersey Cleugh cot Hedley ·waiter, farmer, Bewshaugb AllcrJft Sarah (~lrs ), Black Cock inn t .Yfacdonald Jn. gamekeeper to Duke (letters through Keilder) All en John, grocPr of Northumberland, Kielder cottage Lawrence Ro·bert, gamekeeper to Thos. Cerretery (William Co-u-an, supt) Plashetts Coal & Coke Co. Limited Benson esq. Lewis Burn fork (let- Falstone Agricultural & Industrial (.John Rlbson Elliott, manager) ters through Plashetts) . Show (Anthony Dagg, sec) . Id Mewse Richar,d, farrner,Stann(";rsburn +R, o b son J n. JP. f arrner, E as t K1e er Far:elton Thomas, grocer & draper Mewse vVm. blacksmith, Stannersbum Thompson Jn. & Ralph, frmrs.Belling Murrav Jas. & John, frmrs.Smale frrn Nichol Ed ward, farmer, Hawk hope Thompson Jn. farmr. Plashetts farm · Potts Thomas, tailor t'l'hornton Ro bt. farmer, West Kielder Oxley Thos. Crown inn, Stannersburn Pri11r ~ichl. Jn. juim~r. Mousiebaugh Pigg Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Ridley Matt. A. farmer,Hawkhope hill Stannersburn Robson Thos.Foster, fishing taclde ma WELLHAUGH. Richardson Charles, farmer, Hawk­ \Veatherson James & Joseph, farmers (Letters through Falstone.) hirst cottage (letters thro' Plashetts) Robson Robert, Adam, WaltPr & Jas. PLASIIETTS. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. farmers, Willowbog, Emmethaugh Marked t receive their letters through Benson Thomas ( shocting- box), Lewis & Shilburnhaugh (letters through Kieider. Burn fork (letters thro' Plashetts) Plasht>tts) tNorthumberland His Grace the Duke Onthber~ Capt. James Harold D.S.O , Ro bson Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper. of K.G., P.C., V.D., J.P. Kielder ,J.P. Whickhope lo. (shooting box) Y :ll'row n~ o or castle; & 2 Grosvenor place & Swinhurne Sir Jn. hart. J.P.Mounces, Shanks Jn. & Rd. frmrs. Craneclengh C1rlton, Travellers', St. Stephen's I'lashetts & Otterstone Lee Sinclair Jam e~ Keith, eo lliery pro­ & Athf'na>nm clubs, Lundon SW prietor, Shilburnhaugh FEATHERSTONE, see Haltwhistle. • FELTON is a township, parish and village, pleasantly owner. The soil is light; subsoil, loam and sand. The­ seated on a steep acclivity which rises from the north side chief crops are barley, oats, turnips and some land in of the Coquet, and on the road from ~orpeth to ..llnwick, pasture. The area of the township (which is in .A.lnwick 1 'and is 4 mile!! west from A.cklington station on the North I union) is 1,048 acres of land and 28 of water; rateable E:~stern railway, 9 south from Alnwick, ro north from! value, £2,460; the population in 1911 was 453 in the Morpeth, 7 east from Rothbury and 24 nocth from New-: township and r,o8r in the ecclesiastical parish. castle, in the Berwick-on-Tweed division of the county, the eastern division of Coquetdale ward, Alnwick and AC'fON and OLD FELTO~ form a united township, Morpeth unions and county court districts, and in the 2 miles north-east from Felton and 3 west from A.ckling­ rural deanery of Alnwick, archdeaconry of Lindisfarne ton station on the North Eastern railway, in the Berwick­ and diocese of Newcastle. The river Coquet, which flows on-Tweed d1vision of the county and in Alnwick union to the south of the parish, and is crossed by a substantial and county court district. .A.cton House, the property of stone bridge of three arches, abounds with fine trout and William Beresford Lisle esq. is a mansion of stone, occu· other fish, and is frequented during the summer season pying an elevated position and commanding extensive by anglers. The church of St. Michael is an ancient views of the surrounding country; is now the resi­ building of stone, in the Early English style, consisting dence of E. B. C. Curtis esq. Cuthbert D. G. Riddell of chancel, nav-e uf four bays, aisles, ~outb porch and a esq. who is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Lisle are the western turret containing 2 bells: at the east end of the chief landowners. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. south aisle there remains the upper part of a wheel winduw, The land is principally in pasture, bnt turnips are filled, in 1896, with stained glass as a memorial to Mary ' grown. The area is 1,526 acres; rateable value, Ann O'Connor, second daughter of the late Rev. William ! £1,284; population in I9II, 67. Bell Moises, for 20 years vicar of Felton parish, and Letters received through Felton, arrive at IO a.m- widow of the late Roderick O'Connor J.P. of Rathmue: Felton is the nearest money order & telegraph office the church was restored in 1902 at a cost of £ I,ooo, when the nave roof was renewed and the north wall re- BOCKENFIELD township is 2 miles south-south-east. built on the original foundation, besides several internal in the Wansbeck division of the county, Morpet.h union improvements: there are sittings for 400 persons. The and county court district. It is chiefly the property of register dates from the year 1553 . The living is a Cuthbert D. G. Biddell esq. Here is a sandstone quarry. vicarage, net yearly value £ 133, including residence, in The soil is chiefly clay. The chief crops are turnips and the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since rgro by pasture. The area is 2,459 acres of land and 6 of water;. the Rev. George Andrew Bro~n L.Th. of Durham rateable value, £r,393; the population in rgrr was 66. University. The vicarage ho~se has bern r~built at a ELYHAUGH is on the river Coquet, 2 miles we~t, ill' cost of upwards of £1,ooo With .stone quarned on the the Berwick-on-Tweed division of the county and Alnwick !"elton Park estate. The . Cathohc church was erected 1 union and county court district; it is the property of 1 m 1858 by the ~ate J. Riddel~ ~sq. at a cost of about George Tate esq. of Botherwick. The soil is loamy; [,7;000, ~rom designs by Mr. Wlll~am Blo"?-nt, of London_; 1 the subsoil, clay. The chief crops are oats, barley and 1t IS dediCated to St. Ma:Y•. and Is an edifice of ston.El m turnips. The area is 272 acres of land and II of water; the Decorated style, comnstmg of chancel, nave, sacristy, rateable value £ 239 · population in 1911 r8 W6St and south porches and a tower with spire: all the ' ' ' · windows are stained, and there is a stone altar bea.uti- ESIIOTT is a township, 3 miles sou~h-east from Feltoll' fully carved. The Presbyterian Church of England was 1 and I~ north-west from Chevington station on the main line­ founded in 1B1g; the present bnildinQ", erected in r8r9, 1 of the North Eastern railway, in the Wansbeck division of will seat 300 persons. Here is a Wesleyan Methodist the county and union and county court district of chapel, built in 1891 and affording roo sittings. The Morpetb. Eshott Hall, in this township, is the seat of Haselri~g-s charities of £s yearly value are charged on Mrs. Bainbridg-e. John Benson Bainbridge esq. is thr land belonging to the Widdrin~on family of Newton principal landowner. The Heugh, or Eshott Heugh, Hall. There is a Reading Room. Felton Park, the which the Carrs in 1666 added to th~ir Eshott estate, property of Cuthbert David Giffard Riddell esq. J.P. of' has continued in possession of a ·branch of their Swinburne Castle, is the rrsidence of Sir Rilev Lord 1 dPscendants, and is the property of the trustees of the­ J.P. : the mansion is of considPrable extPnt, dPiightfully i R-Pv. Thomas Williarn Carr M . .A. Df Harming, Maid­ ~eated on gently rising g-round in a park of about 550 stone, Ke-nt. The soil is loamy and clay; subsoil, clay. acres and surrounded by' scenery of the most varied, The chief crops are barley, oats and turnips. The a:ea picturesque and beautiful character. Cuthbert D. G. is r,7g6 acres; rateable value, £1,793; the population• Ridrlell egq. is lord of the manor and chief land- in rgr r was 121. .
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