DIRECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. Bt:RSLEM. 83 ironstone china. There are also very extensive coal and on the occasion of t!he inauguration of the new buildings ironstone works, from which these materials are obtained by H.R.H. the Princess Louise, who, with the Duke of in considerable quantities, the ore, the produce of the Argyll (then Marquess of Lorne), visited Burslem for the -calcined ironstone, being either sent to the large iron purpose, October 15, 1894: the centenary of the death of districts or used in the furnaces of the immediate locality: Josiab Wedgwood was commemorated here in the autumn there are also colour works, flint mills, crate shops, of 1895 by an exhibition of his masterpieces: the museum tileries, brickworks, foundries and gas works. also contains some fine piotures in oils and water colours. The Wedgwood Memorial Institute was first projected bequeathed by the late W. Woodall esq. M.P. in 1859, when a meeting was held at which it was decided In rgo6 the late Corporation erected an Isolation to erect a public monument to perpetuate the memory of Hospital at a total cost, including purchase of land. Josiah Wedgwood and his services to the trade of tbe furniture &c. of £ 14,950 ; the hospital will hold 65 Staffordshire potteries. BuTslem, being his biTthplace, was patients: patients are received from the potteries area. selected as the town where the monument should be and part of Smallthorne Urban District . .situated, and a site was obtained close to Wedgwood's old works; the first stone waSJ laid by the late Right Hon. w. There are parochial charities of about £30 annual value. E. Gladstone M.P. in 1863, and tlhe institute was opened Mr. Howard Haywood, in I.876, bequeathed £3o,ooo for "by the Marquess of Ripon (then Earol de Grey and Ripon), the deserving poor and sick of Burslem and the immediata April 21st, 1869: the building is in the Pointed style, from neighbourhood. designs by the late Mr. R. Edgar, and is extensively The Haywood Charity Hospital, erected in 1887, at a decorated with terra-cotta; the external details include a eost of £3,200, and situated in Moorland road, is a build­ series of twelve panels, modelled by Mr. R. J. Morris, ing of red brick with stone facings, and will hold 35 illustrating the process of pottery; above these are life- patients: the income is derived from money left by the size figures, in bold relief, emblematic of the months, late Richard and Howard Haywood: in 1890 a donation of which are again surmounted by the signs of the zod1ae, £1,000 was given by Matthew and William Warrington designed and executed in mosaic by Salviati; the porch I Dodson esqrs. for erecting two new wards, and in 18~ -contains three has-relief portraits of Flaxman, Bentley J. Maddock esq. J.P. gave a donation of {.500 for bwld­ :and Priestley, and a statue of Wedgwood forms the central ing wards for the treatment of burns and scalds, and feature of the elaborate fa((ade: the building contains a was again enlarged in IB96, Mr. George B. Fard, of spacious entrance hall, freo library of about II,ooo Bnrslem, being the architect. In Igo7 an administration volumes, reading room, picture gallery and lecture hall, block was erected and other alterations made at a cost with rooms for science and art classes : the institute is of abont £3,200. vested in and governed by the Corporation, under the The Public Park opened in I8 , occupies 22 acres. provisions of the Public Libraries Act: additional space ' 94 has been provided by the erection of a new wing at the The area of the civil parish is I,862 acres; the rate- cost of the late W. Woodnll esq. M.P. and other exten- 1 able value (in Igu) was £7,641; and the population :Sions have provided additional space for instruction in ,. in 190I was 38,766; the I9II population is included with modelling, commercial subjects, carpentry and various Stoke-upon-Trent county borough. The population of departments of technology: the museum contains a fine the ecclesiastical parishes in 19u was- .St. John the collection of examples of the- more remarkable produc- Baptist, ro,163; St. Paul's Longport, 10,972; Sneyd. tions of Josiah Wedgwood and his contemporarieil, pre- I0,193; Cobridge, 9,0I3; total, 40,34I. ~ented to the town by the late Thomas Hulme esq. J.P. OFF:EOIA.L ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCA.L INSTITUTIONS &c. llranch Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, Wedg­ Electrical Engineer, H. W. Edwards wood street. S. Righton, postmaster. Telegraph office Engineer & Gas Manager, Edward Jones, Gas works, open on week days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. & on sun­ Longport days, 8 to 10 a.m Collectors, John Hughes & Joseph L. Hollins, Market pl 'The telegraph <lffice at the Railway station is -open for Market Inspector & Toll Collector, Edward C. King, delivery of telegrams on the station premises only Shambles from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on week days Park Superintendent, J. McPhaiJ, Moorland road Letters via Stoke-upon-Trent are delivered at 7 & n.35 Cemetery, Nettle bank, George Bate, registrar a. m. & 3·35 & 5.25 p.m.; dispatches 9.20, 10.45 & Baths Superintendent, William R. Bratt, Moorland ro-ad 12 noon & 1.45, 3.20, 9.30 & 12 p.m.; sundays, 9 Town Crier, William Phillips p.m. Parcels delivered at 7·45 & 11.35 a.m.; 3·35 & Mayor's Sergeant & Hall-keeper, H. Edwards, Town hall 5.25 p.m.; dispatches at 9·5 & II-45 a.m.; 3·5 & 9-15 p.m Town Sub-Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Station street, Long­ STOKE-0~-TRENT COUNTY JUSTICES FOR THE port.-Miss Margaret E. Cope, sub-postmistress. BURSLEM DISTRICT. Letters through Stoke-upon-Trent, delivered thrice Thomas Al"T'owsmith, Lymewood, Wolstanton <laily, 7 a.m. & I & 5 p.m. ; dispatches, 9·3{) & rz. 15 William Bratt, I02 Waterloo road, Burslem .a.m. & 1.30, 6.40 & 9 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m. Tele­ William Cartlidge, 223 Waterloo road graph office open on week days 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Ralph Dain, 54 Liverpool TOad, Burslem Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Offices : William Warrington Dob5on, Seighford hall, Stafford Enoch EdwaTds M.P. Miners' hall, Burslem 156 Elder road, Cobridge. Thomas Brain, sub-post­ Edmund Leigh, Mansion house, Stone master. Letters dispatched at 8.45 & II.15 a.m. & N oah Parkes, Slater street, Burslem 1.15, 2.5o, 4.4o, 6.30, 8, g.2o & II-45 p.m.; mndays, Robert Sudlow, Hampton house, .A.lsagel' g.2o p.m. Telegrams can be handed in only at this J. Wilcox-Edge, Huntly, Wolstanton, Stoke-on-Trent office, & telegraph money orders are issued, but not Thomas Francis Wood, Claremont, Wolstanton paid William Wood, Porthill house, Longport Dale Hall (~ewcastle street).-Frederick L. Willott, The Judge <Of the County Court for the time being sub-postmaster. Dispatched at 8.45 & 10.30 a.m. & Clerk to tthe Justices, Arlhur Ellis, 20 Market plac£1' 1.10, 2.55, 4·45• 6.30, 8.45 & 11.55 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 p.m Borough Petty Sessions for all Petty Sessional pur­ Hamil road.-Frederick Boulton, sub-postmaster. Letter poses are held at the Town hall at Io.3o a.m. every box cleared at 8.30 & 10.20 a.m. & I.Io, 2.50, 4·45 & monday 8 p.m. & II-55 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m Pettv• Sessional Courts for the trial of indictable Middleport (Slater street). Thomas Eurchill, sub-post­ offiences under the " Summary Jurisdiction Act, master. Dispatches 8.40 & 10.25 a.m. & I. 15, 2.40, f 1879.'' are held every day when necessary (except 4.4o, 6.15, 8.1o & II-55 p.m Sundays, Good Friday, Christmas Day & Bank holi­ Park Estate.-Miss Elizabeth Bratt, sub-postmistress. days) at the Town hall, at 10.30 a.m Letter box deared at 8.45 & 10.20 a.m. & z.ro, 2.50, 4·45 & 8 p.m. & II-55 p.m.; sundays, 8. I5 p.m STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERIES STIPENDIARY PETTY Waterloo road. Alfred John Stanway, sub-postmaster. Letter box cleaTed at 9 & 10.30 a.m. & 1.20, 3, 4·5o, SESSIONS COURT. 6.45, 8 & 8.30 p.m. & 12 midnight; sunday, 8.30 p.m Clerk to Stipendiary, W. T. Griffin, Moorland road Assistant, Erne!!t Millward STOKE-ON-TRENT COUNTi BOROUGH OFFICIALS. Accountant, Samuel W. Hollinshead, Moorland road District Surveyor for Northern Division, Frank P. Petty Sessioll8 are held at the Town hall every tuesday •' Sissons M.Inst.Mech.E. St. John's chambers.Queen st 10 a.m STAFF~. 6* .
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