1 : l^f^^' ' A " ' ' 7 'THE -CRANFOBD' * >' . meeting at the home of Brendji Rothbard has been nominate far Conley, 14 Woods B«le road, some president; Mr* Marvin Kat*v Mrs. ians of the girls waxed' decorated eggs Harold Robinson and Mrs. Robert club, C. a MacFarland, Charles and prepared the basket, with the Grimshaw, vice-presidents; Mrs. Plans for- the establishment of idp of Mrs. Joseph Potts and Mrs a new ail-induslve fund-raising Bailey, Charles Wister, and C. B.pier, Steven Ulichny, Craig Sny- WUI|am Yuin. recording secretary; Smith, *- of Westfldd, and Winder, Richard Jackson, and Dan Albert MandeL, Meanwhile, the Mrs, Julius CtrMljC^trMlj correspoudcorrspoud- lrgahuatlon- for Cranford; weri KENILWORTH jther girls of the troop did'the M lli Sith outlined tar the Hotary, Club at Jones of the Dunellen dub. Otto Knauer. - ..••:. .•^.-.,T. " :. ._•:»'•_• GARWOOD ing secretary; Mrs. William Smith, remote, organizer of the Union Awards were, presented to the CRANFOR] At Luncheon marketing with the assistance of its weekly luncheon nw<tlng at I : The Cranford Newcomers Club Mrs. S. Gmelin and Mrs. Meredith treasurer. ;'••'•'•"•: - ""'• Junior .College silver anniversary following:.' • ' ' > <"'•' SBImd «a-anoo« dMa BMO matter at 3 Sections, 24 „___ _ * at itsConley, using funds earned by the Assisting Mrs. Pollack on theCranford Methodist Church last development ' campaignpg, , was a Allen Steinberg, gold arrow on CRAN^RD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, i^RIL 24, 1958 , Tte Bolt OfOea at Cnalord, M. J. monthly luncheon meeting last nominating committee were, Mrs; Thursday by Joseph Kohn, chair- p Dr. Kenneth MacKay. Brownies.'' •" • .,,..'.'. ',.•'. '•'•:.' •..• ; • Kenneth Morris, Mrs; Joseph AU- guest of. bear, wolf badge and gold arrow Wednesday at the Wesley Metho- The girls are looking forward man of the Mayor's Committee for presidenesident off the collegecog. on wolf; Kenneth Krichman, wolf dist Church in Roselle. They are: seo, Mrs. A. J. UUchney and Mrs.la United Fund. ' ,. to a father-and-daughter picnic, Mario Delia Rosa. OuObb singfaii c was led by Horace and assistant denner; Andrew Municipal CovtmtfeeBei . Mrs. Sooald Agnew. Mrs. John in June. .... ' • '• ' '•-..-. • Mr. Kohn emphasised that the Corbin, Jr, with Arthur K. Bur-Goldberg, denner. •. _ „ Introduce Refreshments win be served ^0 UJC Brim ••w - ">;>n 5 Sternad, Mrs. John Tully. Mrs. Other recent activities included following the meeting under the work of this United Fund is fo ditt at the piano. Jerry Gelfmani gold arrow on Anory Pike and Mrs. Ralph Jones. _ visit to the home of the Harry direction of Mrs. Katx, Mrs: Delia raise operating funds for the vari- The meettng was conducted by wolf; Robert DiTtuMo, four silver Stop Street Mrs. GeorgeHolliday, hospitality Devuns, .creators, of the Ragmopp Rosa, Mrs. Alislo and Mrs. J.ous organizations cooperatf Club President William J. Dodds. arrows on befir; Jeffrey Heilbrun, cartoon strip, in Mountainside, is not involved in raising denner; 'Glenn Kuntz, assistant chairman, asked the blessing be- Smath.- .•: • . •:-..::.". '. • . Total Reaches$72,739 . a-- party at Brookside .Place funds for construction of * denner; Louis DJtzeL assistant cers, : » fore luncheon. '.;. ....•• ., •• . ' Ordinance '•v-' I ^Committee chairmen were intro- School, where Troop 789 enter- It is the hope of the niuee• in ••, Alaskan Theme denner; Richard Brown, denner; Gifts anfl pledges totaling $72,73& were announced today •pear* With Collegians 1 Forty-four streets or portions of directors and six officers.; by Joseph Kohn as president, \ doced by Mrs. William McGrady, tained several other troops. of he; related; that door-to-door Michael Jones,, denner; Jon Mi- George S. Sauer, Cranford chairman fir Union Junior Crjnford's new United Fund v the*, streets were designated as closely parallels, the team^that prWdetnv who explained their 'Brownies.- I'" ' in" •''"-" .£.""' ' vassing except through the i For Cpb Pack 175; chaelson,. assistant denner; Patrick f 1 ition took permanent About a hundred citizens' at- s sUver annivertary fund cam «n. "through/streets" in an brjunsnee has been heading, the pro feinj dutiefcaftd asked for volunteers to •' r •' United Fund Drive will be pre Rae, gold arrow on bear. tended the meeting, which waa This briaga to $17,490 the amount raised by Section A introduced and passed on first snapje Sunday iafternoon ait a serve with them, Mrs. Paul Harr vented. Mr. Kohn said the com-Present Awards Visits to Edison Laboratories reading Tuesday night by the held in the Walnut, Avenue Mayor's Cornmittee. It in- nish, recreation chairman, an- mittee felt that the United Fund and Lakehurst Naval Air Station] the leadenhip of Edward J. Shaheen and $14,580 col- public meeting whidMsaw the cludes John H. McClintock aa Under the leadership of Mrs. "Exploring Alaska" was the Township Committee. Public hear- adoption of a"constitution and .School. nounced thai golf and golf lessons Nancy Menge and Mrs. Alice lim- would not be In a. position to for- theme of the meeting of Cub Pack have been planned for April and lected by Section B led by Nel ing win be May 13. ~~~ first vice-presiderit, Mrs. N. A. would beadded to the list .of. activ- bid canvassing by organizations 175 Saturday evening at Cranford May. Plans have, also been made by-laws and the election V^O I The. officer group, headed v.- ; ing,' members of Brownie Troop son Iightcap. Special gifts, in- Stop signs win be installed on Tomasulo as second vice-presl« y i.-h't-M ities. ' ^wk/'-N.'"' 799 held their first cook-out, at not cooperating, but that the pub- Methodist Church. Den 5 was i infor the Cubmob'iie to be held Ion each side road that intersects.wlth 3anford Pickard of Wckard In- th'e Scout House recently. Last lic, in its discretion, could make charge-of the program and pre-High'Street in May. ,' cluding contributions of mem-a through street except where the dent, Oliver Brooks as treas* teriors was the speaker for the af- Saturday they took a hike to Echo <uch drives unprofitable and im-sented a skit and movies on AI-. bers of the college's board of use of *YieM Right of Way** signs urer, John V. Starr as awilstant practical by refusing to contribute 1 ternoon. He gave hints for" plan- Lake in Westfleld. To Be Wlalled trustees, faculty and adminis- has been specified. The latter Stickers on Sale Monday treasurer and Mrs. B. C. Belden as :. ning visually and with organiza- except through, the United Fund. : This month the girls are mak- Den 11 was 'given the parents' 1 signs win be installed at Walnut secretary^. ' • •".•' . tion when decorating. Mr. Pick- The.speaker likened the organ- attendance award and Den 1 re- William I : Dennis of Cranford trators, total about $40,000. avenue and Chester Lang place Stickers lor t!ic tw/o off-street m il parking lots will ing favors to be used at the Gold- isation to a corporation whose will be installed; as senior grand Directors elected, in addition to m «rd showed fabrics,, wallpapers, en Age luncheon, future plans in- ceived "Cubby." , Mr. Sauer today/called on all and Lexington avenue and Chester _go on. sale at 9 a.m. Monday at police headquarters, it was ' the' six; officers, are Robert M. and accessories which could be stockholders were • the ' uieuibets ' Mrs. Alma Krichman jwss -.in- steward at-.the annual'state con- |j^Jlibiy,'§v, workers in the campaign to make Lang place. (The completo ordi- clude a pajama party at the Scout announced, at Tuesday night's Township ittc« meeting by > trarle, Clarence fritz, 'Richard i. '• used to achieve varied effects. ., .the community with', a board ducted as new den mother of Den vention of Free and Accepted More than M5 boys who attend- every effort to see every prospect nance win be published in next House and a trip to Bear Moun- w directors' consisting, of repre— Mayor John L. Brennan. .. ' • .„ \ ' Guy, Mrs. W. J. Hofmann, Robert \ The next meeting will be held 1 and Mrs. William Yulll was pre-I Masons In Atlantic City today, td Cranford Boyr Camp last sum- "So far we have seen only a week's issue of The Cranford Citi- l«ary, Mrs. Jean Montehecourt, . Wednesday, May- 7, at the Chi-Am <ientatives of the community and sented with a gift from four of, oer at Silver Lake, near Hope, and zen and Chronicle.) , . The stickers will be available from 9 a.m. to 9 p^tn. Monday, l ! representatives of the agencies small percentage of the total num- Mrs. Gertrude Nunn, John V. Nos- 'ii-)z'''" * Chateau, Route, 22, Mountainside. her boys who went' into Den 1. Speeding was blamed for 13^200 I lr guests, wiU attend the an- A petition was received JAMB8 F..OWUEN Tuesday,and Wednesday next week'and from 8 a.m. \o 4 p.m. trand, Mrs. Charles Redden, How- | seeking community contributions. ber of prospects," Mr. Sauer. said, M DeaMCrattc Chalmaa Hewcomer* to Cranford interested The following boys were in- deaths on United States highways nual camp reunion at 7:80 o'clock more than SQ resid >nts f "f that KeiabUean Chalrnan after that time. Cost of the annual parking permit, available to "in attending are invited to canChief PoweU V- :He- paid tribute to those whose "If vi^e personally contact all per- ard Siegel, Roderick W. Smith, ducted into the pack: David Pa- to 1957. tomorrow night; to "the old gym- ti>e property by Lexing— local residents and local property owners, is $20. „ . : •';•.;,' David N. Tyre, the Rev, George Mrs. fred Smitb of 101 Edgewood study and preparation resulted in sons in Cranfbrd interested in Un-ton avenue^ Georgia street, the Speaker Tonight the present lup»p-temM, organiza- mium of the First Presbyterian .
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