NEWS DIGEST Neiswender rips GOP By VICKI DoSORMIBR the fall. Vice Chairman Nancy Herald stall writer Warren, memlx-r Joe Williams Jr. and su|H-rinleiidenl Bob Hughes are SANFOHI) — Even after Friday’s not due lo be contested until School elections upheld □ S p o rts Seminole County circuit court de­ November HI!) I . By VICKI DoSORMIER will not seek re-election. Betslnger is cision to force |>artlsan school Itoard Neiswender. a Republican who Is Heathrow scene of triathalon Herald staff writer still undecided. elections, sejiool Ixiard Chairman not nmnliig !m ic election, thinks Those running to fill those seats HEATH HOW — For Ihc second year, the Ann Neiswender said there Is more the Republican Executive Commit SANFORD - Seminole Circuit must run on a partisan ticket. Arvlda comniuiilly of Heathrow was the scene of lo the law suit than bringing tee Is not doing what they sav they Judge Kenneth Laffler did not Supt. Bob Hughes, vice chairman the Orlando Sports Fest Triathalon. sponsored partisan elections back to the school are. declare the district's non partisan Nancy Warren and board member by Track Shack In Orlando. I'nrtlcl|>nnts from all board. "It's all politics.” she said "I heir sclttxil Ixutrd elections unconsiltu- Joe Williams Jr. are nearing the over Florida, several from out of state and a few The suit called for all members nt agenda Is to gel the people they llniial. thus the- superintendent and half-way point In their current overseas entries proved their mettle by com­ the Itonrd to be removed from olflce want pul In olllce." Hie board will not Ik* unseated prior four-year terms. pleting the triathalon. and for new elections to lx- held lor Neiswender said she had been so to elections In November of this year The decision allows them to See Page IB all seats to lx- contested In Novcin- engrossed in the business ol the and in 1992. remain In office until the end of tacr of this year. school board that she did not notice The terms of Ixiard Chairman their terms rather than losing their Track series starts tomorrow Currently three Ixiard scats, those the "alternative agenda" ol the Ann Neiswender and members Pat scats and Ix-ing forced to run again LAKH MAKY — Starting tomorrow and for the presently held by Neiswender and Seminole Cntmlv Retihllcan parly Tclson and Larry Betslnger expire this year. board members Pal Tclson and next four Mondays, track athletes of all ages and until they tailed to supixirt the In the fall. Neiswender and Tclson See Rule, Page 5A lairry Bel singer, are up for grabs In skill levels will have the op|x>rtunlty to do their See Election, Page 5A thing at the 10th annual Like Mary Summer Track Scries. See Page IB 'Water police’ □ P e o p le Loss of loved one devastating patrol area to SANFOHI) — The death of a family member or friend brings on a rush of devastating feelings. Sorrow, loneliness, abandonment and some­ nab violators times anger and guilt are involved in the grieving process, one of the most painful By J. MARK BARFIELD emotions In a persons life. Herald staff writer See Page 1C SANFORD — The small blue truck drove up □ F lo rid a i he streets and down the boulevards of Sanford. Itxiklng lor violators. Lawmakers blast NASA The truck rounded a corner and there tt was. the tell-tale evidence of a |rosslhlc Infraction — a WASHINGTON - Lawmakers blasted NASA sprinkler spreading sllvcrv rainbows In the sun. Friday lor falling to detect crippling Haws In The St. Johns River Water Management 81.5 billion Hubble Space Telescope before District "water |xj||ce" were out In force in launch, saying it casts doubt on NASA's ability Seminole County Friday am! Saturday, Uxiking to handle future high-tech projects like the for violations of lire district's mundniory three mission to Mars. day a week watering restrictions. See Page 2A Nine teams. 18 people altogether, spread oul over seven sections ol tin- county Itxiklng fur violations ol manadalory water-use restrictions Imposed bv Hie district May 30. Anyone refusing to sign tiu- violation consent order faces a HvrtkJ Photo Dr Tommy Vine wit possible appearance before a county Judge. Man charged In kidnap attempt Allen Baggett, left, and Lonnie Noland check oul Most sprinklers In Sanlord worn attached to heat I Only two S50 consent orders were Issued In FERN PARK — A Casselberry man Jailed June water sprinklers in use on "no water" Friday trumps used for air conditioning. 21 for sexual battery and armed robbery See Water, Page 5A charges has been charged with the attempted kidnapping at knifepoint of a 15-year old girl June I-I Earnest Woodard Jr.. 25. 1436-D Ash Circle, was charged with attempted kidnapping, false Mall facility now in full operation Imprisonment and aggravated assault. He was being held without Ixnui for the sexual battery By NICK PFEIFAUF charges. Herald stall writer The girl told Seminole County Investigators she was standing outside tier apartment on Fern LAKE MARY — The new Park Boulevard at about 9:30 pm . June 14 Mid Florida .Mall Prutcsslug waiting for a telephone call when a car parked Center. 800 Rinehart Road, • ■ • nearby and the driver struck up a conversation became hilly operational Fri­ lA'J, • ' i with her. day night. *• t B B S B Charles Ricci, manager of The girl said the man then displayed a knife Rr • 4 . ■ • B B S tile facility, said. "For Ihc past and told her. "You’re corning with m e." She s * C « .»•••• said the man then grabbed her and tried lo pull several weeks, we've worked her Into the car. She broke free and screaming, up lo 90 pt reeni "I our lull ran back to her apartment. The man sjx-d olf. output, hut tonight we'll lie at The girl later positively Identified Woodard from 100 percent.” a photograph In sheriff"s flies. Tile 340,000 stpiare loot A search warrant served on the man’s facility, huili on 51 acres ol residence Friday reportedly turned up additional laud, has been under con­ evidence to the crime. struction lor 18 months. It is Woodard's previous charges Include sexual designed to handle processing battery, grand theft ol an auto, armed robbery of all mail posted In areas with and armed assault. /Ip codes beginning with 327. Rleel said. "W e will also han­ dle hulk business mall from Fern Park ticket a winner /ip code areas beginning with TALLAHASSEE — A ticket purchased In Fern 327. 328. 320 and 317. which Park was one of 18 matching all live winning includes Seminole. Orange. numbers In the Fantasy Five drawing Friday. Osceola and Volusia Counties Each winner can collect $89,59 1.20 to share a plus northern Brevurtl." lie Jackpot of more than $1.0 million. Florida added. "By channeling all ul Lottery Secretary Rebecca Paul said. tills mail through one central For results In the Saturday Lotto. Cash 3. and point, we’ve found It Is more winning numbers for Fridays' Fantasy Five see cost effective, morecflIdem ." page 2 A. Including management, iln- iieginnlng August 6. the Fantasy Five game See Mail, Page 5A Dave Gusty sorts mail with an optical characlor reader that processes 1.5 million pieces of mail dally. drawings will be expanded to three limes a week on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, Paul announced Friday. Until then, the drawings will Ik- on Tuesdays and Fridays. County educators hook up to New taxes From stall and wire reports raise tab to INDEX Tallahassee session Monday live it up By VICKI DatORMIER \dvtsniv Cotnmillccs lo "attend" a statewide colder- Bridge................. Florida.............. Herald staff writer cnee eondueted In the stale Department ol Education Unltad Prats International Bualnaaa............. HealthTFItnaaa ....... hR In I allaliassei- wiihoui going tar I her Ilian I lit* Lake Claaslfiada........ 7B .B B Horoacopo............... 4C SANFORD — Tile Seminole County school dlsiilil Maiv lltgli School media center, 655 l.ongssood Lake TALLAHASSEE - Florida's Comlca............... Nation............... will lx- able In save some money and Include mam M.UV Road l ake Mai v Image as a carefree, low-cost Crossword......... Pooplo............... 1.2.3C more people In llie stale discussion >il ihc edm annual Usually ibis is a < o id d r liff held III Tampa." place in the sun Is changing as Dear A b b y ........... •porta............... 1,2,38 changes brought on by ibis legislative session Some explained lb M.ulon Dalles assist.ml superintendent a new packages of tax and fee Daatha................. Television......... district oltidals aren't sure the savings arc svoiili the Ini lusiitieiioii "There >u< alioui live district repre Incteases allectlng everyone Editorial.............. Wsathsr............. hassle. sent.lines who go tild e lo talk llilligs over, ask with a iH-er. ear or utility: bill gix-s into effect Sunday. Education.......... World................ On Monday morning. July 2. a san-llilc bunk up will i|iiesiinns ,md In mg I lie 11 dm mailt in b.n k allow ihc su|M-rliileudciil. hoard mcmlx-is. assist.mi Dalles said • lit |e\i. provided bv I lit- slalc. is a The biggest tax Increase will Hot and sticky superintendents, membersol the I'TA and l.ixal S< leml See Education. Page 5A ulfecl new residents. Soon alter they arrive, newcomers will march Into the local Partly cloudy with a automobile lag olllce ami get •it) perccni chance of Building dedicated at NAS reunion hit with (In* news that rt-gls- afternoon ihuu- p-rlng their car Is going in cost derslorms.
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