■ I s r ■ a m. E APPALOOSAS & P.O.A.s, Stud Prospects, 4-H WESTERN MONTANA—$25,000 down payment colts. Fillies and mares. Cecil Bilbre, Choteau, buys beautiful ranch including 200 top Hereford O I o e Montana. Phone 466-2246. _____________ cows, full line machinery, 800 tons hay, supplies and tools. Owner retiring—will leave his capi­ 4 I ONE “SHETLAND STALLION, registered. Cres­ j cent Breeding—gentle. Hazel French, Route 1, tal invested in the ranch. Location incomparable —within walking distance of grade and high Lewistown. Montana. _________________________ schools. Easy operation—good fall and winter i •BUYING SHEEP ___________ grazing. Private (free) water rights. Very low a/Cs, jot CHOICE PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE rams for taxes. Two modern homes. Heavy calves. This I •SELLING sale, lambs and yearlings. Mt. Haggin Breeding. is a top outfit. FISHER REALTY, Phone 745- Harry Miller, Star Route, Bozeman. Montana. 3101. St. Ignatius. Montana._______________________ K TOP GROCERY $200,000 volume. 175 acre river 3 FOR SALE—70 head ewes, 2 to 4 years old, •TRADING bottom, sprinkler system, business machines- $15.00 per head. Andrew Teterud, Dixon, Mon­ ; I tana. Phone 726-3126. __________________________________ office furniture, a money maker. Exclusive mu­ i sic store. Motel priced low. 40 acre river front, The rate is very low for our big circulation. Montana Farmer-Stockman reaches REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE rams for sale—Jim good home. 540 acre wheat farm, creek, modern I nearly nine out of every ten farm and ranch families in Montana with additional Moore, Rt. No. 2, Belgrade, Montana. Phone home. Stock ranches. BELLER REALTY, Kali- thousands in Northern Wyoming. 388-4587. _________________________________ _ spell, Montana. FOR SALE—Two Targhee Stud rams, two and I M CLASSIFIED ADS three years old. Roy Olson, Cushman, Montana. FARMS AND RANCHES Classified advertising order (including changes and stop orders) must reach us SWINE • I 10 days prior to the date of issue in which you want your advertisement to start. MONTANA CATTLE KINGDOM FOR SALE: Registered Chester White Boars ’ 4 In sending your advertisement, count each word, number and initial and send re­ and Gilts out of Ohio Major. Out of a 3 time STOCKED AND EQUIPT.! mittance to cover. Because of the small amounts involved it is necessary that cash certified meat type sire. Have Gilts bred to I must accompany all orders. him that will farrow in October and November. Sprawling 59,670-acre cow outfit out of the old These are as good a set of hogs as you can I Four-time insertions cost less per word and get better results. It will also pay best west. Comes with foundation herd of 450 Here­ m find anywhere. F. C. Banderob, Route 2, Billings, to use enough words to tell thoroughly what you have to offer, The more you tell. Montana. ford cows, 26 Hereford bulls. 30 Hereford year­ the quicker you sell/* TEN REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE BOARS for lings plus calf crop! Also includes complete a word per insertion for one, two or three-time advertise­ sale. Specified Pathogen Free. Accredited by line of tractors, trucks, machinery and equip­ 9c ments. National and State Associations. Production m tested. See our ad, page 84, Sept. 1st issue, ment: Abundant FREE water available. Owner i a word per insertion for four or more consecutive insertions Rates MF-S. Warren Hastings, Ulm, Montana. reports should handle 1,000-cow units if han­ 8c of same copy. REGISTERED WESSEX SADDLEBACK BOARS, dled properly. Lays in beautiful valley—com­ serviceable age. Famous for lean meat and large posed of 3,670 deeded acres and 56,000 leased : DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING litters. Excellent for crossbreeding. Rutledge Live- PE for only $1,800 per year! 1,200-acre hay meadow, Make your advertisement stand out with all the white space and large type you stock, McLeod, Montana. 932-2229. I". wish. REQUIREMENTS: Maximum Width, one column; Minimum Depth, one inch REG. Duroc Boars out of Colo. Grand Champion, fenced and cross-fenced. Nine sections addi­ I (14 agate lines). No illustration or engravings. Royal Bill. 1st Accredited Brucellosis free tional grazing land available. Watered by 3 herd. W’alter Herman, Rt. 1, Bozeman, Mont. Ph. 586-5754.______________________________________________ creeks, 3 lakes, numerous springs. Estimated 4-million-bd. ft. stud timber. Superb hunting. Rate: 55c per agate line ($7.70 per inch) per insertion. S.P.F. YORKSHIRE and Hampshire Boars and § Gilts—four Yorkshire year-old boars. Ole Fugle- fishing. This huge old-time spread going for m stad. 624 W. Broadway, Lewistown. Montana. $454,000 complete, terms! FREE . illustrated lä If you have not advertised in Montana Farmer-Stockman recently, be sure to give two responsible firms or individuals as references. This is for your own protection. REGISTERED Landrace, Serviceable Boars, FALL-WINTER catalog! All types real estate Gilts. Cecil BUbre, Choteau, Montana. Phone i / 466-2246. coast-to-coast! UNITED FARM AGENCY, 8873-FS North Washington, Denver, Colorado, GREAT FALLS MONTANA FARMER-STOCKMAN MONTANA DOGS AND PETS 80229. Phone 287-4811. NOTICE—Subscribers when buying dogs should CHOOSE FROM A VERY GOOD SELECTION of WISCONSIN HEIFER CALVES and Angus cross have definite understanding with advertisers as LIVESTOCK terms of approval sales. Advertisers when sub­ ranches in all areas of Western Montana. , . calves all ages. Also open heifers, bred heifers 800 cow ranch all in one block with more than and springing heifers. Selected from Wisconsin’s mitting copy for insertion should indicate to us their willingness to sell on approval. Mon­ enough range and hay. about $400 per cow high producing herds by reliable and experienced unit with excellent terms available. To livestock broker. Delivered tana Farmer-Stockman. on approval. Bud settle an estate this excellent 400 to 500 cow i Epp, Rice Lake, Wisconsin. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPPIES, AKC reg­ ranch now available, very good bunchgrass graz­ CHOICE BEEF CROSS and dairy calved istered Chmpion boodlines. Lang’s Northwest ing, 2 sets of very good modern improvements, 1-12 Kennels. Route 2, Box 246, Arlington, Washington. weeks old. Delivered on approval. Phone complete line of machinery, all for only $280.- CATTLEMEN! Thorp. 9-2257.,. Farmers Feeder and Dairy Calf 000—29% down, extra long terms at 4%. Association, Box 64, Lublin, Wisconsin. POULTRY Best buy in Western Montana, 30O-plus cow units, FOR SALE—Registered Shorthorns, 20 cows 3,000 deeded acres, 5,000 acres leased, plus SHIP TO 13 yearlmg bred heifers. Rock Creek Shorthorn LAYING STRAIN NEW HAMPSHIRES: Par- forest permit, sprinkler irrigated hay meadow, Ranch, Russel Glantz & Son, 4 miles North of menter Reds, White Rock Fryer Crosses; Leg­ 2 modern homes, close to town and schools, on Roberts, Montana. Phone 083R1. horn type layer chicks. Produced under the all routes, includes over 200 head of cattle, National Poultry Improvement Plan, Standard complete line of equipment, plenty of hay, $212,- FOR. SALE: Registered Polled Hereford cows, ■m NEEDHAM ®nd ™UV ?nd heifer calves. Also 2 year old Hatchery, Winlock, Washington. 000—29% down, long terms at 5%, immediate bull. Telephone 467-2425. Hans Gaarder, 5 miles possession. Several 150 to 200 cow ranches, some stocked and equipped, all available for fall IN GREAT FALLS ^ast of Fairfield, Montana. REAL ESTATE possession, all can be bought on good long ira*- SHORTHORN cowsr 4 to~7 years for terms. Beautiful diversified or 80 cow ranch, • We will help establish an acceptable identity Oct. 30 delivery. See cows before calves are FOR SALE: RANCHES, RANCHES, RANCHES; real good improvements, close to town, some for Montana Beef. taken off. Frank Wyatt, 1401 So. 5th, Bozeman, Cattle ranch produces 300 ton of hay, all cattle, free water, sprinkler irrigated, $52,500—29% Montana. Phone 586-2665. feed, machinery and ranch for $125,000 with down, long terms on balance. Several 80 only $33,000 down. Summer permit for grazing • We will help create a good demand for your HOLSTEIN STEERS Holstein Heifers. Nice qual­ to 200 acre places in all areas. Tired of cows . livestock. ity, uniform loads. From 350 pounds up. Ed ranching? Excellent country store doing a very • We offer a volume operation. Howey, 306 Exchange Building, South St Paul 225 cow ranch, meadows irrigated with free good bulk gas, oil and general merchandising Minnesota. water, cutting 450 ton first cutting. Cattle business and showing a terrific income. brought off summer permit and other pastures Motels, hotels and many other business prop­ • We offer a tested and proven merchandising LIVESTOCK FOR SALE—50 Hereford program. yearling to graze second cutting for heavy calves and erties for sale. WESTERN REALTY, E. High­ ■ heifers bred to Angus Bulls, Vaccinated for early winter pasture. Ideal ranch, the best, way 93. Rt. 1, Box 10, Poison, Montana. Phone bangs. Lewis Skinner, Malta, Montana. Phone only $30,000 down . 883-3898. i 658-3286. ?$: All We Ask Is a Chance to 560 acres, 200 acres irrigated hay and pasture ■ FOR SALE...— 39 Hereford-Shorthorn crossbred land. Feed lots for 600 head. 2 lovely modern Buy Your Slaughter Cattle! yearling heifers, bred to Angus bull. John R. homes, excellent ranch buildings. A wonderful Pasha, Route 2, Bozeman, Montana. Phone 586- cow and feeder ranch, only $95,000 with $15,000 RANCH FOR SALE WRITE OR CALL COLLECT 5769. down. FOR SALE; CHARÖLAIS BULLS: Purebred Three large ranches, about the same size. One BY OWNER and Our Buyer Will Call and recorded..XI Large top quality. Reasonable Is A-B ranch. Wintered 1,200 head. 7,200 acres 1 delivery. Keith Stone, Chariton, Iowa. deeded plus 9,500 acres leases. All joins in one 3,845 ACRES deeded, 1,120 leased. Modern FOR S ALE.
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