• Vol.- Llll HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 14, 1955 No. II Thomas A. Smith to Fill Air Force Disbands $532,600 To Raise Faculty Several ROTC Units Spot Vacated by Peelle By JACK VAUGHN Salaries Over Ten Years Howie Muir Named Col. Menvin E. Potter, a liaison $532,600 was the share Trinity received of the one-half billion officer working under Maj. Gen. dollars granted to colleges and hospitals throughout the nation by Assistant Director Deichelman, Commander of the Air the Ford Foundation. Although President Jacobs has 1·eceived Force Reserve Officers Training Corps, "The College will sustain a revealed in an interview last summer only official notification from the Ford Foundation and is awaiting tremendous loss," said President at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, more details regarding the grant, he could only say, as the T1·ipod Jacobs recently when announc­ that the Air Force intended to have went to press, that he was "greatly honored that Trinity should ing the official resignation of ROTC graduates make up the bulk of be chosen as a recipient of such a lofty honor as this generous Admissions Director William R. the Air Force's flying personnel, Peelle, '47, effective as of tomor­ rather than drawing as heavily upon grant." row, December 15. He will be the Air Cadet f>rogram. To accom­ The grants to colleges are to succeeded by Thomas A. Smith, '50, plish this, he said, the standards of Dean Vogel to be used exclusively for faculty who will serve as Acting Director of the Air Force ROTC would have to salaries, the money for which Admissions, and W. Howie Muir, '51, be markedly raised above mere physi­ HeadGraduate will be in the form of endow­ as Assistant Director. cal and mental qualification and a Mr. Peell e leaves the College to limit of 4,000 commissions a year, as ments and only the income may assume an administrative position compared with the current 7,000 per School Here be used for ten years. After with the Wilcox-Crittenden Co., a year, would be awarded to ROTC Dr. Robert M. Vogel has been ten years the institutions arc at lib- marine hardware manufacturing firm graduates. One result of the plan, ex­ named Dean of Graduate Studies, it erty to dip into their principal. For plained Col. Potter, would be elimin­ in Middletown, Connecticut. has been announced by President Al­ the first ten years, however, the in­ "He has served the College with ation of the smaller Air Force ROTC bert C. Jacobs. come from the grants must be used outstanding success and with unselfish units with the reduction in commis­ to raise teachers' pay, after that it devotion," the President added at a sions. The position is a new post created surprise party given for Mr. Peelle by Last week the Pentagon confirmed at a recent meeting of the Board of may be utilized in any manner by the the faculty and administration on Mon­ reports that more than a score of the Trustees. Dr. Vogel has headed the institution. day afternoon in Cook Lounge. At 188 Air Force Reserve Officers Train­ evening and summer schools since A total of $210 million went to all ing Corps detachments will be shut that time they also presented him with 1951. regionally accredited, privately sup­ a Dawson print of a sailing scene down because they are not producing The appointment is the culm ina­ ported colleges and universities in the which will be a companion to one that enough officers who qualify for pilot tion of an "experiment" begun four country to h Jp raise faculty salaries. hangs in the Peelles' living room in training to justify the expense. The years ago by Dr. Vogel and the Col­ West Hartford. Pentagon, however, declined to iden­ lege, when it was attempted to in­ Mr. Peelle came to Trinity as a tify the institutions because "it was Two Types of Grants tegrate the graduate studies more freshman in 1940, but interrupted his obligated to let the colleges and uni­ There arc two typ s of grants to versities make their own announce­ closely into the life of the College. college career for a tour of duty with Instead of the combination of grad­ colleges. All will get a portion of the the Coast Guard. He served as an ments." Officials of three New Eng­ $210 millions and must use the income land colleges, Harvard, Williams, uate and undergraduate courses of­ engineering officer in the South Pacific, fer d in the evening to rcsid nts of for ten years to raise faculty salaries. received the Bronze Star for partici­ and Amherst, have already announced Additionally 126 institutions, about that they have been notified by the this area from 1925 to 1951, grad­ pation in the landing on Iwo Jima, uate courses alone have been offer d a fifth of t.he schools, will get a sup­ and survived the sinking of his ship Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, plemental grant from the 50 million David S. Smith, that their detach­ during the last four years. The in a typhoon off Okinawa. dollars appropriated last spring by the ments will be disbanded in the Sum­ quantitative and qualitative requir.e­ Returning to Trinity, he received Foundation. Allocation of the $50 mer of 1957 and that no new stu­ ments of the courses have been grad­ his B.A. in 1947, and four days later milUon has not been announced yet. dents will be enrolled in the future. ually raised, but despite careful se­ was named Assistant Secretary of Ad­ lection of graduate candidates the William R. Peelle (Continued on page 6) missions. As an undergraduate he number of students has incre::tscd Another $50 Million was a member of the Sophomore Din- from 185 in 1949-50 to 345 in 1954- The $50 millions may be used either ing Club and Saint Anthony Hall. 55. for salary increments or for other In 1951 he became alumni secretary "TI1e graduate students who par­ "pressing" needs, the foundation said. in addition to his admissions duties, in ticipated in this experiment wer<' There is no requirement that the 1953 he was named Acting Secretary Prof. B11nkwitz lends Construttire, almost all part-time students," Presi money must be held for income pur­ of Admissions, and in 1954 received dent Jacobs said. "Among the more poses, either. the permanent appointment. Eneour11ging Atlrite to Fall Review than half million population in this In connection with the Ford Founda­ (Continued on page 6) area there are individuals who nc d tion grants of last spring and the re­ By DR. PHILIP C. F. BANKWITZ sible not to sympathize wholeheart­ graduate instruction, who are capa­ cent one, Henry Ford II, chairman of edly with the problems and difficul­ ble of it, but who are unable for the board of trustees said: In reading the current issue of the ties the Board has to contend with in Atheneum Wins Over reasons of finance or family or work "Industry, commerce, government, Trinity Review with the supposedly the preparation of each issue. For responsibility to engage in full time the arts, the sciences and the profes­ New Haven Teachers example, it has to give its product u study. vigilant eye of the reviewer, I was sions-indeed our whole way of life The Varsity Atheneum teams of far broader scope than would other­ reminded of the comment about (Continued on page 6) depend heavily upon the equality of Frank Kury and Robert Back and wise be the case on a larger campus; Thomas Wolfe at the end of the first, our education. David Roelhfing and Ted Brown went it has to satisfy the demands of an to New Haven to debate the State and best, reviews of Look Homeward audience whose need for humor, criti­ "Recognizing this fact, the Ford Teachers College Monday, Dec. 5th. Angel, a comment which led me to cism and topical comment is not met Foundation wants to do everything Both teams were successful in re­ consider the rather alarming respon­ by the campus newspaper. (This, at Race Driver Speaks they can to emphasize the cardinal turning with victories. On the same sibilities of a literary magazine on least, removes the dangers of over­ importance of the college teacher in evening the freshman team of Herb campus. The comment, or rather my specialization. In my undergraduate To Sports Car Club our society." parap!u·ase of it, was somewhat as days at Harvard, the local Funny, the The grants are viewed as a reward Moorin and Paul Mills went against Last Thursday evening the Sports follows: if so much talent is wasted, Lampoon, often degenerated into a for those schools which have "led the ew Britain State Teachers College Car Club of Trinity started rolling. then we are all lost. By talent, I third-rate Punch-cum-New Yorker; as way in their regions in improving the and returned with a win. It was the At the meeting in Seabury, the club mean literary talent, and I refer spe­ for the organ of the local literary in­ status and compensation of American second one; the first one was against was fortunate in having Mr. C. H. cifically to that existing in quantity telligentzia, the Advocate, that often college teachers." UConn. (Candy) Poole as their speaker. This On Thursday of the same week, on the Trinity Campus. By all of us, became, well, unutterably precious.) Because these schools may have I mean of course the Great Unwashed Then take this matter of encouraging successful East Coast racing driver Jack Vaughn and Martin Stearns supplemented his absorbing talk with neglected such things as maintenance along with Robert Back and Frank who read the Review, and who stand the local talent which has had to be to find money for pay raises, they are to gain or lose, depending upon its rooted out of its various nests.
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