NHS Castle Point & Rochford CCG & Southend CCG Meeting of the Joint Procurement Committees 16th October 2019, 3-4 pm Audley Mills MINUTES Members in Attendance: Tracey Grimbley (TG) Lay Member for Governance (Chair) NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Mark Barker (MB) Chief Finance Officer NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Charlotte Dillaway (CD) Director of Strategy and Planning NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Dr John Wier (JW) Independent GP NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Janis Gibson (JG) Lay Member for Patient Engagement NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Pauline Stratford (PS) Lay Member for Primary Care NHS CP&R & Southend CCG In Attendance Kevin Edwards (KE) Associate Director Attain Cariad Burgess (CB) Commercial Specilaist Attain Sharon Earl (SE) Committee Secretary NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Jo Dickinson (JD) Integrated Commissioning Team NHS Southend CCG Nancy Smith (NS) Integrated Commissioning Team NHS Southend CCG Matt Gillam (MG) Head of Nursing NHS CP&R & Southend CCG James Currell (JC) Associate Director of Operations NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Nyssa Paige (NP) Operations Commissioning Lead NHS CP&R & Southend CCG Apologies received from: Tricia D’Orsi 1. Welcome and Apologies 1.1 TG welcomed everyone to the Joint Procurement Committee. 1.2 Apologies were noted as above. 2. Declarations of Interest 2.1 Members of the Committee were reminded of their obligation to declare any interest they may have on any issue arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of CP&R/Southend CCG and that declarations declared by members of the Committee are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests. The Register is available either via the Committee Secretary to the governing body or the CCG website at the following link: https://castlepointandrochfordccg.nhs.uk/about-us/key-documents/2508-declarations- of-interest-governing-body/file or https://southendccg.nhs.uk/about-us/key- documents/320-nhs-southend-ccg-governing-body-declarations-of-interests-register/file 2.2 With reference to business to be discussed at this meeting, there were no declarations of interest made. 2.3 The Chair declared the meeting to be quorate. Page 1 of 4 3. Minutes from the meetings held on the 15th May 2019 3.1 The minutes from the 15th May 2019 were agreed as an accurate reflection of the meeting, with the exception of a typing error on Page 3. 4. Action Log from the 13th March 2019 4.1 The action log was reviewed and updated as below: Action 92 – EPUT Diabetes Training – This is currently going through an extension to service and will form part of a future procurement. Close. Action 94 – TUPE Issues – SE to contact JT for update. Action 96 – Autism Diagnostic Report – Waiting data from provider and then report will be taken to Governing Body meetings. Close. 5. Procurement Support for Mid & South Essex CCGs 5.1 MB informed the Committee that the Attain contract expired on the 30.09.19 and an extension to contract has been agreed to the 31.03.2021 which fits with the possible organisational changes. Attain will be working across the 5 CCGs with a dedicated team of support. There will be closer monitoring and control over how the CCGs access Attain support to ensure that we use their expertise wisely and MB will be monitoring all requests for support across the 5 CGGs. A communication has been sent out to all staff across the 5 CCGs explaining this. 5.2 JG queried whether this will allow us to maximise joined up thinking/working across the whole STP. MB felt that this would ensure that we were consistent across the patch and there would be a work plan which will be shared on a monthly basis. Part of the contract includes 100 days advice and guidance via a phone call and this need to be closely monitored with prior approval required if significant workload was expected. Attain to advise MB in such instances to seek agreement. 5.3 The Procurement Committee NOTED the update around Procurement services. 6. Procurement Progress Report 6.1 KE presented the previously circulated Procurement Progress Report, which was taken as read and highlighted the following points: Pipeline • IVF/Fertility Treatments – on today’s agenda. • Primary Care Enabler Service – on today’s agenda. • EWMHS – Suggestion is that contract is extended for a further two years until organisational changes in place. PS asked whether we were assured around MB EWMHS performance. KE informed that this question has been asked but it is felt that it would be too difficult to go out to market until the environment is sorted. Current Procurements • Flu Swabbing Service – This is a contract management solution rather than a full procurement. • Parachute Service – The issue around conflicts of interest is still outstanding but being looked into. Page 2 of 4 • Core Community Equipment Service – Direct award being discussed, but difficult due to the unsettled landscape. MG informed that NHSE Procurement Hub are having initial discussions across Greater Essex. • Neuro Rehab – There is currently a delay in confirming the preferred bidder due to the finances across the 3 STP areas not yet being agreed. Paper will be going to Governing Body meetings for approval. Transition Projects • Nothing to report with the exception of the Offending Service For Adults and Domestic Violence, which are under discussion with TD as to whether to continue or stop. STP Designated Projects • Respiratory Services – CP&R leading on this new project. • Patient Transport Service – 9 organisations who have bid will be invited to the ITT. JG queried whether this includes the new STP plans. MB felt that it took into account new pathways but may not address the wider transport issues. • On-line Consultation – there are some queries around this service that have been passed to the Mid Essex CFO. 7. Dementia Business Case 7.1 NS presented the Dementia Business Case and explained that this had already been to various Committees and was here today for approval of the funding. The Committee are asked to approve a contract variation with EPUT to provide enhanced Dementia Community services from the 1st April 2020. Discussion has been had with Attain and they have advised that there is minimal risk of legal challenge to this proposal. 7.2 MB pointed out that the value of the contract, £569,950, is across both CCGs. Due to the cost of the contract being almost 100% staffing costs which will take time to put in place, this will be paid on a cost incurred basis plus 10% for overheads and capped at the agreed total contract value rather than a block contract to begin with. Once satisfied staffing is up to full establishment the terms of the contract would be reviewed and possibly convert to a block agreement. 7.3 CD asked KE how comfortable he was around the risk of challenge if we go through a contract variation route. KE stated that he felt this would be very low, due to the amount of the contract with no upfront payment it would be unlikely to attract anyone from outside of the location. 7.4 The Procurement Committee APPROVED the Dementia Business Case paper. 8. Specialist Fertility Services 8.1 JC presented the Specialist Fertility Services Paper, which was taken as read. The Committee are asked to agree taking forward a restricted procurement for a 4 year framework for Specialist Services on behalf of the 5 CCGs. There are currently 5 providers with a total spend across the STP of £657,000. There are a relatively small number of patients that require/qualify for this service but they are costly procedures. Page 3 of 4 The four year framework is flexible with no commitment to continue the service if the political landscape changes within this period of time. 8.2 PS queried whether there was a process in place for transferring of egg storage if required. NP explained that this would be an unlikely necessity but that there are processes in place to safely do this if required. There would also be communication to patients to inform them of what was happening as routine. 8.3 PS also queried whether as IVF in general was a very expensive service, do we have any advice and guidance to patients around the best time to have babies/lifestyle/age etc. CD informed that there are national campaigns in place with regards to IVF age and BMI restrictions. NP also explained that the first stage is to visit your GP who would advise whether patients qualify etc. 8.4 MB explained that having the framework in place would mean that each individual CCG would be able to choose what service they commission. Each CCG currently differs in their commissioning arrangements but at some point we may need to look at standardising which would then require a huge amount of public engagement. 8.5 The Procurement Committee APPROVED the Specialist Fertility Services paper. 9. Primary Care Enabling Service 9.1 CD presented the Primary Care Enabling Service paper, which was taken as read. We host the current Arden and Gem contract which provides corporate IT, but historically NHSE have commissioned smart cards/NHS mail etc for GP practices. NHSE have given notice on this contract. Part of this contract included procuring Clinical Safety Officer support, but we will not be continuing with this as we already have Data Protection Officers in place for the practices commissioned from other sources. The money for this service is aligned to the primary care allocation. The key things that are being asked of the Committee are: the change of procurement timeline, change of scope and also to delegate authority to the Essex IT Oversight Committee.
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