ALAALAIssue 1 CognotesBOSTON Friday, January 14, 2005 Come and Hear these Exciting New England Authors Today: and currently has three works in Three speakers on development for movies (The Buf- Best-Selling the panel this year! falo Soldier, The Law of Authors Forum Similars, and Water Witches), 4:00– 5:15 p.m. The American Library Associa- establishing him as not only as Hynes CC, Room 210 tion brings you a touch of local fla- “America’s answer to Joanna vor with three New England fa- Trollope” (Kirkus), but an Ameri- Exhibit Ribbon Cutting vorites for this year’s Author Fo- can treasure. rum panel. Join Chris Bohjalian, Sponsored by Random House, 5:15 p.m. Nathaniel Philbrick, and Tom Booth 505. Level I Entrance, Perrotta in Room 210 of the Con- near registration vention Center from 4:00 – 5:15 Nathaniel Philbrick Chris Bohjalian Nathaniel Philbrick Tom Perrotta p.m. today. Each author will be Nathaniel Philbrick takes his All-Conference signing at their publisher’s booth fans on yet another riveting voy- Opening Reception during the All-Conference Open- age with his latest book Sea of age of the Mayflower. novel, Little Children finds him ing Reception immediately follow- Glory: America’s Voyage of Dis- Sponsored by Penguin illuminating some new yet famil- and Basket Raffles ing the Forum. covery-The U.S. Exploring Expe- Putnam, Booth 906. iar territory-the American sub- 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. dition, 1838-1842. Sea of Glory urb. Hailed as his best work, Levels 1 and 2 Chris Bohjalian integrates his esteem and acute Tom Perrotta Kirkus calls Perrotta “an accom- Exhibit Halls Chris Bohjalian, author of the knowledge of history with his pro- Tom Perrotta is the author of plished comic novelist extends his #1 New York Times Bestseller clivity for compelling drama, several works of fiction, includ- range brilliantly." Midwives, is once again engag- while he discuss the journey from ing Joe College and Election, Sponsored by Holtzbrinck Pub- ing readers in his latest novel, the South Pacific to the Antarc- which was made into the ac- lishers (Booth 609) including St. Exhibit Hours Before You Know Kindness. tic, Pacific Northwest to New claimed 1999 movie starring Martin’s Press; Farrar, Straus Bohjalian is the author of nine York City. Philbrick is currently Reese Witherspoon and Matthew and Giroux; Henry Holt; Picador; Today: novels, various magazine credits, working on a novel about the voy- Broderick. Perrotta’s latest Tor Books and Audio Renaissance. 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Saturday – Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. More than 200 Expected to Attend 2005 Advocacy Institute Monday: Learn about the importance of $10 and will take place on site through a day designed to help Merola, advocacy specialist, ALA; building coalitions of library from 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. teams develop a grassroots action Glenn R. Miller, executive direc- 9:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. workers, trustees and friends at The program begins with a plan with presentations from lead- tor, Pennsylvania Library Asso- the 2005 Advocacy Institute. The keynote address from Massachu- ers in library advocacy, includ- ciation; Sally Reed, chair, ALA Registration daylong Institute will take place setts Lieutenant Governor and ing ALA President Carol A. Brey- Public Awareness Committee, Hours today at the Sheraton Boston library advocate Kerry Healey. Casiano. and executive director, Friends of Grand Ballroom. Registration is Participants will be guided “The 2005 Advocacy Institute Libraries USA (FOLUSA); and Today: is just the first step in develop- Patricia Wickham, vice presi- 8:00 a.m.– 7:30 p.m. ing and supporting new coalitions dent, El Paso Public Library As- Saturday – Sunday: of library advocates,” said Carol sociation Board of Directors. 7:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Brey-Casiano. “Through online In conjunction with the Insti- Monday: resources and tools, Institute at- tute, a series of new Web advo- tendees will have access to ongo- cacy products, developed by the 7:30 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. ing support for their local advo- ALA Public Information Office, cacy efforts and the opportunity will debut. The products include Important to share their success with other a Best Practices Web site, a Key Numbers library advocates throughout the Messages Web site and an online country.” advocacy toolkit. In addition, In- Medical (Conv. Ctr.): Other presenters include Dot stitute attendees will become x2240 Carmody, Member, Massachu- part of an online Advocacy Net- Emergency Services setts Library Trustees Associa- work. Through the network, they tion; Deborah Davis, manager, will communicate directly with (Conv. Ctr.): Campaign for America’s Librar- other member leaders about ad- x2111 ies; Gail Dysleski, ALTA advocacy vocacy issues. Message Center/ ALA Editions Manager Catherine English unpacks copies chair; Diane Fay, past president, Case studies in the Best Prac- Information: of the new release, Our Own Selves: More Meditations Library Support Staff Interest tices Web site will share how li- for Librarians by ALA President-Elect, Michael Gorman. 617-954-3347, 3348 Round Table; Molly Fogarty, as- braries dealt with issues ranging He will sign copies of the book at the store on Saturday sistant director, Massachusetts from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Library Association; Marci Continued on page 8 Page 2 • Cognotes Friday, January 14, 2005 ASCLA and RUSA Discussion Groups in Boston RUSA/CODES Dual Assign- RUSA/MARS Hot Topics Dis- Metasearch features and standards. Services in Small & Medium-Sized ments Discussion Group. January cussion Group. January 15, 11-12:30 ASCLA/ICAN Network Manage- Research Libraries Discussion Group 15, 9:30-11:00 a.m., Marriott Grand p.m., Westin - Staffordshire Room. ment Discussion Group, January votes on proposed discussion topics at Ballroom G, Table 1. We will talk about METASEARCH! What it is, what it 15, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Sheraton, Conf. Rm the beginning of the session, then has the June, 2004 National Endowment could be, and how standards can get 7. The discussion will focus on recruit- lively discussions of the top 3 or 4 for the Arts Research Report “Reading us there! Presenters: Andrew Pace, ing for the library profession. Partici- choices. At ALA Midwinter in San Di- at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading Head of Systems, NCSU, Karen pants are invited to bring examples of ego, we discussed reference desk de- in America” that focuses on the decline McNulty, Digital Reference, Boston projects (large or small) or to share sign, federated searching and URL of “reading’s role in the nation’s cul- College. There will be lots of open dis- ideas that networks might use. resolvers, teaching critical thinking ture.” (full-text on Web). cussion time - bring your ideas about RUSA/RSS, Hot Topics in skills, and what public libraries can Frontline Reference. January 15, do to better prepare students for their 4:30-5:30 p.m., HCC Room 312. Print first year in college. Join us in Boston Reference Collections, Dead or Alive? for a discussion that is sure to be illu- Is your print reference collection be- minating and invigorating. ing used, or is it eating up valuable RUSA/CODES, Collection Man- funds and real estate? Join us to dis- agement in Public Libraries Dis- cuss these questions. cussion Group. January 17, 9:30 ASCLA/ICAN Interlibrary Co- a.m.-11:00 a.m., HCC 312. Discussion operation Discussion Group. topics are 13-digit Expanded ISBNs and January 16, 9:30-11:00 a.m., HCC 210. the development of international col- Join us for a discussion of models of lections. cooperation between Regional and State ASCLA/ICAN Virtual Library libraries/systems. We will take time Discussion Group. January 17, to explore the positive and less than 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Weston, St. positive aspects of cooperation. George A/B. “Funding the Virtual Li- RUSA/RSS, Reference Services brary.” We plan to discuss strategies in Small & Medium-Sized Re- for establishing and sustaining virtual search Libraries Discussion library projects, for example: post- Group. January 16, 4:30-6:30 p.m., grant funding, member buy-in, alter- Boston Park Plaza, Thoreau Room native revenue streams, cost/benefit Come to the discussion group that lets analysis, and demonstration of the YOU pick the topic. The Reference need for funding. PLA Blogs ALA Midwinter Meeting PLA’s first official weblog will make their experiences as well. its debut at the ALA Midwinter Meet- The mission of the PLA blog in gen- ing. The PLA blog effort was begun by eral, and the Midwinter effort in par- librarian, consultant, and blogger ticular, is twofold: First is to get the Steven M. Cohen, who is best known as national library associations in the the proprietor of LibraryStuff.net and United States excited about blogging, also serves as the Internet Spotlight col- according to Cohen. Second, and Janet Fritsch unpacks books at the Combined Book umnist for “Public Libraries” magazine. equally, if not more important, is to use Exhibit booth #1818. They will test the waters by sending out the blog to make the conference more a posse of volunteer librarian/bloggers immediate and accessible to those un- to report on PLA-related meetings and able to attend but who want to “play events at ALA’s Midwinter meeting in along at home.” Massachusetts Black Librarians Boston, January 14-19, 2005. The announcement was met with Cohen made the announcement in a enthusiasm by several long-time Network Hosts An Event For BCALA December 8, 2004 post on Library Stuff bloggers including Jenny Levine of by saying, “We’re going to blog it and ShiftedLibrarian.com and Karen Boston, the site of the annual mid- There are several sites in Boston we’re going to blog hard,” adding, “and Schneider of FreeRangeLibrarian.com, winter meeting of the American Library important to African American culture we’re going to do it right.” Approxi- (Schneider will be lending her talents Association, and the Black Caucus of and history that you must visit while mately a dozen bloggers, many long- to the Midwinter blogfest.) Levine pre- the American Library Association, you are here.
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