lsU baseball Zac Person to start against TCU PAGE 6 MINDEN RESS ERALD P -H www.press-herald.com June 18, 2015 | 50 Cents THURSDAY INSIDE webster Crime today Jury tampering lands man Jindal loses appeal in jail on Common Core Officials say suspect lawsuit in state court asked juror questions NEWS PG.2 during selection WHAT’S IN MICHELLE BATES [email protected] A Minden man is behind bars charged with tampering with a jury after a warrant was issued for his arrest. Dominick J. Quatruopo- A BUDGET? lo, 59, of the 8100 block of Dorcheat Road, was arrest- ed Tuesday, June 16, and charged with jury tamper- Sorority ing in a criminal case. Bond was set at $250,000. earns MICHELLE BATES According to reports, [email protected] Quatruopolo was in court awards Tuesday and the warrant With budgets being a hot topic as the leg- was served by Lt. Angela LIFE PG.5 islative session closed and fiscal years E v a n s , approaching an end, there’s been a lot of talk assisted by about cuts and tighter purse strings. D e p u t i e s Why is that? The state just passed a $25 D a n i e l billion budget, and municipalities like Min- White and den are looking a passing a budget in the Eric Roby. millions. The charge State Rep. Gene Reynolds and Minden stems from Mayor Tommy Davis say these cuts and an alleged tighter purse strings come from the fact that incident on QUATRUPOLO much of the money brought April 27 in in is dedicated money – which his court case where he means the money cannot be was charged with domestic spent for any other purpose abuse battery by strangula- than for what it was intended. tion. “We get two percent sales Assistant District Attor- The tax,” Davis said. “Half of that, ney Marcus Patillo says one percent, is dedicated to Quatruopolo asked ques- choice the sewer plant and to the DAVIS tions of potential jurors is simple recreation center. So, out of during the jury selection an estimated $5.8 million process, which is illegal. sales tax, half of that is dedicated and can “He was asking a poten- OPINION PG.4 only be spent on those two items.” tial juror some questions Davis says every budget has to balance. and asking her som e other “Your income and your expenses – you stuff with regards to his WEATHER cannot spend more than you take in,” he matter,” he said. “The said. “We estimate our income, and we esti- TOMORROW’S OUTLOOK (criminal) code says it’s mate our expenses and they have to be the illegal. If you’re a potential same.” juror and if you’re a defen- Typically, he says when they estimate dant somebody that could income for the next fiscal year, they do so on possibly be on a jury, you the conservative side, but they tend to be a can’t talk to them, bother little more liberal with estimating expenses. them, nothing.” “We know what our expenses are going to He says it’s also not legal be, but there are so many expenses that we for the defendant’s attor- don’t know,” he said. “(We) don’t know when ney to question potential we’re going to have a water leak. We had two jury members unless it’s SeeBUDGET, Page 3 91 72 SeeARREST, Page 2 HIGH LOW Isolated thunderstorms HealtH News in the morning. Cloudy skies late. CONNECT WITH US MMC: Be mindful of heat-related illnesses @mindenph MICHELLE BATES people need to be mindful fluid per hour,” said Dr. regular breaks from the becomes overheated, it [email protected] of when outside during the Denise A. heat indoors or in the cools itself through sweat- hottest part of the day. Webb, a shade. Try to a void being ing, but certain conditions Heat-related illnesses are physician at outdoors during the peak can affect the body’s capa- With temperatures common during the sum- MMC. “If hours of heat and sun bilities to regulate proper beginning to top out well mer months, Minden Med- you aren’t exposure.” temperature. A few of these above the 90s, heat-related ical Center officials say, accustomed So what is a heat-related conditions include illnesses become more and if not properly man- to being in a illness? Webb says these ill- extreme temperatures, Vol. 46 No. 250 prevalent during the sum- aged, it can be fatal. hot environ- nesses are caused by pro- inadequate hydration, mer months. “If you’re going to be ment regu- longed or excessive expo- high humidity, high blood The official beginning of outside, keep cool by larly, start WEBB sure to high temperatures pressure, sunburn, pre- the summer season is Sun- drinking plenty of water, slowly and and dehydration. Typically, scription drug use and day, June 21, and with that aiming for 16-32 ounces of pace yourself – and take she says, when the body comes a myriad of issues SeeHEAT, Page 2 2 Thursday, June 18, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald SECONDwww.press-herald.com FRONT edUCatioN iN loUisiaNa Jindal loses appeal on Common Core lawsuit in state court BATON ROUGE — A properly follow Louisiana's tion's accusations "regard- to suspend a contract testing contracts in June tion board have refused to Louisiana appeals court procurement law in the ing state procurement law when procurement laws 2014, Jindal argued the do so. Wednesday upheld a contract award. Parents, were a mere pretext to are not followed. education department and Rather than prohibit use judge's ruling that barred teachers and a charter cloak their true intento t "The governor will BESE needed to seek com- of Common Core, the Leg- Gov. Bobby Jindal from school organization sued, influence education policy appeal because of the trou- petitive bids for the work. islature recently required a suspending testing con- and the state education in Louisiana, over which bling precedent that it cre- But he also acknowledged review of the standards tracts tied to Louisiana's board joined in the suit. the Louisiana Constitution ates for the administration he took the action to with public meetings, leg- use of the Common Core In August, District court grants exclusive authority of state government," Fair- undermine Common Core islative oversight and an education standards. Judge Todd Hernandez lift- to the Legis- cloth said. and Louisiana's use of test- up-or-down vote from A three-judge panel of ed Jindal's contract sus- lature and The Common Core ing material from a consor- Louisiana's next governor. the 1st Circuit Court of pension and said the Jindal BESE," standards are benchmarks tium tied to the multistate The education board on Appeal said Jindal's administration didn't pro- Judge John of what students should standards. Wednesday confirmed the attempt to halt the testing vide any evidence to sup- P e t t i g r e w learn at each grade level in Jindal, a likely presiden- 101 people who will serve contracts was an "uncon- port the governor's claims wrote in the English and math. They've tial contender who once on the committees to stitutional interference" that contracting law was decision. been adopted by more supported Common Core, comb through the stan- with the education depart- violated. Common Core L a w y e r than 40 states as a way to has a separate, pending dards. The review panels — ment and the state Board standardized testing for Jimmy Fair- better prepare students for federal lawsuit challenging which include teachers, of Elementary and Second- students in third through cloth, repre- JINDAL college and careers. Oppo- the education standards. administrators, higher ary Education, known as eighth grade continued as senting the nents, including Jindal, say He's tried to strip the stan- education officials and BESE. planned in the spring. governor, said Jindal the standards are deve lop- dards from Louisiana's parents — must present A year ago, Jindal sus- Hernandez's decision "strongly disagrees with mentally inappropriate public school classrooms. final recommendations on pended the contracts, say- was upheld Wednesday by the ruling" and will appeal. and part of federal efforts But lawmakers, Superin- what changes they want ing the education depart- the appeals court. He said the governor has to nationalize education. tendent of Education John made to the standards by ment and BESE didn't The Jindal administra- "clear statutory authority" When he suspended the White and the state educa- March 2016. ARREST Continued from page 1 during the selection Rollover process. At the time the incident occurred, Patillo says his attorney was not present. injures He explained the jury selection process is a two- part process where they do a roll call to make sure one everyone is there, and then they call them into the courtroom. Potential jurors are not allowed to be A rollover crash sent a questioned until they are woman to the hospital called to the jury box for by Life Air Wednesday the voir dire process. just before lunch. Web- The voir dire process is ster Parish Sheriff’s Cap- where potential jurors in tain Robert Hayden says the jury box are questioned the woman ran off the by the judge and attorneys road on Goodwill Road, to determine whether they but the cause is can deal with issues fairly, unknown. He says the car went into a ditch, Patillo says. causing it to flip up and Quatruopolo was found onto its side before not guilty of the domestic coming to rest.
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