University of Central Florida STARS The Script Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-4-1947 The Script, Vol. 01 No. 25, January 04, 1947 The Script Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-thescript University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Script by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation The Script, "The Script, Vol. 01 No. 25, January 04, 1947" (1947). The Script. 24. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-thescript/24 Saturday 10c Per Copy JAN. 4, 1947 THE SCRIPT Brevard County's Only Colored Newspaper Elmer Silas, Publisher VOL. 1, NO. 25 COCOA, FLORIDA Dorothy Sweetwine, Editor Local Girl Will Emancipation Program Is Mrs. Lucy Knight Speak For Elks Held At Mt. Moriah Church Visitor In Cocoa Miss Annie Laura Jones, daugh­ Emancipation Program MRS LUCK KNIGHT ter of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne To Conduct Revival Here Mrs. Lucy Knight, who has re­ Jones, was chosen in a recent Held at Mt. Moriah sided in New York City for the meeting of the local lodge of Elks The Brevard County Branch of past ten years, arrived here on to represent Indian River Lodge the NAACP was the sponsors of Christmas day, practically sur­ No. 692 LB.P.O.E. of W., in the the Emancipation day program, prising her parents, Mr. and Mrs. annual oratorical contest. In this held at Mt. Moriah A.M.E. church Dennis Sawyer of Merritt Island. contest Miss Jones will compete in this city en Jan. 1. Although She is stopping there with her the attendance to this program was with other speakers from various parents and also spending much not as great as expected, the pro­ points of the states who will rep­ of her time here in Cocoa with gram itself proved both interest­ resent other state lodges. her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ing and timely. and Mrs. William Monroe of Lem­ The contest will be held dur­ As principal speaker for the oc­ on Street. ing the annual state convention' casion, Mr. W.J.H. Black, presi­ Mrs. Knight, when a resident held in April in Ocala, Fla. dent of the Lake Wales branch of here, was active in church and Bills Mansfield, Smith, Ellis, NAACP was chosen and he, a very civic circles and in New York City Coffey and William Monroe are efficient and forceful speaker, held she has not relinquished her char- the members of the lodge's educa­ his audience spellbound through­ acterists. She is still active in tion committee who are sponsoring out his discourse. The other num­ church work and has taken on sev­ Miss Jones. This committee will go bers on the program were from eral other hobbies which have now to Hungerford School in Eaton- various points in the county, in­ become an obligation. Two of ville, Fla., where Miss Jones is at­ cluding Merritt, Titusville, Mims, which are sewing and music. tending school to confer with in­ Melbourne, and this city. These Since moving to New York, Mrs. structors of the English depart­ were all creditable to their re­ Knight has finished in dressmak­ ment there and arrange for her spective towns and made up a ing and fashion designing, having* coaching. very interesting and entertaing received her training at the Man­ All Elkdom in this vicinity is program. hattan Trade School there. She is behind Miss Jones in this contest Mr. H. T. Moore, state execu­ now taking ladies' tailoring from and it is their desire that she is ELDER D. D. GILHAM, who tive secretary, and also secretary the school. victorious. will conduct a soul stirring reviv­ of the Brevard county branch, pre­ Mrs. Knight's fondest hobby al meeting here at the Church of sented the speaker, while the Rev. now is piano accordion music which Daughters Entertain God in Christ. This meeting will H. D. Parker, pastor of St. Paul she has been studying for some last for ten days, starting Tues­ M.B. church, this city, was master time. This being prompted by a Bills at Xmas Party day night, Jan. 7th at 7:30. of ceremonies. piano acordion which her husband Elder Banks is superintendent of purchased in Italy and presented The Daughter Elks of Magnolia the Cordele and Columbus Districts Temple No. 441 entertained their Mrs. Rosa Ford Wins her as a Christmas gift some time of the Church of God in Christ ago. Since then she has studied Bills on the night of Christmas denomination iiii the state of Geor­ Atlanta Life's Prize Eve in the lounge of their beauti­ the accordian and now has it at her gia and is pastor of the church in Mrs. Rosa Leonard Ford was command. Mrs. Knight was guest ful Elks' Rest atop the hill on Albany, Ga. Elder Banks comes King street. This was quite a the holder of the luck number on the Christmas program at Mt. here highly recommended as a which entitled her to the prize of Moriah A.M.E. church last Monday boost to the oncoming Christmas gospel preacher and Bible scholar. spirit for the Elk family here. five dollars offered by the Atlanta night and rendered several num­ His sermons promise to be in­ Life Insurance Company. bers on her accordion. Tentative Chicken sandwiches, ice cream, structive as well as highly spirited. cake and coffee were served by Each year, heretofore this com­ plans are in the making for a re­ The public at large will do itself pany has offered a turkey to the cital featuring Mrs. Knight before Daughters Bessie Wright and Eth­ well to take advantage of these el Cottman, hostesses in charge. holder of the luck number each she returns to New York next gospel feasts by attending each Tuesday. The group enjoyed a lovely ev­ year during the holidays, but this of these meetings or as many as year, by request of the local agent, ening there at the rest and did possible. Mrs. Knight's husband, Mr. Ber- the prize was cash. These numbers tran Knight, is in the Merchant justice to the other Christmas fes­ The host pastor, Elder Banks and tivities that followed, prompted are obtained by all persons pay­ Marines four years now, having his congregation are extending a ing their December premiums in come home to spend a few days by this hilarious evening om public invitation to these meet­ Christmas Eve. advance on the first week in the previous to the holidays with his ings. The church is located on the month. Mr. C. R. Wynn is local wife, before returning to Shanghi, corner of King Street and Rail­ agent and had the numbers raf­ from whence he will go on a three Publisher Home road Avenue, just slightly west fled and drawn on Thursday night, months' trip to Genoa, Italy. His of its former location which here­ Dec. 19th. twin brother, Mr. Bernard Knight, For Christmas to-fore blocked Railroad Avenue s also in the Merchant Marine at King. Rob. Lee Thompson Dies and is now in Honkong, China. The Mr. Elmer Silas, publisher and brothers plan to go into business founder of the Script, spent the Rev. Coffey at After a persistent fight for his when they leave the Marines. week embracing Christmas here at Sister's Bedside life, little Robert Lee Thompson home with his wife and friends. died on New Year's day at 4:30 p. Carl Swisher, chairman of the Mr. Silas has been away in con­ The Rev. W. B. Coffey, pastor m. at the local hospital from com­ board of trustees of the Jackson­ nection with his work since Octo­ of Mt. Moriah A.M.E. church here plaint which this writer was un­ ville Junior College announced last ber in 1946. His many friends, has been constantly at the bedside able to obtain. Little Robert Lee week that a site for the school church associates and especially of his sister who has been criti­ was the youngest son of the late has been found about seven miles his co-workers on the Script staff cally ill for the past three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lee Thomp­ from the downtown section, com­ were happy to have him home in Jacksonville, Fla. Because of son and the nephew of Mrs. Hen- prised of 200 acres. Construction again. Continued on Page 3) Continued on Page 5) plans are beiivg made. Page Two THiS SCRIPT Elmer Silas, Publisher THE SCRIPT every heart during the prevalence A Louisiana Reader of the great spirit of peace. Writes THE SCRIPT is published every For our country, we pray that STATE Saturday at 430 King Street, Cocoa, the spirit of peace penetrate Florida, for the colored people of 409 Eight Street, Theatre Brevard County. every governmental activity dur­ Monroe, La. ing this new year. We hope and December 6, 1946. COCOA Elmer Silas Publisher pray for peaceful endeavors in our Continuous Dorothy H. Sweetwine Editor To the Editor and Co-workers of 1 to 11 P. M. Sat-Sun. and Advertising Manager town and community and for each the Script: Rosa L. Jones, Harry T. Moore and individual we pray for a year of 3-5 P. M. iVim-Tue R. M. Morse, Contributing Editors Please acept my highest con­ David Hall — Circulation Manager peace. gratulations on the wonderful work LAST TIME TODAY Cassie Terrell and Bro.
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