Materials Exchange Guidance Document A Review and Case Study January 2006 in partnership with Materials Exchange Guidance Document A Review and Case Study Acknowledgements Several organizations funded the Calgary Materials Exchange pilot program. The City of Calgary and the Recycling Council of Alberta provided initial support followed by substantial assistance from the Enhanced Recycling program of the Government of Canada Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change (managed by Natural Resources Canada). Sponsorship was also given by the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, Alberta Environment, Suncor Energy Foundation and the Shell Environmental Fund. Additional business and technical assistance from the following past and present Technical Advisory Committee members was instrumental in the development and on-going support of the Calgary Materials Exchange. Initial Pilot Technical Advisory Committee Program Coordinator – Natalie Odd Dave Whitfield – Alberta Environment Dan Zembal – K-LOR Contractors Peter Dwan – Newalta Corp. Victoria Knox – Clean Calgary Association 2005 Technical Advisory Committee Program Coordinator – Sarah Begg Dave Whitfield – Alberta Environment Dan Zembal – AllWaste Systems Ltd. Natalie Odd – Clean Calgary Association Mike Kolankowski – AllWaste Systems Ltd. Further information CMEX hopes that this guidance document will be useful, and encourages readers to contact us if there are any questions or feedback. Sharing additional successes or program ideas will help to create a network of materials exchanges where everyone can benefit from collective experience. Sarah Begg – Calgary Materials Exchange Program Coordinator Administered by the Clean Calgary Association 809 – 4th Avenue S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 0K5 CANADA T: (403) 230-1443 ext. 226 [email protected] Materials Exchange Guidance Document A Review and Case Study Table of Contents 1.0 In tro d u c tio n ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 T e rm in o lo g y ............................................................................................................... 2 3.0 R e v ie w o f Ex is tin g N o rth A m e ric a n M a te ria ls Ex c h a n g e s ...................................... 3 3.1 M e th o d o lo g y ..................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 E x is tin g D o c u m e n ts .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2.1 M a te ria ls E x c h a n g e s ................................................................................................................................................. 5 3.2.2 B y -p ro d u c t S y n e rg y ................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 M a te ria ls E x c h a n g e s H ig h lig h ts ........................................................................................................ 6 3.4 C a p ita l a n d O p e ra tio n a l C o s ts .......................................................................................................... 6 3.4 .1 S ta ffin g R e q u ire m e n ts ............................................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 F u n d in g O p p o rtu n itie s a n d U s e r F e e s .............................................................................................. 7 3.6 F re q u e n tly A s k e d Q u e s tio n s ............................................................................................................. 8 3.7 M a te ria ls E x c h a n g e C lo s u re s ........................................................................................................... 9 3.8 L e s s o n s L e a rn e d .............................................................................................................................. 9 3.9 F u tu re D ire c tio n .............................................................................................................................. 12 4.0 C a lg a ry M a te ria ls Ex c h a n g e – O v e rv ie w ................................................................ 13 4 .1 F o o th ills W a s te E x c h a n g e P ro je c t C o n c e p t D e v e lo p m e n t.............................................................. 13 4 .2 P ro g ra m O b je c tiv e , S tra te g y a n d P h ilo s o p h y ................................................................................. 13 4 .2.1 P ro g ra m O b je c tiv e .................................................................................................................................................. 13 4 .2.2 P ro g ra m S tra te g y .................................................................................................................................................... 13 4 .2.2.1 C o m m u n ity -B a s e d S o c ia l M a rk e tin g ............................................................................................................... 14 4 .2.3 P ro g ra m P h ilo s o p h y ................................................................................................................................................ 14 4 .3 P e rfo rm a n c e In d ic a to rs ................................................................................................................... 15 4 .3.1 P e rfo rm a n c e In d ic a to r S e le c tio n ............................................................................................................................. 16 4 .3.2 P e rfo rm a n c e M e a s u re m e n ts ................................................................................................................................... 16 4 .3.2.1 T a rg e ts ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 4 .4 K e y E le m e n ts fo r P ro g ra m S u c c e s s ............................................................................................... 17 5 .0 C M EX – M a n a g in g th e In itia tio n a n d L a u n c h o f th e M a te ria ls Ex c h a n g e ............ 18 5.1 P ro g ra m In itia tio n P ro c e s s .............................................................................................................. 18 5.2 B a c k g ro u n d R e s e a rc h / F e a s ib ility S tu d y ....................................................................................... 19 5.3 P ro g ra m P h ilo s o p h y , A p p ro a c h , D e s ig n , S tra te g y a n d M e a s u ra b le s ............................................. 19 5.4 F o rm a tio n o f th e T e c h n ic a l A d v is o ry C o m m itte e (T A C ).................................................................. 20 5.5 In d u s try S e c to r B u y -in .................................................................................................................... 20 5.5.1 In d u s try B u y -in M e e tin g .......................................................................................................................................... 20 5.5.2 In d u s try S te e rin g C o m m itte e /F irs t P a rtic ip a n ts ....................................................................................................... 21 5.5.3 P a rtic ip a n t R e c ru itm e n t........................................................................................................................................... 21 5.6 M u n ic ip a l B u y -in ............................................................................................................................. 23 5.7 B u d g e t............................................................................................................................................ 23 5.8 S ta rt-u p F u n d in g ............................................................................................................................. 24 5.9 H u m a n R e s o u rc e s .......................................................................................................................... 25 5.9.1 P ro g ra m A d m in is tra to r ............................................................................................................................................ 25 5.9.2 P ro g ra m C o o rd in a to r............................................................................................................................................... 25 5.9.3 P ro g ra m A s s is ta n t................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.9.4 A d d itio n a l A s s is ta n c e .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Table of Contents — Page i Materials Exchange Guidance Document A Review and Case Study 5.10 O ffic e L o c a tio n , S e t-u p , T e le p h o n e a n d E q u ip m e n t ....................................................................... 26 5.11 P ro g ra m Im a g e ............................................................................................................................... 27 5.11.1 P ro g ra m N a m e .....................................................................................................................................................
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