Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 2008 1-30-2008 Daily Eastern News: January 30, 2008 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2008_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 30, 2008" (2008). January. 17. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2008_jan/17 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2008 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID” WWW.DENNEWS.COM e DAILY EASTERN NEWS EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, CHARLESTON WEDNESDAY | 1.30.08 VOL. 95 | ISSUE 17 STUDENT GOVERNMENT STUDENT SENATE | ELECTIONS I BUDGET Extra $550 DOE pulls FutureGen support Senator, Gov. accuse nds its Secretary of Energy way back of ‘deception’ By Rick Kambic By Marco Santana Student Government Reporter Sta Reporter Money approved for the Win- Sen. Dick Durbin on Tuesday ter Wonderland by the Apportion- accused Secretary of Energy Samuel ment Board will be returning to the Bodman of misleading Illinois res- reserve account. idents with regards to the Future- Conflicting figures were presented Gen project. for the Winter Wonderland resolu- Durbin, D-Ill., said Bodman cre- tion that will be voted on during the ated “false hope” and had “no inten- Student Senate meeting tonight. tion of funding or supporting” the Student Body President Cole project once the FutureGen Alliance Rogers gave AB a figure of $9,915 announced it wanted to build a sin- during his Jan.17 presentation, but gle-location facility in Mattoon. he later gave the senate a proposed “In 25 years on Capitol Hill, budget of $9,365. I have never witnessed such a cru- PROVIDED BY FUTUREGEN ALLIANCE “When I found out, I was a bit el deception,” a statement from The construction of the FutureGen plant had been planned for Mattoon. Now, the Department of Energy panicked, but I felt better as soon as Durbin’s office read. “For five years, says that it intends to build the FutureGen program at multiple sites. I realized it was for less money,” said the Department of Energy has Leah Pietraszewski, AB chairwoman urged our state and others to pur- called the announcement “disturb- A DOE letter in early-December “Secretary Bodman has main- and student vice president for busi- sue, at great expense and sacri- ing” and a “slap in the face.” urged the alliance to hold off on an tained a strong commitment to ness affairs. fice, this critically important ener- Durbin said the delegation would announcement of a final site. the FutureGen project since we Rogers said a line item in his Pow- gy project.” approach President Bush directly in But FutureGen spokesperson announced the public-private coop- erPoint presentation was accidental- e statement followed a morn- its attempt to bring FutureGen to Lawrence Pacheco said earlier this erative agreement in 2005,” she ly added twice and a correction was ing meeting with the secretary and Mattoon. month it went forward with the said. made before both presentations. members of an Illinois congressio- e meeting is expected to take announcement because of commit- Increased costs during the past “I made the corrections before nal delegation in which Bodman place next week. ments it had with the competing five years required the reassessment the AB meeting, but I must have said the DOE would withdraw sup- On Dec. 18, FutureGen Alli- sites. of the project, she said, to deliver brought up the wrong saved presen- port of FutureGen’s plan to build ance chose Mattoon over three oth- Department spokesperson Julie the “greatest technological benefits tation to AB that night and that was the $1.8 billion, near-zero emis- er sites . Ruggiero said the Secretary of Ener- in the most cost-efficient manner.” my mistake, and I never even noticed sions, coal-powered energy plant on One was in Tuscola and two gy had always held an open line of it while I was giving the presentation one site. in Texas – as the final site for its communication regarding a restruc- to AB,” Rogers said. Other local and state politicians research facility. tured project. » SEE FUTUREGEN, PAGE 5 Pietraszewski said AB’s bud- get tracking would not be affect- CAMPUS | EVENTS ed because the senate controls the amount of money released by AB Forum and the miscue would solve itself by Comedian battles racism authorizing the lower figure. canceled “It wasn’t a real big issue,” ‘Humor is my best Pietraszewski said. “It was more like e candidate forum sched- ‘Oh no, we have to (somehow) go language,’ says uled for 7 p.m. Tuesday sponsored back and fix this.’” Preacher Moss by the Coles County League of “e bill that is being presented Women Voters was canceled. to senate is all the money that I need, Icy conditions forced the can- and there will not be any changes By Emily Zulz cellation of the forum at the Cross made at the meeting, and the oth- Activities Reporter County Mall. er $550 will just roll back into the At least one of the candidates reserve account,” Rogers said. Racism affects everybody, Preach- was in Springfield and could not e senate will vote on the reso- er Moss said. make the forum in the conditions, lution today, after it passed AB 7-1 Racism is why black people are said Corrine Joyner of the League with two abstentions Jan. 17. not used in tanning salon commer- of Women Voters. Rogers said he wants to create a cials. “It’s so close to Feb. 5, it would tradition in which students can unite It is why people don’t let Asians be difficult to reschedule,” she under festivities and become exposed sing a Motown song during karaoke. said. to their student representation. It is why people from the Mid- A forum will be scheduled for However, AB member Eric Wil- dle East are not used as the voice for the fall elections Nov. 4. ber expressed concerns of Student navigation systems. KAROLINA STRACK | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Preacher Moss speaks during his “End of Racism” comedy tour in Lump- Government competing with the It affects white people, too. - Compiled by City Editor Matt Hopf kin Auditorium on Tuesday. Moss talked about issues of race while keep- University Board for extensive event It is the reason why whites do not ing things light by using comedy. programming. have their own month, like African- CONTESTED RACES He was one of the two members American Heritage Month or Asian- » State’s Attorney: who abstained during the AB vote. Pacific American Heritage Month. did not need the women’s business. one joke. AB member Ashley Nolan was the Moss’ “End of Racism” comedy He said he also did not need their Ryan Kerch, junior biology major - Duane Deters (Republican) only vote against it. and lecture tour was featured Tues- attitude. and UB lectures coordinator, said - Steve Ferguson (Democratic) “Don’t get me wrong; the event day night in Lumpkin Auditorium “ey took a picture of you and many comedians and lecturers come - Paul Komada (Republican) was creative,” Nolan said. “Howev- as part of University Board’s lecture I and didn’t bother to investigate to campus, but it was nice to have - Todd M. Reardon (Green) er, it lacked a justification of the Stu- series. what was in the picture,” the man- someone who could combine both » Coroner: dent Government’s mission, which is “Humor is my best language, and ager said. lecture and comedy. - Mike Nichols (Democrat clearly stated to ‘maintain academ- that’s what I use,” Moss said. Chris Kromphardt, junior polit- Students are not just sitting and - Ed Schniers (Republican) ic freedom, academic responsibility, He said even if it is controversial, ical science major, said he had not taking in information; they are also - Michael L. Snow (Green) student rights and to foster the rec- people have to be truthful. heard much about Moss before the laughing and thinking, Kerch said. ognition of the rights and responsi- Moss told students to take color lecture but liked Moss’ stories. “Everyone was laughing – that’s » County Board Member, District Nine: bilities of students to the University pigment out of the picture. Moss had a lot of life experienc- always good with comedy,” he said. and Community.’” He said to look at the person’s es to draw from that everyone could Kerch said Moss makes the sub- - Jim Eads (Republican) core values instead of looking at skin relate to, said Kromphardt. ject of race relatable to everyone. - Jim Gire (Republican) color. “We do all tend to have moments He said no matter what race a - Jim Palmer (Democrat) -Opinions Editor Nicole Weskerna Moss told a story about a group like that,” Kromphardt said. person is, Moss made the audience » County Board Member, contributed to this story. of white senior women in a Sub- e audience laughed and chuck- think about racial issues. District 10: way restaurant that left after judging led throughout Moss’ lecture. - Stanley E. Metzger (Republican) Rick Kambic can be reached at Moss and the manager. “At least you laugh; it shows you - Joy L. Russellow (Democratic) 581-7942 or at [email protected]. e manager told Moss that he have an open mind,” Moss said after » SEE MOSS, PAGE 5 NEWS WWW.DENNEWS.COM I THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS I WEDNESDAY 1.30.08 EIU WEATHER DEN STAFF PRODUCTION STAFF ABOUTTHE DAILY EASTERN NEWS WEDNESDAY WEATHER BRIEF Night chief·-----------------------· Kristina Peters The Daily Eastern News is produced by the stu­ Lead designer ~----------------- Graham Mill drum dents of Eastern Illinois University.
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