COOL GOODS, WARM PRICES AT NOBLE BURNETT'S. The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIV.—NO. 33 ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1300. WHOLE NO.— 17ft 3 BREVITIES. ELECTRIC RAILWAY NEWS THE MAHER IN HAND. PROVIDENCE ASSISTED ARRESTED PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR. $100 reward If you catch the Black With Her Aid An Agreeable Surprise wu THE OUTLOOK FOR THE ROAD VERY Committee* for » Celebration the Fourth Clwrjwl With lh« Larceny or * Wheel Under the Auspice* of the Lndlee of the Wolf. Appointed and the Matter Well Un ­ Conferred tn Capt. J. L. Ring. FLATTERING. and a Kit of Plano Tuner'* Tool*. Congregational Church. St. Johns Odd Fellows will pay a der Way. Surprises are infallibly pleasant visit to Owosso lodge Friday evening. The business men of St. Johns as­ In any form, but the perpetrators of a A young man between 18 and 20 Lansing has contributed $104.72 for Railroad Operation* Pro|r«Mln( Slowly years of age and giving his name as J. TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. sembled Tuesday evening at the en ­ surprise party Invariably assume a risk Albert White, (but whose real name the sufferers in India. While Important question* are Settled. gine house with a July 4th celebration of detection which might be said to be the officers believe to be John Elliott Friday Evening , June 1st. The Michigan G. A. R. encampment There are no new developments in in this village at stake. The meeting the only drawback, and yet without Paine) appeared at the Hotel St. Johns at Grand Rapids, June 7-8. the electric road project this weeks was enthusiastic and productive of which the fascination would be en ­ on the night of May 10, and had in his The Michigan Pioneer and Histori­ owing to a difficulty in adjusting af­ good results In this line, committees tirely lacking. It was In tills respect FARE ONLY 25 CENTS. fairs between Mr. Mills, the financier, possession a red racer wheel of 1900 cal Society at Lansing, June 6th. being appointed to cover everything a pleasant surprise conferred upon pattern, which soon after he sold to Dr. McGilllcuddv, of ShepardsviUe, and the company. Mr. Mills asks for and arrangements all started in a fair Capt. J. L. Ring by the Knight Tem­ ()rla Sowles for $5. White secured a Stopover Privileges Granted in Japan. a guarantee of the paper by St. Johns, way to be rushed to completion. plars last Friday evening, that provi ­ Boston, Washington, and Kentucky. suffered a relapse from typhoid fever. by the committee, which they refused With co-operative assistance on the dence played some peculiar pranks. position as porter in the hotel, and Dr. Walker’s next visit to St. Johns drawing a resolution to that effort part of the people of St. Johns, our It seems that early In the evening while thus engaged Charles Secord. of will be Saturday, June 9, at Hotel St. last night at a meeting held at the lately acquired cannon will boom on Mr. Ring was allowed to go for a drive, Detroit, a tuner of pianos, stopped at These desiring to take this trip will Johns. the house and had a wheel, on which assemble at the home of Mr. and Mrs. National bank. Mr. Norris, Mill’s I ndepedence Day, the juvenile hero and when preparations commenced. Af­ he carried his tools. His wheel and Geo. H. Chapman, on Oakland street. The next Republican state conven secretary, and the engineer of the load his firecracker will be in evidence, le­ terward a walk down town was sug tools were left In the wash-room of the There full particulars will be given. tion will be held June 27, in Grand are in St. Johns this morning inspect ­ monade stands will invade the streets, gested, when preparations were com­ house on the night of May 25th. Every attention will be shown the Rapids. ing the streets where the loop line is a dozen patriotic brass bands will pay pleted. But here trouble began. Mr. White got up early tiie following tourist, and his comfort will be care­ St. Johns Perfection. The smokers ’ to go, and everything seems to be pro­ tribute to Old Glory, business will en ­ Ring, in passing the Commandery morning, and under the pretext of fully looked after. delight. Knocks all other eigarsclean gressing despite the stagnation this joy an immense boom generally, and rooms, heard the tattoo of the drum, scrubbing out the wash-room, where To walk the streets of Boston, make of sight. week. Mr. Isaac Hewitt, of Maple after the fireworks in the evening all and naturally strolled up to see what Rapids, asserts his willingness to outsiders will return to their homes it was about, creating quite a sensa­ the wheel and tools had b«.en left tiie the acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Lo, Shiawassee Reporter: “A. E. Dutch- guarantee the Maple Rapids notes, with a deep impression of St. Johns tion among the valiant Sir Knights, night before by their owner, moved look upon the emperor and empress of er, of the Fair, purchased a tine driv­ but has not done so as yet. Lansing which won ’t wear smooth soon but who were formed in line preparatory the wheel to tiie porch in front, from Japan. $hake hands with President ing horse at St. Johns, last week.” papers have been guaranteed, but will surely bear fruit in the future. to the march to his residence. A little which time White was not again seen McKinley and other Washington nota ­ It is claimed that a new and serious neither Ithaca nor St. Louis have. As the posters read, “Let the eagle diplomacy on the part of Drill-Master by the people a)K>ut the house, and bles. listen to some sweet southern disease, called “lint on the lungs, ” As this is merely a personal precau ­ not until Secord made enquiry for his melodies in the sunny South —this is scream.” Let not discord enter into Watkins, however, soon eased the tools. The matter was reported to the opportunity of a lifetime." Do not attack people who “chew the rag.” tion on the part of Mr. Mills, there is tiie active preparation for the event ­ strain, and Brother Ring was installed miss it. St. Johns high school and city teams no.doubt but that the week will see ful day, ana when itdoesarrivive then in the front ranks, as he supposed, to Sheriff Dunn and White was arrested played Ithaca yesterday. The score it settled satlsfatcory. let the pent up peace and tranquility, on charge of the theft. The wheel call on a brother Knight who had been which he sold to Sowles. Grand Rapids BUSINESS LOCALS. in both games was in Ithaca ’s favor. Later developments are a proposed of quiet unassuring St. Johns give mentioned. parties claim to have been stolen from A soaking rain visited this section route for the passenger traffic line laid rent to itself in one great grand and A round-about-course by Oakland Special Sale of fine muslin Under- out by Mr. Norris and the engineer, never to lie forgotten celebration. street was pursued, and eventually them. Inasmuch as there was no Sunday afternoon and Monday morn ­ positive proof that he stole tiie tools wear at Noble Burnett ’s. ing, which gave all vegetation a great and an intimation that 50 teams will Next week we’ll have more. The the dumbfounded Brother Ring was he was turned over to the Grand boom. be needed here soon for purpose of meeting was adjourned until next Fri­ following the drum corp up bis own Rapids officers on. the charge of having Drink Yale, Mocha and Java coffee. grading. Only one question re­ day evening, June 8, when arrange ­ front veranda, to find everything in­ To be had at Simmon 's. At the Armuture races, held at De­ mains to be settled between Mr. ments will be perfected. side prepared for a feast, and swarm­ stolen the bicycle. troit yesterday, Samuel Shaffer, of St. Mills and the company, and The committees: ing with the lietter half of St. Johns Ire Cream Soda. Johns, won second place in the twenty this Secretary Norris continently assert Rich, refreshing and satisfactory mile road race. Executive —John Hick*. J. W. Fitzgerald, Commandery, No. 24, K. T. Ills re­ COLD STORAGE. will be overcome in a few days and the Byron Danley, Thoma* Bromley Jr.. Lyman covery was complete in time to wel­ at Clark ’s Star B&kery. Alvah, son of Charles Rail, of North ­ contract signed. The proposed pas ­ Farr and Warner Sunday. Music—Frank Perkins, Henry Wa.Hhburn, come his unexpected guests, and other ­ The Well Equipped One in St. John*. east Bingham, is nursing a felon be ­ senger loup runs in from the south to Mrs. W. A. Norton. Maynie Emmons and wise attend to the duties of the host Carpets, Rugs, Curtains. Finest tween the third and fourth linger. the courthouse, the whole length of Norman Koon*. Refreshments were served in the form Owned and Operated by J. P. Aren*, assortment and lowest prices He sets up with it, at times. Clinton avenue, thence by Railroad Amusement*--M. A. Hulse, E. L. Valentine of Ice cream, cake, lemonade and of Westphalia. Now Contain* at Noble Burnett ’s. An effort is being made to raise a street west to Henderson ’s mill, w hen E. H. Wilson, Rodney Bebee, I>r. H. Squair fruit. 1,350 Crate* of Egg*. sufficient amount of money to purchase it runs under the I).
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