LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Dixon, Marie, dec’d. Notice is hereby given that, in the Late of Allentown. estates of the decedents set forth below, Executrix: Linda Dixon-Shea, the Register of Wills has granted letters 535 Pine St., Catasauqua, PA testamentary or of administration to 18032. the persons named. Notice is also hereby given of the existence of the Gurst, Brenda K. a/k/a Brenda trusts of the deceased settlors set forth Fenner Gurst, dec’d. below for whom no personal represen- Late of Allentown City. tatives have been appointed within 90 Executrix: Kelley O’Donnell c/o days of death. All persons having David J. Ceraul, Esquire, 22 claims or demands against said estates Market Street, Bangor, PA or trusts are requested to make known 18013. the same, and all persons indebted to said estates or trusts are requested to Attorney: David J. Ceraul, Es- make payment, without delay, to the quire, 22 Market Street, Ban- executors or administrators or trustees gor, PA 18013. or to their attorneys named below. Hendricks, Hunter D., dec’d. FIRST PUBLICATION Late of Emmaus/Emmaus Township. Ackerman, Marie Nannette Co-Executors: Ruth Ann Hen- a/k/a Marie N. Ackerman, dricks and Shane D. Hendricks dec’d. c/o Paul T. Fabiano, J.D., Late of the Township of South Whitehall. LL.M., Esquire, 6943 Sunflower Executrix: Donna Hibshman, Lane, Macungie, PA 18062. 1016 Bryant Street, Allentown, Attorney: Paul T. Fabiano, J.D., PA 18104. LL.M., Esquire, 6943 Sunflower Attorney: Paul J. Harak, Es- Lane, Macungie, PA 18062. quire, 1216 Linden Street, P.O. Box 1409, Bethlehem, PA Holzer, Robert, dec’d. 18016. Late of Bethlehem. Administrators: Robert G. Hol- Carnwath, David W., dec’d. zer, 55 Wildcreek Dr., Jim Late of Emmaus. Thorpe, PA 18229, JoAnne M. Executrix: Susan K. Carnwath, Holzer, 310 8th Ave., Bethle- 3440 Oakwood Dr., Emmaus, hem, PA 18018, Judith T. Hol- PA 18049. zer, 5638 Colony Dr., Bethle- hem, PA 18017 and Richard B. Cline, Eileen L., dec’d. Holzer, 322 E. 20th St., North- Late of Allentown. ampton, PA 18067. Executrix: Patricia A. Feher a/k/a Patricia Ann Feher c/o Traud Law Offices, 3055 College Keinert, David Wayne a/k/a Heights Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allen- David W. Keinert, dec’d. town, PA 18104. Late of Emmaus Borough. Attorney: T. Benjamin Traud, Executrix: Laura F. McDermott Esq., 3055 College Heights c/o John M. Ashcraft, III, Es- Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allentown, PA quire, 20 North 5th St., Suite 18104. #1, Emmaus, PA 18049-2406. 17 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorney: John M. Ashcraft, III, Attorney: Carla J. Thomas, Esquire, 20 North 5th St., Suite Esq., Attorney-at-law, 716 #1, Emmaus, PA 18049-2406. Washington St., Easton, PA 18042. Kidder, Susan W., dec’d. Late of Macungie. Moser, Robert L. a/k/a Robert Executrix: Elizabeth R. Howard, Lee Moser, dec’d. Law Offices of Elizabeth R. How- Late of 1177 Sixth Street, ard, 301 Gay St., P.O. Box 507, Whitehall Township. Phoenixville, PA 19460. Personal Representative: Linda Attorney: Elizabeth R. Howard, G. Altrichter c/o Stuart T. Esquire, 301 Gay Street, P.O. Shmookler, Esquire, Gross Mc- Box 507, Phoenixville, PA Ginley, LLP, 33 South 7th 19460. Street, P.O. Box 4060, Allen- town, PA 18105-4060. Manwiller, Frances G. a/k/a Attorneys: Stuart T. Shmookler, Frances M. Manwiller, dec’d. Esquire, Gross McGinley, LLP, Late of Upper Macungie Town- 33 South 7th Street, P.O. Box ship. 4060, Allentown, PA 18105- Revocable Trust of Frances G. 4060. Manwiller a/k/a Frances M. Manwiller dated 8/8/2003 as Paul, Kevin Robert, dec’d. amended on 6/27/2019. Late of Allentown. Settlor: Frances G. Manwiller Administratrix: Karen L. Paul a/k/a Frances M. Manwiller. c/o Wiener and Wiener LLP, Trustee: Karen L. Hangey c/o 512 W. Hamilton Street, Suite Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C., 400, Allentown, PA 18101. Two City Center, 645 West Attorneys: Wiener and Wiener Hamilton Street, Suite 800, Al- LLP, 512 W. Hamilton Street, lentown, PA 18101. Suite 400, Allentown, PA 18101. Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C., Two City Center, Person, Betty L., dec’d. 645 West Hamilton Street, Suite Late of the City of Bethlehem, 800, Allentown, PA 18101. County of Northampton. Executor: John Person c/o Jo- Melick, Helen M., dec’d. seph F. Leeson, III, Esquire, 70 Late of Allentown. East Broad Street, P.O. Box Executrix: Susan M. Noonan, 1426, Bethlehem, PA 18016- Noonan Law Office, 526 Walnut 1426. St., Allentown, PA 18101. Attorney: Joseph F. Leeson, III, Attorneys: Noonan Law Office, Esquire, 70 East Broad Street, 526 Walnut St., Allentown, PA P.O. Box 1426, Bethlehem, PA 18101. 18016-1426. Mooney, Joanne Larue, dec’d. Ross, Lee C. a/k/a Lee Clayton Late of the Township of White- Ross, dec’d. hall. Late of Allentown, Salisbury Executor: Edward I. Painz c/o Township. Carla J. Thomas, Esq., Executrix: Robyn L. Cimerol, Attorney-at-law, 716 Washing- 2724 English Lane, Whitehall, ton St., Easton, PA 18042. PA 18052. 18 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Ruth, Phyllis J., dec’d. Byrne, Florence V. a/k/a Flor- Late of the Township of Lower ence V. (McMahon) Byrne, Macungie. dec’d. Executrix: Amy L. Fretz c/o Late of 4514 Calvert Pl., Center Henry R. Newton, Jr., Esquire, Valley, Upper Saucon Town- 127 N. 4th Street, Easton, PA ship. 18042. Executrix: Mary K. Rockel, 4376 Attorney: Henry R. Newton, Jr., Fieldstone Ct., Center Valley, PA Esquire, 127 N. 4th Street, 18034. Easton, PA 18042. Carl, Gloria T., dec’d. Late of Emmaus. Travers, John Joseph, dec’d. Executrix: Jeanette A. Madaya, Late of Bethlehem. 3360 Crestview Lane, Walnut- Executrix: Maureen Rita Trav- port, PA 18088. ers, 649 Route 292, Holmes, NY 12531. Christman, Charles R., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Slating- Woodman, William Charles, ton. dec’d. Executor: Harold R. Frederick Late of Orefield. a/k/a Harold Frederick c/o Administrator: Scott Woodman, Keith W. Strohl, Esquire, Steck- 129 Marick Ln., Stroudsburg, el and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Wal- PA 18360. nut Street, Suite 210, Slating- ton, PA 18080. SECOND PUBLICATION Attorneys: Keith W. Strohl, Es- quire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, Bolton, Sandra J., dec’d. 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Late of Emmaus. Slatington, PA 18080. Executor: Frank J. Schultz, Jr. c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Es- Fenstermaker, Robert F., dec’d. quire, Zettlemoyer Law Office, Late of Macungie. LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- Executor: Peter Fenstermaker maus, PA 18049. c/o Samuel F. Feldman, Es- Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- quire, Feldman Law Offices, er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law P.C., 2310 Walbert Ave., Ste. Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, 103, Allentown, PA 18104. Emmaus, PA 18049. Attorneys: Samuel F. Feldman, Esquire, Feldman Law Offices, P.C., 2310 Walbert Ave., Ste. Bruno, Helen M., dec’d. 103, Allentown, PA 18104. Late of Macungie. Executor: Kurtis Bruno c/o Filipak, Joan B. a/k/a Joan Fili- Samuel F. Feldman, Esquire, pak, dec’d. Feldman Law Offices, P.C., Late of Emmaus. 2310 Walbert Ave., Ste. 103, Executor: Ferdinand Filipak, Allentown, PA 18104. 125 Dell Street, Emmaus, PA Attorneys: Samuel F. Feldman, 18049. Esquire, Feldman Law Offices, Attorney: E. Keller Kline, III, P.C., 2310 Walbert Ave., Ste. Esquire, 731 W. Turner Street, 103, Allentown, PA 18104. Allentown, PA 18102. 19 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Gogle, Sterling C., Sr. a/k/a Frank, Esquire, One West Sterling C. Gogle, dec’d. Broad Street, Suite 700, Beth- Late of 840 Peach Street, Ca- lehem, PA 18018. tasauqua. Attorney: Paul S. Frank, Es- Executor: Sterling C. Gogle, Jr. quire, One West Broad Street, Attorneys: Marissa B. Marshall, Suite 700, Bethlehem, PA Esquire, Kreisher, Marshall & 18018. Associates, LLC, 401 S. Market Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Kromer, Delbert L. a/k/a Delbert Kromer, dec’d. Gruber, Ralph P., dec’d. Late of Bethlehem. Late of Upper Macungie Town- Executor: Scott Poplawski c/o ship. Traud Law Offices, 3055 College Executrix: Gail E. Mangold c/o Heights Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allen- Charles A. Waters, Esq., Steck- town, PA 18104. el and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Wal- Attorney: T. Benjamin Traud, nut Street, Suite 210, Slating- Esq., 3055 College Heights ton, PA 18080. Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allentown, PA Attorneys: Charles A. Waters, 18104. Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Slatington, PA 18080. Legenhausen, Margaret M., dec’d. Late of the Township of White- Hlavinka, Margaret S. a/k/a hall. Margaret Hlavinka, dec’d. Late of Bethlehem. Executor: James S. Anderson Executor: Vincent Hlavinka c/o c/o Peters, Moritz, Peischl, Zu- Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esquire, lick, Landes & Brienza, LLP, 1 Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 South Main Street, Nazareth, North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA PA 18064. 18049. Attorneys: Peters, Moritz, Pei- Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- schl, Zulick, Landes & Brienza, er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law LLP, 1 South Main Street, Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Nazareth, PA 18064. Emmaus, PA 18049. Merritt, Nancy C., dec’d. Johnson, William J., dec’d. Late of the Township of Salis- Late of Allentown. bury. Executrix: Laurie A. Johnson Executrix: Christine M. Merritt c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Es- c/o Jamie Michael McFadden, quire, Zettlemoyer Law Office, Esq., 3055 College Heights LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- Blvd., Suite 2B, Allentown, PA maus, PA 18049. 18104. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Attorney: Jamie Michael Mc- er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Fadden, Esq., 3055 College Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Heights Blvd., Suite 2B, Allen- Emmaus, PA 18049. town, PA 18104. Kaba, Vivian E., dec’d. Neff, Alfred D., Jr., dec’d.
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