THIS TUESDAY JULY 13 3923 CEDAR SPRII'IGS AT THROCKI'IORTOI'I BARTENDER'S TURNABOUT NIGHT TWT JULY 9·15. 1982 PAGE 3 ~ __ (ONTENTS~_ TEXAS' BIGGEST Volume 8, Number 16 July 9-July 15, 1982 '\ AND TWTNEWS 11 definitely TEXAS' COMMENT 21 BEST PERSPECTIVE Lynn Ashby & ERA by Bonnie Dombroski 27 SPECIAL REPORT Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc. 29 HIGHLIGHT The People You Work With by Stephanie Harris 35 BOOKS "The Terminal Bar" Reviewed by David Fields 39 MOVIES "The Thing" Reviewed by Steve Vecchietti & George Klein 45 MOVIES "Flretox" Reviewed by Steve Vecchietti 49 SHOWBIZ by Jack Varsi 50 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS by Rob Clark 54 HOT TEA 63 SPORTS 69 FORT WORTH GAY PRIDE Photo by AI Macareno 73 SAN ANTONIO GAY PRIDE Photos by Jim Hamilton 74 HOUSTON GAY PRIDE Photos by eli gukich 76 GAY AND LESBIAN ARTISTS SHOW Photos by Blase DiStefano 80 ON OUR COVER Dale Robinson, Mr. San Antonio '82 Photos by Jim Hamilton 84 CALENDAR 91 STARSCOPE Six-Month Lovescope 94 CONTINUOUS HAPPY HOUR 1-7PM DAILY CLASSIFIED 101 WITH LEE OR BUDDY IN THE SALOON AT THEGUIDE 111 3912-14 CEDAR SPRINGS. DALLAS 522-9611 ALSO MUSIC FROM HIT BROADWAY SHOWS \ TWT (This Week in Texas) IS published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, Inc .. at 2205 Montrose. Houston, Texas 77006; phone. (713) 527·9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of Its staff Publrcauon of the name or photo- graph of any person or organization in articles or advertising III TWT is not to be construed as any indicat ion of the sexual orienta- tion of said person or organization Subscription rates. $55 per year; $35 per half-year Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas, Copyright © 1982 by Montrose Ventures. Incorporated. All rights reserved Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, arti- cle or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute PAGE 6 TWTJULY 9 - 15. 1982 TWTJULY 9 - 15. 1982 PAGEl tfJv..~~ ~Oe~ <..~v..0 '\.v.." Mel Charles Hayden Henredon Fletcher Graham President Vice President Operations Vice President The Photographer Marketing We are very proud to be a We are also very proud of visible part of the Oak our new Studio/Gallery and Lawn business community invite you to visit us at any and deeply appreciate the time. The staff assembled warm welcome we have under my direction is received. dedicated to providing you As part of this with products and services community, we intend to which are superior in promote and encourage quality and yet very more business and affordable. We will Grand Opening Special individual involvement in guarantee your satisfaction. 25% off normal sitting fees and 10% supporting local gay off Black & White Portrait orders organizations and through August 10 programs which are vital to our community, our movement and the progress '1; of both. Center of Photography and Publishing • Photographic Works by Graham GRAHAM • Custom designed Posters and Cards by Misia EN. • Large selection of unique Greeting Cards MERRILL IN • Unusual Art and Movie Posters • Custom framing STUDIO & • Photo Copy and GALLERY Restoration • Office Interior Decorating 4012 Cedar Springs,Dallas, Texas 75219 Service ~n#~ \\9N ~ _--NEWS---- THISWEEK IN TEXAS HOME OFFICE years, have been confirmed by FBI of- 2205 Montrose SEX AND DRUGS ficials and substantiated by FBI docu- Houston, Texas 77006 SCANDAL IN ments obtained under the Freedom of (713) 527-9111 D.C. WASHINGTON, DC - Last week a Information Act. The undercover pro- DALLAS OFFICE gram was confirmed to The Advocate's 3409 Oak lawn, Suite 117 major sex and drugs scandal began to Dallas, Texas 75219 boil over in the nation's capital as one Washington editor, Larry Bush. (214) 521-0622 teenage page told Independent Net- As early as 1943, the article dis- PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick work News of having been approached closes, the FBI paid informants to FEATURESEDITOR Blase DiStefano by several congressmen to perform report on the loyalty of American homo- TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark sexual favors in exchange for drugs sexuals, and that one participant in NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jock Varsi that program was noted sex authority NEWS/SPORTS EDITOR Chuck Patrick and promotions. Additionally, CBS-TV POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski had learned that federal authorities CA Tripp, author of The Homosexual CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Boone, Matrix. The article also confirmed that Harry Deutsch, Bonnie Dombroski, David Fields, were investigating illicit sex between Stephanie Harris, Christopher Hart, Paul Herrero, members of congress and their under- Dr. Alfred Kinsey, founder of the Kinsey Harold Hove. Dean Malone, Joseph Michael. age pages. Institute for Sex Research and author Linda Parks, W.J. Quigley, Steve Vecchiettl of the Kinsey reports on sexual behav- ART DIRECTOR Steven Douglas Fritz As ABC-TV explained, to fully under- PRODUCTION MANAGER Dennis Walker stand the scope of the investigation ior, served as an expert consultant to ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow one must know what pages are and do. the CIA in establishing both female and GRAPHIC ARTISTSThom Bisping, Guy Keefer. male houses of prostitution in the U.S. Frank White. Mike Sullivan, Pages are under 18, asked and spon- John Buschlen, Fred Hinton sored by members of Congress, attend and overseas. TYPOGRAPHERS WJ. Quigley, Leslie Holmes N~W ANNOOW"NU'~ government classes in the morning, run Information from FBI officials, docu- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Gukich, Graham, Scott Taylor. Woody Keas, Greg Hcvlcori ;,'~~"'~"'h ~ errands for members of Congress in ments and interviews indicated that in- AI Macareno, Jim Homi~on, J. Robert Araya, ,(I! vestigations using all available investi- Carl Neil, Blase DiStefano the afternoon and have no adult super- vision at night while away from family gative techniques, including monitor- SALES ~ and home. ing private mail and bank accounts, EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER hI••• ' h Both young boys and girls are involv- from the early 1960s through the late Jim Veteto ea~·~. ea~ ed. Homosexuality is not the issue of 1970s, were conducted under a code Advertising rates are available on request COY • OY the investigation, TWT NEWS stresses. name of HOMEX or Homosexual Extor- by telephoning the salesperson in your tion. The article further discussed the nearest city, from 10am-5pm, weekdays. The issue is rather that of all types of FBI's collection of names of suspected DEADLINEFORALL ADS: Friday, one week sex with minors and use of drugs. prior to publication. ~Dlcr ~ One former page said he "had en- homosexuals, the surveillance of gay o 0 bars and meeting places, and surveil- AUSTIN ·Ir~~ countered homosexual advances" Scott Taylor . (512) 926-0253 while he was a page. Another said he lance, infiltration and use of informants DALLAS ~ S'PPEI ~ had "engaged in sex with a member of to build files on gay civil rights groups. Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 the House on three occasions, one of FORTWORTH Jerry Cassidy. (817)335-0742 them in an apartment in the Watergate U.S. CAN'T BAN HOUSTON complex." FOREIGN GAYS Chuck Oberg. (713) 527-9111 WE'VE. 511L\. G0111' ALL~ SAN ANTONIO FBI CONDUCTING SAN FRANCISCO - U.S. District Alan Gellman. (512) 492-6894 PoV~~R~,~AVi.RS Judge Robert Aguilar has rejected as P\\,ES & C\.\fS GAY SURVEILLANCE CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Cheryl Chamberlain unconstitutional the old immigration OPEN WASHINGTON, DC - A concerted rules which had previously barred for- ACCOUNTING Doug Felix OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl Chamberlain MONDAY-SATURDAY nationwide surveillance and investiga- eign homosexuals from entering Amer- CIRCULATION MANAGER Leslie Holmes ion program by the FBI into the lives of ica. The rules violated the constitution- DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Brad LaMore IOAM.-1I PM wealthy, prominent, closeted homosex- al rights of free speech and association ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. SU •..•DAyS NOON-7PM The Corporation ual men as well as into gay civil rights for homosexuals, the judge stated. PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle groups, and the collection of thou- "Homosexuals pose no threat to na- VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrick lflf~StMPLE sands of names of suspected homo- tional security merely because they are SECRETARYJim D. Chappell ~tt~~~ t: «<t 4> g sexuals in the course of nearly 30 homosexuals. Nor do they pose a TWT JULY9-15, 1982 PAGE 11 PAGE 10 TWT JULY9-15. 1982 threat to the health, safety and welfare of the American public," the ruling said. Aguilar had ruled in the case of the Lesbian-Gay Freedom Day Committee, which challenged an INS policy exclud- ing homosexuals as "sexual deviants" once they were certified to be homo- sexual. Aguilar had issued a temporary order banning the exclusion of homosexuals by the INS during last year's gay pride parade in San Francisco, TWT NEWS re- called. PRE·CONDITION YOUR SKIN BEFORE GAY RIGHTS BILL 1) GAINS MOMENTUM GOING INTO THE BRUTAL SUN! WASHINGTON, DC - What has be- come known as the "gay rights bill" -come to EuroTan today and show off that sexy, healthy-looking tan (HR-1454), has gained further rnornen- in less than a week. tum with the recent signing-on of two -Our J K Tanning beds from Germany are totally sate, NO burn, more cosponsors-representatives NO peeling, NO dry skin. Recommended by Dermatologists. Harold Washington of Illinois and -Prevents aging of the skin and sunburn. Henry Reuss of Wisconsin. This brings -Also available for home use. the total sponsor list to 54, which is -The JK Tanning Bed is a EuroTan Exclusive. just one shy of the all-time high reach- "We do it safely - the European way" ed in the previous Congress. The addition of the two Midwestern Democrats is most welcomed by the 2) SHAPE UP - ELECTRONICALLY Gay Rights National Lobby (GRNL).TWT NEWS has learned that GRNL is confi- -EuroTone now offers the ultra modern way of Isometric exercise, dent other sponsors will cosign befroe muscle toning and building.
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