rTE ]IEW ZEALAII[I Vol. 3-No. 14 JUNE 1950 EVERY SECOND MONTH t BIR.THDAY WEEK.END TOURNA^rtENTS t SOUTHSEA TOURNEY t Overseos & N.Z. Gomes ,1 ts t PROBLEMS + TH E SLAV DEFENCE :-, - t lr-;ifliir -rr.]t l TWO SH ILLIN GS "Jl 3 OIIDSSPLAYBBSe LIBBABY 3 ,,C BOOKS BOOKS H E INTER SOLD BY Fol rvhich tir THE NEW ZEATAND CHESSPLAYER ANNUAL 256 DOMTNION ROAD, LIFI AUCKLAND. PHONE 64-277 (Ne In ordering, merely quote Editor and I catalogue number shown. Postage: Add one penny in every Z/- Champion anr Australia. GAMES G l3-Fifty Great Games of Modern Chess- Golombek. G l-My Best Well annotated. and very gc - _ What son' Games, 1924-32-Alekhine. 120 value. 4/3 games by the greatest player and the greatest annotator. 14/- G l4-Moscow - Prague Match, lg46-The -_ " I take games of exceptional interest Revierv.' Your G 2-Capablanca's Hundred Best Games- to all advanc._ Forest Hills. l p_lay_ery (not recommended beginners Golombek. A book grace for " I have lea, to everv- chess WeII indexed for openings ; and endings. 3/- ancl Purdy's r player's _ library. Well-selected games extensively G l5-Amenities and Background all the other l annotated. 17/G of Che=. bought."-H.A Play-Napier. Delightful liiile book of gre=. G 3-Tarrasch's Best Games-Reinfeld. 1BB " One maga fully annotated games based on Tarrasch,s g_a1es by a master of Chess and writing. 3/- -'eaches chess' own notes. 23/- G 16-Great Britain v. U.S.S.R.-Comp-=_. "I rate it \ games of the match. Afr-ica. G 4-Chess Marches On-Reuben Fine. 50 l/3 great games G " Well, her.e extensively analysed. Each note 17- lia-Compl::= glanclest gane a lesson in itself. 16/- games match. 2/- publication il G G S-Keres' Best Games-Reinfetd. Keres 18- chess_L. _ Cit-v. Ingram. Part 1 was one of the contestants in the recent of an interesting collection _: " Most origrr tournament games from 1851 E.D.R., Mount: Wor]{-C]rlmpionship and 194? Champion of to 1878. Ric:--- the U.S.S.R. 12/- studded with brilliant conceptions and gor--:: with curious twists. 3/3 G 6-From My Games-Dr. M. Euwe. ?b of Sample Cc games selected. and annotated by G l9-Czechs in Britain W. Ritson-Nlo::- -llso ', CHESS Fuwe,s^best Book of the - (bound) are v himself. l2/. two matches played by Czec: - of slovakia against England and the Midlar--.. Chess Lore, G 7-Chess Strategy exclusive s tor.' and Tactics-Reinfeld with annotations and Chernev. Said by eritics to be the rbest by Alexander, Golomb=._ \roltrme 2 (191 Broadbent and )2i6. Volurne selection of beautiful master games ever other English players. ;/6 published. G 20- 948-{s- ll/- Agents: Golom omp-=-= G 8-The Russians Play Chess-Chernev. b0 ,, games - NEII/ ZE-J thrill-packed games by more than 30 Russian Fre:.: 256 Domir champ e \\-&_. masters. _ Lavishly iilustrated by diagrams. Or rvrite to A beautiful collectionl LU- competitor in this everlt. 2/6 ..CHE G 21-The Hastings Congress, 1946-7-Km_:' G g-If You Must I Bond Street Play Chess-Denker. An and Prins. 45 games from the congress a:-: autobiggraphy of a great American player. 20 others played Fifty-flve games at previous Hastings t:, _:- beautiful with coriments naments. A1I fully annotated. i/G entertaining, pointed and instructive. 1ll- Best Games Chess, 19)- G 10-Battles Boyal of the of NDIAN ( Chessbo:iid-R. N. The t::---_ Coles. Fifty hectic games from Labourdon- long awaited ' . fuli of in eat master's games. F;-- . -: encl games.,'_ nais to Botvinnik. A well-annotated historical 'r-=.- eace"s-Hints record. H. O'D. Alexander's - c 70/3 ..ri style. 12/- ,-lless Chess p Section-Ga- G ll-British Chess Masters-Reinfetd. tr'ifty G 23-Southsea Tournament 1g4g Gol_:-_- ga+e! of British masters past arrd pres.eni, !"k. The complete book of England's- l:.- PRI\I including Australians. 6/- Swiss system tourney. 53 gamei annota::: :end in -vour Subsc G l2-Meet THE NET,V z Styles of .1:liual the wbrlclt plenty 'of . openings. 3/- Subscript illustrative d. 9/6 (Continued on inside back cover) \i Z CHESSPLAYI L .:.re-- Bf3 ,,CHESS REMUERA CHESS CLUB WORLD" 3 CLONBERN ROAD, REMUERA II\AEBNATIONAL MONTHLY WEDNESDAYS, 7.30 p.m. 10.30 p.rn. For which the " N.2. Chessplayer " is Agent. to Hon. Secretary: J. A. C. BARNES, 38 l(oraha ONLY 12l- ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION St., Remuera. Phone 42-820 (business hours). LIFE SUBSCRIPTION fB (New Zealand currencY) Editor antl Chief Contributor is PUEDY' Champion and Correspondence Champion of PAPATOETOE CHESS CLUB Australia, notetl Analyst and Writer. LANDSCAPE ROAD, PAPATOETOE * THURSDAYS, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. What some Overseas Readers say of ..CHESS WORLD ": Secretary (Telephone 2465): " I take ' Chess,' 'B.C.M.' and ' Chess R. V. CLOSEY, Hillside Road, Papatoetoe. Review.' Your articles beat them all.-H.L.W., Forest Hills, N.Y., U.S.A. " I have learned more from 'Chess World.' and Purdy's earlier publications than from ONEHUNGA CHESS CLUB all the other books and magazines I've ever CORNER IIANUKAU AND MT. ALBERT bought."-H.A., Lima, Ohio. ROADS, ROYAL OAK " One magazine in the worlcl that really' TUESDAYS, 7.30 to 11 p.m. teaches shs55."-" The Hindu." Hon. Secretary: W. T. PERCML, 2 Forbes " I rate it No. 1."-A.O.H., Pretoria, South Street, Onehunga, Auckland S.E.5. Africa. " WeII, here's to another year r,vith the glanclest game in the world and the best -ffi31 priblication in the business."-T.E.W., Kansas City. GISBORNE CHESS CLUB " Most original chess magazine extant."- ARMY HALL Ash, Wales. E.D.R., Mountain 7,30 P.M. lVIONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS * (February to November inclusive) Sample Copies - - - post free US VISITORS ALWAYS CORDIALLY WELCOME AIso " CHESS WORLD " Back Volurnes (bountl) are very popular. Treasure trove Hon. Secretary: LL. MEREDITH, 70 Wi Pere St. of Chess Lore. Vol. 1 (1946), 10/6, contains exclusive stor-v of Alekhine's last years. Phone 3777 \rolume 2 (1,547), 10/6. Volume 3 (1948), 72/6. Volume 4 (1949), 13/9. Post free. * THE ..NEVY ZEALAND CHESSPLAYER '' BRITISH CHESS MAGAZINE 256 Dominion Road. Auckland S.2 Or rvrite to Fountled in 1881 antl now the Oldest Chess ..CI{ESS }VORLD" Perioilical extant. 1 Bond Street, Sydney, Nerv South Wales General Editor: B. Reilly. Games Editor: H. Golombek, British Champion 1947 and 1949. THE Problem 'World: T. R. Dawson. Regular Contributors: R. N. Cbles, R. I{. INDlAN CHESS MAGAZINE Guy, D. G. Jackson, S. Schroder, W. " . full of interesting games, problems, noteS Winter, P. S. Milner-Barry, C. H. O'D. nd end games."-" The Statesman.'l Alexander. Teasers-Hints on Openinis-Correspondence Chess Chess Personalities e lv ii Annual Subseription 15/- post free (12 issues) Section-Games-Problems;- -N etc., -Eindietc. Single Copies 1/6 : Specimen Copy 1/- PRINTED IN ENGLISH Apply to hd in your Subscription through ..NEW ZEALAND CIIESSPLAYER'' THE NEI.V ZEALAND CHESSPLAYER 256 Dominion Road, Auckland, N.Z. Annual Subscription 1216. Specimen Copy 1/1. " Z CHESSPLAYER, JUNE, 1950 Page 41 But, in practice, the second move concecieC TIIE XEW ZEALATD parvn .. and two is of much more moment tha:- _: - --_e ans\l-el:. _-=. all gi.adrr: --:ts can easi t--cap systen :--:ei (or ac:: :_s top of s . -eputed (or The second objection is based -_:crLtsco Official Organ on even sou:-:=- _-: concede New Zealand gl'ound. What can be said in favour a e Chess Association of s1-ster: _i . and New Zealand Correspondence Chess Association odds where the receiver plays 1 p-K 4 anci :_ =-' score = - _:b gir.er cannot reply 1 ... p-K4 ? man u-ot PUBLISHED EVERY TWO MONTHS Only the - e.. grade _ -,-tered is keepin_: capa-c Single Copies 2/-. Subscription 11l- per year_. useasystem samenaca - the game and cent, he ii or the purc ..= cent, then Editor and Problem Editor: A. L. Fletcher for which it g pia-. of er. _ :-:e the gr.a Associates: . -uratel]-a: R. G. Wade, former Champion of New Zealand- -:. rn his c-* J. D. Steele : F. G. Mcsherry : H. D. Addis aded rr'l:i Manager: E. G. McSherry :'- In gr-aclir-: ..i-hether S: Addless correspondence for Editor, problem Editor, : Lll-nanlel or 1\{anager_respectively : to the N.Z. Chessplayer, = .::ead of E 256 Dominion Road, Auckland S.2. nl - :ou1cl 1trc,,.: Class I. concedes class IL exchauge ancl n--,.= -:eci.ing h:r- Vol. 3-No. 14 JUNE, 1950 (i.e., White removes eN; Black r-ernoies eE). u per cent fn all subsequent cases class I. has the ;r:- and concedes material as follorvs:_ = ,, To class III., ,a= PLEA CHESS HANDICAP QN: class IV., eR; class \i.. tre SYSTEMS and QN: class VI.. eR and eN: class VIL. e. subscrit Using the .', a gooct :_ AND GRADING rraluation given, it rvill be seen ::,:: :e l'easol :: each class is 1| pawns above'the next in orcler-. _. ;r' ,- HEN considering the question to put it another way, apoic; of handicapping the exchange abovL. esplesse , systems in chess, there is no doubt in our CHESSP'- mind about one thing: the existing scale of odds should be scrapped. yeais A hundred ago the : :lte e\-el:: latter may have been adequate; today it is juit not _ good .-Pl 1 1-- enough.
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