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(904) 399-1609 4 x 3” ad BY JAY BOBBIN ‘The Walking Dead’ walks What’s Available NOW On into its final AMC season It’ll be a long goodbye for “The Walking Dead,” which its many fans aren’t likely to mind. The 11th and final season of AMC’s hugely popular zombie drama starts Sunday, Aug. 22 – and it really is only the beginning of the end, since after that eight-episode arc ends, two more will wrap up the series in 2022. The Chris Hardwick-hosted “Talking Dead” postmortem will continue to follow each new episode, which also can be accessed a full week earlier on the AMC+ streaming service. Noting that a summer start for “The Walking Dead” is unusual, executive producer Scott Gimple explained in a recent Comic-Con at Home session that the last season tells “a big story, and it takes a lot of turns. We reinvent (after) every eight episodes, so we’re going to put the audience through their paces. We’re going to give them an epic, extended goodbye.” Jeffrey Dean Morgan has been a big part of the “Walking Dead” cast as the sinister Negan, though the Season 10 finale saw major developments that could have made viewers more empathetic toward him. Nevertheless, Morgan reasons, “I don’t think that ever will sway the people who hate Negan. If there were people on the fence about him, that may have turned them a little bit. The opportunity to tell that story was exceedingly special, and to do it with Hilarie (Burton, Morgan’s wife, who played Negan’s spouse Lucille) certainly made it one of the highlights of my time here.” Lauren Cohan, who plays widowed mother Maggie, says she’s been having “the most fun I’ve ever had on the show” since returning in Season 10 “in terms of “Movie: We Broke Up” “Movie: The Virtuoso” “Movie: Four Good Days” just navigating this ocean of what you want to do and what you can do.” Anson Mount (“Hell on Wheels”) “Movie: Vacation Friends” From director Jeff Rosenberg (“Hacks,” Glenn Close reunited with her “Albert One of “The Walking Dead’s” most prominent actors as Daryl Dixon, Norman heads a talented cast in this 2021 From director Clay Tarver (“Silicon “Relative Obscurity”) comes this 2021 Nobbs” director Rodrigo Garcia for Reedus notes, “I feel like my character has changed in all these different ways, actioner that casts him as a professional Valley”) comes this comedy movie comedy about Lori and Doug (Aya this 2020 drama that casts her as Deb, but he takes little pieces of all these people he learned from. I know Negan is the assassin who grapples with his about a straight-laced couple who let show’s big baddie, but if the apocalypse didn’t happen, Daryl would be the one Cash, “You’re the Worst,” and William a mother who must help her addict conscience and an assortment of loose on a week of uninhibited fun and you wouldn’t put your hand out and say hello to.” Jackson Harper, “The Good Place”), daughter Molly (Mila Kunis, “Black enemies as he tries to complete his debauchery after befriending a thrill- Executive producer Angela Kang is glad to get back to storytelling on a large who break up days before her sister’s Swan”) through four crucial days of latest job. Abbie Cornish, Anthony seeking couple at a Mexican resort. Lil scale as “The Walking Dead” concludes. “Obviously, the pandemic changed a lot wedding but decide to attend the recovery in order for her to be eligible Hopkins, David Morse and Eddie Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, John Cena, Lauren Cohan is among the stars of of how we had to do everything,” she reflects. “It was really fun to do these very nuptials as a couple so as to not spoil for a promising treatment. Stephen Marsan are also in the cast for writer/ Meredith Hagner and Robert Wisdom “The Walking Dead,” which starts its focused, intimate episodes (to end Season 10), but with Season 11, we’re going to the fun. Sarah Bolger, Tony Cavalero Root, Joshua Leonard and Sam director Nick Stagliano (“Good Day head the cast. (ORIGINAL) final season Sunday on AMC. go out with a bang. The stunts and scares are a lot of the fun for those of us who and Peri Gilpin also star. Hennings are also in the cast. work on the show, and I’m really excited to share it with the audience.” for It,” “The Florentine”). In Focus “Wu Tang: An American Saga: Season 2” (Hulu — season premiere, Sept. 8) The sophomore round of this original drama series finds Bobby (Ashton Sanders) trying to push through challenges and resentments among his group to lead his crew along the road to music stardom. Shameik Moore, Siddiq Saunderson, Julian Elijah Martinez, Marcus Callender and Erika Alexander are also in the Vacation Property Management cast. 2 x 3” ad 2 Thursday, August 19, 2021 I Ponte Vedra Recorder entertainment EXTRA BY JAY BOBBIN BY JAY BOBBIN ‘The‘The WalkingWalking Dead’Dead’ walkswalks What’sWhat’s AvailableAvailable NOWNOW OnOn intointo itsits finalfinal AMCAMC seasonseason It’ll be a long goodbye for “The Walking Dead,” which its many fans aren’t It’It’llll bebe aa longlong goodbyegoodbye forfor “The“The WalkingWalking Dead,”Dead,” whichwhich itsits manymany fansfans arenaren’t’t likely to mind. likelylikely toto mind.mind. The 11th and final season of AMC’s hugely popular zombie drama starts The 11th and final season of AMC’s hugely popular zombie drama starts Sunday, Aug. 22 – and it really is only the beginning of the end, since after that Sunday,eight-episode Aug. 22arc – ends, and ittwo really more is onlywill wrapthe beginning up the series of the in 2022.end, since The afterChris that eight-episodeeight-episode arcarc ends,ends, twotwo moremore willwill wrapwrap upup thethe seriesseries inin 2022.2022. TheThe ChrisChris Hardwick-hosted “T“Talkingalking Dead”Dead” postmortempostmortem willwill continuecontinue toto followfollow eacheach newnew Hardwick-hostedepisode, which also “T alkingcan be Dead”accessed postmortem a full week willearlier continue on the to AMC+ follow streaming each new episode,episode, whichwhich alsoalso cancan bebe accessedaccessed aa fullfull weekweek earlierearlier onon thethe AMC+AMC+ streamingstreaming service.service. service.Noting that a summer start for “The Walking Dead” is unusual, executive Noting that a summer start for “The Walking Dead” is unusual, executive producer Scott Gimple explained in a recent Comic-Con at Home session that producer Scott Gimple explained in a recent Comic-Con at Home session that thethe lastlast seasonseason tellstells “a“a big story, andand itit takestakes aa lotlot ofof turns.turns. We rreinventeinvent (after)(after) the last season tells “a big story, and it takes a lot of turns. We reinvent (after) everyevery eighteight episodes,episodes, soso we’r’ree goinggoing toto putput thethe audienceaudience throughthrough theirtheir paces.paces. We’r’ree every eight episodes, so we’re going to put the audience through their paces. We’re going to give them an epic, extended goodbye.”.” going to give them an epic, extended goodbye.” JeffreyJeffrey DeanDean MorganMorgan hashas beenbeen aa bigbig partpart ofof thethe “W“Walkingalking Dead”Dead” castcast asas thethe Jeffrey Dean Morgan has been a big part of the “Walking Dead” cast as the sinistersinister Negan,Negan, thoughthough thethe SeasonSeason 1010 finalefinale sawsaw majormajor developmentsdevelopments thatthat couldcould sinister Negan, though the Season 10 finale saw major developments that could have made viewers more empathetic toward him. have made viewers more empathetic toward him. Neververtheless,theless, MorganMorgan reasons,reasons, “I“I dondon’t’t thinkthink thatthat everever willwill swaysway thethe peoplepeople whowho Nevertheless, Morgan reasons, “I don’t think that ever will sway the people who hate Negan. IfIf therethere were people on the fence about him, that may have turned hate Negan. If there were people on the fence about him, that may have turned themthem aa littlelittle bit.bit. TheThe opportunityopportunity toto telltell thatthat storystory waswas exceedinglyexceedingly special,special, andand them a little bit. The opportunity to tell that story was exceedingly special, and toto dodo itit withwith HilarieHilarie (Burton,(Burton, MorganMorgan’s’s wife, who played Negan’s’s spousespouse Lucille)Lucille) to do it with Hilarie (Burton, Morgan’s wife, who played Negan’s spouse Lucille) certainlycertainly mademade itit oneone ofof thethe highlightshighlights ofof mymy timetime here.”here.” certainly made it one of the highlights of my time here.” Lauren Cohan, who plays
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