RAVEL RAVEL RAVEL T T T AR AR AR OOO volumevolumevolume resultaresultaresulta dadada isbn: 978-989-99719-0-5 978-989-99719-0-5 isbn: isbn: isbn: 978-989-99719-0-5 isbn: ConferênciaConferênciaConferência PensamentoPensamentoPensamento eee www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ EscritosEscritosEscritos (Pós)(Pós)(Pós) ColoniaisColoniaisColoniais quequeque PENSAMENTOPENSAMENTOPENSAMENTO teveteveteve lugarlugarlugar nonono diadiadia 202020 dedede abrilabrilabril FCT: SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 FCT: FCT: FCT: SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 FCT: dedede 201620162016 nanana FaculdadeFaculdadeFaculdade dedede Contemporary Culture. Culture. Contemporary Contemporary Contemporary Culture. Contemporary EEE ESCRITOSESCRITOSESCRITOS CiênciasCiênciasCiências SociaisSociaisSociais eee HumanasHumanasHumanas ArTravel. Travel and Colonial Art in in in Art Art Colonial Colonial and and Travel Travel ArTravel. ArTravel. ArTravel. Travel and Colonial Art in in Art Colonial and Travel ArTravel. dadada UniversidadeUniversidadeUniversidade NOVANOVANOVA dedede of Maria João Castro’s postdoctoral project project project project postdoctoral postdoctoral postdoctoral Castro’s Castro’s Castro’s João João João Maria Maria Maria of of of series, a collection that is developing out out out developing developing is is that that collection collection a a series, series, series, a collection that is developing out out developing is that collection a series, (PÓS-)COLONIAIS(PÓS-)COLONIAIS(PÓS-)COLONIAIS Lisboa,Lisboa,Lisboa, eee contémcontémcontém ososos textostextostextos dedede This is the first volume of the ArTravel ArTravel ArTravel the the of of volume volume first first the the is is This This This is the first volume of the ArTravel ArTravel the of volume first the is This AdrianoAdrianoAdriano Moreira,Moreira,Moreira, EduardoEduardoEduardo Lourenço,Lourenço,Lourenço, HelderHelderHelder MacedoMacedoMacedo eee Maria João Castro Castro Castro João João João Maria Maria Maria interweave and interconnect. interconnect. and and interweave interweave interweave and interconnect. and interweave José-AugustoJosé-AugustoJosé-Augusto França,França,França, bembembem perspectives and views that that that that views views views and and and perspectives perspectives perspectives coordination coordination coordination comocomocomo aaa súmulasúmulasúmula dododo debatedebatedebate in a unique testimony of of of testimony testimony unique unique a a in in in a unique testimony of of testimony unique a in subsequente.subsequente.subsequente. art, politics and empire empire empire empire and and and politics politics politics art, art, art, colonialism, triangulating triangulating triangulating colonialism, colonialism, colonialism, triangulating triangulating colonialism, NomesNomesNomes incontornáveisincontornáveisincontornáveis nasnasnas and wrote about Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese about about wrote wrote and and and wrote about Portuguese Portuguese about wrote and áreasáreasáreas dadada política,política,política, ensaio,ensaio,ensaio, history of art, reflected on on on reflected reflected art, art, of of history history history of art, reflected on on reflected art, of history literaturaliteraturaliteratura eee históriahistóriahistória dadada arte,arte,arte, essays, literature and the the the and and literature literature essays, essays, essays, literature and the the and literature essays, ososos quatroquatroquatro autoresautoresautores pensarampensarampensaram figures in the areas of politics, politics, politics, of of areas areas the the in in figures figures figures in the areas of politics, politics, of areas the in figures eee escreveramescreveramescreveram sobresobresobre ooo The four authors, all leading leading leading all all authors, authors, four four The The The four authors, all leading leading all authors, four The colonialismocolonialismocolonialismo português,português,português, triangulandotriangulandotriangulando aaa reflexãoreflexãoreflexão that followed. followed. that that that followed. that arte/política/impérioarte/política/impérioarte/política/império numnumnum summary of the discussion discussion discussion the the of of summary summary summary of the discussion discussion the of summary testemunhotestemunhotestemunho singularsingularsingular dedede Augusto França as well as a a a as as well well as as França França Augusto Augusto Augusto França as well as a a as well as França Augusto coordenaçãocoordenaçãocoordenação olharesolharesolhares quequeque sesese cruzamcruzamcruzam eee Helder Macedo and José- José- and and Macedo Macedo Helder Helder Helder Macedo and José- and Macedo Helder articulamarticulamarticulam entreentreentre si.si.si. Moreira, Eduardo Lourenço, Lourenço, Lourenço, Eduardo Eduardo Moreira, Moreira, Moreira, Eduardo Lourenço, Lourenço, Eduardo Moreira, MariaMariaMaria JoãoJoãoJoão CastroCastroCastro It includes papers by Adriano Adriano Adriano by by papers papers includes includes It It It includes papers by Adriano Adriano by papers includes It EsteEsteEste é éé o oo primeiro primeiroprimeiro volume volumevolume da dada série sériesérie Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Lisboa. Lisboa. de de de Nova Nova Nova Universidade Universidade Universidade AND WRITINGS AND AND WRITINGS AND AND WRITINGS AND ArTravel,ArTravel,ArTravel, uma umauma coleção coleçãocoleção que queque se sese desenvolve desenvolvedesenvolve aaa partir partirpartir do dodo projeto projetoprojeto de dede Pós-Doutoramento Pós-DoutoramentoPós-Doutoramento Humanities (FCSH) of the the the of of (FCSH) (FCSH) Humanities Humanities Humanities (FCSH) of the the of (FCSH) Humanities dedede Maria MariaMaria João JoãoJoão Castro CastroCastro ArTravel. ArTravel.ArTravel. Viagem ViagemViagem e ee Faculty of Social Sciences and and and and Sciences Sciences Sciences Social Social Social of of of Faculty Faculty Faculty THOUGHT THOUGHT THOUGHT THOUGHT THOUGHT THOUGHT ArteArteArte Colonial ColonialColonial na nana Cultura CulturaCultura Contemporânea. Contemporânea.Contemporânea. held on 20th April 2016 at the the the at at 2016 2016 April April 20th 20th on on held held held on 20th April 2016 at the the at 2016 April 20th on held FCT:FCT:FCT: SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 SFRH/BPD/107783/2015SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 Writings Writings Writings and and and Thought Thought Thought Colonial Colonial Colonial (POST-)COLONIAL (POST-)COLONIAL (POST-)COLONIAL (POST-)COLONIAL (Post) (Post) (Post) (Post) entitled entitled conference conference conference entitled entitled conference www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ proceedings from the the the from from proceedings proceedings proceedings from the the from proceedings isbn:isbn:isbn: 978-989-99719-0-5978-989-99719-0-5978-989-99719-0-5 This volume contains the the the contains contains volume volume This This This volume contains the the contains volume This AR AR AR T T T ARARAR RAVEL RAVEL RAVEL TTTRAVELRAVELRAVEL CapaCapaCapa AF.indd AF.inddAF.indd 1 11 25/02/201725/02/201725/02/2017 17:22:38 17:22:3817:22:38 RAVEL RAVEL RAVEL T T T AR AR AR OOO volumevolumevolume resultaresultaresulta dadada isbn: 978-989-99719-0-5 978-989-99719-0-5 isbn: isbn: isbn: 978-989-99719-0-5 isbn: ConferênciaConferênciaConferência PensamentoPensamentoPensamento eee www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel/ EscritosEscritosEscritos (Pós)(Pós)(Pós) ColoniaisColoniaisColoniais quequeque PENSAMENTOPENSAMENTOPENSAMENTO teveteveteve lugarlugarlugar nonono diadiadia 202020 dedede abrilabrilabril FCT: SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 FCT: FCT: FCT: SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 FCT: dedede 201620162016 nanana FaculdadeFaculdadeFaculdade dedede Contemporary Culture. Culture. Contemporary Contemporary Contemporary Culture. Contemporary EEE ESCRITOSESCRITOSESCRITOS CiênciasCiênciasCiências SociaisSociaisSociais eee HumanasHumanasHumanas ArTravel. Travel and Colonial Art in in in Art Art Colonial Colonial and and Travel Travel ArTravel. ArTravel. ArTravel. Travel and Colonial Art in in Art Colonial and Travel ArTravel. dadada UniversidadeUniversidadeUniversidade NOVANOVANOVA dedede of Maria João Castro’s postdoctoral project project project project postdoctoral postdoctoral postdoctoral Castro’s Castro’s Castro’s João João João Maria Maria Maria of of of series, a collection that is developing out out out developing developing is is that that collection collection a a series, series, series, a collection that is developing out out developing is that collection a series, (PÓS-)COLONIAIS(PÓS-)COLONIAIS(PÓS-)COLONIAIS Lisboa,Lisboa,Lisboa, eee contémcontémcontém ososos textostextostextos dedede This is the first volume of the ArTravel ArTravel ArTravel the the of of volume volume first first the the is is This This This is the first volume of the ArTravel ArTravel the of volume first the is This AdrianoAdrianoAdriano Moreira,Moreira,Moreira, EduardoEduardoEduardo Lourenço,Lourenço,Lourenço, HelderHelderHelder MacedoMacedoMacedo eee Maria João Castro Castro Castro João João João Maria Maria Maria interweave and interconnect. interconnect. and and interweave interweave interweave and interconnect. and interweave José-AugustoJosé-AugustoJosé-Augusto França,França,França, bembembem perspectives and views that that that that views views views and and and perspectives perspectives perspectives coordination coordination coordination comocomocomo aaa súmulasúmulasúmula dododo debatedebatedebate in a unique testimony of of of testimony testimony
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