ALL OUT FOR THE HITCH YOUR WAGON GAME THE. BREEZE TO A STAR! Volume XV Harrisonburg, Virginia, Saturday, February 20, 1937 No. 17 TeamToHold Mathews Is Chosen S. G. Vice-President; Star Gazers * First Debate Hardy and Wise Named For Y. W. and A. A. Take Campus STARS IN THE CROWN On Friday Arrington and Spratley are CHIEF STAR By Storm Helen Pulliam and Mary Most Versatile—Margaret Byer, Do- Elected to Serve as Business Clark will Uphold lores Phalen Managers for Publications Juniors Observe Third Birth- Affirmative Side Most Popular—Virginia Blain, Vir- day by Searching Heavens Ruth Matjiews, Front Royal, was of Question ginia Turnes For Ideals elected vice-president of the Student Most Literary—Dolores Phalen, Hel- The debating season opens with a Government Association in the stu- .en Shular As star gazers, not in the dizzy bang next Thursday, February 25, dent elections held last Tuesday. Most Athletic—Margaret Byer, Ann meaning of the term, but in the sense when the local team meets a team Helen Hardy, Amelia, and Anita of astronomers, the Junior Class ob- from the University of South Caro- VanLandingham Most Intellectual—Helen Shular, Wise, Mount Vernon, N. Y., were served its third birthday yesterday. line. The local team is composed of elected as vice-president of the Y.W. The astronomers forgot their night Helen Pulliam, Washington, and Agnes Bargh Most Musical—Lena Mundy, Helen C.A. and Ahtletic Association, re- life for the time and appeared early Mary Clark, New York. These girls spectively. Ila Arrington, Newport, Friday morning in their yellow and are upholding the affirmative side of Hardy Most Stylish—Helen Willis, Virginia and Jennie Spratley, Dendron, were white garb for the approval of the the question, Resolved: That Con- chosen as business managers of the campus. gress ehould be empowered to fix Turnes BREEZE and SCHOOLMA'AM. The assembly period was led by minimum wages and maximum hours Beet Dancer—Marian Sampson, Vir- Other S. G. Officers a star of the first magnitude, Ila for Industry." This question is one ginia Turnes Isabel Russell, Federalsburg, Md., Arrington, Newport, president of the of much discussion and vital import- Best Looking—Virginia Blain, Leslie as secretary; Dorothy Peyton, class. To the strains of Sjalot Romalne ance in view of recent strikes and is Purnell Rhoadesville, as recorder-of-points; played by Lena Mundy, Harrison- expected to arouse much interest. Best Leader—Ila Arrington, Virginia and Sue Quinn, Richmond, as editor burg, the 140 members of the Junior Practice debates started this week Blain of the Handbook, were the other Stu- Class marched in to the front seats. and by Thursday the team will be Wittiest—Doris Stone, Charlotte Ha Arlington, Newport, president dent Government officers elected. Beverly Carper, Blacksburg, played a ready and anxious to meet the South Landon of the Junior Class, who led the class The remaining Y. W. C. A. offices violin solo, Aria, by Giordanl, and Carolina team. The South Carolina Most Dependable—Mary Darst, Sue yesterday in celebration of its third ft for the coming year will be filled by Virginia Blain, Clifton Forge, treas- debate last year proved the team was Quinn birthday. Lafayette Carr, Galas, as secretary, urer of the c.ass, gave a short talk one which was sure to put up a good Most Businesslike—Dolores PhaUn, | on the motto for the day, "Too low fight. Helen Hardy and Wanda Spencer, Lynchburg, as treasurer. they build, who build beneath the This is the first South Carolina Biggest Chatter Box—Charlotte Lan- Glee Club Presents don, Jennie Spratley (Continued on Page Four) stars." "L. Mundy closed the program (Continued on Page Four) with another organ solo, The Squir- o Most Sophisticated—Virginia Turnes, Formal Chapel rel. Helen W^tfifT SHORT STORY CONTEST Most Optimistic—Charlotte Landon, Program Following the regular banquet in Emma Dunbar To "Only one week left in which Isabel Russell (tie) the Senior Dining Hall, the class en- Gives Recital to write the prize winning story," L. Carr, Fairlamb, Whitting- tertained the rest of the student body Dolores Phalen, chief scribe of ton, and Boles are Student with a glimpse of life on Observatory Recital Opens Programs Members Of I. R.C. Scribblers, warned in a statement Soloists Hill (the Big Gym). The opening last night. Given by Senior Music Attend Convention number was a figure march by the The contest, which is being In presenting its first formal pro- entire class in the shape of a five- • Pupils 9 _ . sponsored by the honorary writ- gram this quarter before an attentive pointed star. The next revelation Darst, Koontz, Faulconer, ing organization, closes Saturday, Emma Dunbar, of Dunbar, W. Va., audience of students and faculty made by the fortune telling program will give the opening Senior recital Represent H. T. C. at February 27, at midnight. The members at the regular assembly was to "beware of the dark". This of the year on Wednesday evening, Alabama stories are supposed to be legibly Wednesday morning in Wilson Hall, was played by a group of sweet- February 24, at eight o'clock in Wil- wrlttten on one side of the paper the Glee Club of thirty-four voices hearts—Helen McMillan, Helen Wil- Three representatives of the In- only and should contain between son Hall. presented a program of sacred and (Continued on Page Two) Her program, a combination of ternational Relations Club at the 1,500 and 7,000 words. ' secular music. o 1 Harrisonburg State Teachers College both organ and piano music, closing The winning story picked by the The program was divided into two left Thursday for Auburn, Ala., with a special feature, a concerto judges, Dr. Edna Frederikson, parts which followed the processional where they attended the annual con- Silver Cord Is played with a string ensemble con- Miss Margaret Hoffman, and Dr. played on the organ by Miss Edna T. vention of the Southeastern Interna- ducted by Prof. J. Edgar Anderson, Argus Tressidder, will be award- Shaeffer, head of the music depart- Stirring Drama tional Relations Club Conference, ed a prize of five dollars by the promises to be quite intereeting. ment and director of the Glee Club, E. Dunbar has been identified with held at Alabama Polytechnic Insti- Scribblers organization. the hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy," by Theme is a Mother's Devotion the music department during her tute, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The best story, along with the Dykes, and the scripture by Sue to Her Sons Binding Them to four active years in this college. She They are Mrs. Mary Darst, of Pu- second best, will be sent to the an- Her and Excluding all Else successfully represented H. T. C. in laskl, newly elected president of the nual contest of Story Magazine, Boles, Strasburg, vice-president of the State Organ Contest in 1935, local group; Miss Hazel Koontz, of where they can compete for great- the club. Lafayette Carr, Galax, was Opening with comedy, skirting winning first honors. She has been Elkton, retiring president, and Miss er awards. soloist for the club's first number, tragedy, concluding dynamically, president of Aeolian Music Club, hon- Louise Faulconer, of Unionville, pres- "Every student In college is in- Dickenson's "List to the Lark." "The Silver Cord", which will 'be orary musical organization, Y. W. ident of the state organization. vited to enter the contest, no mat- presented by the Stratford Dramatic The club then sang Garrett's "My C. A. pianist, and has played for a The conference was opened Thurs- ter how imperfect she thinks her Club in Wilson Auditorium, March number of recitals and for a number day by Miss Ann Hemingway Jones, style is", the chief scribe said. Creed," and Mendelsshon'e "O For 25, is Sidney Howard's representa- of assembly programs. of Carnegie Institute, who is division The award will be announced some the Wings of a Dove," and Mrs. Clara tion of a Freudian complex. time before April 1. o assistant in charge- of International W. Cournyn, of the music faculty, "The theme of the play is the ab- Pupils and Teachers of Main (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Four) normal devotion of a mother to her Street School Begin two sons, and it is treated In a sit- Hans Kindler Will Bring Symphonic Orchestra Of Skill uation which lies upon the borderline Work for Museum between definite neurosis and what A museum of permanent values is And Renown To H. T. C. On March 8 would ordinarily be regarded as a mere quirk of character. Victim of a being started at the main street When Hans Kindler raises his bat- knit ensemble. warm response from his audience and loveless marriage, the mother has school by the pupils and teachers. on to begin the National Symphony On these principles of conducting, ■ enthusiastic praise from the Philadel- transferred her whole affection to her During the past year exhibits of real Orchestra's concert~March 8 in Wil- Dr. Kindler based the formation of phia critics. two boys and demanded of them the interest have been shown in a cabi- son Hall at the State Teachers Col- the National Symphony Orchestra. In He has added to his popularity and undivided devotion which her dead net which is located in the entrance lege, music lovers will see in action 1931 ninety-seven people agreed to prestige by conducting the New York husband had failed to give her. Dis- hall. Some of these collections are one of the most dynamic of the support him by contributing to a Philharmonic Symphony in its con- guising her perverted love, even from owned by the school and others have younger conductors in America.
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