■■mu, uanw i» i i. ia.ima otrr awd mw AWAins. LATEST»SWS B1 TELEGRAPH. ELLAKE0U8 SALES BT AUCTT05J MISCELLANEOUS. ■ Ttus.tvratn xiruaslpt t„ n ruiilv AlNM wVi mb a sot ire tome tine TmHU lssur ——~ L» LYNOHBUItO 0&'<IT RIlcS’ Meeting of tlio DemocraUo th« UpitaiKMIiM ffcurt for II*© 4t* OtrMlt And A Exetgitivo 'L §M Virginia named Joo. |lr Wxighl, » X Committee !0!W AM) COMNKM'I- luiArkU IridtY© Tkormber HU, lmMi MANU^’ACTOUY. of fclimbWHb eal IbprUllgbiblii Mtbr tAefWaip- ■> BujllHwf aunwnt to the Etedaufii Ilona*, an 1 wrbart Daveupon and John Pxu«-rtnn, clllient and Inlaid* >11 of taata ©f the *m+ M Alabama, amt a vtefcantx and liell Court Boueo. SOT this b* Ward do more, nee W*M»u,OTON, April s._xh* IWerwtio Na- tl>*IW«lx n nuiukctaW klnt, partners t radii©* mtdi-r tha firm ©M «iyk ot imvs*ni*wt A 1* 1 860. either ol the h8r»e or tnmil C omuii tee met this fraftafann, ABOl*-IATW? hed we 'err thought more* morning, end nnani- AGRICULTURAL enUod 44. 1 * «V Ptaifcil * ♦! h*<n IMPLEMENTS) ©©©port faikramk, V*, | •*.* naio v*i /the thie^eetll e hw deyt dace, we received a note BU>n«ljr resolve<l not In change the place Tor liold- Twh *a4 Uarhinprj. WUtki© L. NWcbn. Inmh* < -|>Kn«YkD,U1Mf).4ka«inM ofo,ir be bad the hatmerw, Jamea •©nm**.’©, Pie**. -*V Ahum 0DC subscriber*, statiegthal pur- jog nominating Contention from Charleston. Having awarded the FIRST PUK.MM’M nl the laic K«df T. aud tiaaiuraa (oMl'LKTK * lb* Haamkra, A, rtmimlcv*, hwUrblualty, and ns ! StmrwntWNAfJI a hortc at at thia on la«t court to Lynahtnirir ifHMliortl Had Meihatitrat-s»kid> to# me ©xsrcutors of David chnird auction, place adjourned meat at the Maaobiu b«4 mt©mkr*,l*r., tftocM,.IteftvxknD. i ! M or John Sn'iT'1!''Hull Ja Iloca* Power, and iModgha, flatter lhma*lv<* Hint their Uf OMANOKRV. assortment., of day which eaa euld fur. arnTh# properly Charleston on the 21at of wor* wfll entire <be, ft*; «atMhol«ta, and that the fainter* wrt>ui4 1 lik ratta© Hi bv re- April. eatnc uadi a»Uirm and wav argued ©omum 1, , ll. Fot. Since that time Sr. fliclmrd Baugh, who prefer to buy article* <0 Southern under a Manufacture, proper • ml thereupon, tipun ©oft shirr© Hod thereof It U or*Wd, n<l- Court Uouer, baa called upon ami lliai ©nk*©a ilia (JASSTM K'HE H U ■ideaarar Campbell Case of Booth, the Stealer. *•«*■*«• H. H. 8HEPHKUD A; CO., Judged d.-erct, Judgment mentioned in tho IT© and identified the Negro •'hi uf 4ha aiiioun lo tb© Mint of one I ! oarlriend; Wm. H. Morgan, jr„ [IWb 1' dkdy.] /, K.V< l/hl A* o', l .t. outuplnlauHta, ting ho aund and ever offered In lids iiuokwl. thu* leafing Mr. 8. luiuaa i.c Mii.wAtriia, \Vu., April 8th —The Court ot Ra- twenty two dollar* and fifteen cetita, wMh Iwcn-si J home at hi* properly, thereon at the rat© ©f eight mi anmim, (that ..a cim> county issued a habeas par |*©r Mug f hor*«. This le ibe ecroml opecalion.il corpus iu the case of DIRECT lllfPORTATION. rak of In n*e < • price of llie interval Pmi ©tale of Alabama,) from Vhlh day ol { VT Ihv public ere Invlied In eisinlio n»y stock In fhe «i»f« &..eruiau Bout*, now in enstodr of ill the till and dollar* thia kind in which Kox haa been engaged the U. States POMLK ft to., Seplemlu-r, year l*VU, pout, Parly mid oil the ol iitgldy ID e mta the coat© of Mil In ihe common law tVurt to* month. We lru»« lie limy he overhauled mil charge inciting the reacao of A me 1.1 m I. CNTKRMTBU. ot one fugitive I.KXAnDRIA, vihuinia, grthe- with the coata of (be arnnplatnanta In iht* anil, to bu Ti- fol- slaves, hut the Marshall refused and fJoofera On <|/l limti* of brought to lU'iiee. ngd llau rtglrt *pr*dily. oliedienoe. J*%/H>rUr» taxed b) U»u I'tark of Uita t ourt, which aatd tnnta mv due ft. mi oui W. I-nniindetra, one of lb© drfbitdnnta In thi* en*c, to *nld E L EGA NT 8 PR IN GGO OD3 lo*ihg It the description given of him <iy turn-.- FERTILIZERS, Haro ou of com|dalnaniSk si* ill no bv the *ald Wm. I., ©minder* toih© it a man ««*•! live feel leu or e'even constantly hand a large tuumh paid uoedrat:_“Fox Congress •md on or the .JOHN T. DAVIS & CO., PRRrriiir ia two, compfoliMfita, bep'irc lf)|h «'f April next; then erl!h one eve out"; rnilicr' slim, aud tm« n \V»s|,ix»tom, 8. Hint the propnty uuHilloued tn the deed* filed as exhibited In Main inchet high, April —Srx.iTE.— Mr. Wilson, Imported!# Mb, Into (bto port, waiter mo* tiikChin< \ la- No. 103 Htreot, Lynchburg, Ya., and I understand ie a IW« eau***, or such part thereof aa the Master herein nfM men* »ppearauer, gambler. id .Mass, submitted a resolution which lies vNiA anU bayml Ker* In now aud wrw in more a complete Jlrn'kHit ntwoM stylus rowdyUh over! atrong Uaggiug H»»ned *lu*ll doom it to ©©ll.idMftHr totals© ilia Mima fnrnUAod and at a rx|H*dlenl of roURIHN nnd.POMKrtTlC PUY UOODF, lo which — V'lrynM JSeho. instructing the Committee on ihjkJ by of Herrin I* lure tuonttoin d, wldeli ««on*l*t* U\VB Military affairs, i,i TlfE AGENTS OK THE I’KELYLVN GOYEKXMI NT. money property of In vim Urn nlleulloii of call) and abort lime btiYWra. Their into tlm tloi house and lot de*crlhed In the deed of t|,e -aid Wllllinn L. they inquire contracts madu the FIYTIEY tire enabled to offer to an am marked at low lo nitract caafa customers A*r> LyxciUiuko WvrtuoAn.-Tl.c Ki«-h- hy War bo- ooQ*equcuny Agricultural* ftaimdem lo Jam©© date the 14Ui good* very prlotw, IticHMONt> X uud which *r«ir- t’hnlmen, trustee, bearing a which be piulmeut within the last three tea's |,,r -r flfUolc/h*<*/row aIt aJuUiratitm, tiny »»t office in ting will found; tu the Ua l- iron I ILt taut 1 itty M«*, Kit; and ot record In th fU-iV* of tho thw? refers contemplated in rrrry/ Each cargo a* ll arrive* receive* the Press bilks aud Kobe*, motid Dispatch the Public rtaptet, I’uwri of Iflor Uic of on llte loth uf I'.iegunl Buildings; also for shot end I rloae and I* l»v eity i^nohlkrg, day lb and from Richmond to this shells, perwnmd liwpcollnA, accurately analyzed Duel. tn thd xjUue * Iteautifhl rage Organdie*, foad city: iron Mtt). year, as being now occupied l»v Hie mild to gnn carriage^. Richard II. Stabler, t'-heiulsl <d tbi» cl(). urc prcpardl to * lli-rage and organdy Cplm* ftom 4 0 Flounce*, \\> are much to announce. §*ys *bel>i<- Ttury William 1* tiaundt'ra a* a Dundy residence, aUuuied at the bead gratified A hill d f > 'filial* the abo\ c article UJ cheap a* it bu had in any «»«//> lirensdloe Hobos, very r>< b. R* rc« cnt pass, 10 Lakes the tpm of Main street, iu the eity of and om which lln re 1.x flint the General passed m | extending pfovisions ac.' in thin country. l.yu<-Jtburg, j Freiicb Jneonelts and llrUlUnt*, j.atch, Assembly I 'he act j a tobacco Oiemry. It I* the sArmf b<| the mid t‘> eon nuer tlio liabilities„f tar a liberal dtM'ounl made to dealer*. purflimud by A groat of Hoods for Hired and Traveling Preraa*. session a bUl chartering a company | limiting Shipowners. William *» Maunder* of Kohoet f'awthon. Also,other variety On million property A of ibe ubo\* wow purchased el ihw to bill of Mr. Chestnut, of S. Car SOAUUiUilO GUANO, or real cMnlg iiieut igttcd in another deed from the *aid Win. I.. largo |ioriloii finals railroad from Riehmond Lynchburg. dina, l).i InrgtiauvUott sale* iu New sod will be sold twlow »»*l inj vi» s Alan of *Urr«t importation thin the 1*1 md of Sombrero. b lunder* and hfv to the mid Janies t Indue tr*i*- Vork, W. McCaftfe, Jame* Lioii4f j lorritolial icsoliniuna were made the Mury wlfr, m, »if Messrs. Thomas special At*o, "cn.'-jH a Import niton. appoints Older f\Jni)i*>frtVy t orJfit'Ci* Tshnt t, /*'* 1*1 ml I**©, which deed beam dal© flic Htb day r*r May, In the year J U. L. P. Ji. lor next. ‘* Koulniid** bilk*, very W. R. Anderson, Kent, Monday or t kthfami.tn, ,t*ui HAd.“ «#*rI .4. .V«vo n i,a.in<»— isV), and It or reeord on the In the ( |o»V* o'nice 4bc»p. U, Fry, Joseph j slay following Embroideries and l.nees. very handsome. as com- I The House nil at tho IrtWeat price*. KO'A'S I. ,v I *»., of the t min of Tor the Loot*.. •»<! a iiumber of other gentlemen, joint teodution passed, Consti- Iluxttvtff* city of T.ynehharg, which pro- Ulcb French l.ace Manllos, to the feh ZR dt« AlefnitdiI;*, \ a I* dearrlhed a* “all hi* the Mid W. |„ •pander*’ Intereal missioner* to ojmd books of subscription c.ipi- I luting Macon, a of entry pertv Rich Him k Hllk nnd Mourning Mantles, Georgia. port for In a eeritHn In hi* nod lot near tha head of Third «*r Church tal id (»0<).
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